Yoo Ah In in Sungkyunkwan Scandal
Is your pool dirty? If so, this lovely male speciman can clean it for you. Do you need around-the-clock cloaked protection? If so, this broody assassin can be your Ninja Bodyguard. Do we need a reason for a Yoo Ah In in Sungkyunkwan Scandal picspam post? Oh hell no! Come and get some delicious eye-candy.
This boy is reason numero uno I am fast becoming obsessed with SKKS. He’s also the newest acquisition for ICOMYM – the resident Pool Boy/Ninja Assassin. You never know when you need either one handy.
Reason number two I’ve thrown in some pictures as well, and that is Song Joong Ki. Woah does he raise my temperature a few degrees in each of his scenes. I love the incongruity of his beautiful face with that lovely manly voice, and then he does something totally mean in SKKS which makes me curious to see more of him. Heh, I’m weird like that.
Sadly, I’m not into the OTP (yet) in SKKS. I find Micky Yoochun exceedingly unattractive, and Park Min Young has yet to rope me in with her acting (I would prostrate myself at the PD’s feet for Park Bo Young to play this role). However, I’m sure their chemistry will win me over in the end, even if I won’t ever squeal over them like I squealed over Beo Jin and Park Kyu in Tamra the Island.
The appeal of Yoo Ah In for me is really his immediate presence on camera. The camera loves him. The second he shows up, he sucks all the air out of the scene for everyone else, and all I can do is stare at him. Anyways, SKKS is so far quite an entertaining saguek, made all the more delicious by the presence of Broody Scruffy Yoo Ah In. But scholar Yoo Ah In is also quite drool-worthy, as you can see below.
Yoo! Ah! In!

ICOMYM Pool Boy/Ninja Bodyguard.
Rebel With A Cause.
Lord have mercy!
First time comment here
Dont you think theres a pattern here that the scruffy, baddie guy will draw attention the most when they enter the scene?
for example: Bidam in QSD, Yang Man Oh in CitC and lastly Geol Oh in SKKS?
One Ninja Assassin to go please. Honestly, we should make that a new mixed drink…
^ Yes. When they can act.
Then we’d be club full of drunk-ass lushes.
I highly recommend picspam of ep.4
I thought we already were…..drunk ass lushes, that is.
Yoo Ah In makes me want to get lushy with him.
I’m loving Song Joong Ki here, ten times more than his boring puppy-dog persona in Triple. He is so deliciously dilettante and dangerously mischief-making. On the one hand I hope he will never be sympathetic towards our heroine because he’s such a refreshingly entertaining villain. On the other hand if he acquires an admiration, maybe even an affection, for our heroine it would be great to see SJK do conflicted. In either case, can’t wait!
Also, anyone else fascinated by the evil, male Ha Ji Won?
@ serendipity
the male Ha Ji Won scares me.
@ doozy
Jun Tae Soo is awfully good, isn’t he? So convincingly power-hungry. It’s a pity I’m so distracted by him looking so much like his sister!
I like this post! I’ve nvr seen YAI in anything else but he grabs my attention in SKKS.
::squee:: Yoo Ah In is deliciously fun in this! SJK and him were the main reasons why I was excited about SKKS and they totally delivered…can I please have a Ninja Bodyguard a la YAI to go?
Definitely the reason I watched SKKS, Yoo Ah-In YOU ROCK THE HOUSE!!! this young man can really act..
and of course lest I forget Song Joong Ki too!! the most wonderful portrayal so far since I’ve only seen him in Triple and nothing else..
he looks yummier in here than in antique bakery !
also, i thought he was shorter, but he’s the tallest in this drama !!!
woohoo !
hail yoo ah in oppa !
OMG! yes!!! i am hooked on Yoo Ah In and I agree that he is so much better looking than Mickey Yoochun. sooo handsome and his lips drive me crazy!!!
I agree with this!! Yoochun can not act, I find myself skipping his scenes. I never liked Park Min Young’s acting either. Yoo Ah In and Song Joong Ki keep me watching this drama. It’s so sad to seem them hold up the story like this but their parts are smaller then the others. I would love a spin off with the two of them. Yoo Ah In needs the lead!!
Yes! Definitely true! I do love to see the scenes featuring Yoo Ah In and SJK than those of Yoochun and Park Min Young.
Song Joong Ki and Yoo Ah In are hilarious:) This is a great show:D SKK Scandal<3 Best couple award hahaha!
I’ve been hit with the Geol Oh obsession once started watching SSKS <3 Yoo Ah In's Moon Jae Shin character sure is the best in the drama. Hope there is SSKS season 2, and bring back all the main characters
And let Moon Jae Shin be the lead and end up with a girl this time
Otherwise the ending to SSKS is so sad for him…
I too, found Yoochun rather unattractive in this drama… his looks and style (in this drama) just doesn't stand out at all.