Even though I just recapped the first two episodes of Mary Stayed Out All Night (Marry Me, Mary!), I haven’t really had to chance to let my fangirly self out for a spin around town. My drama friends know that Koala very very well – she squeals a lot, rolls around on the floor in ecstasy over watching an amazing drama, and speaks in tongues. That Koala doesn’t even pretend to have a ounce of objectivity or standards. I like what I like and I don’t give a fig. How utterly perfect are Moon Geun Young and Jang Geun Seok together? That picture above only scratches the surface, my friends.
I don’t know why, but I’m all sorts of inspired to meta-analyze the potential of M3 now that we’ve seen two episodes and understand the basic set-up. I’m going to say it again – M3 has the chance to be epic for a rom-com. Cosmically, insanely, ridiculously epic in that it will squish my insides into little knots of yearning and then release it with the most cathartic of moments. Epic does not mean qualitatively good. Only that it will make me think about Mu Gyul and Mae Ri every waking moment of my day.
M3 the drama itself is three-shades away from being forgettable – multiple K-drama cliches that come at us in rapid fire succession until I stopped counting. Other than the beyond cracktastic set-up that no one has dreamed about much less make into drama-reality, i.e. a double-fake-marriage contract, M3 has really not a shred of originality and insight. So why am I watching? Because the instant combustible chemistry between Jang Geun Seok and Moon Geun Young is SO good, my head might spin around my neck the way Kim Jae Wook‘s did in the opening fantasy sequence of M3.
I can count on one hand, seriously one hand, how often a lead couple ignites this level of sparkling chemistry right off the bat. Some couples make the chemistry develop over time, and eventually reach full inferno burn. But what the Geun-Geuns have is rare indeed, and as a viewer I can tell that the actors themselves feel it. I mentioned in one of my recaps that it’s like watching two best friends, both consummate actors, do improv together. They know each other so well they feed off each other’s energy and charisma. This is what is happening in M3, and I feel compelled to share it with the world. M3 may be not worth its weight in drama gold, but the chance to spend time with a magical OTP is something I ache to do.
What’s totally tickling the drama freak in me is how rife with possibilities this whole ridiculous dual fake marriage thing can mushroom into. Let me set up the premise: (1) Mae Ri (Moon Geun Young) is married to Jung In (Kim Jae Wook) – her father registered a legal binding marriage between them without her consent. To get out of this marriage, (2) Mae Ri has asked her newfounded acquaintance Mu Gyul (Jang Geun Seok) to pretend to be married to her already.
To no avail, that doesn’t get Mae Ri out of her marriage with Jung In since both sets of dads are dead set on it. So Jung In devises a plan that would appear to suit everyone’s interests – Mae Ri will be married to both guys for 100 days, since everyone (except Mae Ri and Mu Gyul, and their friends) is under the false assumption that Mae Ri is also married to Mu Gyul. At the end of 100 days, Mae Ri will make a choice of either guy. Or neither guy, if Mae Ri has anything to do about it.
We all know that both guys are going to fall in love with Mae Ri. Therein lies the rub – Jung In will think Mu Gyul is also legally married to Mae Ri, so these two guys are on level playing field. But Mu Gyul knows that his marriage with Mae Ri is fake, whereas Mae Ri really is legally married (on paper) to Jung In. So how are they going to fight for Mae Ri, when both know about each other’s existence, and relationship to the woman each loves. Can you see the possibilities? My brain is melting from the upcoming male posturing and bitch-fighting for Mae Ri.
I really don’t know how this story will unfold – who will fall in love with whom first, how they will react to the situation becoming out of their control. To be honest, I have little faith in the writer and director, who produced two serviceable episodes of M3 thus far. They need to thank their lucky stars that the Geun-Geun couple agreed to star in this trifle, because these two elevate their characters and trite interactions to a whole nother level of adorable and charming. I find myself grinning randomly during the day from a recollection of their cuteness together.
The last time I loved the first two episodes of a drama this much, it was You’re Beautiful, and the second half of that drama sucked so bad I wish it had been a 10 episode gig. Here’s to hoping, M3. I will gladly trade some brain cells, be mocked for adoring your insanity, and allot mind space to storing away your deliciousness – but you must deliver the goods in the end. Got it?
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View Comments
I wish some one would read the manga and post whats going to happen - I live on spoilers. Pretty Please!!!1
@ pinkdreamer
The drama will be completely different than the manhwa storyline. Like, 99.9% different - the .1% similarity is simply in the set-up itself (the double fake marriages).
The actors were told specifically NOT to read the manhwa because the drama is nothing like it. I've read the manhwa storyline and can confirm that from the very beginning the drama deviates from the source material.
There is no way to glean spoilers from the manhwa, the drama will be strictly the construct of the screenwriter.
Omgggg Squeeeeeee! I'm really only watching this drama for the Geun Geun couple too, or else I wouldn't even touch this. I like Mu Guyl the most out of the three, er, four main leads but MGY is just so good at what she does that Mary, a character that could easily be OTT or annoying if played by another actress, comes off as adorables. Yes, let's pray to the drama gods that M3 will continue to be a fun, awesome ride. I've got my fingers crossed while knocking on wood with my toes! Owie....
Btw, I like the new blog banner/header and props to whoever designed it!
The new header is a gift to AKP from wiggles! Everyone has been mooning over it. It's just the prettiest thing ever. I love it so.
I love this drama, it is funny, the characters fit their roles to a T, Geuk looks cute, Jae Wok is sexy. Time spent watching this drama? A good and wise investment!
o i'm glad they're doing that.... considering how full house went..though i dont know if even full house followed it original manhwa to the point
i meant that i'm glad they dont intend to follow the original manhwa
They have absolutely no respected the story of Full House! As for Mary : 99% invention and 1% of the manhwa. (Here the house is suddenly withdrawn to heroin.)
Full House is a realy realy cool manhwa in fact, no like the drama !
i love them sooooooooo much
how beautiful this drama
they casted 2 actresses in the lead?
Thank you for M3 news. I love to read your writing and point of view.
As u said M3 won't follow manga, it is interesting.....to watch.
I was a bit down to watch Jang keun suk with long hair.... but I had read your epi one and two recap. I enjoyed with it. I have another excuse that waiting PK finish. One of my friend told me today that I should watch it ASAP because he will change the style in manly look, of course very soon. Ha ha ha I will wait and see.
am now watching this coz of 3 reasons:
► first and foremost, i wanna get over with PK
► i super like MGY, KJW and i'm so interested with JGS coz he's hot and i havent seen him yet in any movie or drama
► i believe in ockoala's credible assessment and truly, i find this one interesting and really an enjoyment to watch
but why is it am seeing KHJ and JSM in the role of Mu Gyul and Mae Ri??? ... why am i having this wishful thinking that it should be them instead??? omo... i want my sanity back !!!!!!!!!!
Me too....just can't get over Seungjo and Hani . Sigh. But this show looks promising. Can't decide who I like more - d hippy guy or d polite guy. D polite guy is sooooo cool.... I love the ending of ep 2 and his expression there. So I'm in a dilemma. Who's she going to end up with? Cos she's legally married to the polite guy haha keep calling him that haha and in korean dramas can the show end with her callously divorcing him? I'm torn....but my heart's still with PK - I feel like I'm perpetually stuck in PK land I'm going thru the motions but still frozen there. Haven't felt like this ever over a kor drama. Can someone help me pls?
ahahhaha! i knew it, am not alone. we're both stuck in PK land and can't believe am going through this stage having been able to watch lot of asian dramas since five years ago. keke^^ i just can't move on. i guess, we're helpless.... but not alone. lol ! and yes, the polite guy, kim jae wook is cool. he was actually the reason why this m3 drama caught my attention after thorough thinking of what to watch to get over with PK. i love him in bad guy and antique bakery the way i love mae ri in innocent steps and my little bride . but i'm beginning to like JGS also so i'm now torn between these two. but still, the truth remains...... i still want more of PK and it's ending next week already. whaaaah!!!!
oh jae wook's d polite guy's name???I liked him in bad guy and coffee prince....wish he were cast in leading role for once. But I'm still glum despite liking him and M3. Just can't summon up any enthusiasm. I think the only way out of the blues is if KHJ gets cast in a new romance drama ASAP preferably, say, by next Friday LOL
yeah, you’re right, he was in coffee prince too. i just didn’t take notice of him then coz i guess i was too engrossed with Yoon Eun Hye and Gong Yoo. heheh!what???? ASAP… by next Friday???? bwahahahah! hh mayssenger, you are really hilarious and indeed an epic… what with your “desperate boaters resorting to desperate measures”. that made me LOL. but i’m feeling depressed coz dooms day is fast approaching. really, good things never last. *sigh* i hope to see hyunmin couple promoting PK in the international market right after the show ended to somehow feed our addiction. ^^keke!
Thanks Koala, for the insights and views on MMM.
I agree that there's a special bond between JGS and MGY. It's really a good thing that behind the camera they are very dear friends, comfortable with each other, and care for each other. So on camera it shows, they glow, they sizzle...such chemistry!