
Character Descriptions and Plot Outline of Best Love is Revealed — 36 Comments

  1. *skips skips skips* I like to watch dramas almost spoiler-free, but omg YKS’s dorky glasses fill me with so much glee! \o/

    Also? The Hello tv CSW pic is so hot, omg! *fans self*

    • Sere, baby, sweetie, chingu…..the plot and character outline of Best Love is the best thing I have read/seen of any drama since I started blogging and actually reading up on dramas prior to airing.

      It is so fucking unbelievable I’m in shock this thing is about to get made by the Hong Sisters. My dreams ———-> coming true.

      • OMG, do not tempt me. Whenever I read spoilers -and when I do, I go aaaaaall the way- for some unfathomable reason I get disappointed when I actually watch the drama/show/movie/whatever even if -maybe because?- I was all hyped up about it.

        BUT I trust you and if I couldn’t wait to watch this before, now I’m even more excited. \o/ Look, the last dramas by the Hong sisters went straight to my favorite romcoms and heeeeeee, can’t wait, can’t wait.

  2. GHJ is the reason I want this drama air soon because I’m unfamiliar with the lead actor but turn out the plot is good.hope this drama deliver good plot till the end but since GHJ in this at least a good acting is promising.

  3. i really really hope this becomes my favorite kdrama of all time.

    and with this cast, it looks like a serious competitor.


  4. OH.MY.FREAKING.HELL! ::skips,jumps,and flails:: Oh yeah, you’re falling in love so clearly your pacemaker is malfunctioning….::dies laughing at the thought of CSW clutching his heart and going WHUT!:: starting to light candles and pray to the drama gods ASAP!!!!

  5. Oh my God, this sounds beyond amazing. I wish I hadn’t read it because how will I wait for it now? I want this!!!!

  6. After reading it, I’m sure this cast is better for this plot than the other one… amazing!

    And lol at the part that he and his girlfriend are still faking to be still in a relationship when they eventually broke up… reminds me of Hyun Bin and Song Kyo… Couldn’t help, they hided it until he was going to military… and in this case, he was going to hollywood. LOL XD

  7. As i was reading the character description of Cha Seung Won as Dok Go Jin and all the part of comming on the ranks of number # in public poll’s , I couldnt help but, think of WON BIN!
    OH how perfect it would of been, if he played this role.
    BUT, i know he would never agree to it.
    Now, i am going to forget this… and hopefully remember when all the episodes have aired. So as to prevent myself, from getting a pacemaker. LOL. j/k

    • have you watch CityHall???
      The man is hot and crazy and funny and brilliant
      in the same time. OMG *faint*
      Won Bin is awesome and all but after reading the character of Dok Go Jin
      I prefer Cha Seung-won.

      Thanks Ockoala for this post. Can’t wait.

  8. Like sere I’m totally skipping through most of the paragraphs to stay as spoiler free as possible but the little that I’ve read through sound very promising…..I’m really looking forward to this..I really need an addicting Hong drama now….especially since MGIAG want quite up there for me….It was cute but didn’t quite get there like the previous Hong dramas did…also this pairing is as epic as epic pairings can get!!!!!!

  9. ~faints~

    Omo. This is going to be MORE than epic. I love CSW’s character description – he’s going to pull it off with a flair no one else could possibly match. I can’t wait for him and GHJ to have epic, epic chemistry together. Plus, with YIA and YKS rounding out the leading cast, you KNOW that everyone is going to have great chemistry and interesting character dynamics and interactions. Oh May – come quickly!

  10. CSW ,GYJ, YKS + the Hong Sisters= RomCom made in KDrama Heaven!!!
    based from the spoilers…CSW is going to ROCK this role, for sure!!!

  11. Okay, um…I think it sounds a little silly. BUT, I think it will be great because of the Hong Sisters. YAB, which rocked, sounds nuts on paper too!

  12. I am looking forward to this drama with great expectations . I didn’t watch MGIAG because I don’t like fantasy as I can’t believe it but here every thing seems very possible and I saw a picture of the actors reading the script : they were laughing , looking at the script with such a pleasure . I won’t stay in a cave until May because I enjoy Midas and some others .
    Thank you so much for your translation .

  13. The Hong sisters never fail to take our breath away… Come up with the best stories. However, I did not love the end of You are beautiful.. It was nice. Thats all… I have a feeling im gonna love this show in and out…

  14. Ahhh all my dramas are piling up on the shelf so tell me where can I buy time…I’m lagging behind…shucks 🙁 anyway I hope I’ll be burnout free. Lotsa luck to everyone…
    Ciao 🙂

  15. I <3 this!!!
    It sounds awesome, and of course the cast is awesome. I absolutely adore Gong Hyo-Jin and have a crush on Cha Seung Won.
    Why can't it start today! I don't think I have the patience to wait.

  16. Hi Koala,
    this is my first time commenting on your website =)
    I just discovered it some days ago and check out your new posts with pleasure.
    There’s something I would like to ask you in regards of this post: Could I repost it on Viki? If not, it’s ok as well 🙂
    Thanks for your posts full of information, I really appreciate them!
    Love, Gulsan

  17. CSW can do two-face ass with comedic flair like nobody. The meta levels of this could be spectacular if written well enough since CSW & GHJ can certainly bring it but question is which Hong sisters will show up? Zany and funny like MG & YB or tired, boring and humorless like their last outing.

  18. Yayyyyy!!! so excited!!! love this so much!!! it sounds so crazy and promising, with the hong sisters, CSW and GHJ i know i gonna love it!!!
    i don’t know if i can rest still in a cave or in real life until may.. come now may, pretty please
    thank you koala <3

  19. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I LOVEEEE THE HONG SISTERS!!!!!…**jumps fist bumping** helll yeahhhhhhhhhhh May I need you NOW!!!…
    Omg if the plot descriptions are all real..the Hong sisters are about to pull one of the best and funniest dramas all the ingredients are there and I’m sure the Sisters are going to give us one the most funniest entertainment parodies ever!!!!… and the heart pacemaker is going to be major hilarity focal point…. 😀 😀
    Hong sisters are getting better with age, like wine….

  20. OMG this sounds PERFECT! I’m sitting here squealing like a fool!
    I already love CSW, GHJ and YKS with a passion and quite like YIA, so I’m expecting great things! So far the Hong sisters have never let me down.
    Let the good times roll!

  21. Wow! The macho guy with pacemaker? And now he is afraid that the device is malfunctioned because of what? A girl? It’s so funny, and sure it get funnier when it’s written by Hong Sister.

    A lot of good dramas are coming, and I don’t know which one should I watch. Or maybe that is the time like last year, when I watched 4 drama in a week? Sigh…

    And ockoala, could I translate this to my blog? I’ll post it after I get your permission. Thank you.

  22. OMG this makes me frickkin’ more excited xD
    I love Hong Sisters productions. Their dramas are always so on point &frickkin’ hella funny, add Cha whom I adore as an actor is AMAZING.
    Totally love the plot line &it’s definitely a Hong Sister masterpiece 🙂


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