Channel X Holds its Press Conference with Joe Cheng and Amber Kuo
SETTV held a press conference today for its big-budget idol drama Channel X (the Chinese title is 國民英雄, with the direct translation being Citizen’s Hero). The lead actor and actress made their grand debut, and the world got to see the first stills and teaser trailers for the drama starring Joe Cheng and Amber Kuo.
It seems like Joe Cheng is everywhere these days, and I am not complaining at all. He’s currently swooning up the screen on the C-drama That Love Comes, and in addition to releasing a book and performing at various concert events, Joe’s main project for the rest of the year will be Channel X.
The drama looks and feels like a cross between my Junki’s Hero (with a news reporter against the corrupt world story) and Black & White (with the action and conspiracy concept). It’s being billed as a suspense thriller, which is rare amongst the typical rom-com idol drama offerings coming out of Taiwan.
The most notable quote from the press conference was the director announcing that Joe has not one, not two, but three(!) hot and heavy sex-scenes in this drama, with each of his three female co-stars. Let the good times roll, baby. Actually, the director’s exact words are that if he blacked out their faces, it would be like watching a soft-core video. Count me doubly interested now.
Joe looks great (seriously, lately he’s been hotter than ever) in his anchorman get-up, and Amber is surprisingly sassy and a tad less annoying than I remember her. Channel X is set to premiere in early December 2010.
Teaser for Channel X:
I was initially a little confused as to what to expect, but I quite like this dark vibe. Its also great to see Joe tackling a different drama genre, and pushing himself to improve his range as an actor.
are you still watching That Love Comes??….How is it going??
wow.. very interesting drama..
Looking good there Joe.
And now I await Jiro Wangs bed scenes and my life would be complete.
Holy cow, without her heels, she barely comes up to his shoulder. WITH her heels, she barely comes up to his shoulder. That could make for some awkward kissing…
Yes, totally agree! Joe is looking mighty fine these days! I’m actually really looking forward to this drama. And ockoala, I 100% agree with you that Joe should NOT sing and just stick to acting. I saw him at the G20 Asia Song Festival and he was just not good to put it nicely. However, I think he’s a much better actor than singer…hope this drama does well!
Amber = pretty
I dig this style. Bravo, Joe!
Joe is totally cute here …. and tall! whilst I’ve never seen Amber in anything, so my only opinion formed thus far is cute… and short!
Hahaha.. Koala, you are so dirty minded! Haha.
Anyway.. in one of the photos you posted here, I thought he had just the barest hint of facial hair. Now, I’m wondering how handsome he would be if he grow a moustache and a goatee. Like a neat moustache and a neat, tiny goatee. Testosterone. I mean, he’s handsome now, but some men’s hotness levels just shoot sky high and space high, if you will, once they get some facial hair. Like Ben Barnes in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
It’s been a while since I watch a twdrama that doesn’t have romance as its main theme. Come to think about it, I don’t think I’ve watch any (!)
Usually for these genres I stick to western and j-dramas. I think I need a ‘lil nudging to watch this one…
i think he is so handsome in this soooooooo different from that love comes drama…i’m gonna participate in this coming drama..just love his acting skill!!!
i think i love u, An.. ouups! sorry
amber kuo, u’re so cute.. ^^