
Written Preview for Episode 15 of Mary Stayed Out All Night — 487 Comments

  1. That’s crazy. Going to a moutain. Is that kidnapping not enough silly?
    I kind of scare about this coming episode. At very least, please have more cute and adorable scenes of my OTP, MG and MR.

  2. The more I read your thoughts on the drama (the paragraph you didn’t put under cut), the more I’m afraid to watch it past ep 10. I shall meander to safer territories (Kame’s dramas, according to me, are safe… so far) and wait for your final verdict once this drama wraps up. Have a good vacation, Koala~~~

    • We are having the same thoughts.. I watched up to ep 10. But as I watch clips of kidnapping and whatnot, I am weary to continue (and probably never will)

      I am satisfied just watching cute clips of Mu Gyul and Mae Ri and heartbreaking clips of Jung In

    • Me too… I’m afraid I won’t be watching this drama now. It’s supposed to be a fun drama but I dunno… it’s getting more and more boring and repetitive. And gaaah, this is the second to the last episode for Pete’s sake. T.T

  3. Thank the heavens you took time out of your vacation to write this cause I was crying by myself. I posted on SOFTY’s page about the ending that JGS wanted for his character. You know that DC Inside has a lot of info and I know the ending. You are probably better at acceptance than I because I can’t stop crying and all kinds of dirty words are forming in my head.
    Enjoy your holiday, will miss your input severely.

      • @rory’s mom

        are you crying??the it that bad?!?!!?somebody gonna to die??(well,that is the standard of kdrama)but….HUH!?!?

    • you know the ending?please tell us!so that I can heart is aching,can’t take no more angst.if its bad I will only stop at ep14 wont watch last 2ep.

    • What ending does JGS want for his character? And what info do they have at DC inside? Please share…we clueless folks are dying here =(

    • You are not alone! I went through the stages of denial, anger, then bargaining last night. Now I’m at the depression stage. Hopefully acceptance is just around the corner.

      • I’m at the acceptance level already. I can’t wait to see ep 15 and see if the writer would really butcher the characters and sabotage my OTP that way. Hopefully the actual episode wouldn’t be as bad as we imagined it to be. As long as MG and MR got their happy ending together, I can put up with anything… *hauling stones to throw, just in case…*

      • I’m at the I-don’t-wanna-feel-or-think-anything stage. what a complete plot mess. just finish out the drama, and i’m gonna put the story out of my mind.

        the only small consolation are the nice OSTs from M3.

  4. that is soooooooooooooo anoying. i mean,the second to the last episode should bring happiness to the viewers. there are lots of troubles on the episodes before,and everything bad drove me crazy. AGH… asian dramas are really O.A.

  5. WTH?!what’s up wd ds new conflict.oh!how my heart aches 4 JGS and MGY.I love this drama bcoz of d OTP but I also feel d injustice of wasting d superb talents of d geuns.and with the last couple of episodes,the writer decides to give us this?!!I know it’s Christmas and all but this preview is such a I’ve got a reason 2 binge.I’ll eat my sorrows away and hope that our OTP gets their much deserved ending.maeri Christmas and happy new year!!!

  6. I’ll pretend i didn’t read this preview or that this episode will even air for the sake of protecting my love for M3.. Merry christmas ya’ll!! Have a good one!

      • No, but I have a bunch of knives I sharpened to slit my wrists or murder the writer. I don’t need them anymore because I’m switching to dull butter knives for a slower, more painful death (for her). I will share my sharp knives with you if you want.

  7. Thanks for sending this, Ockoala.
    You make me LOL when I read ” eh, I back to my vocation”.
    Is epi 15 preview annoying u?….. hahaha…
    I had already mentioned that M3 ending will be hard to guess. I think new writer is trying the best to make us more interest to M3. But we are expecting to see some cutey moments of MG&MI as drama getting close to final episode.

    Enjoy your vocation.

  8. I still have hope. i’m sure i’m gonna like, whatever silly stuff they do, if there’re mg and mae ri it will be fine. oh please show don’t disappoint me!!!

  9. Oh my god!I hate ep 15 already.gosh writer so crazy.if you want to make that plot make it on ep 10.come on!we on count down 2ep more and you give this and next what?MR got badly injured and died?Ji survive,MG mourning but eventualy back to himself a playboy?SJ try again to get MG as she see a chance?god!awful awful christmas ending.luckyly monday I have make up test,tuesday have an intrvw.I will wait my friend info on ep16.if its happy end will watch,if its plain with grey end then bubye MSOAN.Heck bubye Kdrama.gaah!Jdrama is better,I think I will get to my old least they still offer happy end.

    • Yeah!!! Same here! hate it already. Ridiculous!!! Why now? I mean MG punched JI when JI kissed MR and now, MG just say he doesn’t believe MR any more after he saw them???? After 14eps??? Writer, you better come up with a good ending! This suckss.. Spoiled my mood!

      • yeah why now?I better have MG yelling and punch Ji,But no he goes weeping and say the forbidden words again?no wonder MR sad.ridicilous,MG doubt MR love for him?it should be the other way.

    • I’m so confused with MG character.. He never doubt with MR’s love.. pfffttttttt.. and also also JI too. All of the sudden, JI wants to prove his love to MR??? I think the writer still doesn’t know how to wrap up the drama.. He/she shouldn’t post the written preview of eps 15 if he/she has not decide how to end the drama.. The preview looks like a total mess!! I hope it will turn out good!

      • koala said,this drama like bipolar.confused with each character,its like she is not a pro writter.ah someone said they took of the preview.who knows who knows they felt threaten and rewrite the script and we can have our happy nyappy maeri christmas and happy new year

  10. “Jung In, who is walking down the mountain with Mae Ri, sees her take on misstep and grabs her, tumbling down the hillside together….”

    Korean dramas… who is going to die? 🙁
    I think it’s going to be Jung In. :-(((((( Very, very sad and disappointed ending. 🙁

  11. I’ve not heard any substantive rumors about the hows and whats of the ending. DC Gall is speculating, as is Baidu – and neither has anything other than fan hopes mixed with some conflicting message from Moon Geun Young recently about a twist and her still picking between JI and MG.

    Which is such a joke to me. The relationship of MG-MR is so organic and real that any lingering choice or angst (especially of the nature episode 15 alludes to) is purely the writer unable to write any substantive plot so she puts our OTP through the ringer.

    M3 ends up being only the story of MR-MG falling in love…..which is not a drama, since every single rom-com, melodrama, heck even revenge thriller has someone falling in love. I might personally still enjoy it because a good love story minus any plot is still something I fancy. But when the good love story is turned into a joke where characterizations make no sense, then it pisses me off.

    I’ll still wait to see how it shakes out.

    • Hmm true.I mean okay story development not good okay,now ruining the OTP?somehow they all develop,MG a playboy turn to be a man ready to commit with MR,MR found her first love and fight for it,JI being more human and now they turn back to zero spot?gosh.oh so glad that next monday have a busy day and so is tuesday and you still on recap!gona sit still and wait til ep 16 out and wait for spoilers.I wont hope much because Idk if my heart can take it anymore.thats how big I love this drama.

    • If there’s something other than a happy holiday couple at the end, I’m staging some sort of protest (with guns) until I get an epilogue. Who wants to join my army?

  12. Change into totally different person…will he cut his hair?

    hmm,I guess mu gyul would see the two tumbling down and joined them…so the three would tumble down together,forming the giant snowball…

  13. I have been thoroughly enjoying the comments quietly. Sometimes, laughing to myself for all the positive contributions and the love for M3. This is the 1st time I’m putting down my comment just b’cos of MGY & JGS. Sincerely hope that the @#$% script writer does not foul it any shittier! really!! Justwish that they will wrap up the drama with more of the cutey moments & the best chemistry ever of two main leads for the past decade – my opinion only [have been watching Kdrama for years and very selective about the leads before I decide to sacrifice my sleep to watch late into the night) Dear koala, TQ so v v much for all your recaps ‘cos I definitely share your luv for M3.
    Well, eventhough am disappointed with the preview, am NOT giving up the show ‘cos of my two fave cutey pie leads whom I adore v v much! Still looking 4wd to a good ending.. Am not sure how @#$% script writer is going to wrap it but she’d better ‘cos she will have to face firing squad from all of us faithful M3 loyals.
    Am quite easy to please, just give me lots of doses of MGY&JGS pair moments. After all, it is b’cos of them that we all try to overlook the quite nonsensical script.. Fingers crossed that M3 will come through…

  14. Seem like everyone pissed off with written preview ep 15..We at soompi also frustrate to hell!!What the writer is doing?

    Why the writer make MG looks like a bad person? Normally his character is a hot temper guy but then he will understand MR..Now, he like a different person..hish ;(
    Ockoala, me too having headache reading this preview.Dont the writer have any other idea for the rest of 2 episodes?!!

    WTH, at the end JI-MR tumbling down the hillside together..To make MG more misunderstand?

    or MG will realize he is not the best person to protect MR uhh?He will ask JI to protect MR forever..and JI answer looking MR will be “boku ga iru”.hahaha!!

  15. I do have that feeling,feeling MG is like a bad guy from ep13,idk why.I wish MG would just snap and make up like he always do.this make me frustated and its only drama.I think I’m on hiatus for kdrama until unknown time after this.poor my heart.Next time going for a drama that I know the quality of cast,plot and the ending.if happy end then will buy it will be safe for my heart

  16. omg! cliffhanger! Jung In is critically injured, rushed for emergency operation, and that is when Mae ri realises she loves him, not MG! Jung In shippers, is this the twist we are waiting for?

    Or: Mae Ri is critically injured and rushed for emergency op, while Jung In and MG wait anxiously outside.

    • Agree..the twist is JI will be the best protect person for MR.MR will realize first love is not the best and start to love JI and marry him..

      We MG-MR shipper, will die together or go to hell with ep 16!!I really cant hide my frustration with the plot development!!

      • am 200% with you on the frustration with plot development. You are most definitely NOT alone!! MG&MR belong together, am quite positive about that!!! Unless devil @#$% script writer decide otherwise, if that’s the way it is, we M3 loyals should just fire her on the spot!! What think you? Right on?
        Right now, just have to sit back and painfully wait for Monday. That’s like approx. 2 1/2 days to go. Holy cow, that’s quite a wait..

    • chingu!!!!!!!!! the scriptwriter is just toying us. whahahhahaha! he’s just giving us false hope. LOL i’d rather not anticipate at all. but i believe boating of the OTP will come at the finale episode. 😀

    • “when Mae ri realises she loves him, not MG” i dont buy it, She not realises about new love, i think the reason why she kept silence when MG asked her to pick him or JI because she feel guilty JI got injured because of her, so she only showing her loyality to JI.

  17. Mayssenger, that will be ok also..Mary stayed out all night at heaven with JI..lalala!!
    MG with SJ or as usual dating for one month with different girl!!

  18. I dont think Jung In will die, perhaps is Mae Ri who will be injured and unconscious. Then Mae Ri’s stupid daddy and the Jung In’s evil dad will find out they are wrong to let Mae Ri marry Jung In. Afterwards, Jung In will explain the misunderstandings in ep 13, Mu Gyul will then finally sure of Mae Ri’s feelings towards him… Then the story can wrap up by showing the cute moments of Mae Ri and Mu Gyul together~~ Hugss and kisses! Hopefully have the steamy BOAT scene~~! ^^ (cross finger) ><

      • yeah, i also agree to staying up late reply, by saying that after the fall, Jung In will surely regain his missing childhood, about Mae Ri’s mum and Jung In’s dad relationship (and what happened that time) and warn Jung In’s dad that he will not be forced to marry Mae Ri to fufill his dad’s desire (WTF, okay, sorry) then the evil daddy had to let go, no matter what. hahaha!! And i think we dont comment anymore on the writer, cos i think she is doing her best to wrap up the show as the previous writer made a mess on the plot and causing many episodes to be wasted.. yepp~ merry xmas and happy new year to all~~ 😀

    • Oh please please let be so, lots of hugs and kisses and boat scene please!!! and i will be happy too if i have some hair conditioner scene, a weddind with a lettuce and mg on stage!!! is it too much asking???
      please writer give us many mg and mae ry scenes!!!!!

  19. with only 2 episodes to go and the writer did this? heck! she’s outta her mind! someone ought dunk her in the deepest ocean for a wee while so that she could get back to her senses! if that’s the case…I personally think that they should kill MR so that both the boys could not get her at all and all is fair and square…since the plot is getting absurd by the day….

  20. I’m pretty sure that the only way to end this drama well is if both JI and MG both confess that the reason they’ve been so distant, weird, and moody with Mae Ri is because they’re secretly gay, and in love with each other. Mu Gyul stopped by Jung In’s house to spend a few hours with his beloved on Christmas, and the reason that he got so upset over the back hug was because Jung In promised that they would be alone. They go through an angsty period where they try to decide if they should admit their feelings. Then when Mae Ri and Jung In roll down a hill, Jung In is badly wounded and Mu Gyul rushes to the hospital, where everything is revealed. The reason that Jung In was trying to keep Mae Ri away from Mu Gyul wasn’t because he loved her, but because he didn’t want someone else hanging around his boyfriend all the time.

    See? Everything makes sense now! Though something tells me that that won’t happen… a girl can dream though, can’t she?
    I’m not going to lie: This drama sucks. A lot. But OH MY GOD do I love it. I don’t even know why anymore, but I do. I whooole lot. And as sad as the plot is now, I’m completely behind M3 until the final episode. I’m just going to pretend that this preview never happened, and go back into my happy dreamland of M3 before episode 10.

  21. After reading the written preview I’m starting to feel that i might just end up hating the ending, the way the plot has suddenly changed. Too many crazy ideas involving kidnapping and injury after injury and mishap after mishap just makes everything beyond farfetched. So sad because this is one of the cutest kdrama that i have seen out of the many kdramas i’ve watched.

  22. See, my worst nightmare has materialized. I had worried earlier that things would not look good – MR being in JI’s house when she said she would be waiting for MG and tears in her eyes whilst being held back by JI.

    Reading preview to ep 15 and seeing JI’s moves now proves that he is as bad as his dad, JS. On the outset he said that he wished to help MR chose her own partner in life (she has already stated ample times that it is MG) but in actuality he acting for his own selfish benefit. First for JS’s investment money and then for his loneliness. I don’t think he is in love with MR per se but rather he is holding on to her as if she is a “life buoy” because he feels isolated, having stood up against JS recently. It is hard to understand how a healthy 27 year old man can have no friends, whether male or female whom he can confide in and gather moral support. What a wasted life!

    Conversely, I could understand MG’s uncertainty regarding MR’s love. First, he is hurt to see tears in her eyes because that indicate emotional involvement. Second, haven’t they (MR and MG) been close? Why hasn’t MR even allowed herself to be kissed (at the camping chalet) or attempt to kiss him (at home after kidnapping incident) when he had so cutely offered himself? Sex may have been too much for innocent Mary (and I reluctantly agree) but surely kissing comes naturally with any couple in love?!? It’s just a form of intimacy that says “we belong together”. Third, MG is in this unenviable bigamy situation because of MR. She was that one who created it and she should end it by clearly stating her position/choice to JS, her dad and JI, go sleep with MG and have his child. That would end things for sure and no one else would dare lay a finger on her PERIOD. Afterall she is just repaying her dad’s debt with the 100 day contract and she owes no one her entire life. MR needs to show resolution and committment to MG, for him to justify his complete and absolute love for her too.

    Long Sigh… Since things have progressed to what it is in the preview ep 15, I can only hope that : 1) after the fall, JI recalls his missing childhood since kidnapping and learn something crucial about his dad; and 2) MR is saved by MG. They decide that they want to be together for life and do exactly just that, throwing disregard to everyone and anyone who stand in their way.

    Then, could we still have our happy ending MG&MR and a Happy New Year!

    • That’s what exactly happen to me when MR go to see MG..My heart beat hard that time alarming something wrong going to happen..

      But the thing MG wont listen to MR’s explanation is not his true character!!Im repeating, writer make my MG a bad person!!

      • i keep typing should be when MR go to see JI at the end of ep 14!!
        I type correctly this time..written preview make me crazy girl already..

    • I swear, if this drama ends badly, I would swear off kdrama altogether. Or at the very least, never follow any closely again until I know how it ends.

      Yeah, I can understand why MG would be uncertain of MR’s feeling. How many times he asked for a kiss and got rejected? He made his public declaration of love, and yet MaeRi never said anything back. He was told she was waiting for him at home, on Christmas eve and his birthday, while he did things he wouldn’t do otherwise to buy back the ring, and then, there she was, being hugged by another guy with tears in her eyes. Come on, MaeRi, just say the words… *sigh*

      And really, sometimes I wonder if Jung In has multiple personalities disorder. One time he was this cold, distant, solitary character, and another time he instantly turned into a dorky self with some heart. And the next moment he turned into a confused guy clinging to a girl he claimed he never wanted to marry for real, a girl he had to use to get money for his business venture. One moment he claimed he wanted to help MR and MG to get together, another moment he pushed her away because he knew about his father’s fixation on her mother, and then in another moment he chased after her himself, forgetting how disgusting it was that his father is projecting himself into his own son.
      I wonder which character Kim Jae Wook signed up for in the first place. It’s obvious the writer suddenly couldn’t make up her mind how she wanted Jung In character to be like and so she kept changing him. And really, I couldn’t see KJW signing up for THIS Jung In… >.<

      I think I would start gathering stone to throw in case the writer had a lobotomy while writing the ending…

      • LOL! Shiro, I will help gather those stones for you. I swear JI’s character changes gives me whip lash! It just doesn’t make sense! I love KJW and think he deserves better. He seriously needs to be a lead in his next drama…and I hope this time he doesn’t get screwed =(

      • i really understand why mg is so pissed off. give me a break writer! how many times can he understand those scenes between mary and ji. patience and understanding have a limit, and he reached it. that’s what.
        i really don’t like mary at the end of epi 14, she shouldn’t go to ji’s

  23. At the end of the day, I realised that our love for M3 is FAR GREATER that MR&MG’s love ‘cos we are all so so bothered. We just have so much LOVE to share. big round of applause for all of us! Cheers..

    • Yes dear, till i cant concentrate in my office work and now i keep commenting & commenting!!That means my love for MSOAN is far beyond my imagination!!thanks for the funny fanfics guys!!

  24. Everyone on this blog loves the love story like me and everyone is hoping for a resolution that satisfies but I don’t think this writer cares much about our opinion only what she sees in her pea brain as the logical solution to the burning question. I am sorry that my previous post caused questions, I don’t mislead intentionally. I hunt down every web site involved and read (thanks to my translating plug-in).

  25. i hd such a fun time reading all the comments – i’ve nothing to add. as much as i want MG/MR to be together, my i only wish is for all 3 characters to be alive and happy in the end.

    ahh new writer shi – what happen? you were doing so well in ep 11 & 12. now you giving us crazy?

    it’s already past midnight in my time zone, Maeri Christmas everyone! start counting down to ep15, brace yourself!

  26. “cos i believe MG and MR will be together in the end”

    Yes. They have to be.

    “As much as Mae Ri tries to explain to Mu Gyul that she went to see Jung In only to ask for a divorce, he doesn’t believe her. She is feeling very hurt.”

    But the childish behave from MG is more than enough, how can he think that, after seeing his home? The curtain.. the cake.. all preparation…

    I think MR never loved JI, but after MG hurt her feelings, she just doesn’t know what to do, this is why JI thinks he has a chance, but he never had. 🙁
    At the very end, depends on the injury she or he might have. My worst thought is that they kill off JI 🙁 , but I really trying to be more optimistic, so I hope that it will be MR, so all male characters have a chance to come to their senses… but in that case, JI will end up with no one. 🙁

    Here is christmas, and I am waiting for monday???

      • really enjoy reading all the comments and made me laugh out loud.

        After reading most of the comment, eventhough I am a suker for a love story… this is what I think by the look of how the story is going so far.

        I think MR will die… and both guys will remember her for being that girl who changed them… JI from coming out from being stiff and daddy’s puppet and MG coming out from being a playboy to being someone who could love and dream about a happy family… big sigh….. how sad that would be as an ending, don’t you think….

        the story is getting ridiculous…. I don’t wait for the drama to be posted for the sake up… ‘what’s gonna happen next?’ but just for ‘what MG and MR will be acting today’ … cause the story totally lost my interest. I can’t even bother to wait for the english sub.. I just watch the one without and not bothered about what they are saying… that is how bad I lost my interest on the story.. Just good to see MG and MR acting 🙂

  27. WAAAHHH! I’m so sad…WHY are they releasing this extremely upsetting preview on Christmas Eve?!!! This is completely ruining my holiday T_T Drama God, please grant us a Christmas miracle!!! Let this preview be completely false and misleading. Please! I beg u!!! I don’t want more angst in the last 2 episodes. I want more cute MG/MR!!! I want a hot boat scene and I want MR to stop refusing kisses from MG! Arghh! My level of frustration is increasing as I think about it more!

  28. jgs and mgy are really great actor and actress but their greatness have been trashed by this drama.. pity them and kim jae wook too. the plot sucks

  29. Hey all!

    Maeri Christmas! I along with everyone got ill when reading this preview, but realized that the previews have always been waaayy more angsty than the actual show.

    This considered, and figuring that MG and MR get together (MGY says we will be happy with the ending), their job is to make it seem like it won’t end up the way we think it will. for all we know, the preview only covers the first 15 minutes.

    MG should know by now that MR isn’t like “that” and it is misunderstanding, but with everything his mom has told him and done differently, it is still ingrained in him to not trust.

    I am totally NOT looking forward to MG going home and seeing the decorations. I felt so bad after he disowned his mom and he yelled at MR suggesting they end it there. His walk home and trip to the skating rink made me feel soooo bad. I sense something like this will happen again.

    My guess is that they will miss each other and not be able to talk. She goes to the workshop. Still not interested in JI. Thinks and feels bad about everything that MG has gone through, not that she doesn’t want to be with him, but because he has sustained all kinds of hurt because of her and thinks he is better off without her. JI also discovers that it is just not going to happen between him and MR. I think at this point, he is ready to give her up.

    Of course, MG is still crazy about MR and goes to find her when he senses she is lost or in trouble. He can’t stay away. The tumble down happens. I think everyone is okay in the end and I like the suggestion that JI gets his memory back.

    It is this point of almost losing each other that MG tells MR that he can’t live without her. She tells him that she has only caused him pain. He tells her that it doesn’t matter, she is family and he can’t bear to lose her. Then a great kiss scene. Maybe a proposal and an “I love you”.

    JI being convinced that he’s not the one and he loves MR like a sister, is now willing to do what he can to help to get MG and MR together. Maybe this is when he decides to grant the divorce.

    Then they conspire against the dads, while the dads are up to their own plans….

    For me, in this context, it might not be so bad… Thoughts?

      • Yeah, I like it too. It fits into the preview but not so bad.

        I also thought that maybe after the “roll” crisis, that JI witnesses the affection between MG and MR, further driving it home that he just needs to throw in the towel and help get these two together.

      • Wow, you’re actually good at coming up with theories! I always think of the worst possible outcome. My first thought upon reading Koala’s post was this:

        Jung In dies, and Mu Gyul is so pissed at Mae Ri that he has anger sex with Seo Joon who then gets pregnant with his child. Mu Gyul then finds out that Jung In is dead, realizes that he was wrong not to trust Mae Ri and kisses her right when Seo Joon walks in, yelling that she’s pregnant. *End episode 15*
        In episode 16, Mae Ri punches Mu Gyul in the face and runs out of his apartment. Seo Joon forces Mu Gyul to marry her, and upon hearing the news Mae Ri hangs herself with the leftover yarn she had from knitting Mu Gyul’s mittens. Mae Ri’s dad finds Mae Ri dead in her room and runs over to Mu Gyul’s house, where he happens to find his mom and her new boyfriend. Loser Daddy screams for a good twenty minutes about how horrible Mu Gyul is. Mu Gyul’s mom gets distressed, and upon seeing this her boyfriend, who happens to be a trained assassin, shoots loser daddy three times in the head (much rejoicing ensues).
        A police car is driving by right at that moment and sends Evil Mother and her boyfriend to jail for life.
        Flash Forward ten years and Mu Gyul is much older looking and far less handsome. His life is completely run by Seo Joon, his music is now totally mainstream and sold out, and his child is a whiny little bitch.
        The ending scene is of Mu Gyul sitting all alone in the cold in the playground that he used to play at when he was with Mae Ri. In his hands he’s holding the pair of light blue mittens that she knit him, and he’s humming “My Precious.” A montage of all of his moments with Mae Ri plays, the camera zooms back into his face as he says, quietly and sadly, “Merry Christmas.”
        FADE TO BLACK.

        So, ANYWAY, I like your ideas waay more! They’re far less depressing and morbid and actually give me faith in this drama. Let’s just hope that the writer is smart and actually knows what she’s doing.

      • Bwahahahaha!!! Zoe, you made me laugh so hard!!! I had a hard time thinking about the aged and hen pecked MG, probably sporting a beer belly from all the nights out with the band mates (they had to find a new hidden hangout that SJ doesn’t know about). Did you say what happens to JI’s dad? I think he does 10-20 in prison and runs a crime syndicate from his cell.

        Thanks for everyone’s nice comments. I’m trying to recover from a back injury and and totally laid up most of the day right now (would love your prayers), so there is lots of time to think about M3. 🙂 I’ll see what other scenarios I can dream up!

      • Oh no! I did forget to add JI’s dad. Yeah, I like your ending for him. He should go to a co- gender prison (I don’t know if those exist but oh well) and e in the cell across from Mu Gyul’s mom, so they can constantly yell at each other.
        I’m sorry about your back! That not a very happy christmas gift. I’ll send good thoughts your way.
        You know, we never got introduced to JI’s mom. we need to find a scenario that involves her!
        And to add to Mu Gyul’s scraggly appearance, I think he’s also sporting an unevenly trimmed scruffy beard with flecks of pre-mature gray. His once prized hair is now always matted and greasy.

    • I like that idea.yeah I hope that happens.I just don’t want this like other drama,only last minute otp together and kiss..why bother all the way.if they want this should do this in ep 10 or so that way we can have more lovey dovey.this way we only have few more angst.its christmas-don’t we deserve happy maeri christmas and new year?

      • Take a look at the manhwa, I think it is chap 134. There is a great kissing scene that I would love to see, but I’m not sure how they would incorporate it into the story at this date.

        It’s like this: MG and MR are in front of her apt door totally making out. Door is ajar. Dad sees them. Dad bangs door open. MG and MR continue kissing. Dad bangs it again. They are still at it. Dad bangs door back and forth continuously, wham! wham! wham! wham! Finally, the lovers are startled, and MG yells at dad.

        Love it.

    • To add to your ending, maybe JI agrees to a divorce but goes through with the wedding. When they all attend it’s actually MG and MRs wedding instead! In to face evil daddies

      • LOL! C’mon, you know they’re messing with your head. That’s what they get paid the big bucks to do. 🙂

      • ha, its cool if they’re trying to keep the suspence to the drama. however, they have to do it in a smart way becuase the review they just posted got a whole crap load of fans pretty damn pissed off. i mean they had to take down Epi 15 preview becuase the response was so negative. also, we’ve been seeing this over and over and over again. the cliff hanger of them hugging is just BLAH what the fuck, really? again? shoot me. if you’re going to make it so horrible, might as well have JI be the one hugging MG from the back when he went to go return the ring. confessing his love and MG wanting to leave to go to MR and MR walks in. if you’re going to make it so shitty, might as well make a good laugh out of it and turn the two male leads gay like they were implying earlier on, right? anyway, no bueno writers! no bueno!

      • LOLZZZ now that idea I like! It would be priceless for MaeRi to walk in seeing Jung In back-hugged Mu Gyul who’s holding the ring with tears in his eyes… I could get behind that! ^O^

    • I’d like to think that Maeri and Mugyul’s relationship has been to adorably crafted to end win heartbreak, so I’d give the writer the benefit of a doubt. And regarding the preview; Mary’s previews have never really been the most reliable source in regards to the episode itself, ironically enough, so I’d hold back my paranoia. Just like the injury thing that was blown way, way, waaaay out of proportion. Unless like Mugyul’s injury leading up to the real drama…the kidnapping, the mountain thing is only a taste of something bigger to come…like Jung In stabbing his father to death or Mugyul and Maeri’s first intimate night or Maeri’s father getting amnesia and forgets that he’d the biggest douche (after Jung In’s father and Mugyul’s mother) in the entire world.

      Your theories are a comforting thing to read.

    • Hey Zoe, I thought of some more scenarios…

      Let’s say that MR is rolling down the mountain, JI can’t stop her, but MG shows up in the nick of time and saves her from going over a cliff. Lying in his arms, she squeaks out, “Mu Gyul ah”. Depending on the extent of her injuries, there may or may not be a kiss scene… since we are assuming that she goes to the hospital according to an eel report. Maybe MG gets a matching cut on his forehead as well.

      JI witnesses how much MG and MR love each other and how MG is willing to put his life on the line for MR. Twice, MR was in danger. Twice, both men were there. Twice she was protected by MG. The best way for JI to protect MR is to help her to stay with MG.

      They are at the hospital. MG is by MR’s bed. JI is at the door, watching. Daddy shows up. He sees MG there and demands to know why that jerk is there with his daughter. JI in his most soothing tone, after holding daddy back, explains to daddy that if it weren’t for MG showing up, daddy would no longer have a daughter. She would be dead.

      JI also tells him that MG is the better man for MR. MG is a better man than he, JI, is. And MG is the man that MR loves and MG would probably give his life to protect her, he loves her very much and he would be very lucky to have MG as a son in law.

      Maybe he tells daddy that the real reason that his hyung wants them to marry.

      Maybe Daddy talks to MG… not so sure about this at this late time… but maybe he asks how much MG loves MR. Does he love MR more than his hair?

      Daddy gets won over to the MG MR camp and they cook up a plan… and it is possible that none of this is revealed until the end. At which time they pull the switcheroo at the wedding, after registration has been changed. Daddy is sitting next to JS and holds him down when JI gives MR to daddy, JI sits by JS and one of them has informed JS to go along with it. Otherwise, JS will go to jail on kidnapping and fraud charges… oh an by the way… the debt repayment and investment money stands. JI will repay them in time. JS sits there with his mouth shut while MG and MR are married.

      Maybe MR doesn’t know until the last second… that would be interesting, but really not fair to her. Or how about if they switch the brides. SJ takes MR’s place. Surprise! Or they elope and JI is left at the altar?

      Anywhoo… the main premise is that
      **MG saves MR’s life and now daddy is in debted to him
      **Daddy learns how much MG really loves MR.
      **Daddy also learns that hyung wants his daughter to marry JI because he has been in love with his wife and still carries her picture in his wallet. This is HUGE. Because of this he is no longer in favor of the marriage with JI, eventually leading to some sort of acceptance of MG as his son in law.
      **And maybe daddy witnesses MG’s tender care of MR at the hospital.

      • Ohhhh, I love your version! If only the writer’s brain is half of yours… T_T
        I can’t wait for Monday to see what they’re cooking up for us. But I know I’m going to stick through this drama thick and thin till the end. I just hope the ending would bring justice to the whole thing, to the fantastic cast who are working their butts off to bring this drama to this level of life… or face my wrath, you writer…

      • ooh, I like the idea of Mu Gyul going on a rant about how much he loves her and what he loves her more than. And then he could end it with “I love her more than my hair” and everyone will be completely STUNNED and realize that they belong together. If only this drama’s fate was at the hands of us fans…

        Is your back feeling any better?

      • I love the hair rant. They’ve been making such a big deal about it for so long, it’s hard not to think that they won’t utilize it. “I love your daughter more than my hair”. Awwww!

        Thank you for asking about my back. It is slowly improving, but still a long way to go. Spasms and stuff. Sigh. But more hopeful. Laughing about M3 helps a lot. You and the gang are fabulomundo!

      • Haha, you know, if you never watched the show and just walked in on the scene when he says “I love Mae Ri more than my hair,” you’d be just like , “WTF, how in the hell is that romantic?” But if that happened and I were watching it, I’d be practically crying it’s so romantic.

        The people on this site are lovely, aren’t they? This thread of comments has raised my mood a bajillion times higher than it was after I first read the this post.

      • Hey Zoe,

        I realized there should be another scene coming. It’s with MG and his mom (which prompts some reconciliation between them). Now that he has returned the ring, she is no longer bound to MR’s dad. She tells him what he made her do and how she feels.

        I predict that MG’s mom will tell her about her conversation with MR and how she told mom that there was no one else but MG for her and he is the man she loves, and that it was just a matter of two weeks and the marriage issue would be resolved.

        I would hope that she tells him that he should not let her go and don’t let misunderstandings get between them and don’t be a jerk.

  30. Koala!!! You stopped by to see us!!! I was so upset I couldn’t sleep until 5 am. It’s a good thing I don’t live in Korea and don’t have the address of the writer because death by a thousand dull butter knives would be too lenient.

  31. WTF, sorry I don’t normally curse but this preview is crazy and frustrating enough to make me pull out all my hair and kill someone. The only reason I love this show so much is because of the OTP Mary & MuGyul, if they even messes that up, this show is done.

    Thanks again for posting this Preview (no matter how horribly written it is). Enjoy your trip and have a happy holidays.

  32. Yaaahhh, that really soothes me a lot! Its like what I hope for and with greater details. Let’s just all keep to that positive thought through the Christmas weekend and see our MR & MG in a cheery spirit come Monday!

    Still … JI ….. bad guy for being so manipulative.

  33. You guys, KBS took the whole preview down. What does that mean? Do they post preview before or after filming is done for the episode? There’s totally time to change things, no? Come on, give me something to dream on here over the holiday weekend.

    • What?really?oh I hope for miracle now.maybe they just want to create panic so that they hope it will gain more curious viewer or they recieve so many critics of it and have a change?maybe? (in denial)

    • Da*n, it’s 3 am and I still couldn’t sleep >.< M3, what have you done to me… *sigh*

      I just checked KBS site and they really took it off, didn't they? I saw so many netizens were upset and complaining about the preview in Mary DC Gallery and KBS website, so maybe they're rethinking this episode? *God, I hope so…*

      • I hope so.lets just pray they rethink again and give 2ep a really really happy maeri christmas and happy new year to MG&MR&US

      • Lol.where do you live shiro?its 3am here and can’t sleep too and I’m bout to have busy day today from morning til night,having christmas at 2church.MSOAN really have an effect on me and I hope to God they will make a really happy end

      • I was up til 5 am last night, fuming all by myself. Then my sister told me this morning that I should get over it since there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s like when your boyfriend cheats on you and people say, “It’s better to find out now, you’ll move on.” No, it’s never a good time; yes, I WILL move on; but in the meantime, I still want to cut off the cheating appendage, put it through the blender, and feed him the remains. Then I’ll refill his shampoo bottle with Nair and put some rat poison in his coffee beans…you get the idea.

      • Oh my god Lizzy all of your comments on here have made me laugh so freaking hard! I love how everyone here is so dedicated to this drama (the drama. Not the drama’s new plot, which is pure suck) and the OTP

      • kkkkk Lizzy, you almost made me pee in my pants. Thank God I have good enough bladder control ^O^

        Erika, I’m from Indonesia ^^

        *sigh* no matter how the last episodes would shake and settle, this would be a memorable drama for me. If the ending is not to my liking, then I would just cut and paste some of the wonderful scenes that I love and forget the rest ^^;;

      • Lol at lizzy,yeah guess this news drive us sleepless..I like that!yeah I can move on but not until pay some good what do you say guys?lets gather our force and prepare your weapon if they don’t change the preview.
        lol at shiro I’m from Indonesia,dari bandung.hehe

    Think of me, think of me fondly
    when we’ve said goodbye
    Remember me once in a while
    please promise me you’ll try
    When you find that, once again
    you long to take your heart back and be free
    if you ever fine a moment spare a thought for me
    We never said our love was evergreen,
    or as unchanging as the sea
    but if you can still remember stop and think of me
    Think of all the things
    we’ve shared and seen
    don’t thing about the things
    which might have been
    Think of me, thing of me waking, silent and resigned
    Imagine me, trying too herd to put you from my mind
    Recall those days, look back
    on all those times we’ll never do
    there will never be a day, when I won’t think of you
    We never said our love was evergreen or as unchanging as the sea
    but please promise me that sometimes you will think of me.

    • Ok all Jung In has to do now is put on a damn mask and this can be Phantom of the Opera.


      DAMN THIS DRAMA! I had such high hopes for it. *SIGH*

      MSOAN is turning out be like one bad dream on acid.

    • It is very sad.
      I want to cry, when I want people I love would remember me, while he wants to forget me, or he was still felt hurt to me, as long as he lives.
      Oh God ……………
      As soon complete the drama Marry Me Mary, by the end of the story that will a beautiful impression on my heart. Wishing a happy ending because Marry Me Mary was not a tragic drama.

  35. I will promise you (my favorite song) is MR to JI. Remember that Japanese statement “I will protect you” This song says all that. The site I visit says shocking ending. Those of you that are wishing for a happy ending, I hope you are right and I am wrong. This has totally ruined my vacation. Just like Alleygirl, I have lived MSOAN for months to be slapped with this is just too cruel. I liken it to taking a ride for fun and being thrown out in the middle of nowhere with no way home and no hope. I hate you writer!!

    • I just wait for koala info but since she wont be here on final stage so I will just wait till ep 16 is up and ask you guys how is it then I dare to see it.I have weak heart but I hope I will get good news

    • what site? Can you give the link? sob.. sob.. I’m getting confused here.. I hope everythin goes well. MSOAN is real good in driving us insane.

    • “Shocking” doesn’t have to mean “bad”. I tend to think it means, “unexpected”. Like…
      **MG is illegitimate son of JS
      **MG and JI got the registration switched, but no one knows till the very end
      **MR and JI are siblings and can’t marry anyway (makes JS even more of a sicko)
      **MG mom shocks everyone by eating off of everyone’s plates they left at the wedding.
      **The dads are shocked because they got outmaneuvered by the kids. BEST!

      • “MG mom shocks everyone by eating off of everyone’s plates they left at the wedding.” YES! That comment right there is made of pure win.

      • Ha ha! Yes, it would be rather shocking to see a woman scavenging for food at such an event. or anywhere…

        I have to share this. I was at a fast food place and saw two men I knew having a meeting. They didn’t see me. One got up to fill his drink and the other started eating off that guy’s plate while he wasn’t looking!!! Blech!!!!

  36. For me the story line started to tank quite awhile ago.

    But Jang Geun Suk – I could just watch him all day long. Talk about Eye Candy – lol!

    • 2 things, exceptional good acting from the 2 leads and EYE CANDY, yes! thought he is much better here [must be his long mane!] than in YAB. The 2 leads seem to bring out the best of each other in every scene… I may not find another best couple in years..

  37. I realy love this drama despite of what everyone says and despite of everything I read and the realistic part of my brain says. BUT 1) First I didn’t get the Christmas Eve date I’ve been expecting since episode 4 when Mu Gyul annouced his birthday 2) and now they want to take away my BEST-couple-ever-moments and throw major angst and try Hong-sisterlesque ending=hapiness in last three minutes!!!
    Tell me it ain’t so, Joe?!
    Ps.: Koala, good time with your Yamapi stalking 🙂 I envy you.

  38. AHHHH!!!!! Thank you Koala for updating MSOAN news to us during your vacay. I hope the actual episode 15 isn’t as WTF as the preview *hopes hopes hopes* Please Mu gyul and Mae-ri all the way. Show, don’t disappoint us 🙁

    • Amen. They really twist the words to make it sound worse than it actually turns out to be. I think they may have written this one a little TOO well.

  39. i will promise you is such an amazingly sweet song, but if the end of MSOAN is just pure shit… i don’t think i want to see it because i will correlate it with the song and how everything went awry. if the writers don’t give us the ending that the series deserves, at least we can preserve what little we do have left. but on an honest note, for shame writers, for shame. there are a plethora of dramas out there where the plot is good but the execution of the actors and actress are pure crap. i honestly felt so drawn to this drama because of the the MM couple, but now i’m left resenting the fact that i allowed myself to enjoy the growth of these two characters love for one another. it still makes no sense to me why she would end up with JI. especially due to MR saying in every episode since 12: “my loyalty is to MG. i love MG” and JI a long time ago has made up his mind he wanted to bring the two couple together. also, JI was just feeling lonely in ep 14 because think about it. its christmas eve, he blew up at his father that seemed to be the only family AND FRIEND that he had, so he felt lonely. Mary always stated that she cared for JI, on a friendship level, but couldn’t offer him anything more or less than that. but when she declined appearing in front of JI at a moment where he needed a friend, which MR had every right to do because the promise she mad to MR was way more important, JI felt lonely. i don’t see why the writer should dwell upon his lowliness and present it as JI being in love with MR all over again. LIKE I SAID, I THOUGHT YOU ALREADY WENT PAST THAT PLOT AND ONTO A NEW ONE?!?!?! talk about dancing around in circle and reusing already pure crap ideas. seriously drama producers, even though you want to make an interesting twist to the plot and have an unexpected ending that the fans would have not expected, you should present it in manner that will leave fans happy. because remember, even after the drama ends it will be the fans who will cough up the money to buy the series and the OSTs. if you make us unhappy, expect a less than happy new years start with the outcome of the sales numbers for you guys. i’m baffled, and as for SID, i can’t agree with you more on the comments being more interesting. i keep having to tell myself: “its just a drama!” and that is completely true; however, when your life is just crazy you want to be able to sit down to something you genuinely enjoy and just smile as each moment of the drama encapsulates you. this is what MSOAN did for me, but i have to say…. as much as i loved the drama i want to give it a kiss adieu and sail away not giving it a finish. because quite frankly, i think if all the fans came together and wrote an ending for it, it will be 100x better, so with that said i’d rather come up with my own ending in my head instead of seeing the real crap fest one, if it is. like so many other people have stated, if i read the ending results of KOALAs sight of Softy’s sight and like it, i will watch it. but if i feel as if the ending is pure crap, why put myself through an hour of pure misery by watching it.

    just an idea, fans should get together and alter the ending by generating a computer animated one. any super awesome tech people here?! :p and post it up JUST to rub it in the directors face if the ending we created ended up having way more ratings. just an idea 😉

    also, thanks Koala. its been a pleasure reading your work. i have to admit, its by far a massive part in the reason why it made me adore MSOAN even more, reading your perception and point of view on it. and to that, thank you for your hard work. Mary Christmas!

    • I agree.I will just wait for ockoala recap or other thought after watching last ep,if its good then I will watch if not I think our own ending would be awesome,anyone with tech can help?then we will rube it onto their face so that they will be ashame of making awful end.lets hope for best ending.

    • LUV your idea about fans getting together.

      Thanks heaps to our dear Koala for your of view and most of all, taking time from your holiday to update us die hard M3 fans. Maeri Christmas, everyone!!

  40. I read earlier where writer was.rewriting but I did not believe post. It is raining here in Seattle but there is.sunshine currently on my heart.

    • @rori what?rewrite again?lauzy.I mean poor actors,they have to shoot again 2ep in what?3days?on christmas poor them.gaah if only she do her job well she wont make all the cast exhausted.

      • Erika, I know it sucks but I think it’s possible they are rewriting and reshooting some stuff. I saw a youtube video from baidusukbar and JGS watched the live broadcast of MSOAN ep. 11 WHILE on break from shooting scenes for Ep. 12!

        I’m hoping that the uproar from all the fans are getting thru to TPTB!

      • Yeah,I side glad if they change it but then that would make the cast all of them work non stop and will be exhausted.if only the writter not making riddicilous script.pray for the best.

      • I don’t care about rewriting…I only care about reshooting!I really dont want to see any of the casts go to hospital after the drama.Korea is very cold now…oh..poor actors!

  41. did i just read, “he wont believe her” and did I just read that she wants to leave him? *just banged my head against the keyboard* so when MG and SJ kissed, mary was understanding, but when its the other way around, he won’t believe her? seriously? WTH writer? what the heck is wrong with this writer?

    • Maybe it means he doesn’t believe it right away. He has trust issues stemming from his mom that he’s still overcoming. Hate to be him when he gets home.

      I think MR is still in love with him, but she feels she is causing him too much pain and suffering and considering that MG is better off without her (injuries, dad hate, fights, hiding, kidnapping, etc.). I would probably think the same if it was me. Doesn’t mean she follows through with it.

  42. rory’s mom, i think you’re hilarious. and at first i didn’t really quite agree with your statement on Maeri in earlier posts. Episode 15 hasn’t come out yet, but if it does and the story line is not far off from the synopsis i completely agree with your earlier posts. i thought that maeri’s character was suppose to be of a woman whom is strong willed, passionate and yatty yatty. if she so easily gives up on this love, i completely back you up Rory’s mom on earlier posts. it pisses me off, this girl who claims: “love is everything. i want to find a love like my mothers where i will go against my father and the world just to marry him.” whata crock of shit Maeri, i’m upset with your latter character development. don’t make maeri isn’t that mushy brain damsel in distress girl, that’s NOT HER from the start. she’s suppose to have a more logical perception about everything…. isn’t that is what they made her character out to be? remember when SJ broke her phone and she had that self-righteous speech???? like homer simpson alwyas says: “JEEBUS!”

  43. Anonymous thank you for agreeing with me on MR. Thank you Ockala for being there for all of us here on your blog. I just finished perusing the posts and I am well enough to go cook that turkey now. There is vagueness at dcinside now but I am getting good vibes from a certain post I read. Thank goodness this is my last drama. I love MGY and she can act. This was a helluva ride and my family thinks I am weird cause of it but I see that I am not alone and that makes me feel sane.
    No I will not watch the last two episodes until I have read all posts and Ockoala gets back. My heart could not take anymore right now. The love of I have for my daughter tells me that this writer hasn’t a clue as to what love is. This is why I could not understand the ep 15 preview. Love is unconditional. You either do or don’t, no middle ground. I’ll post to you later, gotta cook.

    • Yup.I’m with you Mom..I wont watch 2last ep until koala back with recap and say that its save and happy end if not going to stop at ep14 heart same as you,can’t take it anymore.too much pain will kill me,what do you cook?haven’t eat since morning.starving and headache with all this.gosh hope PD and other realize how they effect us fans.

  44. Hope they listen to us, fans. This drama already sold to broadcast in many countries. The writer and PD should be aware that it won’t end just in Korea. They should try to make things work out to rescue the reputation of the casts. Up until now, don’t they know that there are still loyal fans because of the charm and chemistry of the leading coulple (plus KJW) carry the show. please don’t destroy the last good thing they have for this show.

    • LOL Just think of all the Mary Stayed Out All Night virgins that unassumingly decide to start watching this drama.

      Oh poor innocent fans, they never saw it coming.

  45. Also kinda random but I hope there is no time jump ending. I hate those Dx I don’t mind if there is a time jump showing us MG junior and MR junior running around after some hot kiss/sexy bed scene, that’s fine LOL XD I do hate the lets-leave-each-other-for-x-years-and-somehow-see-each-other-again-in-the-street ending.

  46. omg is this the twist for JI and MR shippers! though i really want to keep JI to myself, but i will like to see him happy with MR 😀

  47. Well you know, if there were a “Most fans crying in sheer agony over it” award of the year, I think I can say that M3 would win it without a doubt.

  48. after i read the preview 4 ep15,i got mad!after the proposal to the public that mu gyul loves mary suddenly,the writer put mu gyul into a bad person!what the heck is this!im very disappointed,..we all knew that mary dont have any feelings 4 ji..and mary said only mu gyul she loves!i plan to buy the whole story of msoan whatever the cost,but f the ending wil turn to mary en ji,better nt!and i wil 4get dis drama..i dnt want mugyul wil be hurt,oh!i start to hate the new writer 4 making the msoan into a mess!

  49. whats the purpose of mu gyul and mary romance,the promises and even the dad of mary against their relationshp they stil kip their relationshp…oh my.last nyt i didnt sleep well,kip on thinking why mary ends up the relation w/mu gyul! full of excitement aftr i watched the ep14,but when i read the preview 4 ep15,,im very upset and i promised nt to watch dat ep..i wil w8 the news of ending.f the romance wil turn to ji en mary,i wil nt watch.promise!

  50. I think I was the only one who kinda loved that preview! hihi.. its not that i dont want MG and MR to be together but this is a DRAMA…. it needs it!! 🙂 I think the preview was exciting! coz I really want to see Mugyul suffering coz of Mary. I want him to CRY for Mary. I want him to PROVE his LOVE for Mary! and that he is true to her. Not just a girl he’d date for a month!!! … and after all this drama, Its still going to be Mary and Mugyul in the end! 🙂

  51. The chance of a Kdrama tanking at the end is better than 50/50. (Maybe not as badly as M3 is predicted to do but still) Do what I do. Rewrite the ending in your mind. Then we can all live in our own little dramaland with lots of happily ever afters.

  52. “Jung In, who is walking down the mountain with Mae Ri, sees her take on misstep and grabs her, tumbling down the hillside together….”

    Both Jung In and Mary died. MG got no choice but go back to SY. Very good ending.

  53. “Jung In, who is walking down the mountain with Mae Ri, sees her take on misstep and grabs her, tumbling down the hillside together….”

    Mary becomes paralyzed and JI determined to look after her for the rest of his life and married her. MG backed out and go with SG.

    Another ending????

  54. “Jung In, who is walking down the mountain with Mae Ri, sees her take on misstep and grabs her, tumbling down the hillside together….”

    Jung In becomes paralyzed and Mary decides to look after him for the rest of her life despite her love for MG. MG finally realised that he can provide Mary a family life as he loves music and has to be on the run.

    The end. Marry Christmas to everyone !!!!

  55. I heard the ending is like that…

    “Jung In, who is walking down the mountain with Mae Ri, sees her take on misstep and grabs her, tumbling down the hillside together….”

    Jung In and Mary tumble down the mountain. Meanwhile MG is at the foot of the mountain and JI and Mary hit MG. All three died and go to Heaven and live a afterlife happily ever after.

    The end.

    • LOL In Sangdoo let’s go to school that’s how it ended. Rain and the girl died in an accident and went to heaven. They even had kids in heaven! Dumbest ending ever.

      • i’ve to agree with you on sangdoo – i mean yeah, they’re in heaven, together (!@#$$%) but really.. is it necessary? why can’t they be happy in RL? like what’s stopping them after SD served the jail sentence? i still do not understand why the writer has to write such an ending.

        so i stayed away frm the melos and stick with rom-coms (how would i know i hit the same thing here? kekekek.. ) in fact with every k-drama, i’ll try to be emotionally detach frm the show cos it’s not really worth it – it’s a DRAMA afterall, we’re truly at the mercy of the PDs & writers.

        i understand what some of you are going thru. just let it out frm yr system. we might look back at MSOAN with bitterness but just let go and cherish the love that is MG/MR & JI..

        i’ve been staying away frm soompi, etc these past week.. with an occasional peek here frm time to time, need to keep my sanity or the boss would wonder why they hire me in the first plc, LOL!

    • “Jung In, who is walking down the mountain with Mae Ri, sees her take on misstep and grabs her, tumbling down the hillside together….”

      Jung In, feeling guilty about the whole situation, takes advantage of this event to help Mary by faking her death. While they are at it, they fake Mu Gyul’s death as well. And the two lovebirds move to an island where they really do end up living in a hut, one that is 5,000 sq ft with air conditioning and an edgeless pool overlooking the ocean. They live on the royalties from the OST, which has become a huge hit and international classic. Mu Gyul plays the ukelele on the beach and Mary chases after their 5 cute kids, all with long hair and bare feet. She finds that her few bride lessons come in handy living in the south seas.

      The end.

  56. Hi ockoala,
    Thanks much for taking time to share with us the written preview of ep 15. I join everyone here in the uproar and disbelief over what appears to be a very bad ending for the main characters of M3. But since the only thing consistent with this drama is its inconsistency, I think we can hope that the negative vibes from ep 15 will be turned around in ep 16, giving us deserving fans a more satisfying ending (note to M3 writer: satisfying ending = keeping MG and MR together and none of the 3 leads dies!).

    Thank you also to all of the commenters here. Not only are your comments funny, they are also therapeutic! 🙂 I’m taking comfort ( although I do not know why) in the news that KBS website had taken down their earlier ep 15 preview. Maybe the powers-that-be are finally taking action, albeit very late, to correct this nightmare! However, if we do not get a happing ending, I’ll be changing my name from bashful to GRUMPY and will no longer be nice in posting my remarks to kdrama blogs. See if KBS will like that! Huh! (crossed-arms).

    Dear Santa,
    Sorry for this short notice. But something very urgent came up. The writer of our favorite kdrama (M3) has gone mad. The written preview of ep 15 is hinting a bad and sad ending for a favorite drama. I could not believe how they could do this to us when it is the Season of Giving, not the Season of Torturing fans!!! Can you please, please save our favorite drama from a bad ending and please bring us a happy ending? We the viewers of M3 have been faithful to this drama and good in sharing our love for this drama…Thank you in advance. P.S. Please don’t forget to bring me the iPad. Thanks!


  57. CHILLAX GUYS!!!!! the writer is joking. 😀 she just wants us to go gaga then the last episode will be what everybody has been anticipating. so don’t let your holidays be ruined by her. 🙂 ♫♪♫♪ tis the season to be jolly… fa la la la la la la la la ♪♫♪♫ 😀

  58. hum.. should I defend MG? I mean seriously…early twenty… first real love (possibly) and being crushed on his birthday…
    I don’t know but if I were in MG’s situation, I would misunderstand as well. At his age and his personality, it wouldn’t be MG if he did not react to this situation as being mad.

    As for MR, her love for MG is undeniable. But being a kind person, she’s hurt seeing another person who cares about her hurt as well. I don’t think she’s crying because she’s in love or having some emotional attachment to JI. To me, all of the burden she has been carrying (with the marriage is the biggest one) are too much for her small shoulder. She’s trying to untie all these knots one by one. As a girl, who would want to be called a divorcee? While it’s normal in some cultures to be divorced once or twice, it’s not too normal in others. Plus, this is the girl who treasures a family relationship and true love.

    The preview is just a preview. Things might change between now and the hour before the show broadcasts. I feel terrible for the actors and actresses having to work on on Christmas Eve/Day and day after. They probably have no rest. So hopefully, the ending will be satisfactory.

    For me, the ending would be perfect when MG finally grows up from his old past and MR starts to live her life as she wishes.

    For JI: His character is not well-written. I hope if the preview is right, he might remember enough from his past to make things better for all involved parties.

    SJ: to be honest, I don’t quite understand why she was in the drama. Her character did not have much significant as a threat or supporting role.


    Overall, I still love the show because of the acting… the story can be choppy (it had potential to be good though).

    Merry Christmas!

    • My dear, I soooo share your thoughts on this! Now I can sleep happily and look forward to the last two episodes. Merry Christmas!

  59. This reminds me of a J-drama, Tsuki no koibito. They’ve been building up Ren-Xiu Mei from the beginning & suddenly *poof* the ending just didn’t make sense. It sucked big time when you’re waiting for a happy ending & the writer decided to effing it up. The new writer should just did this at ep 11 or something. Sad. 🙁 I hope it turn out to be better than what we think it would be.

  60. My 2 cents:

    (1) I don’t read this preview as indicating a change in ships. On the contrary, MR-MG being the end game cries out – especially with the JI making a realization that he is never going to take MG’s place in MR’s heart. I’m not upset because I think the so-called twist is a OTP change, I’m pissed off because of the pointlessness of the entire process.

    Let me explain – a good drama has both journey and result. The characters travel a journey that is well-crafted and meaningful, and reach an ending that is fitting. If either the journey or ending is lacking, then the drama falters, and may be sustained on non-substantive love for it (such as a viewer loving the OTP, or loving the side characters, etc.).

    M3 is fast approaching failure in the journey, because the new writer is electing for plot contrivance in the eleventh hour over character consistency. I don’t doubt the writer still has MR-MG as the end game, but what happens when her methods make me completely unable to relate to the characters I’ve loved for so many weeks now, and thereby check out of the story?

    (2) M3 is about as scattered a production as some of the most illustrious (*snerk*) wack job dramas out there. Someone mentioned Tsuko no Koi? Yup, probably as much of a train wreck as that.

    When even the staunchest defenders and fans of the drama have a hard time stomaching the general direction the new writer wants to take the story before bringing the Holiday Ship in for a safe landing, then M3 clearly has a HUGE problem on its hands.

    I don’t see perceptive criticism of the preview for episode 15 as hate or jumping the gun with worry. I’m not worried about the ending, I’m upset that all the characters are suddenly spinning in pointless circles yet again, and the story seem so painfully laborious all of a sudden. Like a dying fish gasping for air, it’s a disheartening sight to see.

    • Hear hear! That’s what I’ve been saying since I made the mistake of ruining my Xmas reading that preview. I agree with you that the ending is not in question, but they can potentially ruin the entire drama if the next 2 hours are pointless angst-ridden plot circles. Worse than that, they can destroy the only thing that’s kept this rotten ship from sinking- the 2 main leads (and JI to a lesser degree). Mary epitomizes warmth, love, loyalty, steadfastness, and honesty. By making her “waver” even the teeniest bit, they’ve essentially rendered her entire character and everything she’s fought for up to now, meaningless. Having Mu Gyul lose faith in Mary because of this one
      incident (that’s no worse than the previous misunderstandings) cancels out all the development he’s made during the past few eps, including his public confession. And poor shafted JI will turn into an unstable, clingy bastard who won’t even deserve our sympathy. I’m not afraid that the writer will present us with a bad un-holiday ending. What scares me is that they might make the next 2 episodes so bad that I won’t even care what that ending is.

      Don’t let it ruin your holiday OCKoala!! Have a lovely vacation. Merry Xmas and Happy Holidays to all!!

      P.S. I’ve finally reached the stage of acceptance in the Kubler-Ross Model. 😛

    • Yep yep.agree koala dear.upset with pointless twist.why now and it makes no sense at all.its like forcing all cast running in circle when they should just relax and enjoy the ride

  61. Hey guys, one possible ending. Jung In becomes paralysed. MaeRi feels guilty cos it was her fault. MG leaves. Fast forward 2 years (feel free to insert any number) to another Christmas. Jung In sees how sad Mae Ri is even though she tries to hide it. They are still not married. Jung In who’s now in a wheelchair arranges for Mae Ri and MG to meet somewhere. Mae Ri and MG turn up at venue and are shocked to see each other. There is a letter for each of them stuck to the Christmas tree next to the star (don’t ask me how Jung In climbed all the way up there).

    In the letter addressed to Mae Ri, Jung In writes: BE HAPPY. I AM LEAVING FOR THE US (feel free to insert whatever country you like). DO NOT TRY TO CONTACT ME. BYE BYE.


    Meanwhile, Seo Jun who is heartbroken that MG left, gets drunk at a Christmas party. She takes a cab to the same hill where Jung In and Mae Ri went. She lurches drunkenly up the slope (this is no easy feat, mind you; she IS drunk and it IS a long ways up). She reaches the top of the hill, takes a swig of her soju (soju’s much cheaper than XO), screams MG YOU BASTARD!!!!!! and throws herself down the hill. She freefalls down and dies and goes to hell.


    • wahahahahahahha! chingu…… you’re such an epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you never failed to make me LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bwahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Excuse me but I think that’s too quick and painless a death for Seo Jun. We’ve had to deal with her histrionics for how long now? Quick, someone calculate the total number of minutes that’s how long it should take her to die.

      • Maybe she dies of cirrhosis of the liver due to her numerous heavy drinking binges with the boys.

        Or she gets some sort of scalp cancer from all the red hair dye.,

    • LOL, ha ha ha!! Thank you for sharing joy with your version. It was THERAPEUTIC and my serotonin level has certainly been raised with your hilarity!! I salute all commentators for their contribution. me taking a BOW! Am trying to make the best of it but still hoping that they don’t spin the actors in circles too much. After all, MR&MG are the leads that has kept me afloat for M3.

      M3 viewers are getting wackier by the moment with thanks to the @#$% script writer.

      Back to business, Ockoala, you said “M3 is fast approaching failure in the journey, because the new writer is electing for plot contrivance in the eleventh hour over character consistency.” “completely unable to relate to the characters I’ve loved for so many weeks now”

      You are so right in this. Actually, bit sad with this ‘cos so much talent to work with and yet wasted. Feel sorry for the 2 leads especially when the loyal fans find it hard to relate to their characters.

      BTW, Ockoala, could never thank you enough for all the support behind M3 despite current turmoil in dramaland M3 without whom I wouldn’t have enjoyed M3 as much.

      Still, SIGH!! even if ending sucks, I am so gonna get the DVD ‘cos we may never know if MGY&JGS will ever collaborate again. Gosh, maybe years down the road if it’s anyone’s guess. Have yet to see another Best Couple that can challenge their chemistry. This, I think lots of you will agree, yah?
      [My last best couple was So Ji Sub and Im Soo Jung in Sorry, I Luv You]

  62. I have a solution, you guys. Who says we have to use their script/dialogue? We’ll just make our own subs. For example:
    Drama Mary (DM): I want to go back to before Mu Gyul and I fell in love.
    My Mary (MM): Should I take off my clothes or wait for him to start undressing first?
    DM: I’m causing Mu Gyul too much pain.
    MM: I think he wants me to take his clothes off.

    Drama JI: I love you Mary, will you accept me?
    My JI: Your hair is so shiny, can I borrow your conditioner?

    Something along those lines. Of course in the name of professionalism, I will also offer the “proper” subs for the true masochists out there.

    • hey LizzyD, I got another make-up dialogue:

      Jung In: Mae Ri, pls, pls let’s just stay like this a minute….just one minute…..
      (backhugs her tightly)

      Mae Ri: Jung In sshi, that’s not me you’re backhugging…..I’m over here!
      (strolling in from the side)

      Jung In: (startled) Omo! If it’s not you I’m backhugging, then who am I backhugging?????

      MG: (turning and glaring) It’s me you dumbass! get away from me, you perv!

      Jung In: B…But t…that long hair!!!!!! I…I thought you were Mae Ri!

      Mae Ri: I did tell you to cut all that hair,MG!

  63. I would says “Mary” Christmas!!! I am very sad to for the written preview for episode 15 ’cause I think this story line doesn’t reflect the characters personality at all. But it’s wonderful to share my opinions with you guys and to know that you love the OTP like me. Reading your comments my heart has finally calmed down. Thank you so much!!!

  64. Hello! Is it possible to ask where(if any available) to get the official KBS stills of MSOAN for each episode? =] Thank you so much!

  65. OMG.. you people are freaking hilarious!!! I must say my mood had completely gone down initially but after all the funny comments and scenarios y all of you here.. i’m having a pretty good post-christmas giggle to myself..

    hey LizzyD and jelliebeaniebaby.. could you gals please translate some of your ‘work’ and post it on KBS’s MSOAN site.. it may give the scriptwriter some ideas… thanks

    • You flatter me so much! I don’t feel competent in doing that, but anyone who would like to has my permission to do so. It makes me happy that you enjoy my crazy musings. 😀

    • I actually tried to post there but you have to scan in your passport etc. to even register. I don’t have a scanner. Plus, I’d probably get arrested if I posted what I really want to say. I don’t think S. Korea prison wouldn’t suit me. I’m pretty sure they don’t feed you red velvet cheesecake there.

  66. i think MMM ‘s writers doesnt know about what we want. we all wanted a nice cristmas eve but they gived us such silly episode.
    and now mountain!! oh what could i say…

    • yeaaahh.. throughout the episodes, i never see MR go to any mountain when she’s sad n now all of the sudden, she’s going to the mountain???

      and also, the one thing i miss in the drama is when MR does the counting in the 1st episode when she’s upset. I thought that was one of her unique characteristics but i don’t see that any more.

  67. I used to feel so depressed after every sad ending of the drama or anime. like when I watched ‘Bokura Ga Ita’ animation. gosh I was depressed for a week. I wanted to share my agony and frustration.
    I feel sooo good to find this website. first for Koala’s preview of the episode which and second, the comments of people like me who want to share.
    Thank you Koala for the preview…
    As I mentioned somewhere here that I totally lost the interest in the story (well since I’ve come this far I want to know the ending no matter how stupid or disappointing it will be)… I watch the show without english sub and can’t be bothered to understand what they are saying (that is how bad I lost my interest in the story). also because I get to get the preview from Koala here and I go back and watch it again. I watch it just because of the actors who are adorable, especially the 3 main leads.
    Thank you all, you guys have made my drama world a bit more interesting.

  68. Does anyone remember the end of episode 8 and how we were all happy and giggling like school girls? Do you remember how we could not wait for the next Monday?
    This K-Drama should come with a warning like cigarettes. CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEART!! All those poor unsuspecting people in all those countries that this drama has been sold to and are barely getting to see Ep. 1.
    I’ve deleted all bookmarks and all songs pertaining to JGS or MSOAN and weaning myself slowly from them.
    I am walking around as if someone had died, that’s terrible. Not a drinking woman but I am drinking tonight.

    • Rory’s mom, don’t worry, the next stage of grief is acceptance. I hope you reach that stage soon. It took me awhile too. Don’t delete everything yet! Or at least don’t delete the music, especially since JSG went to the studio to record it while everyone else got time off!! Maybe somehow this hot mess can still be salvaged!? If anyone can do it- it’s the Double Geuns!! We must keep faith! Oh no, I think I’m regressing and back to the Denial Stage again. It’s because I went back to watch the early episodes. Remember when they were innocent, happy, and drunk? Maybe they just need to bring back the alcohol?

      Mary Christmas and Happy Mu Gyul!!!

      • Soooo loving the music!!! Thank you for bringing that up.
        I hadn’t taken the time to listen to I Promise You yet and it is up there on my favorites list. Very happy. So if you are feeling down, give this a go. I think it will be therapeutic for your heart. (with English subs)

      • jelliebeaniebaby- I’ve been playing that video a lot- I love it. But the song lyrics make me a little uneasy. It’s basically the words JI says to Mary expanded into a song… I don’t know how I feel about that.

      • Hey Lizzie
        I didn’t see it that way at all. It was very MG and MR for me. Besides, when has JI ever protected MR? He let her see MG and caught her once. Let’s her dad drag her around and beat up on her. Doesn’t save her from falling set and I think he won’t save her on the mountain. Continues to use her for his own and father’s benefit. Didn’t react much to her sleeping on another man’s bed. Only stands up one little time to his dad.

        MG is way more protective than JI. I don’t see JI in this song, I only see MG. Time will tell. Meanwhile, I will enjoy it much!

    • Dear rory’s mom
      I second what LizzyD said about “the next stage of grief is acceptance” I believe JGS put in his all especially into the acting and of course, the singing. His voice has improved a whole lot compared to his singing in YAB. He was so so there.

      Try to accept this. The sooner the better for you. I chose to look at the BIG picture by telling myself that i) there will be FUTURE collaboration between the 2 Geuns and ii) I will get the DVD in support of the Geuns for their work which was exceptional in my opinion.

      Yesterday, I actually had little bit of red wine, beer and guess what, YES, I had soju for 1st time! Just as I took a sip, M3 and the Geuns flashes across my mind from nowhere!! Guess I am also going through process of acceptance in place of disappointment. man.. M3 is POWERFUL..

      See, you are not alone. I am glad we have this playground to vent, rant, air and also, support, compliment etc. etc.

      Of course, again, brownie points goes to Ockoala for this playground. Domo arigato, Gracias, Kamsahamida, Danke schoen, Seh Seh, Merci and THANK YOU…

      Have been watching episode 8 quite a few times now… This episode is not good but DAMN good..

      Hope you will get better with this soon….

  69. It’ s such a wonderful thing that in this playground there are people from very different counties but for the same reason :)!!! Here in Italy it’s 9:30 pm 🙂 and I’m actually insane for this show!!!
    rory’s mom, please don’t drink, we all are in your same situation. If we will be sooo pissed off with the next episode, we could write a fanfic :)…. much more interesting than the original 🙂

    • totally agree with you…koala’s playground has a lot of hilarious people with so much creativity that made me enjoy MSOAN…

  70. am totally calm for now but I will be waiting for koala return with recap so that I can know what I will got.hope they will make a change from their plan next ep after seeing reactions from fans and afraid to face angry fans.I still love MSOAN and will always be.if the end sucks then I will only watch until ep14 and have my own ending.or better if anyone here watch ep15&16 and share it here despite koala haven’t come back that would be great.lets pray for best merry christmas and happy new year

  71. Dear Drama,

    You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone forever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it, 2 episodes and a half ago. Dare not say that a fan forgets sooner than the actors, that my love has an earlier death. I have loved none but you this drama season…

  72. LizzyD, acceptance is so far away right now but I raise my beer bottle to you. Reading the posts on dcinside I saw nothing to indicate this was coming to a beautiful end. They just didn’t like the negativity we the fans had. They really had no clue how to create a seamless ending. Producer, director and screenwriter were all going at each other. I think they finally came to a conclusion but I don’t believe it is an Integrity(MG) and Maeri ending. KMG always said he was a free spirit and that is what they want to go with while JI is the marrying kind even though Maeri doesn’t love him, he don’t care. And she is so clueless that MG love be damned, she will stay with the sure thing JI.
    I say F them all and give me back the last two months cause they should have never brought to fruition a comic that is still ongoing and unsure.
    My love to Moon Geun Young and Jang Keun Suk, weren’t they the ones that got us so involved. I already married them in my head. Rinoa, I will help you write that fanpic. Again, thank goodness this blog is around otherwise I would be a miserable human.

    • Rory’s mom,

      Who is the “they” who doesn’t like our negativity? The production people? I can picture everyone fighting, which is why the drama is a mess. I cannot understand the dcgall translation. Are people speculating or do they actually have insider info? Unless I see some solid proof, I still have trouble believing they’d Mary off to JI. This is not based on my being in denial (heehee) but on things like:

      1. JSG has a huge fanbase, especially overseas. They already sold the broadcast rights to those countries so he has to get the girl.
      2. He is the 1st lead so again, he has to get the girl. There’s very very short list of examples of dramas where the 1st lead lost to the 2nd. Of course I’m excluding series where 1st lead dies/never comes back and 1st lead girl is left without him raising their child.
      3. They’re nominated for best couple in the KBS awards- which I guess would still be plausible with an open-ended ending, but silly if she marries JI.

      I think they’re just trying to heighten the anticipation for the last 2 eps and this silly plot contrivance is designed as a last ditch effort to draw viewers in. I still can’t imagine anything less than a happy ending. Maybe I’m delusional, but I’m not watching ep 16 if your version is accurate. Hopefully ep 15 won’t drive me to drink, since I’m allergic to alcohol.

      • i also think they’re tryin to draw more viewers by making the hell out of the story but it’s just too late. Its only 2eps left. The plots should focus on resolving the conflicts among the fathers, MR, MG, JI etc.. Sighs.. M3 drives me crazyyyyy..

      • Yep agree with you my heart calm down so now I think again,yep maybe they trying to create curiousity and try to seducing those ajuma so that they want to watch it.korean ajuma’s love angst story right?maybe those preview only last first 10mins then all the way happy nyappy merry christmas and happy new year

      • @ LizzyD

        Agree with you. MG’s the lead so he’s bound to get the girl. Even if the lead dies, the second lead doesn’t get the girl.

        Remember in Bad Guy the lead dies and the second lead (my poor Jae Wook) still doesn’t get the girl. Talk about bad luck!

        Anyway I doubt MG’s going to die in this drama.

        Secondly, the second lead never get the girl. I can’t think of a single drama where the second lead gets the girl.

        An exception is Over the Rainbow, but even then it was the second lead GIRL who gets the guy. In Coffee House, I thought the second lead girl would get the guy but again she didn’t. Btw that is the Most Frustrating Show of 2010 for me.

        So I think it’s going to be MG-Mae Ri ending, don’t you guys worry. I’m a Jung In-Mae Ri shipper, but logic tells me he’s not going to win. He’s probably going to die in that freefall, and if he does, I’m catching the next flight to Korea and pushing that writer down the damn hill.

      • Yup, I think it would be MG-MR ending *keeping up hope*
        This drama was sold to Japan, Taiwan and China even before they started filming, and for record price too. After JKS was cast, a Japanese investor came on board. I think it’s quite an investment because this drama was then said to be a joint venture production.
        As the drama was already sold that way, I don’t think they had an option to change the ending, unless the buyers agree to it (and I don’t see how they would agree to it seeing how big JKS fanbase is in those areas and they wouldn’t want to lose viewers).
        It would be MG-MR ending… but what worried me is how to get there.
        7 1/2 hours until ep 15!

  73. new person here! i’ve been lurking for a while… <_< but i agree with all of you, the writer seriously needs to fix her problem! if i don't get holiday couple at the end of ep.16, i will go kill somebody. the writer, definitely -___-

    • welcome! Trust me, you’re not alone in wanting to kill someone! I think LizzyD is forming an army at this very moment if you want to join

    • Agree, agree… he blew us all with eps 11 onwards and now falling flat down the hill. (Still recovering from the shock caused by the eps 15 written preview)

  74. Poll:

    What will MG do with MR’s cream birthday cake?

    A. Throw it against the wall.
    B. Gorge himself on it, drowning his sorrows.
    C. Throw it in MR’s face.
    D. Let it fester and rot into a petri dish of fuzzy green stuff.
    E. Throw it in the trash.
    F. The cake will mysteriously disappear into the dramaland void.
    G. Share it with MR since they are so quick to make up.
    H. Spread it on MR. (blush)
    I. Something else.

    • H but my mind want I.after spread it on MR,MG clean it with his tounge (remember when MG asked MR to put down the curtain and playing with his tounge?)and then the rest NC17.I leave it to your wild imagination,oh I’m sure you can come up with something.xixi *smirjt*

    • Actually, I see MG’s mom there eating it (along with some ice cream MR had stashed in the freezer), but not before MR’s dad comes looking for MR.

      So there are MG’s mom and MR’s dad with a half-eaten cake, getting plastered on the wine and discovering that they are inexplicably attracted to one another, despite their differences about the kids.

      MG walks in to find them smooching. He yells and throws the cake. Mom tries to scoop some up and save it. Then out of guilt, offers MG a smooshed piece…

    • ..or J. Dunk his face on it as a sign of weary and regret for the day he accepted this whole mess of a project.

      I’d say J. I hope this teaches JGS about diversity in roles he accepts in the future. If he wants to be regarded as a serious actor he should really quit doing trendies. YAB is enough already.

  75. I’m still hoping for a happy ending for the holiday couple because regardless of the plot twist MG and MR belong together and I don’t think its possible for the writers/producers/directors not to know that and didn’t MGY say we would be happy with the ending? And I don’t think that they don’t care what fans think because if they didn’t they wouldn’t have done a mid-writer switch cause of ratings or remove that ep 15 preview if they didn’t care at all.

    I would prefer and open-ended compared to MR marrying JI because this whole time she didn’t want to marry someone she didn’t love and she kept on saying she loves MG so I don’t think they could end up settling for that.

    or maybe grasping at straws even if they do a time jump which I hate at least they could end with them meeting up again and smiling then the imagination could do the rest I wouldn’t hate it as much lol.

    But definitely interested in joining the army if they don’t end up together.

    • Amazing how they can take a relatively predictable story and get everyone so confused and worked up. Twist will most likely be that it will have the predictable ending HA HA!

  76. Oh boy. And I thought that there is no activity on Christmas eve and Christmas here at Ockoala’s playground. Was I very wrong! I sure missed a lot ha ha. All the craziness are still up in the air. I’d been laughing so hard about all the theories and about murdering the writer, and Kubler Ross’ stages of grief, etc etc ha ha ha. I really thought that we have a sort of holiday break here, uh, guess not ha ha ha!

    Well, I’m sure MG will get the girl. JGS is the lead right? There’s no way JI will get the girl with MR so in love with MG, unless MG dies which will turn the world upside down with all protesting JGS fans, but JI dying (did I actually read that somewhere from the long list of posts here)? Oh that’s just plain convenient. That would really trigger the murderous, monstrous animal instinct in everyone! This is supposed to be a romcom. No tragic ending please. Well, I don’t mind if it’s JI’s dad, or MR’s dad, or even MG’s mom, or if the writer kills all those awful parents (that would surely make everybody happy) but not JI please, oh no…But if the writer decides that he be paired with SJ in the end, well, he’s better off dead then. This drama really messes up my head!

    Thanks again Ockoala for the 15th epi preview!

    • Yeah our captain havin relax time at onsen but we the crue’s taking control of the fun at the moment but don’t worry our captain is watching us.Yep I hope they notice how big is the fanbase of MSOAN esp JGS want happy ending,MG must be with MS and no angst for 2last episode.

  77. A lot of wasted talent and a potentially epic drama that went awry! The writers had a good start on where they wanted to go with the series, however they had no idea on how to bring it out consistently in each episode. If only they had it all panned out MSOAN would not have turned into such a disaster! Is it to late to redo the entire series? A second time around? Hahhh… Who knows maybe other directors will see what an idealistic couple the Geun couples are on screen and select them for a more suitable drama that won’t waste their amazing talent. I know that the drama will already have MSoan lovers supporting them.

    • my dear anonymous
      you took the very words out of my mouth!!! Right on, how about version 2. a remake of the whole thing with a new writer and we all get our story where we want it to be. how’s that? I truly can’t find any better than Geun couple on screen. They’re just so natural with each other.

      Couldn’t agree more. am glad we are all on the same boat. we are the world, we are like United Color of Benetton! All coming together for the same course, and what may that be? MARRY ME, MARY!

      • oh, pretty please, can we be the writers? we’d do a waaay better job at making everyone happy with the ending and all.

  78. Don’t worry everyone. Have a positive feel that we should see our MG and MR happy together again before the end of ep 15.

    Remember MG bought MR a cat necklace? Well then there has to a scene where he gives it to her, right? So our cute couple should still sail safely to happy ever after land amidst rainbow colours and sparkling waters.

    Counting down to Monday’s M3 again and hoping some kind, kind soul would quickly upload it to youtube! Love u’all.

  79. KJW acting as JI is so cool.
    He has manly personality and his personality is too good to act as 2nd lead for MG.
    Due to the fine man actor like JI, the drama will not be sweet if he is rejected by any lady.
    The show will sound wise Mary only if she marry JI.

    Or Mary will be show as so cruel that she paid an elder man help by sleeping, kissing and made herself to love another man.

    This is to proof that I am not going to marry your son for your help — paying father debt and save her from poverty.

    Sad to say, without money problem and good job offer by JI, she has easy live and wearing nice clothes but offer to be kiss and sleep with another man.

    Finally make herself fall in love to a playboy rocker who had an ex-girl friend waiting for him. The ex-girl friend had sacrificed so much for him.

  80. It is too bad Mr is acting as a girl ignore the feeling of ex-girl friend of Mg the playboy rocker.

    The ex-girl had sacrificed so much for him, slept with him, waiting for him and spending her most beautiful youth look staying with him.

    The MG playboy after having fun sleeping with her, cheated her and ignore her feeling. MG then start to have a new fresh girl to kiss and finding to sleep …. that is Mary

    If Mary is a wise and nice lady, she should help MG and ex-girl friend relation.

    I think she is acting as crazy and stupid or bad cheap girl. Too Bad! But she is good actress!

  81. I thinthat this drama make some flashes and jokes with other popular dramas as someone notised before. That rainy kiss of JI and MR remembers me of Playful kiss , for exampleq and this montain getting lost about another one. Maybe I am naive but iven the kidnaping seemed well enaught done and helps to the story to go ahead and clarifides the ralations between the characters. So I just worry if one of the heroes is going to be fizikaly hur- only that will make me angry because uit wont be nessesary for such sweet drama.

  82. Gosh! I felt like not watching it anymore 🙁 how can the writer do this in the last two episodes of the drama? It’s so confusing 🙁 but then again, still crossing my fingers – hoping things will work out at the end.

    Hope you’ll enjoy your vacation Koala! Thanks again 🙂

  83. Ok… what does this mean?
    Over at the SUK Baidu Bar, someone was posting a video but the video didn’t end up in the post. The subject is:
    “wow haha… SUK short hair now”

    Can’t find anything to confirm this. Anyone seen or heard anything? If so, it is good news for the ending.

    • Sorry to burst your happy bubble, but that link just says Suk- 4 min dancing = hot. I’m pretty sure it’s an old video. Looks like Beethoven Virus period because of the haircut and he’s a bit chubbier (my fav look by the way).

      I just saw a post that says for ep 15, they’re going to replay a bunch of old cute scenes between the holiday couple. It’s probably a montage. Um… not sure why.

      • Totally pointless, but I think it’s funny…

        I realized why I’m not a JI shipper.
        He reminds me of my grandpa!!!!! HAHA

        I didn’t feel that way about KJW in Coffee Prince, but the JI hair with the slacks, dress shirts and vests, face shape, complexion, cheekbones and body type (long and lanky), it’s grandpa! Although JI has a nicer demeanor. (sorry gramps)

  84. P.S. Don’t worry. I’m scouring the Chinese sites and have recruited my Korean friend to read the Korean forums. I will report back if I find out anything. I doubt it though. They didn’t even post a new preview yet and it’s morning there.

    • Sigh. I have to admit that they have done a stellar job of keeping leaks under wraps. PK had tons of fancams. M3 – virtually nothing. Quite impressive to say the least.

      • Either they’re still doing last minute work on the finale, or they’re afraid of my army!! (as they should be!!)

      • Well I read on facebook that Someone saw Moon Geun Young and Jang Keun Suk at Kangwon National University Hospital today. Also that they were filming at filming at hongdae soon after.

      • Ooh! Heaven, Does that mean that they’re remaking some of it? Not that I want or lovely Geun Geuns to be overworked, but if it means that we’ll get better ending then that’s awesome!

    • I think the hospital sighting was a few days ago. It’s most likely for ep 15. Not sure if just JI and MG were injured, or if it’s just MG. Rumor has it that MG shows up either during or right after the hill roll. Supposedly there will be some lovey-dovey holiday scenes, but no confirmation. That means consume with a jar of salt.

      • Really?that means they refilm it again?I hope that MR just got minor bruise and so is JI.MG who witness all felt regret esp since he also see lovely decoration and he worried like hell over MR and don’t want to loose MR ever again so after that they back with lovey dovey love and get married.btw for those who watch streaming live plese give clue/hint if it worse,full angst/save okay?so that would leave me clue if my heart can watch it.

  85. I think the ending will be mae-ri will die then jung in and MG will spend time together remembering mae-ri then they realize that the both of them see mae ri as a sister and the truth is that there only hiding their feelings for each other….and they decide to live happily ever after…

  86. Where is the 15th preview? I am going to bed, I am sleepy. 🙁

    I’ve just read this:

    Darkness came. And Jung In and Mary lost . Mu Gyul heared that the 2 have been lost their way.
    An incident happen when Mary and Jung In fall down and rolling at the mountain together and Jung In cover her so that she would not harm .

    Oh, poor JI. I hope that he will be fine till the end.

  87. my goodness where the heck did the whole mountain thing come from…that is just insane to the point where you feel like your brain liquefied and all you have is goo…this drama was soo cute even though it was pointless but now its trying to switch to angsty side which is making it just plain moronic….and i had a good feeling about it when it first started… the actors’ talents were wasted on this crap of a drama, they were the only reason i was actually watching…hoping they pick something else in the future that suits their talents better…fighting JGS MGY KJW!!!!

  88. This is just so depressing. At this time, Jung in decides to become more competitive against mo gyul. He is really becoming insensitive. On the other hand, mo gyul is just so inconsiderate. Ugh. He doesn’t even listen to his own girlfriend’s explanation. If he trusts her, he should’ve listened to what Mae ri is trying to tell him. I just don’t understand why the writer has to round up another conflict for the second to the last episode of this series. It’s exciting, but I’m freaked out to watch this episode. I might get disappointed. Ugh

    • seriously! the writer always has to have MK run into MR and JI when they’re doing something weird (like kissing, JI on top of MR, or backhugging!) and then he gets ticked off at her. we’ve had like, three rounds of this already! they should come up with something new instead of using the same thing over and over again!

      yeah, me too. i’m scared to watch ep.15 and 16. i have to wait until subs come out though, or i don’t know wth they’re talking about 🙁

  89. Aww chucks, thank you LizzyD. Stayed away from computer as much as I could.

    I don’t know if true but I read they want to end with a narrative/epilogue from MG.
    Lot’s of talk between production people on the MSOAN page on how it will end. I believe that they are trying to keep it all under wraps but reading the posts makes me want to repeat what Ockoala said. WHAT A TRAIN WRECK.

    “But I was a happy man thank you, Mary Christmas” mg

    • I’m all for the epilogue if he’s holding a holiday baby in his arms and Mary somewhere nearby. Seriously though, what the heck do we need an epilogue for if they can just tie it all up nicely? It’s not like we’re asking for much and we already know they’re all stupid!

      • aw, a holiday baby would be very, very nice… XD

        eh, they probably want to have an epilouge to show “how MK has changed because of MR and how he is no longer afraid of commitment.) -_-

        as long as i have boating scene, i’ll be happy. it’s not hard to please me. the writer just doesn’t try to though.

  90. Hmm well I don’t think it’s really being “insensitive” of JI.
    I believe we’re supposed to feel bad that the JI-MR couple hasn’t exactly become competition with the MG-MR couple. I mean, that last scene is supposed to show us that he does really care about being with her- because he does have feelings for her- although MG walks in, we do have to take consideration that JI has feelings for her! Being selfish or not- what feelings aren’t selfish? — because like we’ve mentioned before, MG hasn’t been a little childish regarding the the past 2 episodes. I mean. I got upset with the whole wedding dress thing- that was really just.. seriously! haha. But I mean, I feel like we’re attacking JI so much. Haha. And overanalyzing “feelings.”
    Now, I think we all forgot that EVERYBODY in the company was mention SJ and JI being a great couple. And MR felt a little awkward – she had said, “Why doesn’t he just marry/date someone like her?” (so if something happens regarding JI after MG-MR get together; we’re obviously going to see them together)

    Just sharin’. 😉

  91. sooo until now we don’t have any preview yet, sigh…

    The waiting is killing me… And im definitely going to livestream tonight at 8pm…

    Give me some hints pleaseeee… I want MG-Mary at the endd..

  92. whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! what a hullabaloo we have in here!!! i’m a JI shipper but i understand what you guys are going through. m3 is MG and MR love story so they ought to end up together at the end. it doesn’t make sense if she’ll end up with JI. this is not heavy drama… this is rom-com after all 🙂

  93. I usually use tvuplayer. But it’s been a really long time since I’ve watched anything live since it’s middle of the night for me.

  94. still….. my prediction after all these brouhaha is that an mg-my ending. we will see a wedding to come at the last episode just like in the beginning of this drama, a wedding of ji and mr supposedly but to much surprise of the attendees most especially evil daddy and daddy looser, ji will send off mr to mg instead, keeping his promise to her that he will take care of her. ( in this case, by taking care most of mr’s happiness.) 😀


    i made this short cos, i’m after the ending only. heheh!

  95. 5 hours to go. I have to predict cause I won’t look at this computer until tomorrow. JI gets hurt, MR gets amnesia. JI and MR go off together. MG celebrates birthday by himself or band members or SJ (who by the way, has been loyal to the love for MG).
    Tears for MG but SJ comforts. MG tells loser daddy off about selling his daughter. Evil daddy dies. All this in 1 hour so that ep 16 is welcomed better.

    • Ok, you’re going to drive me to drink, which would be very unfortunate since I’m allergic. So you will have indirectly caused my death. Hopefully, none of this will happen and Mu Gyul, Mary, and I can all live happily ever after (not together).

    • naah I think they wont do that, they want to seel it over the world wide so that means no making fans upset and get angry right??so MG and MR will be together I just hope they wont put lots shit in this episode 15 and only have very happy ending at last minute…btw who will watch live tonight??I want to watch but I don’t know is I have my heart ready…

  96. I totally agree with LizzyD!!! We still don’t know anything and maybe they’re changing some stuff!!! Anyway, we have to be optimistic till the vey end :)!

      • awww.. you guys.. hang in there!!! think someone said very well earlier..

        this show was sold for very high prices overseas, cos of MGY and JKS.. KBS would be very darn foolish to not to finish with a MG and MR pairing… economically and practically, it would be suicide.. so I think that MG and MR will end up together, simply becos that’s what all the overseas broadcasters signed up for..

        we WILL have our happy ending ladies. do not fret… 🙂

      • Withdraw? What does that mean? Are you folding? This not poker! We’re in it to the death!! I still have all my butter knives lined up for backup.

    • yeah she is..wonder why..she wear different weds dress from ep 14 right??I guess she Married with MG but why so sad??don’t tell me with JI??NOOOOO

  97. Remember the opening episode where the wedding was at the grave yard?
    JI died and Mary continue with the wedding to fullfil his dying wish. MG turned out to be JI step brother and takes over JI place to marry Mary.

  98. hey guys you made me laugh so hard with your many endings!!!! love them all!!!!!
    i’m so sure we will have our mary christmas and happy new year ending!!!! i’m looking forward to it 😀

  99. I am reporting in to say that I’m not going to bother watching ep 16 tomorrow night. You guys have been AWESOME for all the support and laughs. No, nothing happened in ep 15- well except for everyone except the parents acting out of character. I’m not worried about the ending- I just don’t care. My heart ached for JSG and MGY in this episode because they looked sooo puffy-faced and tired. I can’t believe they had to come in to work to film this crap.


    1. MG breaks up with Mary because he has lost faith in their relationship. Then he basically acts like a jerk for the entire episode despite Mary apologizing many times and their friends intervening. The two spend most of the rest of the episode playing loud music (MG), quitting his job and ruining his career (MG), and crying alone (both).
    2. The 2 wacko dads continue their wedding plans hahaha, not with each other. With loser daddy buying Mary’s Korean wedding garments and demon daddy handing out invitations at JI’s office.
    3. Mary for some unfathomable reason, goes to the BOOKSTORE to clear her head, where she of course runs into JI.
    4. They all go to some workshop up on some mountain FOR NO APPARENT reason.
    5. Mary wanders around the mountain crying til she falls and JI gets injured. Now MG is wandering around the mountain looking for her. hahahah Ok, I laughed a little at this. Then he finds them HUGGING bc she’s trying to keep him warm. And then he stalks off.
    6. Mary is at the hospital promising to take care of the unconscious JI…..

  100. P.S. I forgot to mention that the previously crazy, unstable, selfish, and obsessively-in-love-with-MG Seo Jun is now HELPING Mary and MG. I wish I were joking. Apparently, I tuned in to the wrong channel tonight. I don’t know any of these people.

      • Thanks for sharing the link, Irene! My gosh, and we only have one episode left. What is left for tomorrow, I wonder… and I’m thinking what medical condition JI has. “He’s alright but couldn’t wake up? It’s like he’s just sleeping?” He’s in a coma, but apparently he’s alright? So what happened to his brain? It just conked out? or the writer’s brain, I should say. Is it the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome then? Only it’s the second lead prince who has it and probably the princess would really kiss the second lead awake back to the craziness this whole drama is. Maybe that’s why JI chooses to stay in a coma…

        What happened to MG? I don’t think his character is consistent with what he did by the end of the 15th episode. I mean why would he make MR choose between him and a patient on such an awful timing? Oh, yes I forgot. It’s because it’s the second to the last episode and time is running out…

        I made an MV, yet again, while gnashing my teeth, waiting for the last two episodes. I’d like this to share with you thinking this should, somehow, be the likely end…

      • Thanks Irene for the link! I got to watch ep 15 raw with the aid of this link. Like many of the commenters here, am hoping ep 16 will be a happy ending. Thanks again! 🙂

  101. crap, crap, crap 🙁
    Lizzyd, don’t go…we’ve still got to use your blunt knives on the writer remember? sleep well, you’ve got a whole army here waiting for you.. come back tomorrow please..

    • I’m afraid I might either smash my laptop or accidentally kill someone in my family in a fit of rage if I come back tomorrow. The best part is, I have to rewatch this piece of crap to sub it too. I AM NEVER WATCHING LIVE AGAIN. Ever. I will wait til the drama completely airs and then see if it’s worth my time.

      • well,i almost crushed my hand ph after i threw it to wall.this ep is mixture of crap,stupid and crazy ideas.I love jks..but I hate mg here?He is totally different!wasted talents!

  102. OMG I am here to report the nail in the coffin. At the end, MG goes to see Mary at the hospital (where JI’s dad is being a bastard screaming at his comatose son) and tells her that she’s “done enough” and she has to choose between JI or him NOW. Then he takes her silence as her “decision” and leaves. I kid you not. I am about to cry tears of rage.
    Army – Prepare yourselves!!

    • I’m with you…although I want to bang on MG but the blame still on writter…gosh!!!! why make MG such a jerk..and here I think SJ become a good girl telling MG not to make the same mistake as to her but boy he just being selfish..I can understand that MR wants to be there when JI wakes up, I think its her way to feel less guilty and MG just being stubborn and jerk..gosh..I lost my words…I will wait last episode..even if its happy end, not going to watch this episode…make my heart aching hard.

    • I don’t know… why can’t MR just choose MG? she knows he has trust issues and as it is, he doesn’t know what to think abt MR and JI’s relationship.. why can’t she just follow her heart, instead of clinging onto reponsibility and what not? BIG SIGH….

      and on the other hand, why can’t MG wait and see what happens to JI, he knows MR will feel responsible and will have to wait for JI’s outcome before going to him.. but honestly, what if JI does not wake up? Will MR just dedicate herself to looking after comatose JI becos she feels responsible?

      Thinking abt it, I think i’m with MG on this one.. she can’t possibly string MG on indefinitely becos of JI right?


      • That situation should not even happen!!! There should be no such conversation and no such resulting “break-up”. That’s all I have to say. It’s an insult to people with even partially functioning brains.

      • I hate MG now-this is his fault that this happen.if he just listen to her.I wonder when he will be mature,not stomping out when he in jealouse mad.
        I understand he wants MR all to himself.can’t blame MR for at least want to wait till JI woke up because she felt guitly.if only MG ask to make a choose at different situation MR would be positively run to MG.MG should say that he sorry and will accompany MR there and that would solve the mess.gaah idk what else to say.this drive me crazy.damn stupid writter.

      • Somehow I’m with MG too in this, because I just HATE self-sacrificing heroine. It didn’t get anything done but making people around her miserable. To ask MG to wait until JI wakes up when it’s not clear he would wake up… he’s not one to do that. He’s not someone who waits, but someone who acts. To think that this is the first time he opened his heart again for someone other than his mom… and he still didn’t get picked when he asked her to choose.
        The look on his face in the last scene broke my heart T_T

        I think it’s normal that he was angry to see his girl being hugged by another guy when she clearly told him she wouldn’t go to JI’s house anymore, that she wouldn’t move an inch and would be waiting for him at home. And before his anger subsided, came the wedding invitation when she told him she had told the fathers she wouldn’t marry JI and that the wedding was off. Not that he wasn’t a jerk the whole episode, but somehow I can understand what propelled him? LOL ;P

        Still, all this angst are so unnecessary. I want my sweet Holiday couple back. I want my mungmung and nyaong back… *should we supply a crate of soju to the set so they would get drunk and start mung-nyaong-ing again?*

    • Just knew they would make Jung In unconscious. Well, next ep he’s going to make a miraculous recovery. More bickering. More tears. Someone says goodbye. MG or Jung In or Mae Ri. Pick one. The end.

      • SJ who is now good and kind applies to join UNICEF as goodwill ambassador.She flies to Africa, meets Angelina and Brad, and becomes personal nanny to their kids. As a reward, Angelina gets her a part as Agent XXX in Salt II. They all live happily ever after.

  103. Pretty much everyone echoes my sentiments, and honestly, I do not have much confidence that 1 final hour-long episode can redeem much of the mess the drama has built up over so many episodes. But since I made it this far, and out of due respect to the cast who are still biting the bullet on this drama, I’ll see through it to the finale once and for all.

    I wonder how our captain is going to react at this episode once she sees it back from her vacation?

    • Yep!I surely think that JGS and MGY start to regret sign contract with this crazy drama but big applause they keep working hard till the end so gona watch final ep like final end the last minute,tiny happy end if they make that though.

  104. *Sigh*
    This writer has obviously written too much of her script while she was on crack. Wasn’t she supposed to SAVE the show? And now we don’t even have any cute Holiday Couple moments to get us through all of the nonsense? Life suuuuucks.
    If I don’t get to spend the entirety of episode 16 giggling like a school girl at how many MG/MR moments there are, I might just be ready to kill someone.
    And this, everybody, is why dramas REALLY take a toll on your sanity.

  105. I am so disappointed about episode 15 after reading the recap of MSOAN in another blog site…No words can explain the pain in my heart right now…The writer totally lost it…If MR and MG will not end up together after building up a strong relationship in the past 14 episodes, this K-drama is really a failure…

    In the previous episode, MR was portrated to be a loyal girl and one who believes in marriage out of love…How come that she decided to be with Jung-in in episode 15 out of obligation or guilt?…Marriage out of compassion or obigation won’t work!…Did the writer reasearched about what it take for a marriage to work?

    As for MG, he was portrayed to be a changed man in the past episodes because of love…Why did the new writer sabotage his character in episode 15?

    As for JI, he has already accepted that MR love MG and not him..Why did the writer tried to salvage JI’s character?

    If the writer is trying to extend the storyline by putting up these conflicts then it is a big mistake…

    Out of respect to the actors and actresses who worked hard for this drama, I will support it up to the very end…JGS and MGY deserves an big round of applause as the curtains for M3 closes tomorrow…

    • Yes, I totally agree with every word you wrote. Episode 15 is the worst episode so far, nothing makes sense and everything is going backward instead of making progress. Mugyul changed so much and now he retreating to what he was before Mary? Mary worked so hard to avoid arranged marriage for real love and now she’s giving in? Why? Why? I can’t express how frustrated I was when watching this episode..urrghhhh.

      Out of my love for the OTP (Mary & Mugyul) in this drama , I’ve continued to watched it even though the plot didn’t make any sense. There was never a couple with so much chemistry that can carry on the show by themselves. If the writer decide to kill the only thing that makes this drama going, then this show is declare crap and a waste of time for me. I will never watch another drama written by this writer.

  106. The writer is on drug and obviously writing when she’s high on something. Episode 15 is absolutely meaningless and frustrating to watch. I wish I knew where she lives so I can kick her and vent on my frustration for messing up what could be a beautiful show.

  107. Absolutely agree with you Moom, why does MG always have to play second fiddle to JI? Mary got him to be the make believe lover AFTER her dad registered her marriage to JI, she stays over at MG’s place only AFTER staying the night before with JI and now she can only come to MG AFTER JI wakes up?!!??!!! Precisely, what if JI does not or take a decade to wake up? Does that mean she will stay by JI, waste her life away and make MG wait? If you really love someone, why is that person NOT your top priority and the first person that you want to be with against all odds? I am also with MG on this one, choose now Mary. Afterall, she can always come visit JI occassionally just like any ordinary friend and should not want to stay by his side 24/7. Mary’s actions are seemingly contradictory to her declaration of who she really loves. How would Mary feel if MG says he will come to her after SJ wakes up in a hypothetically similar situation? Despondent, I’m sure. Furthermore, did Mary ask JI to follow her into the mountains? If he had not followed her on his own accord (probably trying to catch her in a moment of weakness), she may not have fallen. And even if she were to fall, MG will find and rescue her. So why should Mary feel that she is responsible? At this rate, she can even say that she is responsible for north and south Korea!

    I can’t understand to what purpose does Mary feels that she owes JI any loyalty. JI did nothing for her. In fact he deliberately booked MG for a lot of work on christmas eve, just so that he could have Mary for himself. That’s why he was all prepared and waiting with food and festivities, calling Mary repeatedly that night knowing that MG would be away working (he even told Mary that MG will be very, very late – thus its okay for her to come to him first). What a scheming low life – the reason why he has no friends? To set the record straight, MG is the one HELPING JI’s company gain recognition with his talent and NOT the other way round.

    Anyway, all this ranting is because there is simply a lack of LOGIC in the writer’s work. If the writer persists on going his/her egoistical ways, then I can only say that I don’t mind Mary not ending up with MG because she does not know what love is, how important it is to hold on tight and how precious is MG. MG’s faithfulness to the relationship, change, care and tenderness towards Mary, already makes him the gold standard. If Mary can sacrifice him for all kinds of warped, domestic reasons then clearly she is not deserving of attaining that gold standard. She will live a life of regret and oppression because she live for the expectation of others and forgot to live for herself. MG will move on and find his real true love (not SJ definitely), one with courage, resolution and faith.

    Can someone provide me with the name of the writer/writers? I will steer clear of all his/her future projects. As a matter of fact, I should avoid KBS altogether!

    • I totally agree on everything that you wrote…

      MG also saved MR many times in the previous episodes, MG changed to be a better man for MR and no doubt the MG love MR so much…So why did MR choose JI in Episode 15 if she really love MG?…Loyalty is not enough for a marriage to work…It must also involve real love…

      Why did the writer sabotage MR and MG relationship in Episode 15 after building it up in the past 14 episodes?…The plot is so inconsistent….I will nominate M3 new writer as the worst K-drama writer for the year 2010 if she don’t fix this mess tomorrow…

    • you wrote exactly what I was trying to say with my limited writing skill.

      All of his life, MG has never become the priority with the person he loved. Not his mom, and now, not MaeRi. No one ever put him first. And when he realized the girl he loved wouldn’t pick him, again, my heart just broke for him…
      Even if MR picked him, I don’t think he would ask her to stop visiting JI. He might even go there with her, but with the confidence that his girl picked him before anyone else.

      And I hate how the writer made JI character wishy washy (another trait I can’t stand besides self-sacrificing heroine). One time he said he would support MR and MG, he even helped them hiding them from her father, and then bam, he wanted MR for himself. After the damage is done, after seeing how MR cried and how miserable he was, then he went back to giving her up. All in a matter of one episode. Why didn’t you just do that in the first place and save us all this trouble?? >.<

      I want my holiday couple back!! T_T

  108. I can’t sleep out of frustration…It already 1:57 am Singapore time…This is the second time I got emotionally down due to K-drama…The first time was Hwang-Jini where JGS played Eun-ho, Jini first love who dies of pnuemonia…

    I just hope MG and MR will have their happy ending tomorrow..If not, I will refrain from watching K-drama for few months….

    • Oh man, that was heart-wrenching!! I only watched it to see him, I confess. I also had my heart broken by Moon Jae Shin. However, he is so hot I keep re-watching and re-breaking again and again. hahahah At least I always knew he was never going to get the girl and the storyline was good.

  109. Larkspur,

    You’re welcome! 🙂

    Unfortunately, I have no right to view your MV! 🙁
    “This video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. ”

    “My gosh, and we only have one episode left. What is left for tomorrow, I wonder…”

    I know exactly how you feel… anything happens tomorrow, they can’t make up how I feel now.
    My forecast is that Mary is going to consent to Marry with JI, because of loyalty and pity, but JI finally will be acting again like a noble jerk(sorry about the marker), and helps MG to realise what is good for Mary and everyone, so that JI is going to swap places with MG before the wedding, without informing Mary and the dads first. But in this theory, the boys choose not Mary, so… oh, I just hate, hate the writer! I don’t want everything to be happening in the last minutes and drop me the “everyone lived happily ever after” crap. This is just not realistic anymore, not after watching episode 15. 🙁

    • I just wanted again to clarify. That picture is by MGY’s manager. However, he didn’t mention anything about who she ends up with because he’d totally get fired. The rest was by some other poster, claiming to have reliable info on DC. I’m not saying that they won’t be together (or that I even care).

      • I’m pretty sure this is how it plays out: JI wakes up, realizes stuff about his past (he’s adopted) and decides to free himself from his dad. He may or may not have some lingering health problems, causing Mary to decide to marry him. He insists he just wants her to be happy, which makes her even more determined to marry him. MG’s band buddies and new BFF SJ try to convince him to stop the wedding (how convenient the invitations already sent), but he is beyond caring. Then JI, at the last second (literally) decides to either send Mary off (in her wedding dress) because he loves her too much to let her do this, or lets/tricks MG (who suddenly also decides he can’t live without Mary) to take his place. Happy Ending, with zero resolution of any plot or character issues.

        This is my guess based on the writer’s style and the cheesy plot points that would be the extent of her creativity.

  110. Hey LizzyD, hope you are sleeping. You worry me as well. I have not reached acceptance but because of this blog I am calm.
    I would like to point out that JGS fans could care less how this turns out, they adore him.
    When he killed those two in Hong Gil, I was right there with him saying stuff like Yeah! Die you traitors and “that’s what you get for loving an ugly guy over my JGS”.
    MGY can not do anything but be great in all that she does. She turned herself into this clueless bumbling 24 year old virgin who believes in the kindness of humans with caution. She made us believe she is MR. These two were/are amazing and I hope that the rumor/speculation about a possible movie with them comes true. But you know rumors.
    The writers forgot this was billed as rom-com not melodrama. There were funny things at times and loving things too but these so called writers need to go back to school or something cause we are not amused.
    MG didn’t change, he always had that temper, look back on all the fights and who instigated, we just love him so much that we hoped he would change where MR is concerned but that is a hard thing to do when your heart is on the line.
    JI, (you all love the actor) he scares me the most. Hidden agenda and abused as a child and even now by his God (father). Created a drama that closely resembles the goings on in his life, he is studying much like Hannibal Lecter studied his victims. Ok I am not comparing just saying there is something seriously wrong with his mind and voila he doesn’t want to wake up.
    Am glad I did not watch just read all your posts. Miss our captain though.

    • I was sleeping and I’ve more or less moved on. JSG will always be my brighest star (heehee) and I’m glad I finally watched MGY in something. I hope KJW finds a better drama as well because I’ve liked him in previous works. I am still debating whether I will tune in to ep 16, out of respect for the actors.

      I agree that MG always had a bad temper and violent outbursts, but I think he was gradually changing over the past few eps- for example, how he kept telling himself to trust Mary. In addition, that last scene- I just cannot picture him saying/doing that. He knows more than anyone else what type of person Mary is. It makes no sense for him to make her choose right then.

      Seo Jun being ambassador totally made me laugh. I can’t believe she was the one person who came out of this hot mess in decent light. That really tells you a lot.

      Lastly, I have one question. How does such an episode get aired? Even if a writer sucks and doesn’t know how to do her job- what about the rest of the production crew? The director? The producer? Does no one care? Because I have trouble believing that they thought that was good.

      • LizzyD I was looking at the twitter and right now she is ecstatic cause it is finished. @action1030 is MGY manager and he is beaming as if he had really married his own daughter off but I cannot tell who she is marrying. It happens in the last 3 minutes of the episode and SHE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL.

    • See post above. I’m telling you- it’s going to be a wedding with JI with a last second switch to MG. That’s for sure a wedding dress she’d wear to marry JI- NOT a MG+ Mary dress. I’m trying to think like a dumb person and imagine the direction of the “plot”. That’s how I reached this conclusion. It was very hard to shut off 99% of my brain to bring myself to the writer’s level, but that’s my conclusion.

      • totally agree with you. It’s a wedding dress satifying JI’s dad.

        I’m very disappointed about this drama. As a Jang Keun Suk’s fan, I really do care how the dramas turn out. I’ve never minded if he got the girl or not, I more focused on how well story would execute. In Hong Gil Dong, He didn’t deserve the girl and I’s OK with it.
        My heart ached. He and Moon Geun Young are like ‘match made in heaven’. They deserved things better than this crap.

  111. Two final things to add:

    1) I don’t want Mary for MG anymore, UNLESS she crosses the bridge on her OWN accord and come to MG WHOLE-HEARTEDLY. Who wants a half-hearted love?

    2) Enough of JI’s fake nobleness. He is rotten to the core. He hasn’t helped MR & MG in ANYWAY except for creating misunderstandings after misunderstandings between the two of them. Words and actions are always in contradiction and yes very much an understudy of Hannibal Lecter.

      • LizzyD, it’s back to American shows for me. I did watch the Coffee Prince and it’s ending was too bland. I guess I am used to “Rachel and Ross” scenes. Friends.

      • I could never give up Kdramas, there are just too many hot guys. hahaha There will be many other good dramas! I’m rewatching Sungkyunkwan Scandal and then will move on to rewatch You’re Beautiful next. Happy times. Very sad that I now consider my heart breaking over Moon Jae Shin “happy”.

  112. Ok remember when they were on the bridge and they both said go go. that is the line i keep reading that they? welcome the new year screaming out their names.

  113. OMG.. I haven’t watch the whole episode but I just read the live transcap by softy. & Im so so so upset with the writer!!!! The episode is totally a mess. The reactions of MG and MR totally doesn’t reflect their real characters. Even us the watchers can think of a better ending but the writer????? ARrrrrggghhhhh! Im so mad!

    I think we should start marching now. It’s really the perfect time to attack the writer..

  114. Manager Kim says that the last shot is so sad. Could mean a lot of things. Do you guys feel betrayed and beaten. I kinda do cause it really seems like stupid Mary marries JI or his father but not MG.
    To the character MR (FU).
    I’m out for today but I hope you guys post tomorrow.

    • Lizzy,rory’s mom,idk what else to say.don’t even eager to download last ep.I will just read the recap,my heart breaking so much and here I thought that when they took down the preview we have a change but instead of this crap.not even happy if its end up swap marriage MR-MG when its suppose JI-MR on last 3min of last ep?totally crap!riddicilous!I knew it I shouldn’t trust new writter,after all she did write for 18 vs 29..

  115. Yeah I didn’t even watch ep 15. Just transap from softy.. I’m slightly disgusted. Just a waste of everything. Even if this epi was going to help ep 16 it made no sense and wasn’t necessary! They once again broke our hope that the writer is capable of giving MSOAN justice! The most dissapointing part was how the epi is exactly like preview! You didn’t even need to watch it to miss Anything! Even if MG and MR end up together, it’s not the same. In just one epi the writer destroyed the GeunGeun relationship dynamic and it’s sweet organic love story.

    • yes!!! MG and MR was supposed to be a very loving couple, no matter how the situations look doubtful, they always trust each other. In this eps, the writer destroyed it!!! Since when MG has ever made MR suffer and cry that much???!! It never happened before cause of the strong love bond that they share..&& now, it’s no longer there and the drama is not that very attractive any more. Sighs!!!!!

  116. I had to come back and comment otherwise I get depressed. I tried not to look around but look I did. Apparently MR falls in love with JI and MG asks him will you be there for her always. MG stays free and tries to reconcile with SJ. I read this in dcgall. Apparently the author of this manhwa is pleased because it is about learning to love and not first love. MR says that she will grow to love JI because of the patience he showed with her.
    Yeah I am a spoiler but do you guys really want to get your teeth kicked in again. The wedding song is I will promise you and MG is happy for MR who finally got married. Now I can”t stop crying. Yeah I could have read wrong but no I don’t think so.


      No no no no no~ This is not fair at all.. Im sory Rory’s mom about the long ‘what’.. I feel like crying right now..

    • That’s speculation, right? Because this is a drama and it’s still all about the money. This series was sold as a JSG+MGY production overseas. Plus, who will buy the dvd? I just don’t see anything less than a happy ending for them (even if it’s last minute). After the complete decimation of both characters in ep 15, it doesn’t really matter to me how it ends.

      Please don’t cry. You’re making me sad. Let’s all go watch You’re Beautiful together. What do you think?

      • Hi LizzyD,

        I second your encouragement of rory’s mom not to cry…I read somewhere that 2011 is the year of the rabbit. Hopefully, the K-dramas in 2011 will be as cute as the rabbits 🙂 and will not make us cry!

        Thanks also for your witty posts here. I discovered yesterday you were the main translator of ep 8. Awesome job!

      • Haha, that’s exactly what I do when a drama disappoints me: re-watch one that I absolutely loved the whole way through. I say everyone organizes a You’re Beautiful pity party.

      • @ grumpy- ep 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, and soon to be 15. You have no idea how much of my (limited) free time was invested in this drama. I will somehow find a way to get through translating ep 15 and then I’m retiring. Thanks for the kind words.

      • why I always agreed with you:) It’ll be happy ending no matter what. KS and MGY are the selling point for the oversea market, especially JKS after the success of ‘You’re Beautiful’.

        It’s just how damaged this show’ll do so far for the ending. I don’t have any faith left for the writer no more. It’s really one of the worst drama with the best OTP(for me) of the year.

      • yup, that’s what i will do, re-watch my 8th times you’re beautiful again as i used to do when i see something bad, sigh

    • Hi rory’s mom,
      Thanks for your passion for M3. Thanks also for the heads-up of what dcgall is saying about ep 16…OMG! OMG! OMG! After watching ep 15 raw, I thought i can get a few minutes break from being disgusted over the screw up of ep 15. Instead I read this news…Is it really true dgcall is saying that in ep 16, MR and MG are NOT going to end up together????!!!! Why?!?!?!?!?!?! What was the point of spending 13 1/2 episodes highlighting the MR-MG pair if in the final epsiode they do not end up together?!!! What a MAJOR LETDOWN will it be!!!

      Please count me in when the “overcoming grief and disgust over M3” group therapy sessions starts.

      Grumpy 🙁
      (formerly bashful)

      • The thing is that we are looking at it from our point of view as what we want. This story has not even come to a conclusion in the manhwa and I read the author was in the audience. This story is about finding love and learning to love from MRs point of view. The author is all about loyalty but through loyalty you can find love. MG is not mature enough yet to have complete trust therefore no complete love. What I am reading is that JI does talk to MG and they come to that decision. Not quite friends but MRs happiness.
        The lead does not get the girl, that is the twist. The production likes it and us better get used to it.

    • Also, if you send me the exact thread, I can ask my friend to translate it properly. I ran across something similar to what you described, but it was one fan’s version, partly posted out of frustration.

      • Rorys mom, thanks for the spoiler! Now I can expect the worse. I disagree with the manga writer. She stated it’s not about first love but learning to love… Well by marrying jl she is selling herself short and is learning to love someone she never had feelings for. So the development of their love to start with is based upon comfort of knowing jl will treat her well, give her a good life, and be loyal. In all honesty that is the comfortable life, not one where you seek to live and do better for the person you will spend the rest of your life with learning to love them more than you already do and accepting them. Even Mary’s mom from heaven would disagree. Although passion fades, the realism of a love that is pure surpasses passion. It’s what made Mary’s mom marry her dad on impulse. Even though they had nothing as well, she LEARNED to love him more and more by starting a life together and then eventually giving birth to Mary. yes I think her dad is a contradicting pile of crap and giving his daughter less than what she deserves in the emotional aspect of life. JL was never able to really look into MRs eyes and feel certain that their choices, his choices, were good enough. Even JL is selling himself short by marrying her, he never experienced love. Just his loneliness crying out for someone.

        If the manga writer wanted to pursue the ideas of two people genuinely learning to love one another, then like koala stated in previous posts MG needs to let go of his past

      • And Mary needs to go through the emotional hurdles as well. Didn’t state it as nicely as koala, but those of you whom have read it probably know which post I’m talking about. The crews entire idea on mary marrying JL because she can LEARN to love him. come on, we can contrive a better plot than that. I’m not buying it. It’s like them telling me: ” I know chapchae is an acquired taste for you because you don’t like it. And I know you like to eat sushi. but since sushi gave you food poisoning and now you’re questioning your love for sushi because of fear you will be going through severe pain again for a few days. Maybe you’ll learn to love chapchae so you won’t go hungry. But this is all you’ll be eating THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!! enjoy :)!”
        I know, bad analogy buy you get the point right?

      • Also, Rorys mom you stated that MG is not mature enough according to the script writers point of view. True, but he was starting to until they pulled the rug from under him. Nothing changes over night but MG was trying for mr sake. I’d feel deceived and jaded to find my love being so easily swayed. ESP since I was showing that person my heart. The biggest problem is MR not knowing what she wants now at the final hour when she was preaching for 14 episodes what she wanted. A love like the one her mom had. Aigoo, I’d accept this latter plot if it was written better but now all the characters are out of touch. Reminding me of lost and confused school girl.

    • What the heck!!!??? Pls tell us you’re just kidding, that this isn’t true!!! Pls! Pls! Pls! ….. How can they do this to us?? What kind of (drama) ending is this? It’s just all crap!!! I hate the writer so much that I just wanna strangle her!!! Can’t believe this is happening 🙁 ***Crying***

  117. This is unrelated to the outcome, but I noticed a lot of people are blaming everything on Mu Gyul. I read this on Baidu forum and translated into English (credit to original poster). I thought it was very well written and gives a different perspective.

    [Once the writer turned Mary into someone who is no longer steadfast, decisive, clear, and “loyal”, then Mu Gyul- would you still love her? Is Mary still worth loving? With all the girls throwing themselves at him, he chose Mary without hesitation, assured that she would always be most loyal to him. What is loyalty? It’s not being indecisive, it’s not wavering, it’s not being a flirt. It’s being sincere and resolute in your choice. It’s having faith in “the one”. But in ep 15, Mary has been written into an entirely different person- unrecognizable.

    The characteristics of Mary that touched and captivated Mu Gyul have completely disappeared. Is this kind of love worth pursuing? This is the first time I’ve felt I don’t want Mu Gyul and Mary together. Even though he’s a flirt, Mu Gyul is never vague or indecisive when it comes to feelings. Just look at how resolute he was with Seo Jun. He either loves or he doesn’t, there’s nothing in between. Seo Jun is a beautiful, famous actress from a good background, but Mu Gyul was still cold to her. No matter how she begged, he decisively rejected her. He never once looked back at his past love. Mu Gyul has demonstrated his loyalty to Mary and proven she’s his one and only. But what about Mary….?]

      • Hy Lizzie,

        Owh. I feel sad.. Really. 🙁 After reading your last post.. I’m just feeling so down right now. i’ve never thought the drama would end like this..

    • That’s what I came to agree again. I don’t mind if Mary will end up with JI, but it got to be a good reason, not nonsense again and again with poor writing. From what I watched all episode and it’ll end up she ‘ll marry JI. I’d say WTF with dragging MG with the fake marriage in the first place. Do not compute at all.

    • Thanks LizzyD for sharing this write up from MG’s perspective. I’d like to defend Mary. I think even based on her actions on ep 14 and 15, Mary has remained loyal to MG:

      Ep 14 = Mary’s going to JI after telling MG that she would stay at home and wait for him was not a sign of disloyalty. Let us remember that it was JI that called her to come and almost threatened her about the contract. Mary went to JI not to comfort him or give him company during Christmas and not even out of fear. Rather she went there to stop once and for all any misconception in JI’s mind that she would choose him. In fact, she asked for a divorce. And soon after she did this she left (almost telling JI take it or leave it, that is her final say). But JI gave her a back-hug, which we can interpret caught Mary by surprise and as result Mary could not easily let go. Yet (conveniently), MG still misunderstood this scene.

      Ep 15 = Mary tried so many times patiently (note: love is patient) to explain to MG why she went to JI. Then on the infamous mountain top, she shouted MG’s name, apologizing for making his life difficult and for being selfish in wanting to love him. Now, which disloyal person would apologize to someone she thinks she hurt?

      If only ep 16 would MG realizes this and be reconciled with MR…

      O K-drama gods please hear our plea!!!!

  118. Well, it’s pretty obvious what we want, but setting that aside- I’ve watched tons of Kdramas and I can’t remember that happening more than once or twice max. Plus, like I said, how will they explain this to the broadcast companies/fans who paid millions to have this series aired in their respective countries to see MGY and JSG? Not to be rude to KJW, but he’s not nearly as popular overseas. JSG is HUGE in non-Korean Asian countries.

  119. All I have to say is, episode 16 better make up for ep 15 with Jung In. They’re wasting precious time when there coulda been more romantic Mu Gyul/Mary scenes that make the heart go BOOM! Sorry but watching Jung In is like watching a cold fish pucker up to a sea urchin, PAINFUL!! There better be a Mary/Mu Gyul wedding coming down the pike, c’mon now!!!! > : E (frustrated face!)

  120. I am sorry LizzyD I am still trying to find it cause you know how many there are and I am calming myself down so thank you for the work.

    • Ok, because that site is very confusing to navigate and my friend is using her phone to try to read it. If you can send me an exact link that would be great.

  121. When I go to gall.dcinside I find Mary of the staying out page under KBS then I read the posts that only have titles. These are two of the titles speaking about MR choosing JI. He is referred to as TWO and MG is always INTEGRITY.

    Select two to the integrity that he hyongdeul impatient There’s a hangeol

    Maybe less would not the end of the wedding process thinking.

  122. Oh god so many prediction and none of it I want to happen but it seems bound to happen.MR must with MG!yeah there’s lots drama that I want 2nd lead male get the girl but this is not the drama that I want 2nd lead male got the girl.oh now I don’t want to watch it at all.gosh I usually rerun MSOAN whole day now never.this is one big mess of drama.

  123. thank u rory’s mom for telling us abt what’s going to happen even though i really hope it doesn’t, it makes so sad nd frustrated when i think abt it
    as f the 15th episode what can i say, it turned out to be as bad as i thought it would be after i read the written preview (or maybe worse), i mean the whole episode was pretty much the same as the preview!!! nd i just felt so weird it’s like i was watching another drama nd i couldn’t even recognize the characters that i’ve loved nd have gotten attached to during the whole 14 episodes!!
    i’m sorry for my long post but i’m really fustrated coz this drama could have been much much better if it wasn’t for the weird changes in the script
    i’m still hoping that the last episode won’t disappoint us more even though i’m sure it will (even if it’s a happy ending, if everythg is fixed in the last 3 mins nd they live happily ever after!!! without solving any of the pbs, i’d still be really disappointed coz i really hate that kind of endings the most, they just seem so fake nd rushed, don’t u guys agree??)
    btw, i wonder how thgs would be if the they didn’t change the writer i can’t help but to feel that they would have been better since we could sense from the beginning that she was focusing on mg-mr relationship nd giving it more depth
    anyway i’ve said too many thgs!!!

    • Hi cinta,

      You raised a good question, had the first writer remained would we have a happy MR-MG ending? The first writer, now looking back, did focus on MR-MG relationship, which as a result, made all the other supporting characters boring. Then when the second writer came in, she gave life to JI but ended up creating more misunderstandings between MR and MG which now appears to eventually lead to splitting them apart! Arrgggh!

      Yes, I think the first writer would have written a happy MG-MR ending. Too late now to call her back…Oh what a nightmare! Someone, anyone please wake me up!!!

      • yes exactly u r absolutely right!! she turned mg into a selfish, inconsiderate guy in the last few epis nd tried to make JI look like the sweet, cute nd caring guy who always saves the day nd i don’t know if u noticed but ever since the new writer came ji had more cute scenes with mr (the backhug, the time when he was drunk, the awkward scene in the morning…) so mayb that was the point from the beginning
        but i still feel betrayed after getting used to seeing mr et mg together nd believing that they can make it, i really don’t want her to choose JI for the wrong reasons
        it feels like it’s only gonna be a happy ending for the two selfish dads if they get what they want!!

  124. Do you guys remember one of the first teasers that came out? It had MR & MG smiling and having fun, but then suddenly JI is holding MR’s hand and SJ is latched to MG, and by the end they are acting all friendly (which MG and JI have always had an underlying hostility, even when they tried to get along just for business). Now i wonder if they have always planned for MR to pick JI. I am still hoping the OTP will pull through though, b/c if not, the last 14 eps were a complete waste in retrospect. You don’t spend THAT LONG developing a bond (against all odds at that) to have the last 2 episodes ruin it all over a misunderstanding and misplaced loyalty out of guilt.

    • I’ve always been wondering about the teasers.. It was a lil bit weird. JI and Mr holding hands, right. I’m still putting hopes on the last eps though.. Sighs..

      • I am still hoping that SOMEHOW MR&MG will end up together, b/c if they don’t i’d rather none of them end up w/ anyone…I have to say though, this is the most crushed i’ve felt over a drama couple *maybe* not ending up together since 1 Litre of Tears..however, i was actually expecting the sad ending in that drama, and i was not for this one.

  125. I just watched the ending scene between the 2 and read softy’s transcriptions- and I say– MG, leave her.. MR made the decision.. she chose JI.. MG asked her to choose between the 2, and she wanted to wait till JI wakes up!!! what if he doesn’t? does it mean she will stay with JI forever then? I don’t think MG said explicitly to leave JI immed and go with him.. He just asked her to choose and she faltered.. so my conclusion is the same as his..

    I say.. MG is better off without MR, esp now when she has turned wishy washy.. her character now is not worth it.. better off with SJ.. at least she is consistent abt her feelings for MG..

    bah.. hate this writer..

    Poor MGY.. she looks so swollen and her eye bags are huge.. even though her bridal dress is lovely, she looked much sweeter and prettier at the beginning of the series..and JKS.. he looks so peaky and haggard too… his chin has never looked so sharp and his wan face… I feel like crying now also.. simply becos I feel so sad and sorry for these wonderful actors who have wasted their time and talent on this crap… I just hope this silly drama does not cost them fans or in any way affect their popularity or livelihood… really really feel very pissed at the stupid writer…

  126. Really sad.

    Gel Buddhist thing today than two solkka integrity

    I am so done reading that I will take a break but to say that I am confused is an understatement. I do not mean to upset you folks but I find it therapeutic to write my thoughts. Anyway all the actors cried and Moon GY said how she loved Suk and felt the hurt. Comments are being made about sucking and sad so there goes my assumption. Seriously I don’t know why this is affecting me so but it is and I will repeat myself, I should have never invested the time in watching cause there is a dull ache at the pit of my stomach.

    • oh rory’s mom, you are really breaking my heart.. where did you read abt the actors crying? i have also been having a dull ache in the pit of my stomach the whole day..:(

    • so i guess she really chose JI after all!!! i have to say that i didn’t see that coming!! if i knew it frm the beginning i wouldn’t have watched this drama or i would have stopped at the 14th epi!! what is the writer thinking anyway??

    • I am crying right now after reading the post of rory’s mom about MR marrying JI and MG singing the wedding song…The writer is so cruel to come up with this ending…How can MR learn to love JI i a short period of time and abondon MG…Even in real life, you cannot take away your feelings to one person you truly love in just one day or a week…I swear the writer doesn’t know what love is…the writer doesn’t know what is takes to have a successful marriage…Marriage involves true love…Real love’s component is intimacy, passion and commitment…Love relationship is developed and nurtured with time…

      I am so sad…I am crying over my husband’s shoulder…It is really good that I married the MG of my life…I married someone I love even if my parents disapproved it before..Now, I am happily married and no regrets…

      To the writer of this K-drama, are you married? or do you have regrets about your married life? Maybe you have issues in you love life that is why you are trying to break the hearts of two persons who truly love each other in the past 14 episodes….

  127. just watched the rest of the scenes– teared when MR was shouting her apology to MG, and watching MG’s face when MR didn’t answer when asked to choose.. but the saddest scene for me was when MG forced himself to eat his mom’s horrid cooking while trying to hold back his tears….gah.. these actors are good…

      • I know what you mean Naz, but I just had to see the scenes.. but it’s funny.. i don’t know if the filming is taking it’s toll on the actors but MGY and JKS looked especially haggard and tired this episode.. rather befitting their character’s situations but totally breaking a fan’s heart to see her fave actors look so exhausted 🙁

      • Rory’s Mom- he’s thinking back on the times that Mary made that same bean paste soup for him (and now it’s over between them). Meanwhile his mom is asking him if he really loves Mary and that next time he should find a prettier/better girl to date. She doesn’t seem to notice/care that he’s choking back tears. MY POOR BABY!!!

    • Yeah, that scene made me teared up. It was like he was shoving in food to shove out the memory, but still unable to do so, while his mom chattered away beside him *stab stab*

      And I like the tension during the guitar scene too. Can feel how upset and frustrated MG was at that very scene.

      Truly, these actors are really very good. As crappy as ep 15 was, their actings were never less than good.

  128. rory’s mom, i hope what you read at dc gall is not correct!!If MR gonna end with JI, i really cant take it!!such a heart break..didnt MG also had changed because of MR?
    and what’s the point showing lovey dovey scene between MG-MR all the way?
    MG also love her sincerely..except he is a bit hot tempered guy!!They had give viewers false hope from the beginning!!

    Chebol is going to win just because he showed patience..MGY said we will be happy at the end..Im not gonna happy if MR with JI.

    • I hope that I am wrong, but reading this stuff is not hard just separating the fans from the writer. She is pretty proud of herself right now. At first they were warned about secrecy and did a lot to fool the people that saw filming. The writer wrote something about Suk not liking her. She called them the children or was it producer, not sure. PLEASE let me be wrong.

      • He signed on to be the lead. The lead gets the girl. They can’t demote him. I won’t believe it til I see it. I also don’t see any such spoilers on the Chinese sites and they’re pretty good about digging up info. Meanwhile rewatching this series line by line is really not doing anything good to my heart. I get choked up every time JSG cries, which is the entire series. WTF!!!

      • LizzyD, I second that..ah.. JKS’s acting really affects me.. If i were Suk, I would also not be pleased with her.. how can our OTP be nominated for best couple in KBS award and not be together? and the hordes of angry non-korean JKS fans around the world.. shudder..

    • me either…not happy if MR with JI,if this plot not like this maybe yes but no!!because all the way we had MG and MR lovey dovey then bang they not together??not make sense at all…

    • MR ended up with JI would be totally wrong. It would be like saying it’s okay to have your father obsessed with her look-alike mother. That it’s okay to have the parents dictating their course of lives, even after they told them they don’t want those kind of lives. That it’s okay to sell your own daughter to settle your debt. That it’s okay to sacrifice your love and marry someone out of pity and guilt. It would be just wrong.

      Rather than MR-JI, I would rather they all go their own ways…

  129. I don’t know what else to say, this such a mess, and we only have one more episode to solve it all???I don’t like the idea MR marry JI then switch to MG or something..ridicilous..This is one big mess and I’m hanging just because JGS and MGY..usually I replay MSOAN all day now I don’t even want to rewatch it after knowing episode 15 and today episode…although last one but I don’t have big hope nor expect something good since the writter is a mess head one…

    • Same here erika. I used to replay the eps but recently, i didn’t replay and now after knowing eps 15, i only read the transcap and decided to wait for the last eps written transcap. If its a happy ending, then i’ll watch 15 and 16 together. N if its not, i doubt that i want to watch them. 🙁

      • yeah….it’s so sad just by this one episode (maybe 2 last episode) makes us not wanting to rerun again no matter how hard we try…it’s just heart breaking..wondering how they will clean all the mess and if by marrying MR to JI will solved it all, well I’m going to regret ever watching this in the first place and hope that JGS and MGY will reunited with better drama or better they are couple for real.

  130. This is the post I read and this is how they look.

    This integrity is now or ever.
    The wedding is going on steadily in progress and scheduled to perhaps two would marry her when she wakes up
    I can not say anything, just kind of did not mean to send
    Anyway, the point is she now, or later, or the decision of approach neungeon’s like Lee.
    Today I could not believe this much more a doegadeonde Mary.
    Riders must clean up first, so I think right haneunge
    CORRECT, CORRECT, choosing the two, which is scheduled to wake up would probably waiting until
    But is she did not answer. Just got gidaryeodalra Gorman
    Mary even after you wake up if the answer?
    Integrity, which will be cleaned up anyway, then one to the conclusion that I am the same one.
    Meanwhile, stand by the integrity which endured a lot while holding the wound feels hard.
    Avoidance relationship with the integrity or two to come over here too anateulteji
    To choose two of them is that integrity is now scheduled to lay tteojanagohalkka abandoned?
    I was holding the last remaining glimmer line mugyeolin
    Mary would have no other anjapateuni geujuldo … Of course I think in the future because geujuleun be blown away.
    Haneunge order is right now, I see two integrity
    Barabolkkeogo scheduled to continue to help her do parents look neungeo integrity wielded two guys would clean up
    He waited forever to turn back the belief that Mary anjwotjana
    Nor your father will surely confront.
    Neungeon not going to answer that continue to maintain this relationship, or scheduled to have an arranged marriage or to Mary
    One of them is gonna be there.
    The integrity of this decision, I looked wonderful.
    Mary may have to abandon their fear nor avoid a fight as I did not run away.
    I’ll draw a better writer antakkapne yireonjeom.
    Are you turning the full heart by the way, the integrity ㅠ ㅠ ㅠ ㅠahpeugetji … Does it hurt? 나도 아프다…ㅠㅠ I hurt … ㅠ ㅠ

    • I hurt, I hurt.. my eyes and mind hurt… WTH are they saying? translate english please someone? ( Thanks rory’s mom for sharing, but I totally cannot understand it :()

      • LOL that’s me too. It sounds like a fan’s complaint though and losing hope, over what I’m not sure.

      • LOL.. I was scratching my head when I read that post. Really, was that English? I don’t undertsand a thing either, it sound like a hard to understand poem I have to interpret when I was in High School. At least it gave me a good laugh.

  131. Ok, you must be good at interpretation because I couldn’t figure out anything from that site with google translations. My friend hasn’t replied yet. I’ll let you know if she sees anything. I just told her to look for spoilers. Oh, one other thing- if that’s the ending that they’ve taken such great pains to keep under wraps, would they really reveal it now and risk no one tuning in for the finale?

  132. oh #%^&&*&*&&(*(*(*)..

    just saw a pic of MG at filming site.. he’s standing at the door of a hall with lots of congratulatory flower baskets.. he is wearing his usual garb.. it is not looking good ladies… sob

    • 🙁 sob sob.. How dare MR goes of marrying JI, this is not the same MR we know at the very beginning of the drama. A lady who truly believes and holding on true love regardless of all the obstacles she goes through. It must be painful for MG to see that..

    • true.. so if we’re lucky, MG will come in at the last minute and stop the wedding blah blah… but I SIGNED UP FOR MANY SWEET HOLIDAY COUPLE SCENES>. where are they dammit?

  133. I miss OCKoala! I need a support group to get through ep 15 you guys. Maybe I should quit. Who the hell wants to watch it with subs anyway?

      • LizzyD, yea yea.. we miss ockoala! She will be surprised looking at all the comments from the fans..

      • WithS2. Maybe I can bribe someone to do it for me. My heart can’t take this. My family’s going to have me sent to a psych ward if I start sobbing all over my laptop.

      • I know, Naz! She’s lucky she’s on vacation and has something to take her mind off of the horror that our once-lovely M3 is turning into.

    • ow lizzyD, I wish I can help in making your mood but my mood is ruin also…hang in there, you can do it dear…yeah Somehow I don’t want to watch with subs, it will be making me more sad….fighting!!!! *big bear hugs*

      • Whose mood is not ruined? 🙁 guess almost everyone here are upset 🙁 couldn’t just take it – well, that is if Mary will end up marrying JI instead of MG.. This is so disappointing 🙁

  134. I still refuse to believe the ending will not be MG/MR. Basically clinging on to the facts that it is being marketed as JGS/MGY and that MGY said we would be happy with the ending.

    But I have been here before when I hated the ending. I will do as before. Pretend it never happened.

  135. My God, why do they have to do this to the two leads? Seems like Geun x Geun have picked up a lemon. This series had so much potential, if the manhwa was anything to go by. Read part of the translation, and it was so sweet, how the two leads fell in love, before the appearance of Mr Perfect. It really sucks, how Kdrama just ups the melodrama just to raise the ratings!? Where’s the romance? Where’s the comedy?

  136. Hey ladies,
    The atmosphere is getting suicidal in here. If all you’re holding out for is a holiday ending, I think you should keep hope. I just went on a 2 month Asia tour this fall and it’s unbelievable how popular JSG is in Taiwan, Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, China, and Thailand. There was YAB paraphernalia everywhere. I cannot fathom them screwing over his fans like that. Broadcasting rights are a huge profit. Plus there are photo books on sale with them on the cover etc. and they’re up for best couple in the stupid KBS awards. Keep faith!! I swear to give up red velvet cheesecake if I’m wrong. 😛

    Mary Xmas and Happy Mu Gyul to everyone!!

    • I hope you’re right. I will cross my fingers also for a good ending between Mary and Mu-gyul. I was planning to get the DVD of this drama, will give it up if they don’t end up together.

      • twinklefan, I know I said very loudly in the beginning that I will get the DVD. NOW, I am NOT so sure anymore. I can’t but agree with you now with epi. 15 being so @#$% shitty. Really pretty frustrated with the most stone writer of all times!!! BIG TIME!! She deceives an Academy for her writing. I mean it. How can they do this to our OTP when it started out so good.

        Also, what happened to the cute scenes, are they EXTINCT from this earth eternally?? Maybe, we need a male writer.. what do you think, people??

        I am on the brink of giving up K dramas for a while. I can’t believe it, I am saying this. Thanks to our bitter sweet M3.

        Hang in there, loyal fans! Someone may do something nice for us, angered fans for once. FINGERS CROSSED…

    • I sure hope so….I have a hope that MR and MG will end up together again although it will be on last minute but I hope that it wont be on last minute, someone mention that the end is MG walked away after seeing MR silent after he asked MR to choose, I think that they change the angst right after that, where MR running to MG saying that he already know her answer and that would be MG and she ask if it’s okay if she wants to make sure JI will woke up and persuade with her puppy eyes to accompany her so that she wont be alone and they can leave to lalalala land right after JI open his eyes..yeah I would like to believe that….JGK have huge fanbased and KBS wont make fans angry, angry fans means no profit for them

  137. My friend finally got back to me about the dcgall site and I am happy to report that she said that all of it is fan speculation, which may be true but she doesn’t seem to think it is.

    Although as I’m watching episode 15 in minute detail, I’m starting to feel that maybe all these people need to just go their separate ways and stop being miserable together and apart. What with Mu Gyul playing angsty rock music, Mary sobbing in her room, and JI sitting in dark corners looking like someone killed his puppy, the whole episode feels like a Prozac commercial. I can’t take it anymore. They’re making me feel suicidal and I am generally a very happy person.

    Find your happy place everyone- be it thinking dirty thoughts while staring at Yoo Ah In’s juicy lips, hugging Pig Rabbit and remembering our Brightest Star, or figuring out if it’s really possible to fly to Korea and steal Lee Min Ho’s id card and register your marriage to him (What? It happens all the time in the dramas!!).

    • OH THANK GOD! I was really worried! Tell your friend that everybody here absolutely loves her.

      Thank you so much for making us all laugh so much when we’re all depressed over this. I’m staring at Yoo Ah In’s lips intently.

    • Thanks much LizzyD for your friend’s good news! I too will keep my fingers crossed that MG and MR will indeed marry in the end.

      LOL at your Prozac commercial reference…Yes, I will heed your advice on finding my happy place. I’ll be reading again Harry Potter Book 7 which definitely has a happy ending!!!

      P.S. I miss ockoala too! But I fear when she returns she will unleash the koala’s wrath because of this horrible ep 15.

  138. Hi LizzyD did not want to cause you headaches. Speculation is hard to distinguish from real stuff. 9 hours to the answer. LizzyD I know the ending will suck. Maybe I have arrived at acceptance. I won’t talk anymore on what I read but glad to have been part of community that loved Geun-Geuns. Maybe I post tomorrow. Maybe.

    • No, of course you should talk as much as you want! That’s why we’re all here- so we can get through this together. It’ll be over soon and hopefully we can replace the bad aftertaste with some yummier dramas. 🙂

  139. omg, i haven’t even watched the episode yet, but i am so depressed seing all your comments! i will literally throw my laptop at the wall or throw myself down the stairs if i don’t get MG and MR at the end of ep.16 D:

    going to watch ep.15 now…wish me luck, ya’ll 🙁

  140. it’s all JI’s fault!!!! -____- stop trying so hard cause MR’s heart is with MK! he is my only obstacle between me and seeing my holiday couple be together!!!! i really liked JI because i felt all this pity for him in ep.14 and because of his evil daddy, but i am downright pissed now. (sorry. JI lovers must be shooting daggers at me ><;;)

    i was mentally stabbing that guy who made JI and MR sit together. and why does JI have to keep drooping his head onto MR's shoulder? grrrr and MK bought matching cat necklaces?? and i dont know what the heck MR was saying on the moutain to MK, but she made me cry my eyes out!! ;_; i seriously felt love for SJ when she was worried about MR. how can you fall that easily??? and when i read the written preview for ep.15, i was expecting like a one minute roll down a steep mountain? and of course, MK sees MR hugging JI -______- i do not understand how MK did not just self combust himself there!

    too disappointed, sad, and ticked off to continue. i will watch this stupid episode again once the subs come out. sorry for all my rantings, and now im going to go play left four dead to go take my anger out on those darn zombies/the infected/whatever you want to call them

  141. Hi to all. I’m a newcomer. I just want to say, Let’s Hope for the Best. Just listen to him singing ‘I will promise you’. That is the theme of this drama no matter the outcome will be. If not a happy ending for MM, let’s take it as JI’s, papas and this extremely untalented writer’s hallucination. Cause we know MR and MG cannot live apart. We know, MM knows, JGS and MGY know that.

  142. Sigh, this drama is really driving us bonkers. I’m usually a sadist and I love angsty endings but for me, this is the very first time watching a Korean drama where I am honestly desperate for the OTP to end up together, be happy and make beautiful babies, to the point where I can no longer stomach Jung In because I just want the remaining 60 minutes to focus on our lovely Holiday couple and tie up all the loose ends satisfyingly without any interference.

    I know 99.9% of the fandom hated Episode 15, but I just took it as part of the whole MSOAN experience and found myself tearing up at all the right scenes in the episode. Say what you will about the story, but the acting in the episode was excellent, excellent, excellent. I teared when Mary was at the mountain top apologizing to Mugyul because MGY made it look so sincere, and I cried like a baby when Mugyul chomped down his mom’s cooking while trying to stifle his tears – I felt his pain and the way JKS acted was absolutely perfect. Also, the insane guitar playing scene gave me mad goosebumps.

    I’m glad this drama introduced me to the actings of JKS and MGY because I now have massive respect for their acting chops.

    • Did you say “introduced”? I must (respectfully) insist you go do a You’re Beautiful marathon. I’d lend you my director’s cut special edition except that even my darling isn’t allowed to touch it.

      • I’m more of a Jdrama girl and I just casually watch Kdramas whenever they’re on TV, so I never cared enough for the characters or actors in Kdramas until I decided to watch MSOAN on a whim.

        I’ve always adored MGY because I think we kind of look alike (ha!) but the (two) dramas I’ve seen her in and the characters she’s played never grabbed me emotionally. MSOAN somehow made me really pay attention to the nuances of her acting (despite people saying that the role is “too easy” for her) and makes me love her more tenfold.

        I had known about JKS and caught only bits and pieces of You’re Beautiful while it was airing on TV, but I never really sat down to appreciate and take in what JKS can bring to the table in terms of acting. His turn as Mugyul just drew me in from the very get go and it’s scary how JKS effortlessly dissolved into the character, and made me think that all the hype around him as an actor is well-deserved ^^

    • My only problem with episode 15 (while I think that if watch the series again–if it doesn’t have a monumental crappy ending that undermines the adorableness of the OTP–I would enjoy it much more) is that for once it kind of brings up the possibility, though that may be all the rumors I’ve been reading all day, that Mugyul and Maeri do not end up together and that is just an aghast thought to even consider.

      If nothing else, MSOAN driving force was the power of its two leads, and to think that all that it might end up with Maeri and Jung In (the possibility slight, but still a possibility) is just…I have no words. I keep on thinking back to the episodes where the new writer started giving Jung In a personality and start wondering; is this the writers way of endearing us to Jung In so that when she decided to pull the rug from under our feet we can all rest our worries because, hey, Jung In is just an adorable closeted dork.

      But reading these LOGICAL posts from sensible people like you–I have a tendency to lose all logical thinking when faced with drama’s like this, but honestly this is the first time I’ve been so emotionally invested in a drama–makes me feel a little better.

      One JGS movie I’d also recommend is Baby And Me. I’m not the type of person who gets all googly-eyed over babies, but the combination of Jang Geun Suk and a baby is enough to make any girls panty all twisted.

    • If you want to watch his movie, I myself prefer Happy Life and Itaewon Murder Case to Baby and Me ;P

      I love You’re Beautiful (don’t know how many times I’ve watched it already ;p). But in terms of acting, as awesome as he was as Hwang Tae Kyung, I think he did even better as Mu Gyul ^.^

      • Awww I loved Baby and Me! hahaha I was very conflicted though trying to decide who I wanted more- baby or JSG. I decided I’d keep both.

  143. Guys I saw something posted on Baidu.. don’t know if it is recent or not though.. though posted pic recently. Mary has straight hair and walking with MuGyul….

  144. I’ve watched ep 15 well technically not all of it cause I skip over parts I don’t care to see I only watch it in full once I have eng sub so I’ve only seen bout the first 10 mins with sub. I love the show but seriously writers get it together and mean really there is gonna be so much in the last ep it maybe hard to take it in dependin on how they do it that is theres findin out what’s the real reason Jung in appa is being the way he is as well as Jung in finally standing up for himself it better happen and then Mary and MuGyul workin things out and I think there’s something goin on between their parents and workin out Seo joo’s issues to so much in one ep it’s been drama drama up till now and nothing has really been resolved I feel like it would have been better if things were slowly being worked out and then finally come together in the end but it just seems like nothing is really settled yet and their doing it all in one ep. maybe it’s just me with that feeling but despite all this I can’t help but love this show. here’s to hoping for a happy ending. ^_^

  145. The new writer was slapped with a pile of dune. In return she threw a pile back ( ep 15) but don’t give up guys. We get our ending, I promise.

  146. Ockoala. Thank-you for this blog. Now that it is over I am so very happy that I had you and LizzyD and Moom and everyone else to go on this trip with me. I AM GLAD I WAS WRONG!

    • Rory’s mom- I think I can safely say that we wouldn’t have made it without each other! For awhile there, I really started to think we’d end up committing some sort of group kamikaze attack on a certain production crew (minus the actors) in Korea. I’m glad that this ended happily, with none of us in prison.

      • thanks rory’s mom, I am also very glad that you were wrong.. you made this ride so much more heart-wrenching for me this week but I’m happy cos now, the happy ending is so much sweeter .. hope you are able to un-delete all your OSTs and M3 clips etc 🙂

        that is the tough part for us non-korean fans.. we are so keen for information but disabled by our lack of knowledge of the language..dang the silly garbled translaters…

  147. Spoilers:

    I don’t have to give up my red velvet cheesecake!!

    Thanks again for all the sharing, griping, moaning, freaking out, and squeeing. Thanks to OCKoala for sharing your playground with us. You guys have been awesome!!! I am never watching a series live again so you probably won’t see me again in these parts. Take care, everyone!!!

    Mary Christmas & Happy Mu Gyul!!!

    • Thanks Ockoala, LizzyD, Rory’s mom and others for sharing information and your views about M3…I am so happy to be part of this forum…

      Ockoala, you are really great…More power to your blog site…Keep up your good work…

      Happy New Year to all…

    • that’s a waste lizzyd.. it was fun reading your ‘live’ input on the epis.. hope you change your mind and I hope to see you at the comments of the next JKS drama ( which I hope will be very soon.. I’m getting M3 withdrawal already.. damn…)

  148. Credit to geungeunblogspot. Translated message from JSG today

    Title: Empty again

    The shooting time which was like a fierce battle now has become the past
    It was different to how I expected it to be. Everything was not that easy.
    In these two months, there were quarrels and happiness frequently
    Thanks for all going well to this day…
    Rather than to argue with people because of disagreement,
    I’d like to give a big hand to all the actors who had fought to defend their own roles against the scripts
    The result is that I had got a great consciousness and put down a work
    The first condition to be a good actor is to select a good work
    Due to this work…I received a birthright that I could not be arrogant
    The road of Jang Keun Suk will never be perfect
    It is not possible to always get a 100
    But even if it’s only a 60, the things that I can comprehend are much more than from a 100 transcript
    At last, I need to say something to the ones who standing opposite…
    The you that kept supporting me until the end… I love you
    The you that kept watching me until the end. Thank you for your hard work.
    Kang Mu Gyul…He is dreaming to be more freedom than now…
    Bye cri

    • aww, lizzyd.. when i read this, my heart bled a little for JKS.. MGY also alluded to unhappiness on the set but she was less candid than Suk…just being viewers, we were so outraged, imagine the ‘suffering’ the actors had to undergo to act out the rubbish they were given…

      BTW, I’ve restarted YAB today and my kids are really enjoying it, LOL.. it feels a bit unreal to see Suk as HTK now cos MG is so much more attractive than HTK and his wierd hairdos and fugly costumes… sigh, I will miss seeing MG and his pretty hair and lovely smile.. ( HTK smiled less than 5 times in the entire drama, i think)

      • Thanks for bringing it over LizzyD! My heart ached a little reading it, hope the writer of “You’re my pet” (awesome manga) will do much better!

        LOL moom but that’s what make HTK’s smile priceless!! *inserts YAB dvd*

        I haven’t watched the finale yet, I liked this show but I’m not gonna miss it like I missed YAB, I’m sorry for the actors: the writers took such a potentially great premise with great actors (seriously I’m in love with all of them, yes even you Seo-Joon lol) and turned it into a mess ,it takes some real skills to do that!!! The MG/MR love story was great nonetheless but I’m not buying those dvds! I’ll comment on the finale when the subs will be out… grrr

        I’ll miss the recaps and everybody’s comments!

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