
Yang Mi Cameos as Vic Zhou’s Ex-wife in the Destiny’s Pair Remake — 14 Comments

  1. who else is squealing seeing Zai Zai wearing a racer’s outfit and flashing back to Mars, especially with Yang Mi looking a lot like Barbie Hsu?
    Me, me, meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! That’s the drama that had me “fall in love” with Zai Zai. Not so much with Barbie’s whose sobs were just plain annoying and fake. And Alan Kuo’s “Ling” song has just started playing in my head now. *sigh*

    They do scream OTP to me as well. 😉

    • Mee tooo!! My heart flutters at thinking of Vic back in Mars too!! I hope these two get to starred togeghter soon too!!

    • Really? I thought Barbie’s acting was very good as well ^^ I guess it all depends on one’s point of view!

      And Yang Mi is seriously beautiful, hands down.

  2. Ahhh Mars, forever my fav tdrama and Zai Zai my fav t-actor….

    Comparing the old pictures with the actual pictures you can see how much he got thin 🙁

  3. Zai Zai looks like he haven’t slept well in ages. And yes, they do look like a great OTP. Not a big fan of Ella but still would catch the show to see Zai Zai and Yang Mi.

  4. Does Zai Zai have a new girlfriend? I hope he finds his true love. I hope he gains weight too for I miss how he looked during his Meteor Garden and Mars days. But still, he’s handsome for me. He’s still Zai Zai, anyway. It’s not everyday that we catch news about him here in the Philippines unless we look for news about him.

  5. Wehehehe she’s so freaking pretty…. Yang Mi it makes me wanna have a facial everyday….and not eat a year….(get over it myself! loud thoughts 😛 ) Zai zai and a mustache posh!!!! LOL 😛

  6. Can’t wait to see this movie. I watched all his drama except for Poor Prince Taro which is not available for viewing. I just keep on watching Mars over and over and over till i fall asleep every night. It’s insane, but I can’t really stop watching him, not a day! Seeing and hearing his voice make my day. Luv this guy.

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