
Best Love Episode 16 Recap — 47 Comments

  1. Nice recap, I have yet to watch this drama but I probably will.

    Secret Garden was my crack for a while, I wonder what re-watching it will be like in a few years…

  2. BL is the best May drama indeed! Hooray to CSW and Gong Hyo Jin for bringing life to Dokko Jin and Ae Jung. They are my favorite actors since City hall and Thank you. It was an unforgettable ride, from beginning to end it evoked a lot of emotions while watching the characters grow in love. I also love the OST a lot. It makes me smile and my mood light whenever I play the songs while driving off to work. I hope CSW and GHJ will make more rom com dramas in the near future.

    To you Koala, I thank you for your hard work. I am now officially one of your loyal followers. I know our lives do not revolve around dramas 24 hours a day since we have our family , work and other issues that needs attention but I applaud your dedication to this playground. Awesome site!!! TY!TY!TY! * _ *

  3. Nice ending and make me satisfied, Thank you so much Ms. Koala for your recaps ^^
    BL is so entertaining…. Make me smile, laugh and excited every wed-thur for the last 8 weeks… Salute to writer-nim, PD-nim and all actors !

  4. Thanks Koala!! I really enjoyed reading your recaps/thoughts. It’s a comfort knowing that there are others out there sharing my secrete indulgence since no one around me watches dramas. I thought CSW and GHJ’s chemistry waxed and waned. There were some scenes that were great, while others were flat. Maybe the tight filming schedule took a tole. Nonetheless, I still feel like they are one of my top OTPs just becuase their characters were so distinctive, and it was definitely very entertaining. 🙂

  5. You read my mind, though I perhaps have a little more love for GL… I’m planning to marathon this in a couple of weeks to experience it in its entirety 😉 I loved loved loved this show for its writing – which just really showed the planning that went into plotting/scripting all 16 episodes from the beginning. In a sense, I think everything about GL – the story, the acting, the supporting characters – is a model in how to respect your audience. Sure, there were some crowd-pleasing gag scenes, but I truly appreciate the mature and common-sense way the drama progressed.

  6. very well phrased, koala. i share the same “sentiments” and satisfaction.

    Undeniably, Best Love has a lot of “best” moments fluidly woven , appealing to viewers emotion and intellect.

    Very few writers can achieve that in a rom-com. Hong sisters did.

  7. Thank you!

    Ultimately, BL did not connect with me on any level so I dropped it, but even I have to admit it was very solidly written.

    And awwww about rewatches ruining a magical first time. That is always awful (didn’t happen with My Girl, which I adore through multiple rewatches, but has happened plenty enough with other things, such as my teen emo love Roswell).

  8. This is by far the BEST ENDING EVER! I saw this today without subs 3 times and saw it subbed 2 times as well..I’m about to watch it again with subs.. and I almost choked a tear(every time I watch this scene) at the scene where Jin comes running totally hurt because he though Ae Jung could have died in the accident. Every time I look at that scene I keep thinking she’s such a sweet girl who deserves a very loving man like him. I wish I was as happy as her!

    However, I do agree with you earlier about on paper and on screen he is an interesting and yes REALLY FUNNY guy, but I’m not sure if I’d want to date or marry a guy like him, It might make me crazy at some point.. HAHA. 😀

    Thanks for the recap and now we have to find ourselves searching for another drama to watch since this has ended and packaged to be closed. 🙂

  9. Thank you very much for the recaps! I agree that the treatment of the surgery was a bit of a letdown (and I felt that the drama started running out of gas this week), but on the whole it was a joyous ride and I’m getting off the roller coaster with a smile on my face.

    I loved the screencap of Jin at the supermarket, LOL!

  10. I haven’t watched episode 16 yet but up to ep. 15, my favorite scene was when GAJ witnessed DKJ’s declaration of his love on the TV show at the end of ep. 15.

    I really liked GHJ’s performance there, and was very much alarmed by the fact that I like this part because GHJ and CSW are separated by a TV screen. It further confirmed my feeling that GHJ and CSW performed very well individually but together somehow, they just don’t click. (or like what you said, “Sometimes it was like they were being directed completely differently in the same scene.” – I have this feeling so often that it adds an absurdly fun element while I watched this drama…)

    I guess the happy ending (spread out in ep. 15 and 16) is more like a treat to the audience… for me, the ending could have be weaved to episode 14 by eliminating some unnecessary sideway plots IMO.

    Am just happy for all the actors and staff that this drama passed the 20% point in rating and they well deserve it. Also glad that they don’t drag on further and make extension to the story (because as i said it could have ended at ep. 14).

    Now I can start my CYHMH marathon run and get prepared for July’s dramas, hehe!

  11. I did not watch this drama, your recaps are good enough for me .I think your comment are awesome..Thank you A koala for all the recaps ..Its just like Dokko jin being re charged by Ae Jung… is your recaps for me.

  12. I’m sad that Best Love has now ended. I found this rom-com to be quite enjoyable and had all the characteristics of a great romantic comedy drama. If they release this on DVD I will definitely considering purchasing it and adding it to my Kdrama collection.

    As for the final episode I loved every cute and tender moment between Ae Jung and Dokko Jin. I felt that as a couple they finally balanced each other out and Ae Jung was finally able to meet Dokko Jin halfway. I also loved Ae Jung’s wedding dress and of course the ring (so gorgeous). The scene with Dokko Jin sleeping with the baby on the couch & shopping for baby supplies was too cute and made him seem like the typical domestic husband…I also push my shopping carts the way he does…LOL! And lastly the baby Dokko was too adorable and the final scene of them saying “happy” Dokko style was a nice way to end a great drama!!

    Can’t wait for the next Hong sister’s drama and the next projects from Cha Seung Won and Gong Hyo Jin!!

  13. Thanks for the recap!!!
    I wasn’t interested to this drama at first, but reading your recap for each episode makes me re-think again and yes, this will be a great show to watch.

    Once again, thank you!!! 😉

  14. Thanks koala for this recap.
    I love BL so much!!!! i’m only to sad it ended…. i want more.
    this was a wonderful jorney… and for sure i will rewatch it inmediately!!!!
    Best Hong Sis Drama… Best CWS performance and best character ever… Perfect Finale… Wonderful GHJ adorable Ding Dong… Cuteeeeeee Baby…. It’s all about Loveeeeeee
    i really want to pay homage to CSW’s Dokko Jin for such a hard character to play.. he did it so well it became a real person to me… dearest DJ i love you so much, you are my recharger… i will miss you so much

    and please visit us in
    lets spread the love!!!!!!!!

  15. now i know why lie to me don’t have baby’s in the end they don’t like same ending as BL….but if ONLY MORE ROMANTIC MOMENT it well be much more appreciated ..nice recap koala i like the ending part….

  16. Finished a final yesterday and going to a trip today soo… Thank you so much for recapping so that even though i won’t be able to watch the 2 last episodes now at least I know what happens 😀 Really thx a bunch, really don’t know how to show my appreciation for your hard work!! One thing I regret while going on (well its a short few days trip) is not being able to constantly check your block!! its really fun:D, interesting 😉 and very entertaining :D:D

  17. oh!! drama ending,I think also this drama from the drama that your never want to re-watched because each Ep you feel with emotions first time and it will never back again.
    Thanks Koala So Much,You make A Great Work,I will always Remember BL with your -Thoughts of Mine- its really wonderful and give the great explain to me and I feel that what i am thinking is wroted. ^^ Fighting!!

  18. aw..this is the second best ending that I love…

    first is the 49 days ending…

    actually, i am not really a fan of happy endings like this…i want happy endings like 49 days ending…I know I am weird, but there is this feeling that everything is somehow not realistic..but since I love the pairings, DOK KO and AE JUNG, it id fine with me to have an ending like this…

    I am going to miss this DRAMA…

  19. Thanks Koala! This is one of the best endings EVER! It left me very satisfied knowing for sure that they lived happily ever after. I watched the raw video and cried at the ending even though I couldn’t understand a word hehehe…. 😛 Can’t wait to watch the subbed version.

    I’ll miss BL! Thanks again! 🙂

  20. Great recap to a great drama! Now I can marathon 🙂 Thank you very much Ms. Koala for your recaps – very entertaining, insightful and always well-written.

  21. Oh god, I’m at the airport choking on laughter with that “Britney” comment. I have a HUGE girl crush on Yoo In Na. She’s just so damn cute!

    I agree totally about BL, it was good. It never “lost the plot” and made sense in its own rom-com way. But it didn’t send me over the edge into k-lala-land.

    Also, previous recap you mentioned Jin being an over the top character or some like that, but to me he is believable I got weird friends. And I know someone in real life that is that friggin’ nuts. And old boss of mine. I read Azumanga Daioh last year and died because the girls’ teacher IS my old boss. To.a.tee.

    thank you so much for the recaps, wonderful as always!

    BEST written
    BEST cast
    BEST production
    BEST metaphor
    BEST sound effect/ background music
    BEST director

  23. thanks for the recaps and the wonderful insights.

    overall, i am very satisfied with BEst love and i enjoyed watching it. The ending scene gave me that warm and happy feeling of a loving family.

    Best Love is the best rom com for me and the best of the hong sisters’ creation. I never got bored or skipped any episode of this drama. As to the OTP of CSW and GHJ, we may have different views on it, but i love the pairing because both are brilliant actors, so regardless of their acting style, i agree with others when they say that they are the PERFECT MISMATCHED COUPLE. i just love their characters, i laugh and cried with them, i love how their love story developed. LOVE CONQUERS ALL and OPPOSITES ATTRACT fits DJ and AJ..

    thank you again..will surely miss BL..will surely rewatch it.

  24. Tell me it’s not over. Tell me it’s not over. TELL ME IT’S NOT OVERRRR! Waah. Dealing with withdrawal symptoms after watching a great drama is something I find hardest to deal with. Yeah, I’m a bit exaggerated but still… No more Dingdong? No more Pil-Joo? No more potato metaphors? No more Dokko Jin? No more DOKKO JIN?! The thought makes me cringe. T____T But what can I do, good things never last. I sooo can’t wait to see Cha Seung-won in another rom-com. Though whenever I see him, I still see Son Hyuk. But that doesn’t make me love him less. I am soooo gonna miss you, Best Love. More than I miss my sisters overseas. Hahaha!

  25. I love, love the ending. It wasn’t spectacular but it resolved most of the issues that presented problems so that the OTP can finally live happily ever after. Except for Manager Jang. I would have loved to see him get what he deserved after putting AJ down so many times. But still i get my happy ending so i’m also happy. CSW was awesome with Dingdong and the baby. He was really funny and i enjoyed his portrayal. I think that he has great chemistry with AJ though they may not sizzle the screen but i like them together. I’m gonna miss watching them every week……:(

  26. Ahhhh….I was saving this last episode for a weekend watch and I’ve avoided reading all blogs so that my judgment of it would not be clouded.

    And ockoala, thanks for your speedy reply in Recap 15. I love coming here to read your thoughts and get recommendations on Tdramas too. Next up will be Drunken To Love You.

    As for BL, I totally agree with your thoughts and insights. I stand by my view that Hong Sisters’ dramas are entertaining while they are airing but just not memorable. This series is no exception. Bye bye Best Love.

    And now, for the home stretch of LTM….all I’m asking is a decent to fantastic ending despite the flaws of this series.

  27. thank you so much for the recap. that tv show is still going but i can not help it to know what will be the last episode. thank you for providing the recap. i really love this show. iam 48 yrs old and i feel in love with it.

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