
First Look at Chinese Remake of Brilliant Legacy with Jerry Yan — 22 Comments

  1. im very much adore the brilliant legacy of korea…. its a wonderful drama..i hope the remake version in taiwan can give justice.

  2. Skipping this without feeling any regrets. Much as I like Seung-gi, the only thing that kept me going on and finish BL was Bae Soo-bin (♥) and his amazing Jun-sae Oppa. Other than that, I didn’t really like BL.

  3. really can you have another version of bae soo bin? …i think not!

    But brilliant legacy was so addictive, and I had..and still have a massive girl crush on han hyo joo after that

  4. Jerry? I LIKE and will watch anything that he’s in. But whose that female lead? Have not ever watched her in anything and by the way she looks in the pictures above – not a pretty sight. Why is she the lead?

  5. LOVED Brilliant Legacy, but I dunno if I’ll give this a try. I could never finish Meteor Garden (sacrilege I know!), so I’ve never gotten the ~sparkle~ the Taiwanese F4 seem to emit to the rest of the world. Aaaand, I just loved Seung Gi in the original, and I don’t want anyone to replace him in my heart. *is an old granny set in her crotchety ways*

  6. And here we go with the remakes…I saw BL and it was a great got draggy torwards the end too much angst but overall pretty good. I love Jerry in this role actually and boy he looks good can’t believe he is 32 ..but the main female lead I’m NOT feeling it she looks like a 16 yr old instead of a 23 yr old….I hope the remake is well done and we get nice surprises.

  7. looking forward on this… but who’s the girl? i haven’t watched any of her drama and I ‘m soo lazy to google 😉

  8. While Shining Inheritance was very addicting (and probably the most makjang thing I’ve ever seen), I don’t think I can handle all the angst again… Unless this version turns out to be kick-ass — then I am totally up for it 😛

    • Woah! I didn’t even notice the first time. But it seems like he doesn’t have hands. It’s probably his disability factor since in Brillant Legacy the brother had a mental condition (was it down syndrome? Or was he autistic? Someone correct me). I guess they’re trying not to be as verbatim (?)

      It’s harder for me to watch remakes if I’ve seen one ver./ the original already. I will always compare the two. I didn’t buy into Down With Love, even though I continued to watch all the episodes. I watched Hot Shot for the eye candy. I partially watched Meteor Garden. I can’t say Jerry Yan is on my top list of TW actors, but then again I’ve been out of the TW-Drama loop for a while. I watched Brillaint Legacy, but I didn’t super duper enjoy it. It was OK. I liked the grandma, Han Hyo Joo’s character, and fell in love with Bae Soo Bin. I think I’ll be skipping this one.

  9. I didn’t realize Ming Dao didn’t serve yet, the rest I knew. Wow – I didn’t realize they had this long of a deferment period, even my youngest cousin finished already. At least they have reduce the length of time. Anyhow – this is about Jerry – the man is smoking hot – so glad he served before MG. He frankly looks better with age IMO. 🙂 I usually love his hair black cause it’s almost never black… but he still looks nice here. I’m not too crazy about remakes but hopefully they can do the name justice. The kdrama version was really good – so I’m not sure this can top it.

  10. To be honest, I really didn’t like Brilliant Legacy. I really tried to after all the nice reviews and the ratings but as much as I love Lee Seung Gi, I couldn’t watch it. I love LSG in variety but for some reason, I can’t seem to ever finish any drama that he stars in (MGIAG as well, though he acted better in that imo). If anything Brilliant Legacy made me a bigger fan of Bae Soo Bin…

    As much as I disliked this drama, I am willing to give it a try. Jerry is always picky with his roles so I know the production *must* be at least adequate…and it’s been a long time since Ive seen Jerry in anything so for him, I’m willing to give this one a shot

  11. well, I believe, there’s no longer a need for me to explain why the rating of ” My splendid life” is really high, both in Taiwan, mainland China and even on lines views reached million viewers… for me , the only answer to this is because of JERRY YAN,.. he is undeniably HOT AND HANDSOME as ever since MG1 AND MG2 , even now that he is already 35, as if he only looks 25yrs..whooh!…We can’t deny guys, that for 12yrs of Jerry Yan’s career, he is still in demand; if not only that he is so picky or choosy with his projects, and even if he is picky, he is always on top when it comes to Taiwan’s top earned actor,..and recently; he just appeared in IWC event; gosh, he is really handsome without beard, but with or without; he really looks hot, I will his looks with beard, he is undeniably hot.,he just finished filming “ripples of desire” movie this year 2012 and he’ll do another drama with 2.35 million talent fee per episode where he will act as director.. he is really a money sucker idol and very in demand overseas!!!. that’s why he is still my number 1 Asian Superstar and my all time favorite actor/singer/model.I can’t help it.

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