
My Spring Days Episode 12 Recap — 20 Comments

  1. I don’t want this drama to ever end. I want to see them marry, have more babies, watch their kids get married, watch them grow old together. It could happen, right? No? Well, then can I have this OTP next season in another gentle, lovable drama? At the very least, we need at least one KWS drama a year. Deal? On another note, I will be severely put out if this drama doesn’t end in a happy note. I’ve been burned by too many sad, weepy melodramas to have this one, which I love so much, be a tear jerker. I need an ending filled with love, hugs and kisses. Lots and lots of kisses. Pretty please?

  2. Damn, I am not ready for the real angst. I knew what I signed for when I decided to watch the show but damn, reading your recap made me realize that I am going to hurt and cry so much in the next episodes … Gosh my heart is in such a pain just seeing Bom Yi laying on the hospital bed. Hopefully, the scriptwriter will surprise us and not take the usual boring and expected ending. In the soompi thread, I got a little bit pessimistic on the ending, believing at the very possibility that she will really die at the end but now I really dont know. Either way, I really want to say that the acting is top notch as usual . I loved Myunghee and Bom Yi ‘s conversation. Shim Hye Jin and Sooyoung nailed it. Next time, we better get a kiss on the mouth lol. Seriously a peck on the cheek wasnt enough ! Less than two days for episode 13 !!! Excited . Thanks for the recap again !

    • I understand that part of the enjoyment, for lack of a better word, of watching these dramas is the fretting – exploring all the possiblities, good and bad.
      What if she dies?
      The most memorable dramas in my watching history involve someone beloved dying. In most cases, we had plenty of forewarning to prepare us. I will never forget those stories, nor will I forgive the writers. I am looking at you Warrier Baek Dong Soo.

      But I can assure you, nothing in the drama so far has indicated anything other than a happy ending for most of the people in the story. Would the writers be willing to take out BY Oma? No, not if she redeems herself. Would she have to die for it? Hmmmm…maybe.

      Some of the very first lines spoken, by our lovely Dong-ha are:
      “We can only pray for miracles. But they do happen. For now, let me tell you about a beautiful miracle that happened to us.”

      If above mentioned miracle requires any of his family, including BY to die, then I would call BS on them leading us astray from the git-go. My instinct, however, says we will have the happy ending we deserve. Even the most muckity muck dramas over the past few years, where we suffer and cry with our peeps, end happily.

      Of course, wailing and wringing of the hands is totally allowed, just don’t put any money down.

      PS: I don’t recap sad endings, either.
      No matter what happens on the screen in Ep 16, what I write will only be happy. Otherwise, expect THIS.

      PSS I may or may not be kidding.

  3. I wanna comment so much and so bad but only got just about 2 minutes to do so. Nope, only one minute now.
    Just like Terminator once said, “I’ll be back”.

  4. Seriously speaking, every character in the drama are well chosen. From the veteran to the rookie actors, and from the old actors to the child actors.. This is the first time I seen a drama with a complete cast that I doesn’t have any cringe watching them acting. It’s good and the way the story is told is very clever as well. Since we only have 4 episodes away, I can’t predict how the story is going to end especially we are still watching Dongha’s story. When I first read the synopsis, I was puzzled when they wrote ‘human drama’ on its genre and yet they include ‘cellular memory’ myth in the synopsis. But after one episode to another, I realized it was just a way the story is told to made us believe this miracle that perhaps never existed in his relationship with Bomyi. Anyway, I don’t want to get myself too stressful over the upcoming ending.. I want to wait and hope that the ending isn’t a disappointing one.

    p/s: This is unrelated, but..I can’t believe next week is the last week for MSD. Last weekend I search for another slice of life kind of drama and found Misaeng. I’m glad that my week will be filled with another great drama. 🙂

    • *I realized it was just a way the story is told to make us believe the myth is the miracle that causes them to fall for each other but in reality, it’s perhaps never existed in his relationship with Bomyi.

    • I thought according to Tiveee that there should be 20 episodes. Still lots of time for angst and noble idiocy and resolution.

      Please let’s not have noble idiocy… is it rearing its ugly head already? Since it was just at the beginning of the episode they promised to tell each other everything, when sick or hurt, but now at the end we have Bom Yi in hospital, saying don’t tell Dong Ha!

      Tell him, darn it all! What is a true, mature love relationship without going through the ups and downs together, and growing stronger because of it.

      So, show, please make these wonderful characters grow and love each other more!

      • Oh… correction, Dramawiki says 16 episodes ending on 30th Oct. Oh so saaaad that’s going to be over so soon!

      • Oh my god! So true!!! (T.T)
        At first they scheduled it for 20 episodes.. I think it was one or two weeks prior the first broadcast that they changed it to 16 episodes..

  5. i definitely did not appreciate the ending of 12 having had a wonderful episode 11. To what purpose? Seriously?

    Surely they will not make poor Poo Reun suffer the loss of another mom/mother figure – cos that makes 3 – and in that I take comfort.

    Will it be the catalyst to make Oma (both of them) to re-evaluate? That would be the only thing really. Appa is more or less on Bom Yi’s side – as long as she is happy. Dong Wook is matured enough to realise that what he felt for Bom Yi was not even anywhere close to what he felt for Soo Jung or Ji Won for that matter, and is not as affected.

    As for Dong Ha – he’s Bom Yi’s – body and soul and he’s the type once committed – will never let go.

    The other thing I don’t like is Bom Yi not wanting Dong Ha to know – honesty and telling everything works both ways!
    I hope Dong Wook calls him and lets him know.

    • In Bomyi’s perspective, I think she doesn’t wants to tell Dongha because (throughout the whole drama) all this time, she’s been telling and convincing both Dongha and his mother that she’s healthy like everyone else. If they knew that she’s actually still a sick person, her assurance would came off as a lie(?) and burdens Dongha even more.

      • Yes, you are right that, THAT is what would be the reason she’d hide the truth. However I feel (think, think,…) how nice it would be if the dramas do not always have this hide the truth-because-it-will-be a-burden reaction. How about a simple and honest, “I know I told you I am fine and I really was, … but I did get these symptoms before and I got over them for years now … so let’s not worry. Let’s just take one day at a time and get over this.” So yeah, well, there will be worry, but they’ll be together and not lying or hiding stuff from each other. Anyone else prefer this for a change?

  6. Hi Jomo! Thanks for the fabulous recap!

    The OTP scenes really put a huge smile on my face and I can’t stop squeeeing when I see them together. That scene between BY and her mom was so touching, she’s really a girl in love for the first time.

    I was touched with the scene between the brothers, too. I fee that DW has a lot of growing up to do, and I think that confrontation with Ji Won is just one of those events that will make him look inside himself and realize a few things. I think it’s a good sign that he went to is brother and started to actually listen.

    I am really dreading the next episode, but I really am hoping we will get the “miracle” at the end. Really hoping for a happy ending.

    • YAY! I can finally post a comment.

      Jomo, you’re doing a wonderful job. I couldn’t post comments before, but just want to let you know that I read all of them and I have enjoyed everything you’ve written.

  7. Hi Jomo, another great recap. Love all the OTP phone conversations, I wish I could tape DH’s voice and listen to it the whole day, it is that nice and sexy and btw, I don’t even know what he is saying! His reading voice is especially addictive. For once I am not looking forward to ep 13, I know angst happens in every Kdrama but I can’t bear to see BY hiding secrets from DH and seeing her hurting and crying. I have to get ready my tissue, loads of them for tomorrow. Thanks Jomo.

  8. I cried out in dismay towards the end of the episode when Bom Yi wouldn’t tell Dong Ha of her condition, breaking the rule of their engagement which she herself had laid out, that of openness and honesty. And after Dong Ha has expressly asked her to be honest if she’s upset or sick. I am readying myself for the melo bits which I think will now kick in, for a show that despite being tagged as one, has not seen much melo these past 12 episodes.

    On the positive side, I like what’s happening to Dong Wook and Ji Won, and Chairman Song turning out to be a good guy after all, urging DW to go back to JW, revealing what truly happened when the couple broke up not long ago. Since the past couple of episodes at least, DW has become a better man than I had anticipated him to be: a bitter, petulant, acrimonious losing-lover. He readily admitted BY’s attachment to him was as a grateful patient, not a lover. Affected by JW’s admonishment, he started listening to others and reconciled with his Hyung. I hope DW-JW can start afresh.

    Others have commented in previous threads of how well thought out this show is, how well written, that every word, look, nuance, is meaningful and not wasted. I agree. What’s hinted at in the last ep, by DW’s almost-slip of his family having adopted is revealed here : Poo Reun’s adopted; surprisingly. And therein too is the ray of hope for a rekindling of the DW-JW love story, that PR is living proof that you can have a happy family even if you adopt, which DW is ok with.

    Along the same line, I’m keeping my hopes up that we’ll have our happy endings (Oh, which I want soooo much) for the show. The hint’s in the title – ‘My Spring Days’. Doesn’t Spring evoke restart, refresh, growth and mostly, hope, of the bounty to come? Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best!:-)

    And thanks for the recap, Jomo!

    P.S. You’re right Jomo. Similar thoughts and yet different. Thanks for your insight. Eloquently articulated.

  9. Oh oh… one other thing: Bom Yi telling Oma that, for the first time, she feels alive, that she’s happy and for once, to let her live as she wants – isn’t that a direct consequence of Dong Ha exhorting her to freely do as she wants and go where she pleases? That man EMANCIPATES her. A reason for Bom Yi to love him even more, for Apa to approve of their relationship and why Oma must, if she truly loves her daughter.

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