
Da Mo Yao Chapter 2: First Meeting — 62 Comments

  1. Wow, that was so fast. Thank you. I think I agree with your observation. HQB does reminds me of 13th/14th. If I’m not wrong, the boy have already got a little crush on our heroine 🙂

    I’m pretty sure my bias will be HQB instead of Meng Jiu. The latter seemed to be too mythical and I prefer real men to fairytale princes.

  2. Thanks so much for the translation! although I can read chinese, my ability is not good enough to understand all the nuances. I really think that at Yu Jin’s first meeting with both guys, Huo qu bing stirred her more emotionally. If she had met up with him first in Chang An, I feel she wd not have fallen for Jiu Ye. Just my impression:)

    • Remember what HQB said to Yu Er early in book 2? “I was only ever late once” referring to the fact that Yu Er met up with Meng Jiu before he could find her. I agree, and it’s really all fate with a dash of choice.

      • I feel Jiu Ye sort of dazzled Yu Jin with his “other worldliness”. I get the impression she sort of placed him on a pedestal and worshipped him. Whereas with Huo Qu Bing sparks flew between them from the get-go and there is just so much passion between them. They are alike in that they stand by each other no matter what obstacles come their way. You dont see Yu Jin leaving Huo Qu Bing “for his own good”–something I really hate as a reason for breaking up…

  3. Thanks for translating the chapters into English. Kudos to you! Even though I’ve read it before in Chinese, it’s fun to read it again in English. Maybe I’ll translate a few of my favourite snippets myself while waiting for the DMY drama news, since I have quite a bit of time on my hands these days.

  4. ah…definitely spoiling us again! many xoxo to you!

    I was so confuse with chapter 1 getting their names straight and the time line. It’s like Da Yu and and Yu Dan. Yu Jin and then Jin Yu. I think the names will come around soon. Is Da Yu his real name or is it a title? Do you mind doing a legend of characters names to name changes?

    In for the time line, it was bouncing back and forth as it was her memories right?

    I wondered why her foster dad wanted her to become human? I understand she saved him and maybe that’s the only way for him to pay back but why? why? doesn’t he have a family of his own? Luckily he became a loving father figure to her and want the best for her.

    I don’t rmbr reading it but was it explained why JY was abandoned and lived among the wolves? Her brother wolf is so darn cute and LOL at the moment she scoff and said he was showing off. I just can’t believe their love for one another touched my heart.

    It’s so sad that the two men she grew up with are not her OTP. She may have been young at the time but they appear to both be fond of her. Will they cross path in the future chapters?

    All the reference to the moon is rmnding of the moon that embrace the sun.

    This chapter just tied her fath to both these men. So by now… she’s probably 16 -17 yrs old now? I like how she is blunt and decisive. And it’s spicy up already.

    whoo hoo! looking forward to more chappies!!

    • I only read a couple chapters but I really do like this book. So Dan Yu was the Xiong Nu tribe’s leader, and Yu Dan is his son. Our heroine’s original name in Yu Jin but she later changed it Jin Yu when she introduced herself to the merchants. I do love HQB though, Jiu Ye is kinda soft and a bit too gentle, but, like I said, I only read the beginning.

      • Thanks skyblu.

        So they are a pair of father and son of the tribe leader. And they are not related to the Han’s emperor right? because she said her father mentioned that she have to respect them but they can call her by her name?

        thanks! so lucky you can read the novels.

  5. Thank you!!! Now I’m so excited for the next chapter > < it mustve taken you a long time to translate all of this, right? Again, thanks! I'm addicted now 🙂

  6. Hey Koala,

    Have been lurking around for the past 2 yrs. I finally decided to participate because though i like dramas i love a well written book more. I’m trying to learn spoken mandarin step by step and the complexity frightens me (lol). In order to read it, i might have to be reborn. Anyway thank you for going into all this trouble.

    I can already see Hu Ge as HQB. So far i like how the story is progressing and i’m sick of wishy washy leading ladies. So hope to read more.

    Thanks again

  7. Oh my gosh! You’re so amazingly fast~!

    I was delighted to see another chapter when I checked your blog~!

    “I angrily kick him, knowing how he loves to show off. Ay, who knows how many female wolves’ hearts will be broken right here tonight.”

    That was epic and I burst out laughing :3

  8. Xie xie! Wow, are you really going to translate all the chapters?? If so, then Huzzah! 😀 I really wish I could get ahold of an English version. Does anyone know if there is an online version with pin yin, although I doubt there would be? The first two chapters, and I’m already hooked- you have no idea how anticipated I am for the next chapter- I’ll probably end up checking your site every few minutes as soon as I get home tomorrow, haha..

  9. So… Yu Jin/Jin Yu has memorable first meetings and experiences with Jiu Ye and Xiao Huo. All this and it’s only chapter 2. Wow! This story is moving along quite nicely. And it’s a good thing, since I’m already hooked!

    I guess there’s something to be said for the forced intimacy of riding a horse together. There’s a similar scene in The Princess’s Man where Park Shi Hoo’s character is forced to share his horse with his currently estranged OTP. The physical closeness rattled him so much that he got off the horse and decided to walk rather than maintain that contact. It’s interesting that a similar motif reappears in this story.

    Based on their early (but accurate) assessment of each other’s personality, I’m gonna ship Jin Yu & Xiao Huo. If they are the OTP, I get the sense that their relationship will be of the intensly connected, soul-stirring variety as 4th Prince and Ruo Xi.

    Reading two chapters in one day was certainly a treat! Thanks, Koala!

  10. I am a long time follower of your blog but I’ve never commented — but I just have to thank you so much for such an awesome thing you’re doing! First you introduced us to Bu Bu Jing Xin, and now taking the time to do such a beautiful translation of this novel? I am so thrilled I can hardly stand it. I don’t know how I’ll manage to wait to watch the drama version of this but thank you SO much for taking the time to share the novel with those of us who can’t read Chinese. So far your translations are beautiful and so interesting to read.

    Thank you so much for spending so much time working on this — you’re seriously amazing.

  11. Thank you so much, Koala~
    You really do spoiled us. ^_^
    Now I really wished that I could read Chinese more, I’m so hooked with this book. Can only depend on your translations, Koala..
    So far I think HQB will be my only bias with no room for MJ at all, hahaha..

  12. I knew CHINA’s culture is amazing and truly RICH….I hope the modern world will not smother the goodness in olden days….I miss my neighbors wolf dog….he’s so tame his eyes are blue and his fur is dark gray….I would touch the dogs forehead and it’s as if it speaks to me….the dog feels my affection….funny how this kind of affection should apply to a male being….but being rational being makes them irrational most of the times lol 😉 thanks Koala Bear

  13. Thanks for the translating. I love you for taking the time. This totally beats desperately reading the chinese google translations or using the viet-eng dictionary for the vietnamese version.

  14. Thanks so much for chapter 2! That was so fast! I like that the story’s going fast although I’m a bit confused about what happened with the whole Xiong Nu thing prior to returning to the desert and the wolfpack. When Shan Yu died, shouldn’t his son Yu Dan have inhereted the Dan Yu seat? Why did it go to the Xie Yi Zhi? And why was he chasing down both Yu Dan and Yu Jin? What happened to Yu Dan later, was he killed or did he survive? Also, how come the adoptive father died? Not sure if any of these questions are or will be answered later in the novel…

    Anyway, the first meeting with the two male leads was interesting but I think the latter had more impact. Well, Jin Yu and Xiao Huo certainly interacted more on a personal level. The whole horse riding thing was cute XD And I must say that it seems Xiao Huo/HQB was smitten with her from the very beginning ^^

    • Um, I’m pretty sure Xie Yi Zhie staged a coup. He wanted the power of the Shan Yu for himself. I guess he didn’t want to bow to them anymore, and he felt superior. But I don’t know, either.

  15. Wait, did I get this right, Meng Jiu is a wheelchair? So he’s paralyzed or had an accident?

    Thank you sooo much, this is so awesome! Love reading it, there’s a lot of whimsy tucked in there.

    Will we ever go back to before Yu Dan and Yu Jin fled on that horse? To figure out what really happened, exactly? Argh, I’m so curious! Thanks again! ^^

  16. Thanks so much koala! It’s amazing how much effort you put in to share this story with us. Cannot thank you enough.

    I was quite surprised that the story had done away altogether with the Xiong Nu tribe and sent her back to live with the wolves. I like how her relationship with Brother Wolf is so well written, but I’m also glad that she comes to the realisation that she wants to go to Changan without much hesitation. Love a heroine who acts on what she wants instead of adopting a wait-and-see attitude!

    Of the two men, I liked them both but it’s much easier to like Xiao Huo from the get-go. Jiu Ye is the kind of person you admire from afar but Xiao Huo is the kind of person you cannot bear not getting closer to.

    • Haha I agreed that Jiu Ye is the kind of person we admire from afar. As for Xiao Huo, he is the kind that we can’t bear to not be with.

  17. Khamsahamnida!!!! Love love love it …..
    The friendship w/ brother Wolf is so wonderful
    I am still coming in term w/ their names but nonetheless it was so well written and u translated them soooo perfectly!!!
    Thks a million again and till our next journey!!!

  18. Thank you so much Ms K for such a wonderful gift – I have read the 2 chapters and now long for more. I think Tong Hua is such a gifted writer to paint such luscious pictures and takes us through a journey through the eyes of these wonderful characters.

    It must have taken so much time for you to do this and for that I am very grateful as I have seached high and low for a english version of the novels and have turned up empty handed so here is the only place to get my fix.

  19. Beautiful! Thanks again Koala… You’re a gem!! Your translations is so descriptive and beautifully vivid… it’s like watching a HD version of a drama! Seriously!! THANK YOU!

    I really like that her memories took us back to the glimpse of the past… so suspenseful.. dying to know what happen to her Papa, Yu Dan and Yi zhi Xie..

    At the same time – I can’t wait to read your translation on her meeting Jiu Ye (a gentleman) and Huo Qu Bing (deliciously bad boy) again!! I love Yu Jin… so different from the typical damsel heroine… she saved HQB and his clan!! Simply awesome… Thank you… Xie Xie… Arigatou… Mucho gracias…. Ms Koala!!

  20. thanks so much ms. koala!!! certainly wasn’t expecting another chapter so soon, but we’re not complaining. 😀

    this is turning out to be a real page-turner, so to speak – can’t wait for the next one!

  21. i can’t express how much i love you for doing these translations! thank you koala-unnie! i’m chinese and i’m fluent in the language… i’ve got damoyao downloaded ever since your first mention about it a few days ago.. BUT reading the first chapter, made me realise that my reading skills have deproved with lack of use- it takes me TEN times longer to read in chinese than in english…
    im really really amazed at your language ability and fluency in not just english and chinese and what i assume to be a significant degree of competency in korean/japanese.. you know what, it’ll be totally awesome if you could do a post giving some background on how you came into learning these other languages and how that figured into your drama/manga obsessions.. i for one would love to hear about it and hopefully find some inspiration from your stories!

  22. Thanks so much for translating.
    There’s no way I’d be able to read this wonderful story if not for you.
    I’m mighty envious of people who know chinese 😉

  23. After reading your summary and the chapiter sorry but I thing LSS doesn’t fit the image of the lead female heroine. She just doesn’t look exotic and her eyes are anything but “shinning”.

  24. Please take this the right way, stop recapping Moon/Sun, thereby releasing more of your time and talent into translating this wonderful novel into english. This is from someone who will watch Moon/Sun to the end. Thank you for fine efforts. Looking forward to ch. 3.

  25. Thank you! I’m loving this novel and this writer.

    I enjoyed these lines, “The views I see everyday suddenly feels calmed by the addition of his white-robe. I guess even the vistas can be lonely.”

    Yi Zhi Xie tried to kill her? Oh, no…..I cannot wait for her and Yu Dan to meet back up one day.

    I’m enjoying this journey of Jin Yu. Sad that she’s leaving her wolf family, but she is a young lady and I know they will come to her aid if needed one day.

    Can I just say that <3 Xiao Huo. I need more info on Jiu Ye, but I like him already. Oh, dear…

  26. Wah, another chapter already — and beautifully translated to boot! Thank you so much Ms. Koala for sharing such a wondrous story with us. I already love YJ/JY’s spunk so much and I just bet HQB was quite sizzling in the story. I can already sense his magnetism a mile away, even though this only the intro to his character.

    I wonder, though, how will the drama portray the wolfpack? Will they be using the actual animals, CGs, or perhaps a person personified as a wolf? Whatever the case may be, I hope the drama version sticks to the book as much as possible because I’m already loving it! Oh, how I wish I can read and write in Mandarin 🙁

  27. This story seems like a winner already eventhough I’ve only read the first 2 chapters of the novel. Gosh I’m already sucked in hook, line & sinker! Also, I’m beginning to love DMY way more than BBJX & even before the show has even started production ha.

    Tong Hua is really a masterful storyteller whose period novels transcend evolution. In fact, they appear to be a modern mash of Louis Cha, Gu Long & Qiong Yao. Firstly, in most if not all of her works the protagonist is always female which is refreshingly different from the usual macho hero types. In addition, she gives them a sassy and spunky vibe which renders them more interesting and lovable; a feral Yu Jin is a far cry from the stereotypical pure goddess Xiao Long Nu type found in most wu xia/period novels. This is probably why I’m more drawn to the story and find it endearing too.

    Thanks so much for your wonderful work (the translations are really great)! In fact they have prompted me to wanna start reading the original novel myself if I can get my hands on one..

  28. You are in trouble now Koala……you just have to finish translating the entire novel….both volumes. 🙂 I’m officially going to stalk your site until you are finished. hahah

  29. Like some other people who commented, I had been following your blog for a long time, as a silent reader. I decided to finally step out and comment because I want you to know how much I appreciate you translating and sharing with us, this wonderful novel. Thank you so much, and hopefully, you’ll continue doing so as long as you can and want to!
    So far, I love where the story is heading. The main characters had been introduced, and the story is not just starting… that I can’t help but feel excited for what is going to happen next.
    Once again, THANKS!

  30. Haha when HQB stared at her, she was so shy she couldn’t stare back but looked at the ground. If we must compare the first time she met YZX, she was the one staring at him n YZX even blushed. Lol. This means HQB sort of ‘taming’ the wild girl, no?

  31. I love your translation of the story. Chinese-english is pretty different structurally but I think you’re so amazingly eloquent in your interpretation perhaps Tong Hua should just hire you to do the translations.

    That aside, I’m quite worried about the drama adaptation. Especially since the wolfs feature prominently in the story ….It’s like the eagle in Legend of the Condor Heroes, I ‘m not sure how they’re gonna pull it off…awful CGIs or people in costumes? Either way, it can be pretty distracting. I love the intensity and backdrop of the story, but I seriously doubt if they can reproduce it….

    As for the characters, I hope they cast well, because seriously you’ll need pretty AND strong actors to pull off their magnetism and charm…

    • I agree. I can easily imagine Hu Ge as HQB and LSS doesn’t really cut it for me as YJ/JY, from what I’ve read of her character thus far. YJ/JY sounds so feral, confident, and passionate about many things around her, which LSS falls kinda flat to me >_<. Oh, well, I'll try to not to judge to much until the cast has been fully confirmed and if she does accept the role, here's to hope that she can carry it all out with flying colors. Thanks again, Ms. Koala, for sharing the beauty of this story with us. I'm already crushing on HQB and it's just the beginning 😛

  32. I find myself obsessively refreshing this page every few minutes to see if the next chapter has been posted…I think I need an intervention…

    Anyway, I loved how HQB maneuvered to have JY ride with him on his horse. And it sounds like from his comment that he guessed that JY intends to go to Chang An.

    By the way, where is Chang An? I tried to google map it, and it seems it’s either in Xi’an or Shijiazhuang, Hebei?

  33. This is totally tangential and irrelevant, but what did women do during their periods? Yu Jin moved around the desert with wolves, so wouldn’t the blood cause problems?

    • LOL ya know… I always wondered about that too!!! For all of the stories set in times when hygiene is the least of their worries… *shudder*
      I wonder if they “matured” later than modern females (I’ve always read about that)…

      Regardless, deserts seem an awfully uncomfortable place for someone during her menstrual cycle…

  34. I’m just starting to watch the drama series and wanted to read the english translation of the novel at the same time. Where can I find chapter 3 and beyond? Thanks so much for translating. I wish I had paid more attention in Chinese school!

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