
Drunken to Love You Episode 12 Recap — 35 Comments

  1. Thanks for the recap!

    I know some viewers would think this episode kinda slow; but I actually quite appreciate that the writer allows some development on the relationship between Jie Xiu and Samantha, in which Xiao Ru plays a critical role. I guess at the end perhaps this will really make a complete family for Xiao Ru, when Samantha, as XR’s mother-in-law, genuinely cares for XR as a daughter.

    The low level of angst is actually quite refreshing because most writers are in fear of the lack of angst. 12 episodes in, I think DTLY’s niche is really about the realistic showcase of the concerns and conflicts that a normal couple would face. An individual may have been haunted by his or her own past; but with another person who helps cure the wound, the two of them makes a perfect couple. I especially love how JX and XR would learn from each other and mature together. This is really what makes their bond stronger.

    I do think XR’s dilemma is realistic in nature – we can see how she is a righteous person from her other acts so I would say when XR sees a certain ex-gf dragging along JX, she can’t simply ignore this fact (sometimes ex-gf can be haunting) and jumps into JX’s embrace. Let’s just say JX needs to think of diff ways to prove that XR can rely on him to protect herself from such harms (which we’ve seen quite a few and he’s so lovely and adorable!! so really, don’t mind seeing more of these).

  2. Yeay for recap.thanks because I’ve been waiting for this.for me each episode had it angst just that they handle it quick and mature so I love it so much.3more to go huh?

  3. I am excited for the next episode. Mother & son team up to make Xiao Ru jealous. hehehehe But yeah, I have to agree with you Koala about the Daniel arc. I actually think it has become more of a nuisance than a special flavor in the story. I wanted him out of the frame already, like this instant.

    I wonder where did her ring go? And yes, Xiao Ru, I’d kill for a guy who could be as expressive and honest with his feelings like Jie Xiu… gosh…

  4. I loved the club scene because of his love for her.I cringed the club scene for the outburst.Like if I was a clubber would I still want a guy to strip after listening to them air the family laundry in public?It was so eww…

    However he is just so sweet.I absolutely love everything about him.Thank you for the recaps.I am off to watch ep 1 now.I was distracted by ep 9/10.

  5. Thank you scriptwriter and Joseph Chang for making SJX the expressive and passionate man that all men in the world should emulate…and man JC can definitely move.. love the Hawaiian dance.. 🙂

  6. thankyou so much koala ^_^ i was actually wondering if you tell me where you get your episodes from? do you download them from a website? I’ve looked everywhere for torrents of DTLY but they just seem impossible to find!

    • Quite a few places has this.
      If you can understand/read Chinese and won’t need English subs:

      1) natnatvip has this drama out pretty fast, sometimes within an hour or so of showing.

      2) tudou as well, though the streaming can be irritating at times.

      What works for me in this drama is probably the leads – I really don’t some of the writing because it really stretches credibility sometimes, over-exaggerates and grates. (or is it the director?)

      for eg:
      (ep 5?)
      – when Avril was sitting at the next table in the resort behind a screen (ep … and seriously …. no one spotted her at all?!? even after she clanged her cutlery down ot something? there was no one else in the restaurant.
      at least place Avril and the guy in some obscure spot or some angled corner, which also makes her creeping out without being seen realistic.

      (current episode):
      – Samantha (who grated, in her own way because her mannerisms are so affected and all; even when her basic-English is so questionable. I personally have a hang-up with people who try too hard to slang when they can’t even speak basics properly. thankfully, she’s settled down in these past 2 episodes)
      Streetwise and so well-travelled, hardcore experienced supposedly (‘supposedly’ being the keyword), and she falls for this not-so-hot stranger’s flattery in a club? To the extent she accepts his ‘candy’. like some insular ajumaa who knows no better?

      – Just write out Avril’s part already …. PLEASE!!

      – And while the writer is at it … zap out Daniel too.

      Just lock the couple up together for the remaining episodes, and let Jie Xiu slowly convince Xiao Ru how she actually loves him. And when that’s done, they can spend the rest of the time, showing us the after too, and sail to the end. Simple!

      THANKS Ockoala for comments and recaps!

  7. it so true i really happy to discover joseph chang , i admit i want someone like him in my life hehehe the song jie xui of hidden fantasy sweet strong dependable , this drama gives me the rainie that been missing in her past dramas , i like her before but in here i admire her acting skills , or they have the great onscreen realistic acting that im sweep away

  8. Mrs. Koala thanks a million for the recaps.. You are right they cast the right persons for this drama. Joseph Chang and Rainie Yang is perfect for this role . I really admired him the way he portray or act his character in this drama. you can really feel the emotions and also Rainie Yang. Have a blessed day everyone.

  9. Thaks Koala…

    I’m neglecting this drama because of LTM.
    Haven’t watched Ep11 and Ep 12 has already come and gone.
    Need to catch up now!

  10. Eheheh, this episode was EPIC :3
    I loved Avril as she finally decided to let go of SJX, and I loved Samantha as she realized that SJX deserved someone better than Avril- someone that would support SJX and stay by him when he needs help and comfort. I think XR was really touched by his protectiveness and she’s realllllly close to giving up on ignoring his love for her and just embracing it and embracing him while she’s at it 😉
    Anyways, I have one small request- I’m going away for the holidays and can’t take my laptop with me, and viki doesn’t work on the itouch and iPhone, so if possible can you please, pleaseeeee, post about the next episode recap ASAP? I really love your recaps and I’m addicted to this drama, so if you have some spare time, please recap the next episode.

    • Ps. Daniel was ohkay in this episode, and I can’t wait for the time we find out why XR ditched him. Like, maybe she thought that his chances of being adopted would be slimmer if he insisted that she had to go with him too?
      And, xiao gui looked really hot when SJX pushed him away, hehes 😉

      • Nope, I think the reason she ditches him is because the family wants only a girl and she wants Daniel to have a better life there.

  11. Yes, what sets this drama apart from the rest of TW dramas of recent times is the lack of angst but it is also precisely the lack of conflict and convoluted sub plots that keeps it on top of the s such a refreshing change to focus on characterization and some wonderful impactful dialogue n quotable quotes by SJX instead of on stereotypes,contrived plots ,far fetched conflicts and predictable coincidences.The absence of these n the focus on the conflicts within the two main characters they discover themselves n true love in each other makes this drama so engaging n entertaining.
    Yes,like koala says,each epi wc unfolds makes me want to break into song n dance..there s a sense of exhilaration n euphoria as this couple takes us back to a time when we were romanced or madly in love with our later -to -be life partners.SIGH….oh how I long for those good old magical days once again..SJX evokes that warm tingling feeling of LOVE in each of us esp the aunties n housewives LOL…But I do have one major complaint about ts TW drama…why isnt SJX backing XR up a wall or on the bed and kissing her senseless??She needs to be given the kiss of her life for her to see the light!! Like in episode 6 ..n CPR doesnt count,ok!
    thank u DTLY n KOALA for coming into my life.

  12. Jie Xiu is pretty darn great huh? Honestly, I was a getting a little bored with DTLY for awhile, but it was really cause of the mindset that I was in while watching each episode, each week. Once I kinda reset myself, I was back to loving Jie Xiu for the wonderful “hubby” that he is. Joseph is really refreshing in this role.

    I think Xiao Ru is justified in all the baggage she carries around. However, I wish they would start really addressing them faster. Just like the Daniel arc – I really felt like it would have been better to introduced him earlier in the series. I like Rainie is this role a lot… very mature, but sometimes, I want to knock some sense into XR.

  13. Im officialy in love with Joseph Chang! What a cutie! So handsome and manly, I never have interest in him before, but after DTLY he is my favorite. he is just amazing, i know is the caracther but he is great 🙂 Other TW actor sare more handsome, sexy or cute, but he had sometime that got into my nerves lol! I think is because he look REAL! Down to earth in his portrayal of a man that realized he is in love with this girl now, and he need to left behind all the drama in his life to get her 🙂

  14. Why can’t they just make out or something? I am looking forward to the day that Xiao Ru will just grab Jie Xiu’s face and dive for a kiss as in torrid kissing galore. Gosh, the guy is so totally into her. Damn, I need some kisses here. LTM!!!! Aigoo! THANKS FOR THE RECAP!

  15. Thanks for the recap! Everything said such wonderful things that all I can do is concur! This drama is wonderfully addictive for it’s seamless portrayal of two people coming together to create a long-lasting relationship.

    JX realizes his feelings and desires so quickly and is so firm in his conviction, that I believe it’s a very true depiction of a man when he’s found what he wants (been looking for), while XR’s hesitation is so real for any woman who has lived with emotional scares. I definitely want XR to just “F” it all and run to JX but I love that like life, it isn’t that easy. She’s scared and she knows it. She’s also lived by certain principles that have gotten her this far, that she’s not quite ready to concede are subjective. But, won’t it be that much more magical, when she’s able to rest easy in JX’s unwavering love and protection?

  16. Thanks for the recap, ockoala!

    Maybe it’s just me, but I thought that this was the DTLY episode that I enjoyed the least. While I get that the main purpose was to reconcile the relationship between Jie Xiu and his mother, with Xiao Ru as the catalyst, the scene at the club went on a little too long and felt draggy to me. Thus, when Xiao Ru was telling Jie Xiu how fortunate he is that he has a mom, I didn’t connect with the emotions as much in comparison to an earlier episode, in the scene when Samantha was trying to bait Xiao Ru with those male models and she straight up told Samantha what a crappy mom she’s been to Jie Xiu.

    Anyhoo, still loving all scenes with Jie Xiu and Xiao Ru. Their chemistry and compatibility are off the charts!

  17. At this time, there are no drops; these are LAKES of wisdom….

    Geezzz!!! You sure are annoying, and as the “x-who-doesn’t-want-to-leave”, now you get the memo? Did the winner of the Bad Parenting Award, aka as Samantha, had to tell you that you ARE NOT, the woman Jie Xiu needs by, his side? He doesn’t need another Samantha in his life? Seriously?

    Jie Xiu, told you, that, 400 years ago. At that moment, he says that he doesn’t love you anymore, he loves someone else and the only thing he can “offer” you is his friendship! Did you have selective hearing too? I know you are a little slow, shallow, totally selfish, and a biatch, but, seriously, did your brain actually works?

    Told you ages ago, get your lovely tush out of there, if you stay, you’re gonna get hurt. Did you follow my advice, hell no, you stay… Now you are hurting, and that is not the kind of injury you can put a bandage on, and keep walking… No, hell no, this one is like the ones, who break you in million pieces, and take you down, to the bottom of the pit… I don’t pity you, but I’m not gonna give you consolation words either, so beat it!!!

    Obviously, it is your entire fault; you were the one who put Jie Xiu, in second place always, making him paying, for a mistake that happens, like in the medieval era. Every time, he asks something from you, you keep pushing him down, and make him, feel miserable. Then, you force him, to stay, in a “fake marriage” for your sake. Lady *coughs* bad actress, *sighs* you dig your own grave, so get in the damn whole, you miserable witch!!! You created the monster, now live with that!!!

    Daniel, UFO guy, Chan Tsing Xu, Po, ᴥLiu Kang, ᴥShang Tsung, ᴥKung Lao, ᴥShao Kahn, ᴥQuan Chi, or whatever your name is…

    Oh, you make me sick!!! The first time you give Xiao Ru, the croissant, she doesn’t remember you!! Why you wonder? Because, you are NOT important!!! Get it, you are not even good enough, to be a memory!! LOL
    Get that in that thick head of yours, if that thing in your head allows, the flow of new information, and update your chip, SHE IS NOT THAT IN TO YOU. You are nothing in Xiao Ru’s life!!!

    My advice, my humble words of wisdom, buy a plane ticket to Tristan da Cunha, pack your things, fire your hair stylist, please, and get yourself lost in the way there. Don’t ever come back, like never!!! Oh and that stunt you make in the pool, not cool, you almost make her drown, you are a selfish bastard, who can’t move on because, he doesn’t want to!!! Get a life, a girlfriend and a new hairstyle, pronto, you know, asap!!!

    (ᴥ Mortal Kombat Videogame Characters)

    Tony and Boss:
    You are my new party mates 4 evar!!! LOL, love you guys!!!

    When did you get a heart? Did you actually have to be confronted, by a wild boar, to realize, how much you hurt your own child? I’m not a mother, but I saw the struggles, of my mother raising 4 kids, and it wasn’t easy. She was a mother, a career woman, a coach, a philanthropist, a driver, a psychologist, a referee, a sheriff, a cheer leader, a provider, a fortune teller, and whoop our butts every time we miss behave. My parents, have being with me, in every triumph, and in every defeat, in my life, without them, I wouldn’t be, the kind of human being I am…

    Thank God, Jie Xiu, is a great man, a passionate, human being, who is willed to experience, new things and feelings. Thank God that Avril dump him, because, God, faith, and alcohol, give him, a woman who is healing his injuries, and opening his heart.

    Xiao Ru
    Make yourself a favor, and us in the way, let that man love you, please!! Break those stupid fear walls and let love flood your heart, body and soul! Please!! Remember: “You don’t understand the true fear of losing someone you love, because you haven’t overcome your personal fear nor you made a move to do so” (Nakahara Mine “Aunty” in Yamato Nadeshiko Live)

    Jie Xu…
    My overly LOVELY man, where in this earth, I found someone EXACTLY LIKE YOU? Please, tell me!!! Oh il mio piccolo amore, (my little love) I LOVE YOU!!! I have a gift for you!!

    And the song says:

    “I’ve been searching a long time
    For someone exactly like you
    I’ve been travelling all around the world
    Waiting for you to, come through.
    Someone like you
    Makes it all worthwhile
    Someone like you
    Keeps me satisfied.
    Someone exactly like you.

    I’ve been travellin’ a hard road
    Lookin’ for someone exactly like you
    I’ve been carryin’ my heavy load
    Waiting for the light to come shining through.
    Someone like you
    Makes it all worthwhile
    Someone like you
    Keeps me satisfied.
    Someone exactly like you.

    I’ve been doin’ some soul searching
    To find out where you’re at
    I’ve been up and down the highway
    In all kinds of foreign lands
    Someone like you
    Makes it all worthwhile
    Someone like you
    Keeps me satisfied.
    Someone exactly like you.

    I’ve been all around the world
    Marching to the beat of a different drum.
    But just lately I have realized
    The best is yet to come.
    Someone like you
    Makes it all worthwhile
    Someone like you
    Keeps me satisfied.
    Someone exactly like you.”

    Artist: Van Morrison
    Song: Someone Like You

  18. Ooh yes,,, by the way, have you watched Sunshine Angel (RainieChun) which came out just yesterday, and are you planning on recapping it? It would be nice if you could 🙂
    I’m sorry, I have a lot of demands ;D

  19. I am giving up on this drama. I don’t really get Taiwanese dramas. They are too padded with silly plots and characters. At least I tried…

  20. Koala, I really don’t know how you have the time to do everything that you do, but I am definitely very very appreciative of your DTYL recaps and insights. I truly enjoy reading your thoughts. I think the last two episodes were not great compared to the first 10. I read somewhere that they may have 8 more episodes and I hope that is not true. I hate that they tried to stretch the series just to capitalize on more ads revenue and, in the process, water down the audience’ watching experience. I am a firm believer of quality is more important than quantity. Sigh.

  21. I really want to know how JX will do to protect XR from the fake marriage issue if the reporter has the contract. I don’t care about Avril cuz she will have Rickie to cover for her.

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