
Lie to Me Releases Spoiler Pictures of the Upcoming Cola Kiss and Sick Bed Scene — 112 Comments

  1. OMG OMG OMG!!!!
    I can just stare at this for hours!!! Please come sooner Monday and Tuesday!
    Swoon. I wish he would do that to me….. lol
    But seriously Hot damn!!

  2. Koala! You’re the funniest blogger out there(applaud).
    Back to the topic, holy smoke! I’m burning of their hotness!

  3. See, I knew there was a bed scene and there it is!!!! Even though it’s not what we were expecting but still, Kang Ji Hwan was hot……. I mean feverishly hot…

  4. s the best k drama kiss scene everrr.that ‘s why i like to watch taiwanese drama ,they know how to kiss like iswk2.come to think of it 2 of the other best kiss scenes involve her.remember she kiss prince shin in romantic princess & Choi Han-Gyul in coffee prince .when she s playing a role she makes u feel the character.

  5. OMG!!!!

    I’m speechless! This is definetely one of the best kisses in k-dramaland, if not THE best 😀

    I love how their bodies are flushed together in he third pic lol. Hot, hot, HOT!

  6. now i get why it’s called the ‘Cola Kiss’… was wondering about that…. LOL!

    true about k-drama kisses, should be called lip presses. but those pictures were smoking hot!!! the storylines needs a lot of stretching of the imagination to be halfway believable but this OTP really is worth watching. can’t wait for the next episodes….

    thanks koala for sharing…. i can almost here your shriek when you saw these pics…

  7. Oh God, I just die and went to heaven to be able to witness this, he has her hands pinned and hold her head. That was so hot, YEH and KJH sure do know how to work the lips.

  8. Koala its 3 am i am wide awake then this why are you doing this to me

    then the boating might be coming faster than we think

  9. *fans self*
    O M G.
    I normally stay away from spoilers, but I couldn’t force myself to close my eyes and click the tab to close. Can’t wait for the episodes to air!

  10. That’s some really good acting there from both leads… or is it? I wasn’t really into this drama, but I’m going to go catch up on it right now!

  11. gah…between all these LTM picture spoilers and watching too many dramas at the same heart is now waaaaaay over the 60-90 safety zone. otokke?!

    i can’t peel myself off my computer screen..and these are just photos!! what’s going to happen when we see them in live action? 😉

  12. Gahhhhhdamn. I got goosebumps looking at these images – but all in a good way! All in anticipation I suppose, haha.

    BTW, Kung Fu Panda 2 was seriously fantastic!

  13. really,i had to shrink my window coz its really too hot to handle at it for later preferences..*o*

  14. Ohh myy God, that was the best kiss on screen that happen in the K-drama I had watched. Can’t wait for Ep 8 now maybe they should skip ep 7 tonight and show ep 8 first. hahahaha.

    Ya Koala I watched KFP 2 too on Sunday with my kids. It is funny and joyful movie hope you could enjoy the movie after the kissing scene. lol

  15. The Cola Kiss was a prelude to … a sick bed scene ROFL. Kang Ji Wan did say in the interview that the writer was single and did put several kiss scenes in the script. I suspect she’s channeling herself into Eun Yun Hye’s body and the scenes are how she wants Kang Ji Wan to kiss her! To see it in the flesh between the two leads however is a chemical meltdown. Love them both!

    Those are some very good hot photos huh? and I’m working now I can’t concentrate lol
    Btw I love first picture the most….you guys see the desiring eyes of KJH? fffffffffff oh my…..we will all die by this kiss! >_____________<

  17. OH MY GOD! These are jaw-dropping photos alright! MY GOD! OH MY GOD! Too astounded to say anything else! MY LORD! GOD this kiss is HOT!!!!! And these are just photos MY GOD! Well I guess, the cola would indeed top the ice cream! Goodness gracious! GREAT BALLS OF FIRE IT’S HOT! Koala you outdid yourself again!!! Thank you!!!

  18. Omo Omo Omo! KJH really did give it all his best and it seems like EYH is receiving it well!

    Omo @javabeans Unnie are you alright?

    will watch this drama when its done airing…school is really bothersome!

    thanks @ockoala for the “cola kissing post” now must get one soon!

  19. I felt clueless not knowing what a Cola kiss was…so it is a kiss after being splattered w/ cola. I think their chemistry/kiss sets a new level for men all over Asia to live up to cuz the women will point to that as reference. I love this drama!

  20. OMG… Are you sure this kiss scene is PG 13?
    You’re right Koala, there hasn’t been a hot kiss like this in K Dramaland ever… this tops the BoF kiss (es) and the Personal Taste “Game Over” kiss.
    I feel like they should just sit the sack while they’re at it.
    Monday is the most dreadful day of the week, but it looks like this week it might just be one of the best! * squeals*

  21. Gah! Will we have kisses on every episode? Can’t wait for tonight, will be watching online streaming then wait for your recap;-)

  22. Woooooowwwwwww!Tthat’s one messy HOT kiss!

    YEH outdid herself this time…and with KJH!!!!

    Her on-screen kisses have always been the best there is. She is one fine passionate unpretentious actor 😉

    I only wish the story will really spin off well from this point on to carry the whole drama to its satisfying end. We don’t really want to just remember the kiss/es but also the reasons for the kiss/es.

    Just like that City Hall kiss between CSW and KSA. It is not as passionate as the kisses by YEH in Goong or Coffee Prince or now Lie to Me but the story behind it made it The Kiss for many out there. The whole storyline and the character development up to that point made that one HOT!

    But its better for LTM to have these great kisses rather than nothing at all. Arggh! 😉 I’ll keep on watching it for the pretty and hottie…hoping they’ll end up together in real life as well, hehe.

  23. Dear @ockoala, praise be to thee for putting these spoilers on top. Been struggling to stop meself from continuously tilting the head to left and right per the eyes’ insistence to get a better, clearer view of the kisses in all three pics. It’s so embarrassing, I feel like a teenager reading adult romance novels for the first time. Their body language – especially KJH’s – is very convincing. Look forward to reading your fabulous recap on the next eps.

  24. This just feels… WRONG WRONG WROOOOOONG. The mood and their mutual desire is so tense in these stills that I feel like I’m intruding a loving couple’s privacy just from watching them XD

    If this isn’t a massive chemistry these two have… Or maybe a major mutual crush. Haaah, I wish. They’d be one heck of a couple irl.

  25. Oh thank you God! And thank you ockoala!! Those pics have made my day…..or have they unmade it? I find myself completely unable to move from in front of my PC. Even the 2 minutes its taking me to type this out is pure torture. Look at those hands, look at those mouths!! This for sure is not some wimpy lip to lip kiss, this is open mouths, lets get some major suckage in there, kind of kiss! And I’m so losing it here.

    • my forest chingu! nice to see ya..its been so looong….i see you are undone by this kiss too. haha. we need to look for maysengger and have a party here. 😀

  26. And here I was about to go to bed saying I wont check your site again, because no way there would be another uodate when monday is here. Good thing god gave us enough sense to follow the gut instinct. Cuz man am I happy. Though your truly killing me with all these goodness. I swear to you, I cant take it!!. But dont stop!! Thanks.

  27. OMG!!!! its raining hard outside and I’m sure a while ago it was cold in here…. but now I’m all sweaty….(fans self!)… this is so hot its painful…

    KOALA, U ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Ok… I have this feeling that these two might just end up like Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo in Worlds Within…

    *Fingers crossed* I hope they last WAY longer though…


    I’m sorry but that first picture. That picture alone was a heart killer I mean look at the way he is looking at her getting ready to kiss those lips. The intensity in his eyes while he is watching her lips as she licks them is sooo frickkin’ hot. Like you can just feel the sexual tension from that one picture alone &their not even kissing yet. Then you scroll down &see the other pictures it’s like BAM!! straight makeout session all over again.

    I’m sorry but if we are getting all these kisses already then I want a dayum bed room scene &i don’t mean one where he is sick or she is. I want some body movements, some sheets being rolled up, clothes being thrown on the floor. I want to see some good ol’love making…sorry if I sound like a pervert but these two (Kang Ji Hwan &Yoon Eun Hye) got some hot sexy chemistry &with the way they are kissing that’s some major sexual tension right there.

    Kang Ji Hwan &Yoon Eun Hye pawns all other kpop drama lead kisses that I’ve seen. These two know how to kiss. These are the best kiss scenes I’ve ever seen in a kdrama &I seen alot. When you have two great kissers like these two make a drama, then you know the kiss scenes are gonna be hella good. These two need a hook up in real life &make some sweet sweet music because their chemistry is hot. Like I don’t even give crap about the storyline anymore, if they can give me episodes after episodes of these two bickering &then making out hopefully leading to more I would be Can I just say that he owns a big hotel. I hope they will be able to use it well..if you know what I mean 😉 😉 lol

    Oh yeah &now I know why it’s called a cola kiss. I swear I was thinking the whole time is it gonna be she has cola in her mouth &he is gonna come &drink it out of her mouth or something (which I wouldn’t mind too cause that’s hot as but now I see what the cola kiss is..
    Can Monday come any faster????
    Thank you Koala a million for the pictures..I am cheesin’ like crazy from these 😀
    I mean come on he got her hands pinned behind her back (so effin’ hot) &then next photo he has one hand holding her hands back while the other one is cradling her head &holding it still while he deepens the kiss. If those movements ain’t saying “let’s get it on already” then I’m sorry I don’t know what is.

    • ^ okay that above post came out wrong so if you don’t mind deleting it then I’ll be happy. xD here is the correct way:


      I’m sorry but that first picture. That picture alone was a heart killer I mean look at the way he is looking at her getting ready to kiss those lips. The intensity in his eyes while he is watching her lips as she licks them is sooo frickkin’ hot. Like you can just feel the sexual tension from that one picture alone &their not even kissing yet. Then you scroll down &see the other pictures it’s like BAM!! straight makeout session all over again.

      I’m sorry but if we are getting all these kisses already then I want a dayum bed room scene &i don’t mean one where he is sick or she is. I want some body movements, some sheets being rolled up, clothes being thrown on the floor. I want to see some good ol’love making…sorry if I sound like a pervert but these two (Kang Ji Hwan &Yoon Eun Hye) got some hot sexy chemistry &with the way they are kissing that’s some major sexual tension right there.

      I mean come on he got her hands pinned behind her back (so effin’ hot) &then next photo he has one hand holding her hands back while the other one is cradling her head &holding it still while he deepens the kiss. If those movements ain’t saying “let’s get it on already” then I’m sorry I don’t know what is.

      Kang Ji Hwan &Yoon Eun Hye pawns all other kpop drama lead kisses that I’ve seen. These two know how to kiss. These are the best kiss scenes I’ve ever seen in a kdrama &I seen alot. When you have two great kissers like these two make a drama, then you know the kiss scenes are gonna be hella good. These two need a hook up in real life &make some sweet sweet music because their chemistry is hot. Like I don’t even give crap about the storyline anymore, if they can give me episodes after episodes of these two bickering &then making out hopefully leading to more I would be Can I just say that he owns a big hotel. I hope they will be able to use it well..if you know what I mean lol

      Oh yeah &now I know why it’s called a cola kiss. I swear I was thinking the whole time is it gonna be she has cola in her mouth &he is gonna come &drink it out of her mouth or something (which I wouldn’t mind too cause that’s hot as but now I see what the cola kiss is..
      Can Monday come any faster????
      Thank you Koala a million for the pictures..I am cheesin’ like crazy from these

  31. I swear for someone just coming to your blog-I was one continous scream as I scroll down!!

    I will DIE.I am so going to download this in HD 720p to watch.

  32. DAmn you PD n writer…the spoilers make me can’t concentrate at work n keep giggling like crazy all day…that is Freakin HOT…speechless…BEST KISS ever in dramaland….hope this HOT KISS is equal with the STORY..I really want to know the story behind this COLA KISS…I hope the story will takeoff to the new level!!!

  33. I am sure from now on my mundane life may have some high alert days cuz

    COKE = KJH & YEH ‘s HOT kisses

    Perhaps my heart beat will exceed “60-90” safe zone
    whenever I spot coke.
    GOD help me…..

  34. im beyond speechless….this post its a great way to start our week feeling hot and flustered all over…kang ji hwan and yoon eun hye ur the best….makes me feel like im invading a real couples private time together…ockoala thanks for spoiling us…

  35. now its official…I am NUTS!!!! coz i do not care if LTM has the crappiest plot as long as we are given these HOT kisses each episode….i swear THIS IS DEFINITELY THE KISS TO BEAT IN THE ENTIRE KDRAMA WORLD…phew! (fans myself) hehehe….am now wishing that KJH and YEH date in real life…that would be truly amazing…

  36. Koala are you trying to give a heart attack?
    How in hell I’m suppose to live after that scene?
    There are only pictures and I’m like what the hell happend?
    I just know that I want a boyfriend, and I want him to watch this with me, so he LEARN something!!! LOL

    *breath, just breath*

  37. omo! that’s what we call a KISS…!!!! :-0
    thank you!
    YEH and KJH for doing the right scene
    that should have been done for many of those kdramas. *kyah!*
    such strong chemistry we have here
    i am so glad that i’m alive and be watching these new dramas!

  38. all I can say is “wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!” I’m having a seizure of epic proportions! Thank you for not keeping these all to yourself…mwah!

  39. *thud* can somebody call for an ambulance?! Oh Koala! you should have a warning “Enter this page at your own risk” or “Page may contain article that are hazardous to your health”…all I can say is DAYMMMMM! Oh so HOT!! By the time ep 8 is shown i’ll be watching it in the hospital bed just in case i ended up in cardiac arrest!!

  40. Trust Eun Hye to go for true kiss and not just lip brushing. Gah!

    I am going gaga! Koala-sshi I am with you in real-life shipping this couple. @.@


  41. I was thinking to myself that yikes – what a messy Cola dilemma! How does Ki Joon with his OCD deal with the mess? HAHA – apparently quite well. hehe. The chemistry between these two is just jaw dropping.

    Please story get better… I really still am hoping the ratings go up and up with all the competition this May/June. But seriously, as a fan… dang it… I agree, they need a bed scene just to do some justice to all the sexual tension they have. I know he owns a hotel but why use the hotel when they can just use his own house hehe… after all, she’s his fakey wifey. 🙂 🙂

    I was watching the scene in ep 2 where Ki Joon confronts Ah Jung about spreading the rumor that she’s his wife. I just absolutely love it. The faces they make at each other. The fact that KJ just can’t believe that she would accuse him of spreading the rumor. It’s just funny how she turns his perfectly-controlled life upside down.

    I’m rooting for them just not clearing up the rumor at all and just get married officially hehe 🙂 Ok – so the aunt doesn’t like her, but if AJ has that charm to really win over the chinese investors for KJ and the entire hotel group then I hope she at least gives them a chance to be happy.

  42. WOW THANK YOU Koala u made my day. If this couple stays on this course I’ll need to see my doctor, the heart palpitations are killing me.

  43. Why does he need to pin her hands at her back? Is he kinky like that???

    I smell boating scene with cuffs in the near future.



  45. Dear Ockoala – if you had a “like” button on this post you would have hit a million easily by now!
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart! Here’s to YEH & KJH overload!

  46. …after Best Love spoilers and now this! oh Ockaola your insanely crazy! how can I do my work properly I want recap now! this may be the craziest thing months in Kdrama…the kiss, shower and whats next bed scene? aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!

  47. And I saw YEH on a bed covered by a blanket just now at preview of Ep8 just now…
    OMG…Cola Kiss and a real bed scene at ep 8 ? *or is the bed scene just a mere imagination ? ~i hope its not..*

  48. OMFG!! Sorry for that but I just have to say it. Gaaaah!!! *burst into pieces*

    Can these two date in real life?? Cause their chemistry is exploding already! Make it reeeeal! lol XD

  49. writer-nim…… bed scene please?

    you’re such a bully writer-nim…… >_<

    *but i like it though :D*

    • the preview for ep 8 looks like there is a bed scene after the cola kiss.. though i’m none too sure if the ‘action’ did happen or Ki joon just changed her clothes.. lol

  50. Damnit, now I’m tempted to pick this show back up just for hawt KJH kisses alone! But no, I mustn’t! Too many on my plate already!!

  51. AHHH… I saw clips from ep 7 and a preview of ep 8. And wowser – thank you to YEH’s fan cause they are super dedicated and have resources. 🙂 I think the episode just ended not too long ago – less than 30 minutes ago.

    Can’t wait to see the entire episode.

  52. OMO!!!!! Blessed Mary and Joseph ….. I have no words and I just want it to be Tuesday already for heavens sake. All I know is if this ends up being some sort of dream sequence …. someone is going down!!!!! I am soooo happy beyond words that there wasn’t more just pressing lips together action .. I hate those! So GRATEFUL! I want this couple to ship off in real life :D!!!

  53. Koala,

    I first saw that new header of yours which cracked me up and had me squee at the same time:

    Thanks for stealing kisses and sharing them with us. 😀

    The one above is actually the least smoking and most chaste, so it has the least risk of sending hearts everywhere into cardiac arrest.
    Actually it’s my favorite, because of her hands around his neck. So sweet and gentle but hawt.

  54. thanks for all your updates! can’t wait to watch the subbed ep 7. Saw the ep 8 preview but don’t understand any bit of it.. though sanghee looks vexed? i hope he won’t end up liking AJ…

  55. OMO! When I read “sick bed scene”I was like how obscene was it that it really got labeled “sick”. Hahaha! When I got to he last few pics…I realized it wasn’t sick as in obscene…it was sick sick. Thanks for getting the heart pumping there!

  56. ON MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! My heart beating is almost stopped!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS DRAMA! Oh LOVE THE LEADS!

  57. OMG….I had chills from these spoilers…’nough said. I can’t wait to watch the whole thing. If my computer doesn’t get fixed (it’s been attacked by evil, malicious things called malware), I will totally die and will have to hijcack someone’s else so that I can watch this spine tingling scene.

  58. Thank god for a proper makes-your-insides-squirm kiss after the hundreds of poncey pecking kisses you get in kdramas :):)

  59. “I must return to staring slack-jawed at the hottest kissage I’ve seen in years in any K-drama.”

    you speaking of my heart! XD
    Now I really got addicted to your blog. Loved this entry! The writers finally realized that simple gesture of affections are enough to make the audience happy. During the Academy Awards it’s the simple but heartwarming movies who are beating a blockbuster ^.~
    keep up the good spirit!

  60. i like how in all her dramas she dosen’t do the lip brush thing, because come on that’s not a kiss. i’m always happy when the whatever drama im watching the main lead finally kisses but then im wishing that they would deliver a better kiss, i know they can’t do it i guess, but i like how she actually does best kisses ive seen and there’s been a few but two of them involve her 1. the cola kiss 2. her in coffee prince with gong yoo! thanks for the preview recap

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