
I Do I Do Episode 4 Recap — 35 Comments

  1. Why is she wasting time working out and trying to lose weight? Come on, Kim Sun Ah/Ji An is already stick thin already. She needs to gain a few more pounds, not lose it!

    I kind of miss the plucky, cheerful and plumper version of KSA from MKISS.

  2. LOVE your recaps on this drama. Please reconsider staying with this drama, as I gleen so much more information and enjoyment from this drama when you recap it. Thank you!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to recap! It’s a very interesting read- I appreciate you’re insights. I’m not sold, yet. I find some of the scenarios outright uncomfortable to watch. I will see it through, however! I’m a big KSA fan. She’s a fabulous actress (or actor, as you prefer).

  4. Ms. Koala, please make a baby recap, if you dont want to make a long one…
    I still want to read your thoughts of this drama..
    Thanks for your concern 🙂

      • Wishing the same here! At times, your perspective (and the perspective of your commenting readers) do make us realize things we may overlook. Please do write baby recaps! And thanks for all the hard work you’ve put in so far, Ms. Koala! 🙂

    • Please don’t stop recapping this series… is always refreshing to read your recaps and comments. Thank you. This drama kind of grows on you – I just hope the lead actor can match KSA’s acting prowess. She’s a natural. =)

  5. Thanks for the recap, if u r not going to continue writing the recap, can u still write your views and opinion about this drama? I enjoyed watching this even I don`t understand their dialogues and I come to love it more when I can read writings like yours.
    Well, thanks anyway!
    I love KSA in all her drama, but in this drama, I can appreciate more how lovely she is and she is now a WOMAN.
    I wish this drama can be on top starting next week!

  6. Beautiful recap thank you :), yeah don’t stop, at least keep write what your thought for every episode, like it .

  7. Thank you for recap of episode 4 which I just finished watching the RAW episode. Towards the end of episode 4, poor Dr. Eun Seong when he spent his day grocery shopping, buying flowers, and purchasing a diamond pendant high heel shoe on a necklace for his 3rd date with shoe designer Ji-An. Meanwhile, Ji-An chasing after Tae Kang at workplace office. She must have learned that Tae Kang bag that her sketch was in was bag snatch out of his hands. She doubles over in pain. Next, she is riding in ambulance with Tae Kang then she is already in hospital room. I don’t think she will make to Eun Seong place since she’s at the hospital where she learns from her doctor that she is pregnant. Dr. Eun Seong will be heart broken when he learns about Ji-An’s pregnancy and she will maybe or maybe not rec’d his gift.

    Enclosed is background info on Dr. Eun Seong:

    He is in his Late 30s.
    A Gynecologist.
    A Well-known gynecologist and attractive single man.
    He’s born in doctor family and forced to be a doctor as well.
    He’s in his late 30s but his lifestyle is like man in his 20s.
    He wants to have a romance but he’s afraid of commitment then he chooses to be a single man.
    Then he meets again with former lover Ji An (Kim Sun Ah as Hwang Ji An).

  8. I would love to have Eun Seong as my future husband. Mature, caring and with great sense of humor, of course! I love this character very much!

  9. I also love Eun-Seung for Ji-An more than Tae-Kang.

    My ideal ending would be for Tae-Kang and Ji-An to be in good terms for their child but Eun-Seong would be Ji-An’s partner for life, because they are so much each other’s equals and I feel that Tae-Kang still has a lot of growing up to do whereas Eun-Seung is at that level in the here and now, much better for Ji-An to not undergo waiting anymore.

    Eun-Seung and Ji-An can definitely grow together and as one. I’d prefer Tae-Kang to be an important person in Ji-An’s life as someone who’s been a catalyst for her turning point, not because Tae-Kang is the better suited one for her but just because she just met him first than Eun-Seung.

  10. I’m actually rooting for Eun Seung and Ji An!!!
    I reallly like this drama because Ji An is a strong character. Her character is really real. She doesn’t need to depend on anyone, but she lacks something. She is unable to make her parents content and she doesn’t have friends. People call her Medusa. She is struggling in life even though she has a successful career.
    The rest of the characters are awesome just the way they are.
    I really love this drama.

    • And please do not stop writing recaps for this drama!!!!!!!!!!
      I really love your recaps! I’m serious!
      Everyday I go on this website and refresh the page constantly.

  11. Thank you for taking time to recap. Your insights are valuable! And I agree, this drama is much better compared to other dramas out there. Should you reconsider, we truly appreciate your sharing of your views.

  12. Thanks for your words and thoughts!
    I agree that KSA is being amazing. It really feels like she is thinking on her feet, feeling the confusion, or distrust, rather than acting as if she has those feelings.
    There aren’t a lot of actors that can do that, Shin Ha Kyun is like that – and I realize they couldn’t be more diverse, but I always feel like that with him.

    What I like to is the role cannot be compared to anything else. There is no other female character that is as decisive, confident, and RIGHT. Usually they lob a decisive strong female at us who is a jerk, or completely insensitive to everyone out there.
    I almost want to guess that she decided to play everything as if she were a man. Not a macho man, of course. She doesn’t have any of those annoying female talking to hereself – second-guessing moments, and she never pretends at any time ever. It’s all out there.

    Dr. Mommy – drives me nuts that I want him to win, but then HT shows up with his chubby face, and I say, “Awww, poor thing!” and I am back to wanting him to be able to love her.
    It is a good problem to have as a viewer! We shall see!

    Another thing abut this show is it FLIES by. I don’t want it to end, and there isn’t ONE SINGLE FRAME that I want to fast-forward. That’s pretty unique.

  13. I absolutely agree. Eun seung stole my heart and I am definitely in second lead shipping. I love how they are very much equals on a lot of levels but they also have different strengths and weaknesses too. It just seems so real. Tae kang just isn’t registering with me much which is why I am not completely loving this series. But I can see a lot of change for him.

    To be honest none of the new dramas have me going crazy over them. 🙁 I am hoping something really hooks me.

  14. Please, don’t stop writing about I do,I do !I ‘m a frequent reader of your recaps even if I don’t write many comments, but I always enjoy your wit and ” joi de vivre”.
    Don’t take away our weekly moments of pure bliss!

  15. Please dont stop recapping I Do I Do

    I love your recaps it gives another perspective of the drama.

    Please koalashiii don’t stop!

  16. dr jo has stolen my heart since ep1. he is sweet and adorable. i want to have him as my husband. poor eun seong……i cant wait to watch his reaction when he find out about ji an pregnancy.
    thank you for recaps of my favourit drama. please dont stop. fightingggggggggggg

  17. I find myself rooting for Eun Seong and have been since Ep 1. It’s like Best Love/Greatest Love all over again where I was rooting for the doctor guy – can’t remember his name.

  18. aww man, now i’m gonna have to wait for subs. Well, @ least you’re not stopping coz you hate it 🙂 thnx for your recaps so far

  19. Huhuhu!! I don’t comment much but I love reading your recaps. I can’t understand Hangeul, except for some very, very simple words, so I look forward to reading your caps and English subs from fansubbers. I love reading your insights and I am able to understand this Kdrama more. Thank you, thank you… Koala.

    As for TK and EU… both are adorable. When JA is with EU, I root for EU but when JA is with TK, I root for TK again. However, I love the OTP more, TK understands JA more. He had seen her worst and best unlike TK. We don’t usually see JA, having second thoughts/memories/flashbacks on EU. It is and was always with TK and when other persons are not around them, they are back to their element, no age, position, or status are considered. They are just being themselves, no facades, no masks. Therefore, I love TK and JA more… if ever the second lead wins, can I have TK for myself??!! I want EU as a friend but I would want TK for a husband, more sincere and funnier!!

  20. i like the shoes and the outfits! Kim Su is a great actress. Watching this drama is like eating ice cream. Do not think, just enjoy!

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