
Jung Woo Sung Considering Noh Hee Kyung’s Upcoming K-drama Padam Padam — 20 Comments

  1. I will call to all thy Gods please let it be Son YeJin because I need for her to still remember! *Scarred for life* Or rather someone who is par w/ Son YeJin talent!

  2. lol..when I saw the title “Padam Padam”, I thought this drama was about Paris! the sound of a heart ? it’s ok too!

    • “padam padam”= “dungung dungun”
      Paris can be named “panam(e)” used as familiar word
      JSW + SYJ = <3 <3 <3 <3 Pliiiiiz Drama Gods!!!!….
      xoxo from Paris

  3. The script for IRIS might have royally sucked, but the cinematography was simply stunning. This sounds like a great writer-director match up to me; let’s hope the result is as epic as the idea sounds. But I can’t even articulate the awesomeness that would be JWS and SYJ. My brain melts just thinking about it. ~crosses all fingers and toes~

  4. There’s no need to read a line in what u have as a script in your hand man, JUST DO IT! Esp now I s’posed u’ve read bits of the Athena script and still decided to do that. I don’t even need SYJ. Even if they go as low as casting LJA…JUST DOOOO ITTTT!! *begging*

  5. Drama gods pleasse…. JWS and SYJ reunion anywhere… just love love love them. Although I admit to being a little afraid of awesome chemistry onscreen couples – where 9 times out of 10, they get bad scripts or something.

  6. OMO, if he does this drama with Son Ye Jin,n it’ll be too awesome. though i’m not one for much angst, a wrongfully accused guy who gets out of oreison could only mean: SEXY! Revenge! And oh so bad!

  7. ms K I really lol when you said pls drama god make it Son ye jin. I remember right away that movie that they have done “moment to remember”. love, love that movie although it drained me so much of tears. wow!! how many yrs has it been since they were paired. I hope dramaland will be able to get this 2 movie stars.

  8. whatttttttttttttttttttt!!!! yay yay yay…my fave Jung Woo Sung with Son Ye Jin!!! oh please drama Gods, make this happen. We promise to be good the whole year through just to make this happen. :))))))

  9. OMG..Son yejin is like so busy to even consider this for this year which is driving me crazy because i want them to work together again!!!! I still hope they consider the tandem though despite the busy sched these two have… WAAHHHHH!!!! WHATEVER IT TAKES!!! DRAMA GODS everyone is calling! LOL..

  10. so its Jung Woo Sung now and not Uhm Tae Woong?…either ways I’m soooo friggin in!!!!!! there were rumors about a Han Ji Min casting too but Son ye Jin would wayyyy more my thing too…before Shower got cancelled it was my #1 aniticipated drama of the year but though I’m sad about it, I think this sounds way more fascinatig so that totally makes up for it….. now I’m off to go dance a happy dance..Noh Hee Kyun is back!!!!

  11. That movie – of my favourite serious k-actors, JWS and SYJ, is what made me fall headlong into love with everytin’ K. Yes indeed, if they ever get paired! in a drama! THAT will be epic, I am telling you. EPIC!

  12. This sounds more like the synopsis for a k-movie rather than a k-drama, but I can totally see Jung Woo-sung play in both. It sounds exactly like the kind of thing he’d go for.

    Omg, if this happen, I’ll probably watch it, but omg, it’ll be sooo angsty. I don’t handle angst too well. :(((

  13. im screaming in excitement right now… even if its not yet confirmed! just the thought of my first favorite korean movie A MOMENT TO REMEMBER actors will reunite in a drama OMG … that really gives me a goosebump!!! please let it happen i really wanna see them in drama!!! please please please 😀 the goddess son ye jin and the hunk jung woo sung is a must see….

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