
Kim Woo Bin Joins Lee Min Ho, Kim Soo Hyun, and Lee Jong Seok to Rep Chinese Clothing Brand Semir — 75 Comments

  1. Do ppl like lee min ho for his acting and looks cuz I don’t see it at ALL, he looks pretty old for his age, nvr really liked his look in boys over flowers and now I don’t see the hype, I mean compared to a bunch of flower boys in Korea he looks pretty ordinary. Kim so hyun and Lee Jong suk r pretty, for men. But Kim woo bin idk, I guess ppl like his charisma, he’s so odd looking and scary with his eyes, not a flower boy for sure. Guess all females love bad boy regardless of how they look.

    • I kinda predicted this was coming just from the post and dragging his name to this commercial.. hahaha! predictable things happen sometimes.

      As proud Minoz I will defend my bias from jealous hates or any weak attempts..

      Life is based on choice and taste? and in the Entertainment bussiness its all about the guy who can make most people fall in love with him and in that you have Lee Min Ho as the specialist and its all fair because they all get fairly screen time. so Minho-isshi having a ridicolous large fan following have to be credited to his work and ability to win hearts where most people achieve less then that..

      I hope I answered all..

      • Oh and im not jealous or a hater, its just out of curiosity that I ask, cuz teenage girls seem to always go gaga for good looking dudes and he IS NOT, all that sorry to say

      • Well thats your personal opinion against the majority who loves him then good luck convincing them that I think you have spoken your peace now. may the emperor rule the land with peace and share the richs fairly

    • You may or may not like him but among all the pictures posted above, I only liked Lee Min ho’s second last pic, where he is giving a wink.

    • why do you see the importance of bringing up about not liking Lee min ho over here? Why don’t you ask the hundreds of millions of Chinese on Weibo, Baidu,etc to get your answer? Every freaking article i see lame fans of other no name actors talk shit about my Minho and its getting repetitive and annoying now. JUST STOP this BS!

      • Well for one, its an article which so happens to have him in it so why shouldn’t I bring it up, I said something boot woo bin I dont see Ppl getting defenseless for no reason and yes it is my personal opinion not talking shit, thank you very much

    • I do not care to mention the other models. Everyone has their own tastes. Of course it is absurd to define the ordinary one as minho that also for the beauty is considered a god in Asia and loved from the Americas to Europe. His face and his smile only have a guarantee of success.

    • Hahahah.. but seriously I rate him higher then Albert einstein, or Isaac newton.. I agree the best thing ever happend to Asia is non other then LMH being born.. hail the king!

      • eyyy.. this comments made me proud. Lee min ho’s birth was a blessing to many around the globe what a legend. Long live the legendary Minho

      • The amount of delusion these LMH fangirls have is schizophrenic. I LOL when JKS declared himself as prince of asia but at least he can act. LMH on the other hand is a plain concrete who is not able to emote at all, and his fangirls said he is the best in the world. tsk.. tsk..

    • Name just one actor who is better actor then LMH and talk is cheap.. I can drag all actors names in here and label them this and that.. but at the end of the day the audience are the jugde and not one single individual will matter rather majority and by majoritly… his untouchable but no worries you can sleep on that as comforting..

      • I dont thunk his acting us ALL that, he does not wow me. Plus if they want to name him has a flower boy he is ordinary compared to kim soo hyun, lee jong suk, heck even the newbie guy kim ji soo in angry mom, there are a lot of more good looking guys in korean than him. I guess Ppl just stick with him cuz of bb and city hunter, other than that he is nothing special, heirs really opened my eyes to that, I didn’t even finish that dram as an actor he should have held me on and he didn’t , too bad cant wait for up and coming eye candy actors to over shine him. Peace

      • he is nothing special, heirs really opened eyes to that??? ahahah! yes, those of Ha Yoo and Zhang Zi Yi! [카드뉴스] ‘미남 배우’ 이민호, 그의 끝없는 성장

      • @makino: haha, Lmh was casted in gangnam1970 thanks to the director’s wife’s crush on him, not to his special talent at all. Such an ironic reason. And zang zizi? Even some veteran became a decoration item in her movie before. What would lmh do this time? Holding her shoes or gown?

  2. I like only LJS and KSH in the pictures that you mentioned above. Both of them are really suit with these clothes. Especially the one with girls’days members. I really want to see these two together in near future.

  3. lool.. funny comments I see. since we are all going all out on LMH praises.. let me recite my funny poem to praise him.

    VICTORIOUS men of earth, no more
    Proclaim how wide your empires are;
    Though you bind-in every shore
    And your triumphs reach as far
    As night or day,
    Yet you, proud monarchs, must obey
    And mingle with forgotten ashes, when
    Death calls ye to the crowd of common men and
    ye shall obey him by all costs or otherwise ye shall Kim jung dae’ed.

    Hail Minho

  4. Seriously they need to invest their money to better designers rather than models lol! They made you hot looking men old but hot looking with BAD fashion sense.

  5. You are so right about the dull clothing and the even duller ad campaigns. Aish. But as they say, people are willing to spend $$ on crap if their actors are selling it. 🙂 So why not?

    • The brand probably gave them a huge contract. Says a lot if so much hawt-ness couldn’t even make your clothes look good. Lol us normal mortals would probably look hideous in such clothes

  6. I feel myself very uncomfortable wearing t-shirts with writings on them. Prefer the plain ones. So, even hot guys’ adds will not convince me to wear those 🙂

  7. LMH fans cill out and move to the left. Article about KWB not about him. Find yourself new place, for god’s sake.

      • One comment. Defend her and move on. You guys could stop here. But no, LMH fans needed to post another crazy billions of it under other actors article. It’s rude. I came here to read about KWB, not to see bunch irrelevant LMH comments.

      • Comments are really three malicious against Minho. I like kwb and ljs, I’m glad for the opportunity given to kwb, however objectively lmh is another / high level. there must be struggle.

      • lmfao, my dear, i don’t think you get what i said. struggle? another level? does it have anything to do with what i said you it’s you being arrogant and not wanting admit that your fandom right now rude? i don’t care how big LMH in your eyes. or if you want to protest him under someone who posted about him. ’cause i never interested in him. could care less. but, i do care about your fandom flooding and shoving him in other peoples face under KWB’s article. there like bunch of comments which just terrible off-topic and just LMH fans being immature. don’t think you would enjoy if Wooribins went under LMH to flood about how our oppa “god” without sense of respect to other actor and his fans. It’s called etiquette. That’s it.

    • Read the very first comment on the’s more about Lee min ho than Kim woo bin..Lmfao..Do you think Lee min ho fandom will leave you alone if you start of with hating on him in a post? You are the ones who should be careful about writing about Lee min ho in another topic.

      • lol, facepalm. okay, continue live in you dream world and pretend to be higher than others. there is no good to fight with mentally 12 years old LMH’s fanbase (at least 90% of it appears like that).

      • I already stopped so why are you replying and calling names to an entire fandom? Have you met all of Lee min ho’s fans in the world? How are you so sure all are 12 year olds? Such a merit for you to call others 12 year olds just because they defend their favorite stars.Logically speaking KSH,LJS and KWB fans should be younger in age relatively speaking since they just got popular 2 or 3 years ago while LMH has been here since 6-7 years ago.

  8. That’s a really nice & classy pic of KWB. Love both his jacket and shirt. Have to say that Semir’s fashions are not very appealing, with the exception of LJS’s outfit in the 3rd last pic. Words on t-shirts only work if they are smart & witty.

  9. isnt min ho out already in semir??? i think they are only promoting jongsuk and soohyun at the moment.. seems like they only renewed the contracts of the two.. and they added woo bin as their latest endorser..

    • Dang so glad…I heard that their sales are falling since Lee min ho didn’t renew his contract with them lol…Serves them right with their fugly clothing.

      • And your oppa has endorsed those fugly stuff since 2011. If he was actually kicked out now, was it because he was becoming even too fugly to wear those ugly items these days? Opps.

      • And again someone called names…So childish of you haters to only cling to one reason to hate on Lee min ho while his fandom continues to grow and he continues to top polls across Asia. Burn Haters..Burn!

      • @Gfgf: What reason did i hold on to hate him, can u tell? You minoz here were undoubtedly head over heel with his second asian male god crowned by china, saying that he has built such a bid dynasty all over asia since bof. You forgot one thing: being endorser of semir in china for years could partly build this so called dynasty. Now when it is likely that he is kicked out of this, you come here and make fun of the brand, calling it fugly? Such an UNGRATEFUL fandom who could bring themselves to mock what have fed their bias’s mouth for all these years. Such an offence to his chinese fans as well! Tsk, tsk.

  10. lee minho fans just protect of him against the haters. if someone say bad things about kwb his fans doesnt do anything? in lmh posts i always see ksh and kwb fans talk about kwb and ksh. if u want lmh fans dont talk about him in kwb post so dont talk about kwb or ksh in his posts. koala why u dont post anything about asian male god? i think if ksh won in this poll u wrote about that.lee minhos acting is really great. in bof or cityhunter or faith and recently in ganganm blues. if u dont like his acting watch gangnam blues. his acting is more better than other three actors.

    • “His acting is more better than other three actors”. Lol, who said so? You, delulu minoz?

      Of course kwb or ksh fans would jump in articles about lmh to defend their biases if they got bashed, but not the way you minoz are doing here. Calling him king, emperor, diamond, legend one by one just show how desperate you are in an effort to get more attraction. You guys must have been desperatedly expecting some blogger to post about lmh winning asian male god in china again, rite? But no one bothers to do it, so you have to make it big by this pathetic strategy?

      Like idol, like fans. LMH can keep sitting his ass on that chinese superficial throne as long as he can so that his silly fans can have something to hold on to be proud of. Glamours of actual career achievement are for worthy actors only.

      • For just your information he sits on the golden throne for the second year in row… hahahaha!

        Born to be a emperor and captured the crown since BOF and never let it go since.. watch him break records and his already 27, being an Asian Icon, being the source for the K-dramaland globalization, having several gigantic hits under his belt and having 50mio fan following…. being the undisputed Heavyweight champion in fanbase and being as well the heavyweight champion amonsgt dramafevers Hardcore fans.. Is he just not blessed or what.. Hail the King!

      • He can retire just now and make it in the history books as the legend kick started things. 27 years old and already a Legend how do you like that!

      • I agree @joey

        A legend is even an understatement and he deserves more praise then that for what he has achieved for his young age and his a hardworker which has showed him the way to glory..

      • Legend amongst legends and king amongst kings.. he deserves huge rewards and its coming his way very soon.. As a fan i’m extremely proud of his achievements. I dearly appreciate the man he is..

        fighting Minho

      • Yes, long live the king, a king who is isolated from his homeland’s power, a king who is surrounded with blind followers who keep holding on to empty values to feel proud. A king who failed to be trusted to have biggest honours of a wave leader on his shoulders. A king who has his thrown, but not the one who actually dominates the land. A puppet king.

  11. Semir must pay these actors a lot of money because the clothes are terrible. No one would want to model them. Why is there so much mention of another actor in KWB news? – very unnecessary.

  12. I couldnt careless about LMH or any other this is about KWB and i read this because i saw his name.KWB tould you be kind enough to return back to dramaland? Ur fans miss u like crazy

  13. I couldnt careless about LMH or any other this is about KWB and i read this because i saw his name.KWB could you be kind enough to return back to dramaland? Ur fans miss u like crazy

  14. The clothes are ugly but since this brand has signed both LJS and KWB, can they have them do another cf together please?

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