
The King 2 Hearts Episode 12 Recap — 76 Comments

    • Hm, I think I’ve mentioned this before when commenting on your Lie To Me entries – I actually read your recaps before watching the drama itself (and sometimes, instead of because your recaps are just so good!) so they’re like my drama-oxygen 😀 Thanks so much for the recaps and I actually cannot wait to watch the entire thing once my exams are over.

      A thought just occured to me: the other ‘heart’ can’t possibly be Bong Goo’s gf right?? HAHAHA. Yeah no ignore that crazy thought, probably just a side-effect of exhaustion!

  1. Ep 12, I watched it raw…didn’t understand anything and understand all…you didn’t need words feelings were over screen.
    I enjoyed every second and made to many replays from amusement park scene.

    When KHA arrived with team…I melt.
    And then…
    Boom here, boom there.., girl flew.., spin kick, chop, chop with her hands… Some heavy ninja -kung fu – marines stuff. ×palms on cheeks
    Hang Ah done all that wearing mini skirt EPIC…I bow you.

    • i smiled at your “Boom here, boom there.., girl flew.., spin kick, chop, chop with her hands… Some heavy ninja -kung fu – marines stuff. ×palms on cheeks” i never watched the raw ep coz i dont understand , but with that description, boom here…. i might as well watched it raw, hoping i can also get that chopchop. LOL

  2. thank you!!! tk2h is so good that it hurts to wait a week!!!! kick ass hang ah! hjw is awesome!!!! i love how she didnt even look at him while kicking everyones as! totally a mr and mrs smith or this time king and queen of south Korea! fighting!

  3. I refreshing this page like Crazy..
    Yaiy for WOC team-sorry Dong Ha-ya~

    And with all the love is back, I wonder…how this dynamic duo will crush Bong Goo? I can breathe easier now…

  4. I thought that the keyword was not “saram” (people), but rather “sarang” (love), which would be a major jab at the pitifulness of Bong Gu.

    • No, that is a mistake everyone is making. He said “saram” and not “sarang”. I listened to it many many many times to make sure. I heard the “m” at the end. Either that or I’m going deaf. I think it works either way actually.

      • It was SARAM, and with my little little korean knowledge I understood that. It has the same meaning like in “person”, right? they use this word for “그 사람” = that person .

        In TWDR they use another word for people ( b…)

        Anyway, it was a good episode, a beautiful episode.

    • HAHAHA, I totally knew Jo Jung Seok speaking Japanese would turn you into a puddle of goo. I was almost right there with ya. The last time I melted over foreign language skills was when Pi performed on M-net and ended his performance with a “kamsamnida”. You needed a spatula to scrape me off the floor. Though I was partially ROFL at the lyrics for that song.

    • OMG, me too!!!! His enunciation was really good! And with his soft voice, especially at the part when he said, “onegai shimasu”…kinda raspy towards the end. Oh my.

  5. Thank you so much for the recap!! I was refreshing this page again and again .. 🙂
    I totally agree with you on your views about this drama!! Until now, K2H is still DAEBAK! I can’t believe there is so much goodness in this one drama!!
    Thanks again for the recap Ms Koala!

  6. i love the way Hang ah rescue Jae ha and than just leave without even a glance, so so so cool!! also when the cute guardbot smiles *squeal* bieber’s lyric of ” you smile i smile” come to mind and so i smile

  7. Finally, the reconciliation. Yay. After I watched this ep, I can sleep with smile from ear to ear.
    Thanks for the recap Ms. Koala.

  8. whah!!! kim hang ah, what a superwoman!! mouth just when *thunk” when i watch her leap and just ninja the heck out of those soldiers, STANDING OVATION!!!

  9. Thank you so much for this recap….I kept checking your site all day. I will say it again, you are amazing and what you do is so appreciated. K2H is turning out to be my favorite drama! I have never cried watching a drama but this one constantly has me in tears (even raw unsubbed, lol). I loved that Hang Ah went out and rescued her man, that scene was awesome and a nice change from the guy always rescuing the girl. The chemistry between the OTP and 2OTP is great and you can’t help but be invested in the couples. I just hope that JH’s playboy scene doesn’t cause any problems with HA…I want them to stay solid and work together to take out Club M…

  10. several thoughts at proposal scene:
    where is the ring?
    that is one of the best proposal speech i have ever heard
    if that is revenge then who do i have to kill to get it
    and laughing to myself at the thought of the crewmen busily roughing up the tree so the petals could fall, haha “she is crying, cue more petals, hurry,*shake…shake… shake..”
    cant wait for the bts

  11. I love the funny dialogue especially the Doraemon part.
    The writer is absolutely brilliant with that password guessing for the treasure box. It’s like telling Bong Gu to keep voicing out his inadequacy, such a delicious torture method but yet so fitting. Brilliant.

    • You’d think the brilliant madman would refuse, but no, the brilliant inferiority complex man HAD to try to beat JH by thoughtfully considering, then saying and hoping this weakness was the right one.

  12. I died a thousand times just reading your recap, thanks. I can’t imagine myself watching this live. I’m a hopeless romantic so I’m buying all those cheesy but genuine gestures of JH. That proposal was the sweetest ever! You’ve captured the best screen shots, I just love JH’s constant reassurance to HA by holding her hands. I hate Fridays…it means the start of another longing days for the next TK2H’s episodes….

    • . everybody loves friday TGIS but yourz “I hate Fridays” that is soooo original Lhej! I enjoyed reading recaps but i think i enjoyed more reading comments. ^^

  13. Hi Ms Koala!!
    Thank you so much for the recap. Been reading your blog for a month now and I really like your writing style and the humor in it and most especially your recap. Whenever I want to watch a new k-drama, i will go to your blog and see your recommendation. I always laughed whenever you write something like the writer should never write another drama again or John Mayer should never have a bath tub scene.

    Quick question.. Is PD Lee, the director TK2H, is the same PD Lee of 1N2D?

    Kudos to the TK2H actors and staff — one of the best k-drama I ever watched.

  14. Thank you koala, I watched it live last night and it was one of the best episode ever. This roller coaster episode was thrilling & fun.

    But I scratched my head when Shi Kyung let King Jae Ha ride in the carousel alone with that mascot (deep down I already knew he’s one of the assassin) and the NK people. I practically screamed to the screen, “Shi Kyung, you need to be with King Jae Ha, never ever leave him alone with people that you don’t know. As King’s personal guard, you can’t trust anybody.”

    The return of NK WOC team was great! And love love love it when Hang Ah came to the rescue. The proposal was cheesy, but it’s so sweet and endearing (only Jae Ha can do that kind of proposal). I was expecting a kiss scene after the proposal or during their train ride, but there was none. >.<

    Now I love Bong Goo, as he reunited JH & HA, so thank you BG! =)

    His expression when he was trying to crack the password was hilarious too. Can't really wait to see what's in the USB that JH gave to him. Next Wednesday, please come sooner.

    • Let us count the epic fails of the South Korean royal bodyguard team since this drama started…..whoops, too many to count. We are now one dead King, one paralyzed Princess, and one almost-assassinated new King down from someone taking out the entire royal family with a poisoned cake. Other than Eun Shi Kyung, who is cute pie, and Dong Ha, who hasn’t personally exhibited any fail yet, everyone on that team needs to be sacked and sent to guard the prison for white collar criminals guilty of accounting fraud. That is about as much as they can handle.

  15. Daebak episode!!!! Now I need to find a man who will have a revenge plan on me like Jae Ha does. 😉

    Speaking of each, Jae Ha-ya..where are the kisses?!!! There should be accountability on those promises, eh? Holding hands does not cut it, we want MOAR…MOAR!!!

    • P.S. Now that I’ve somewhat recovered from one Jo Jung Suk speaking 2 lines in Japanese, can I swoon over how HOT Seungi-gi was standing there underneath the cherry blossoms daring Hang Ah to run him over? And let’s not forget the way he looked at her while she was showing her ninja moves to those bad guys at the carousel! He definitely did a good job acting like someone so utterly smitten! Or maybe it’s not just acting…haha!

      • “maybe it’s not just acting”that i agree at least crush i mean who can act with her and dont fall for her with all that wonderfull act that make any
        character a live and for that great women that she is in real .

      • be optimistic that we’ll get another hot kiss (or kisses) next time, dear~~
        he said he’s gonna pu pu her every morning, didn’t he? hehee~ the way how he mentioned pu pu already represents his deep desire and hormone, dear~~ he he hee~

        I’m already melting only by looking at how JH’s eyes full of love whenever he sees HA.. his eyes show everything.. aaaaaaaaaaawwww~ <3 <3 <3

        anyway, I'm looking forward to see the awesome, sexy, and gorgeous HA in her military uniform during WOC… I was wondering are they gonna have a dormitory too? If yes then… a separated room or same room? -lol-

        Btw, I must admit how I love the preview of the next episode where JH in his royal attire and HA in her military uniform are holding hands and standing side by side… they look perfect~!
        I'm so falling in love with this couple…..

      • Hahaha! I will definitely be counting the kisses..and more. 😉
        I just rewatched the proposal scene and somehow I missed the “EVERY MORNING” part. Does this mean that Jae Ha is planning to forego their separate rooms (before wedding) from now on? I mean, unless he plans to make a trek around the palace with his royal entourage EVERY MORNING (that would be too tiring..and Jae Ha is lazy *wink, wink*), how else can he kiss her except waking up next to her in bed…right?! It’s all about semantics. Teheee.

  16. Thx for putting sense to all speaking M’Koala.Nothing more impt then knowing what the reformed lovebird was cooing about ! I felt like i was sitting on a cliff edge epi 8-10), then last 2 nights came along & it was just lovely! Feels like sitting on soft fluffy clouds now. Ok. Now everyone can channel our angst at killing off Crazy Bonggu.
    Think I’ll be replaying epi 11&12 for a loong time.Its up here on mental record & replay.

  17. Im not sure why, maybe because I had a stressful day but when Jae Ha bent down and proposed to Hang ah while holding her hand.. I ended up crying, tears falling from my eyes….. it was so touching and heartfelt.. I thought she was the luckiest girl in the world… I’d like someone to propose to me like that… 😀

    I also thought it was funny that Jae Ha was talking to the Secretary on his cell phone in the bathroom.. Of all places right??? 🙂

  18. oh my god everything was perfect but you know what was realy funny is when jae ah was gone to meet that women, oh dude you gone to mess with the must powerfull and crazy man and the only think you concern and hesitant about ,its that hang found that you was with another women okey god boy!!!!!!!!!! it seem our boy king has mature and learn the lesson…………………
    but Bong Goo you should start to panic its our special forces agen who is super powerfull on both physically and psychologically with no fear + strategic mind and our boy king that can make wars just using words who know no limt, no Mercy and dont stop or think before win and with one rules no when mess with me without taste my grudge and the two now together
    and making you their target so good luck crazy man and good time for us watching that.

    • Can you blame him for wanting back up in that situation in case HA was to find out? Girl can literally kick his ass and he knows it. 🙂
      Looking forward to our dynamic duo donning their Super Hero capes to take on the Big Bad Crazy!

      • you’re right! atleast now he knows the repercussions if HA gets pissed off and returns home. haha. But, it was cute nonetheless how he repeated twice that he loves HA and SK nodded soberly! gaahh i luff you so, Jae-ha!!

      • hhhhhhhhh yeh our boy know that this his ;ast chance after that there a grave he really doning well

      • hhhhhhhhh yeh our boy know that this his last chance after that there a grave , he really do his best so far ………ah that remind me what hang ah said during the woc that cheating on her is death mistake.

  19. Off to read Ms Koala. Just the top photo alone was enough to make me make incoherent noises of delight. This drama is making me so happy it’s unbelievable. That combination of leads, chemistry, acting, family love and those lines. That writer writes some potent lines.

    I’ve already watched that proposal scene 4 times. Now that the subbed lines are out it makes me die even more. LOVE this episode. It is such a satisfying feeling when you know the show you love deserves it and you don’t have to love it, in spite of the shit it throws at you.

    🙂 am going to be replaying this thriller movie, action show and romance episode all week.

  20. Just watched The Proposal Scene again ( & again) . Even or a ahjumma , that love stare from JaeHa , that half smile cooing out love promises…Sooooo unnerving! I was clutching my face nervously. How to resist? There was no escape from him. He knew his potent claim on her. See his confidence ! Look at her crumbling by the seconds. Who wouldn’t!
    Ok that it. I want JKS for one of my girls-no,wait, he’s booked by my beloved MGY- and and LSG , for my other girl. Definitely a Seunggi .Definitely.

  21. Thank you for the recap and your insights.
    Soo many good moments in this episode.

    I am SO PROUD of uri HA, and her rescue. Watching the King watch her kick everyone’s ass put things back where they belong with that pair. I don’t think either of them will slip back into HA feeling less than the King or feeling he doesn’t value her again.

    I think that will be my favorite proposal for ever. Offering the little affections mixed in with the powerful “I’ll always be faithful” made it even more touching and potent.
    Mr. Playboy hereby relinquishes that crown…Ut-oh! Except for that one time at the end there where he extracted info from Tara in the Japanese nightclub…oh well…that doesn’t count, right?

  22. HA “can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan!” Ep. 12 was the total package, kudos to TK2H. Thank you, Ms. K for the recap and insightful comments.

  23. For some reason I was swooning at the scene when Hang-Ah walks away from the carousel and Jae Ha is watching her. I know it is supposed to be a little heartbreaking but I could feel so much love in that scene, that I was swooning from the romanticism in it.

    I love how this PD captures a strong woman walking away. He did this so well in Damo with Ha Ji Won and here he is again with it. Love, love, love.

  24. this show finally over the sad they become my first drama..
    lllooooooovvvvveveveveveveveve every single LSG and HJW scene in it..
    i want more ‘whisper’ kiss pleaseeeeeee…
    am i asking too much?

  25. K2H is already on my top ten list! It’s a rare thing for a drama to *literally* get better and better with each new episode. The (fictional) stakes have never been higher and LSG/HJW play it to the hilt. They continually bring out the best in each other and now that their characters are “facing the world” together….surely there is even more awesome-ness to come. 😀 And how great is it that even the second leads & side characters are given a compelling story.

    This drama hits all the right notes for me. Hey – like everyone else here…I’m already looking forward to next week!

    P.S. @Koala – thanks for the post and for the extra K2H tidbits & spoilers! So awesome!

  26. thanks again for the recap. also, it is a joy to read all the comments here. TK2H is now a fever!!! can’t wait for the next episode.

    thanks for pointing how good the PD is. i find JH and HA clasped hands very very intimate, so powerful that their emotions simply glows in that assuring gesture. 🙂

  27. Kim.Hang.Ah.Can.Fly! I love her more, btw I can’t wait to see Kim Hang-ah vs Bong-Goo’s robot assassin a.k.a Bong-goo’s girl hairdresser.

    Thanks for the awesome recap Ockoala.

  28. I say boomb that crazy,dumb poor image of David Copperfield…
    If HA get angry on me you are my wittnes…EPIC. scared JH.

  29. Thanks for the recap Ms Koala ^^ You always give us the fans gifts of happiness every morning~~ I wish I can hugg u!! xoxoxox… hihihih…

    I cried watching the proposal part last nite, though I only understand some of it.. But the emotions are oozing from both HJW & LSG… I hope the ep 12 english subs will be put online soon…

    I can’t wait for Wednesday & Thursday next week >.<

  30. Dear Koala,
    I join you in admiring the PD – what a splendid job he’s done.
    I am at the stage now that before each new episode I find myself chanting, “please don’t blow it, please don’t blow it.” Because I am so afraid some shortcuts or sellouts or just plain incompetency in the script, directing, editing, whatever, would drag the drama down from its high perch. Thank goodness each time I sigh a happy sigh of relief.
    Strangely, I never worry about the acting. Every character is fleshed out with so much spirit and heart, I know they will do us right given half a chance.
    This episode just has too many enjoyable nuggets. But the big number, the proposal, one that I was most afraid of turning into a self-grandeurizing gooey mess, was crisp, understated, but full of emotions. Jae Ha has never been more handsome and sincere. Hang Ah has never been more open (and achieving it by almost not saying a word). OMG. So satisfying.

  31. Just finished Ep 11 & 12… absolutely love these 2 episodes.
    So many daebak scenes in both episodes, LSG and HJW are fantastic.
    I can’t believe how much I’m fangirling both of them, especially LSG and he is not the type of K-actor that I will normally go ga-ga over.

    JH was absolutely suave and awesome when he crossed the border. Got to admire his balls of steel. HA was absolutely heartbreaking when she cried for her baby when she met with JH.
    And I love SK too!!!

    And the proposal, absolutely wonderful, I was grinning ear to ear, the look in JH’s eyes and the little smile when he said those words. He knows he had HA at hello.
    And kickass HA? I LOVE LOVE LOVE !!!

    Can’t wait for WOC!

    Also, ep 12 ended with JH and HA in their first apperance in public. I think they will make the announcement that they will be taking part in WOC together.

    I’m wondering why JH cried in the Ep 13 preview?

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