
My Princess Episode 13 Recap — 61 Comments

  1. there,there—the long awaited kiss makes aweee all better now—me thinks i can’t wait for tomorrows episode …thanks for the recap you’re awesome as always—:)

  2. WOO HO HO HO HO HO HO !!!!!!

    Greeeeeeeeeeeeeat recap!

    “Today, Hae Young and Seol kissed, and the universe came back into alignment again.”

    luuuv it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. “I find that watching a drama is much more rewarding when I can see and understand its shortcomings or successes, apart and distinct from whether I like the drama. Critiquing a drama needn’t be perceived as negative, especially if I have provided the basis for my commentary. With MP, which has thus far been a rather bipolar viewing experience, having constructive criticism helps keep me sane when the plot went to crazytown for the sake of the writer’s own whims.”

    I really agree with this sentiment. I think some were just so caught up in liking the drama (or the actors) that anyone who criticized the drama for its weaknesses were regarded as being judgmental, when that wasn’t essentially the case. Many provided solid support for their disappointment in the illogical parts of the drama, and I saw many of those as simply not settling for what the writers are doling out. They’re not complacent viewers.

  4. “Today, Hae Young and Seol kissed, and the universe came back into alignment again.”
    I second that =D

    I guess I relied on soompi forums too much to give me spoilers, i was expected HY’s dad to be the nice person and didn’t kill LS’s father. Well, now that the truth came out, he didn’t kill him, but he definitely opposed restoration and threatened to kick LS’s father out of the country. So in other words, HY’s dad is still “Evil”?
    I hate to use the word evil, since in real life, there’s no such thing as pure evil vs good. =/.

    Love your recaps!

    • See, I’m not so sure his dad is “evil.” As near as I can tell, he opposed restoration. But then, apparently so did her dad. Her perception is that they were friends. His perception, having only met them once as a kid, was that his father called her “the princess.” We’re taking the word of the secretary and granddad that her father was running from his dad and that his dad threatened him. He was actually killed running from granddad. The secretary’s perception of that meeting with Seul and her father could be skewed, since apparently the secretary was off picking up HY to bring him there. For all we know, he was offering to pay her father’s way out of Korea. He was asking why her Dad had left the island and warning him not to let the grandfather know where he was. But then, apparently her father had much the same idea. OTOH, he really could be a schnook who threatened them both.

      • I’m thinking the same thing – I bet the two men were friends and Hae Young’s dad was trying to help him.

  5. I love how you called the 2 B’s “serpents”! And today, your recap made many of your followers so very very happy. Keep on doing recaps please. Yours is always the best!

  6. Aargh, why do I have to wait for the subs to understand the dialogue. Thanks for the recap, it fills in this great void. It’s good to know what type of treat I am going to get soon. I am waiting in such heart thumping anticipation. Thank goodness recappers are faster nowadays and better, too, if I may add. I am loving to death this surprise(?) kiss, although I believe everyone knew it was getting there, they just delayed it to build up the suspense. Still, this shot of adrenaline is basically just a survival ploy, and does not take care of a lot of plot weaknesses. Well, we still have 3 episodes to go, and it is such a joy to be alive again! High fives, everyone!

  7. the KISS.
    Park Haeyoung is the most perfect guy (looks, personality, all) to be alive. to this day and forever on. <3
    My wish had come true (about the drama turning back to being totally amazing), and i just hope it stays that way.
    and thank you so much ockoala for continuing your recapping.

  8. Yes,MP back on track but must see it myself..after reading 2 recap from you and softy now I’m eager to watch this ep..hope one ep give us torture,slash,threw yoon joo to alligator then threw her to shark and piranha..*sorry for being mean*then one half full boating OTP and royal weds and cute babies in future.

  9. I kept screaming at Seol to “open the f*&king door!, you idiot” and at Hae Young to “tell her you f*&king love her, you idiot!” during the last scene. Especially when he started crying (wow) and repeating “what should I do?” over and over. I knew the sarang word was coming. What I didn’t know was whether it was going to be said before or after she opened the door. And that kiss. Perfect!

  10. ALLELUIA!!!! finally, the most long awaited kiss came for real!!! “Today, Hae Young and Seol kissed, and the universe came back into alignment again.” me lurvs that line of yours ockoala. 😀 it best describes the feelings we are having now. just like you, i laughed hard when hae young ignored yoon joo in the hospital. and of course, my most favorite parts are the first 10 minutes of the episode and the last 5 minutes that made me squeal no end. omo!!! what a manna from heaven!!! thank you so much for your fast recap, your highness… ockoala. it’s worth waiting for (it’s 3am here). 😀

    NOW…. BRING ON THE BOATING!!!!! hahahahhahaah! am i asking too much?

    • and may i add…. lucky you seol for receiving that sweeesssttt and heartfelt declaration of love from the smexy hae young!!! am so so jealous !!!

    • “”NOW…. BRING ON THE BOATING!!!!! hahahahhahaah! am i asking too much?””
      NOT AT ALL!!! my dear allenif
      Ditto Ditto… no words could express more..

      BTW, we have to call off battalion/assassins re scriptwriter for now… he he… LOL..
      Let’s all enjoy ep. 13 for now…


        meanwhile let’s celebrate…. KAMPAI!!! may we have boating after this anticipated kiss!!!! hahahhah!

    • Woot! Woot! Balloons! Champagne! Kissuuuuu finally! Damn, that really caught us by surprise….must have planned it specially for belated Valentine’s Day. Like you, chingu, fav moments first five and last ten minutes…..I think that really proves how shallow we are…he he….birds of a feather flock together hahahha…that was the only reason I’m still watching the drama…..don’t care about the other stuff…..ok we got the kiss….next comes the boating….fingers crossed!

      • My dear mayssenger
        he he he… you’re real funny.. me proud to be part of shallow bird club!!!
        cheers to a good day..

      • Shallow Bird Club LOL that’s funny tangee….I can imagine us sitting around discussing very seriously the width and height of SSH’s abs, whether they are hard or spongy, how many showers he takes a day, which type of towel he prefers….the list is endless.

      • hahahah! chingu, the reason why that’s may fav parts cuz it was the only time i must say widely awake. i was sleepy the rest of the episode especially during the talk, talk and bye bye time. heheh! yeah, we shallow birds want only the lovey dovey and kissy kissy moments. LOL

        my dear tangee, please have our club registered and be it known in kdramaland. it’s my honor to bestow you the title of the queen of the shallow birds club. ahahahahahaha!!!!!

  11. Park Hae Young has officially become the ULTIMATE LEADING MAN OF ALL TIME in my book.

    Thank you Miss Koala for the wonderful recap.

  12. koala,

    I totally agree with you that PHY is the leading man of 2011. He’s got my vote. He is like the korean version of Pride and Prejudice’s Mr Darcy, my favorite male character ever, and now they’re in the same podium.

    I love that the writer portraited PHY as an intelligent guy that sees ahead of the game – as we’ve seen in later episodes -, which fits with his job description as a diplomat. Although I didnt agree with the fact that she (writer) transformed him into a tutor, something unthinkable, since diplomats have more importance things to do, but I understand that she had to make PHY and LS close to each other and it was a way of doing that.

    “Today, Hae Young and Seol kissed, and the universe came back into alignment again.” Loved the kissing scene, High-five to that!!! 🙂

  13. AWESOME episode & recap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    LOVE all your insights!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    are you my twin?!? coz i totally feel the same as you on every single line in this recap!!!!!!! Love Love Love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. dear ockoala
    thanks for your recap.. Thoroughly enjoyed your comments and for echoing how we feel.. kamsahamida… you’re a gem, priceless one indeed!!!

    Yes, scriptwriter, MORE lip-locking… more alignment needed…

  15. Did anyone notice that LS actually adhere to PHY 5 commandments – Don’t just get into anyone car…she turn down Prof offer to drive her back to the pension 🙂 Good girl. Aigoo the cottage time is so short, wasted a prefect opportuity for some really skinship moment….But its ok, as koala’s say: “the universe came back into alignment again” so I can dream up my own fanfic….many thanks Koala

    • Emma, I smiled at that myself…LS actually following PHY’s words….not meeting Yoon Joo alone and not getting into Prof Nam’s car! She did inscribe his orders in her heart afterall. 🙂

      PHY was trying his hardest to change his impatient ways or else he’d have heeded Koala’s command to KICK THAT DOOR DOWN HAE YOUNG!!! I have always loved your recaps Koala and even more so when you enjoy the episode. Oye, that confession with longing to see his princess, Lee Seol, SSH sure has set the bar High of 2011 leading men! Can writer-nims and PD-nims hear this of a drama kiss…..”a kiss that is everything a drama kiss should be – tender and deep, passionate with longing, and utterly in-the-moment.” Thank you for yet another fun enjoyable read and Yes! watching ep13 is a must to fully appreciate MP’s about turn from past eps. Thank you again Koala!

  16. I would like to say BIG THANKS to Ockoala for her wonderful delicious recap and thoughts.
    I love the way you summarize about HYLS moments and BIG YES for, to agree with you of SSH/HY’s romatic emotional acting.
    Feel like my heart drop as I was watching his emotional tears out confession scenes to to LS.
    I will be crazy if I see his latest movie “Ghost”.
    Before I think SSH/PHY is one of the best emotional actors in Korea.
    But now, I think he is the best emotional actor in Korea.
    I love when Koala said “he has officially become the leading man to beat in 2011.”
    I cannot or so hard wait for tonight epi 14, hoping to see much more sweet scenes from MP.

    Below paragrap is what I do love from Ockoala’s thoughts….
    “can wax on and on about how romantic their night in the cottage was, or how heart-pumping Hae Young’s declaration and kiss at the end of the episode was. But you really have to watch it yourself. Well, okay, I can’t help myself, gotta squeal a little here – when he held her in front of the fireplace, when he gently dried her face, when he tied her hair back, when he sobbed against the door that he felt like dying when he couldn’t be with here – Park Hae Young has officially become the leading man to beat in 2011. All romantic leads better be prepared to bring it, cuz the boy has set the bar HIGH.”

    Thanks so much again for your great work as usual, my dear Ockoala.

  17. I think it’s going to be a happy ending, boating or no boating. Some ppl are thinking maybe it’s going to be a sad one like Roman Holiday, but I don’t think so. I think it’s going to end with her turning down the monarchy, and going back to college. I think she’s still going to continue flirting with the prof, and HY will be with her all the way. She’ll forgive her sister and YJ will just disappear somewhere. Grandpa will recover and reconcile with his now older and wiser son. 3 more eps to go…..bring on the boating!

    • chingu, me thinks also that LS will turn down the monachy but i want her and HY be married at the end. and i guess, that’s when the boating will come . *grins* hence, YJ would be terribly in hell for losing HY and his wealth. hahah! see how shallow am i?! heheh!

  18. AH love it (: Thanks for the awesome recap. Btw, love your comment “(OPEN THE DOOR WOMAN!!! – if you don’t open that door, Seol, imma going to smack some sense into you). What should be do, he asks Seol? (my answer? – KICK THAT DOOR DOWN, HAE YOUNG).” haha. You made my day~

  19. “Today, Hae Young and Seol kissed, and the universe came back into alignment again.” Hahahaaa thx ockoala, can wait for watching it ^^

  20. “Who here has any problems if Seol and Hae Young kiss, kiss some more, and the drama ends with them in bed for the next three episodes?”

    Yes please!!! This is what I wanted to happen in MSOAN, too, but I think LS and PHY are way too proper for this. I mean “the smell of fire burning” didn’t even help. They’ve only had 2 kisses this whole time.

    I looooooved HY’s declaration. I could really feel his aching for Seol. Lucky girl.

  21. Thank you, thank you for this wonderful and entertaining recap. I just love, love, love it.

    FINALLY! PHY declared his love and they kissed… eagerly waiting for the… “and they lived happily ever after”…

  22. Dear God in Heaven! Hae Young is friggin’ AWESOME!!! Oh how I wish I was Seol when he was crying out for her…damn, I would’ve broken down that door to get to HIM after that declaration!

  23. Thanks for the recap!
    Your sense of humor always cracks me up.
    There was finally movement thank goodness, but I had my money on YoonJu’s father as the culprit. I mean, look at the way he acted when HaeYoung asked him if there was anything else that he hadn’t told him about the accident. That wasn’t a look of an innocent man.
    Though I am relieved that it wasn’t HaeYoung’s father who killed the Prince; but the President Park and Hae Youngs father was somewhat responsible for his death. Lee Sol knows that and I am wondering how much that will effect her future with Hae Young.
    After watching tomorrows preview, it seems like Lee Sol will choose to go back to the palace and fire Yoon Ju (which is something that she should have done eons ago. As the princess, she certainly has the power to oust YoonJu’s or anyones derrière out of the palace).
    It’s unfortunate that it had to be Lee Sol forcing her out, instead of Yoon Ju leaving on her own. Does she have to be a sore loser till the end? I hope that the writer finds some way to redeem Yoon Ju.

  24. As this is only the second episode I’ve actually watched, I was really taken aback at how horrifically evil the two serpents are. I do wish the writers would focus less on them, and more on the actual threats to Seoul (the President and the leader of the opposition) to give us a more realistic political-fantasy rom-com – even in reading your recaps, I was annoyed by their presence. However, seeing as how this episode began and ended with the squealing at the sweetness/cuteness, I’m going to continue smiling quietly, and sighing wistfully, to myself about that declaration, and let you critique 😉

    I read your recap, then HAD to watch the episode, then read your recap again – and now I’m commenting. A declaration for the ages!

    BTW: Loved the analysis of Hae Young’s father’s responsibility.

  25. love love your recaps!!!!
    all of them because the drama it´s not that good and we know it! but read the recap here makes sense to me and it´s totally funny!
    i can´t see M3 yet :'( dying for boring …………….
    and yes yes yes! the only thing that worth it in MP is the leads! because it´s so boring to watch the other persons to talked!
    well figting!!! because ther are only 3 more chapters and it´s doneEEEE!!!

  26. Hello!
    Thanks very much for these recaps of yours.
    At times, the English subtitles do not convey the real meaning of the lines so your recaps gives me a better explanation as to what really transpired.
    Even your comments and reviews are really entertaining.
    Kudos to you!
    I just stumbled upon MP after searching for online versions of “PERFECT MATCH”. I am really happy I think I made the right choice in following this series.
    This episode really took my breath away too. If only for the kiss at the end. Hae Young was very passionate. Especially after the kiss when he had to take a deep breath, as if to take it all in!!!
    I just don’t know if it’s because of Korean culture that girls are not allowed to respond to the male’s advances? And I’ve always thought of Korea as being very modern. Perhaps being modern does not always mean you one has to be liberated in relations.
    The kiss was perfect if you only look at Hae Young. But it feels a little bit lacking when the princess closed her eyes during the kiss but did not hug him back. The scene also did not show her “kissing” him back.
    I do NOT mean anything obscene. I just thought that it would’ve made everybody swoon even more if the princess gave in just a little.

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