
Hottest New C-couple Emerges as Hawick Lau and Yang Mi Confirms Relationship — 27 Comments

  1. Ruyi (which looks ridiculously pretty btw) is going to be a big hit now 🙂

    Leaving that aside, good for them! They make a gorgeous couple. I really like FengMi in dramas, but dramas and rl are two different things.

  2. ETA: Is Sealed with a Kiss worth watching? I watch lakorns so have high tolerance for protagonists engaging in criminal behavior vis-a-vis objects of their ‘affection’ (by tolerance, I mean yelling at the screen but sticking around anyway).

    Also, Ruyi’s plot has fakecest, my favorite thing 🙂

  3. OMG! I totally remember Hawick Lau as the eunuch in Virtues of Harmony! He’s matured so much. TVB didn’t really do him any justice so I’m happy he’s participating in mainland Chinese dramas now.

    I wish Hawick and Yang Mi the best of luck. They both seem like genuine and sincere people so I expect this relationship to last.

  4. I like Yang Mi..only when she is with Feng Shao Feng. So I am kinda one of a Fengmi shippers weeping. But then I also have a soft spot for Hawrick Lau since the almost endless A Kindred Spirit. So either way she seems to be a lucky girl!
    (On a totally unrelated note Isnt Yang Mi getting overexposed or something at this point? I feel like she is everywhere. It’s like her agency have to put her in EVERYTHING.)

  5. Oh No. I am a serious FengMi shipper. I’m in tears! What a way to start out a Sunday.
    I wonder how FSF feels about this. He looked like he really liked her.
    Well, I’m still happy for Yang Mi for finding someone she loves so much.

  6. Aww, I’ve had a soft spot for Yang Mi since I saw her with HuGe in a ghost tale. I’ve watched a lot of her works. Congrats to her and hope she has a happy relationship!

  7. I don’t know why, but in those “Ru Yi” pictures, she reminds me of Audrey Hepburn!

    I didn’t even know of FengMi, so I’m totally unbiased and I hope they’ll just make each other happy! And should they ever not be happy anymore, I wish them an amicable break-up. I hope it lasts, though, because they exude so much affection for each other : )

  8. congrats to hawick and yang mi! i was surprised to find that he’s 12 years older than her, but what matters is that they’re happy 🙂 the fengmi shippers must be devastated – wonder if feng shaofeng already knew? i saw an interview of his back in october and he’d insisted they were good friends. so i guess he won’t be too upset.

    btw, hawick’s chinese name is Liu Kaiwei. wonder what yang mi’s parents think of hawick, cuz it seems they really like feng shaofeng.

  9. It took me a few minutes to figure out who Hawick was… Then i was OH YEAH the cutie from HK’s TVB.
    I wish the newly confirmed couple happiness.
    PS. I miss seeing him in TVB dramas.

  10. thank you a lot koala for sharing this news ^^
    so happy for both of them..
    btw.. there is once in HAPPY CAMP that Hawick is calling Yang Mi.. I don’t really understand what they talking about, because He Jiong is kind of teased them..
    Have anybody know about this and mind to tell me, what is that all about? XDD~~

    • There were dating rumours of them circulating and saying Fengmi rumour is false. The real boyfriend is Hawick. So he was questioned and dared to call Yang Mi. Hawick looked kinda embarrassed back then and denied their relationship. He said their relationship was complicated and it was YM who introduced him to join her company after collaborating in Ruyi. But after the declaration of their relationship, if you count back the date, they were already dating back then.

  11. Wooow this was unexpected! I’m so happy for Hawick Lau and Yang Mi! I love them both. They are so hardworking and deserve to be happy! (I know Hawick Lau from his TVB days… I’m glad he made it so far in China!)

  12. Lucky Guy! YM is as perfect as they come. Beauty and brains and she’s a hard worker. I love Hawick since TVB but he never strike me as a good actor. But he has that soft/nice face that you’re just want to like.

    I wish them all the best. I hope that their popularity won’t tear them away like other celebs.

    • alyssia says:
      January 8, 2012 at 7:47 PM
      “Lucky Guy! YM is as perfect as they come. Beauty and brains and she’s a hard worker. I love Hawick since TVB but he never strike me as a good actor. But he has that soft/nice face that you’re just want to like.

      I wish them all the best. I hope that their popularity won’t tear them away like other celebs.”

      I agree with you, Alyssia. Absolutely love them together. Wish them the best!!

  13. I always love his & his dad’s acting. He doesn’t look like he’s 37. I love him with Athena Chu in “Thousand Tears Drops”, too bad that they’re not a real couple… and he was cute in TVB dramas. I never watch Yang Mi’s dramas before… I think she’s very lucky.

    • Hawick said their daughter looks like him. Errm…both ways their baby will also be beautiful with such beautiful genes from both of them.

  14. Hawick’s taste seems to be very extreme. He dated his co-star in A Kindred Spirit and also Bernice Liu. Both also brought up and educated overseas like Hawick. Yang Mi is so different.

  15. More Power for Yang Mi and Hawick Lau !!! We LOVE YOU Both!!!! Always remember the LOVE you have for each other and NOT be consumed by being Big Stars…Fame and wealth may come and go but LOVE is Forever in your Hearts…Always Listen to your Hearts..How and Why you LOVE each other and share the same Destiny!!!

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