Categories: Recaps

Big Episode 11 Recap

Big has been discombobulating since it started, with even my own re-adjusted expectations keep being taken for a ride. When I watched episode 11, I wondered why so little happened. But in recapping it, I realized a lot happened, just not those big plot reveals everyone has been clamoring for. Do we really need major shocking plot events to render an episode satisfying? For this drama, I don’t need it. I’ve long since set aside the clamoring for mysteries to be solved and people to get back to their original places. For a drama that is about Kyung Joon and Da Ran falling in love, episode 11 was all sorts of perfect and so sweet my heart ached.

Episode 11 recap:

Kyung Jae assures Da Ran that he will leave once Yoon Jae returns, so he doesn’t burden her any further. Da Ran asks if he’s really going to disappear, and Kyung Jae assumes she wants more confirmation so he says yes again. He asks if she’s touched by his gesture? Kyung Jae turns to leave but Da Ran stands up and grabs his arm.

Kyung Jae warns that if she confusingly holds on to him, then he’ll not leave. He sits her down and then kneels to tie her shoelaces. He tells her to walk the path she intended and not waver, rather than looking at the Kang Kyung Joon who has run far away. He says they should get along during the time left. If she keeps looking half dead in pain, it’ll worry a kid like him.

He asks if the shoelaces are tight and she says it’s tight and won’t loosen, referring to her holding her feelings in. Da Ran says she’s hungry and then runs off back home, calling for Kyung Jae to hurry up. Once they are home, she inhales a pot of ramyun and he tells her to eat slowly. She doesn’t seem all that pleased about him going off after Yoon Jae returns, so Kyung Jae tells Da Ran not to worry that he’ll be all alone. He’s planning to find his dad, and then Kyung Jae holds up an art exhibition brochure about Professor Bang.

Mari is stalking Professor Bang and taking pictures of him. Choon Shik is along for the ride and compliments her on her savvy stalker skills, which she chalks up to being perfected when following Kyung Joon around back in the US. Yoon Jae’s father arrives to speak with Professor Bang, and Mari manages to get a picture of his face.

Yoon Jae’s mom and dad talk at the hotel. He wants to let Yoon Jae know about his connection with Kyung Joon, but Yoon Jae’s mom refuses. Dad points out that it was Mom who wanted Hee Seok to carry the baby. Heartless Mom says that she didn’t want the baby, she just wanted the baby’s umbilical cord. ARGH, I hate you woman! He was born to save her Yoon Jae and that is the extent she cares about him. She says the kid was born not out of love but because he served a purpose. And didn’t he give the baby away to that woman to raise afterwards? She makes Yoon Jae’s dad promise not to reveal the truth to Yoon Jae. He agrees and then looks at a picture of Kyung Joon’s mom and then puts it away.

Da Ran and Kyung Jae walk into the lobby of the hotel dressed formally to meet the parents. They are looking at the Miracle picture in Kyung Jae’s wallet. Da Ran thinks Kyung Joon’s dad must’ve loved him to draw this picture. She wonders if maybe Kyung Joon has a sibling, since the picture has two angels in it.

The Seo parents arrive and Kyung Jae greets them awkwardly. Yoon Jae’s mom says she left a present in the room upstairs and asks everyone to go up with her.

In the hotel room, Yoon Jae’s dad apologizes for missing the wedding but Kyung Jae says it’s not a big deal. Kyung Jae acknowledges that he must seem like a stranger son to Yoon Jae’s dad. Dad says things will get better since they are father and son. Kyung Jae says that since Seo Yoon Jae is their only son, their relationship will grow more comfortable soon. Yoon Jae’s dad looks curiously at him and confirms Yoon Jae really lost his memory.

Kyung Jae sees the Professor Bang art exhibit brochure on the table and goes to pick it up. He confirms that Yoon Jae’s parents also know this professor. When Yoon Jae’s dad puts the brochure back, the picture of Kyung Joon’s mom falls on the ground with the picture face down. Kyung Jae picks it up but doesn’t turn it over before handing it back to Yoon Jae’s dad, who puts it away. Kyung Jae says that Yoon Jae’s dad should just think of this new Yoon Jae as if another son took his place for this period of time. Oh the irony.

At dinner, Yoon Jae’s mom starts suggesting Da Ran needs a better wardrobe and a new car as befitting her role as a doctor’s wife. She wants Da Ran to come with her to a gathering of doctor wives this weekend. Before that event, she wants to take Da Ran shopping because Da Ran needs to maintain Yoon Jae’s doctor image. Da Ran lowers her head and says she doesn’t need it. Mom insists and Da Ran apologizes, but Kyung Jae finally has enough.

He tells Da Ran to raise her head and just say thank you since they are buying her things for to keep up Yoon Jae’s image. He tells Yoon Jae’s mom to just hand him a credit card and he’ll take Da Ran shopping. He’ll buy her whatever she needs to maintain the image that goes with his face. He tells Yoon Jae’s mom to stop flaunting her status and wealth, which isn’t even all that since Yoon Jae’s dad is a doctor but not a director of a hospital. Dang, he totally puts Yoon Jae’s hoity toity mom in her place.

Kyung Jae drags Da Ran to a car dealership and buys her a car, despite her objections. We then get the obligatory make over scene where Kyung Jae takes Da Ran to a department store and makes her try on outfit after outfit. He casually says that each outfit doesn’t look that bad so she should buy it.

On the drive home, Da Ran muses that Yoon Jae’s parents are shocked at how brazen their son has become. She reminds him that Yoon Jae was a good and polite son, but Kyung Jae says that will make Da Ran’s life more difficult. Kyung Jae is non-plussed, saying there are parents out there who are saddled with bad sons.

Later that night, Da Ran sits at the counter drinking a beer and feeling guilty towards Yoon Jae because she’s always spending time with Kyung Jae. Kyung Jae does this exaggerated show of Yoon Jae’s soul coming back, complete with grabbing his head in pain and saying “he’s coming, he’s coming”, before morphing into Yoon Jae. It’s amazing how his voice change totally makes clear when he’s pretending to be Yoon Jae or just Kyung Jae.

Pretend Yoon Jae says Da Ran has is just as prettier despite adding a few more wrinkles, but Da Ran tells him to cut it out. He then puts his warm hands on her to show that he’s still the same. She keeps telling him to stop pretending to be Yoon Jae. He then does buing buing to tease her, asking if Da Ran likes this kind of immature gesture? She smiles and he decides to continue acting childish. He offers to sing her a song that he’s been listening in the hospital pediatric ward with Teddy Bear and Rabbit until he’s memorized it.

Kyung Jae sits on the table and grabs a frying pan. He pretends to strum it like a guitar and then launches into singing the Pororo theme song. He makes Da Ran smile in happiness. He hands her the frying pan so she can sing as well, which snaps Da Ran out of the moment. She covers her face with the frying pan and runs back to her room.

Inside her room, Da Ran raps herself on the head with the frying pan and lays down on the bed, berating herself for enjoying herself with Kyung Jae. She’s upset she can’t go back to the way things were before, but she vows to keep herself in check. She grabs needle and thread and starts to embroider, with the scene cutting to Da Ran in Joseon garb concentrating on sewing to keep her mind steady. As she’s sewing, she hears a male figure outside her window playing the Pororo song on a flute which distracts her and she pricks her finger.

At school, Ae Kyung wonders if Da Ran is alright, since Da Ran looks so exhausted and her fingers are covered in bandaids. Ae Kyung chalks it up to being a newlywed. Ae Kyung announces she has a blind date tonight within Teacher Na’s hearing. Da Ran suggests Ae Kyung take up sewing as well to pass the time.

Mari visits Kyung Jae to show her the pictures she took of Professor Bang. Kyung Jae is surprised to see Yoon Jae’s dad in one of the pictures, and wonders what Professor Bang’s relationship is to Yoon Jae’s dad. Mari tells him to go ask but Kyung Jae doesn’t want to see Yoon Jae’s parents because it makes him uncomfortable. Mari points out that Kyung Joon’s birthday is coming up. Kyung Jae reveals that he came back to Korea because his birthday is coming up, and if everything goes according to plan, then Mari can throw a birthday party for him this year. Oooooh, I knew this boy had a bigger goal in mind. Mari asks what is it? Kyung Jae says he made plans so he can live independently in the future.

Kyung Joon’s aunt and uncle discuss the vast inheritance left for Kyung Joon in a trust fund at the bank, saying that they will continue to be the trustee until Kyung Joon wakes up. Kyung Jae meets with the bank officials, who confirmed that with a valid power of attorney, Kyung Joon has appointed Seo Yoon Jae as the trustee for his trust fund. Until Kyung Joon can come himself to access the trust, Yoon Jae can administer the $4.5 million trust fund as the trustee using the code set by Kyung Joon. Kyung Jae assures the bank official that Kyung Joon will be here soon.

Kyung Jae takes Da Ran out to eat at a Chinese restaurant, since if they can’t go to Beijing for duck, the duck can come to them in Seoul. In truth he needs a favor from her, to go with him to meet Professor Bang, who could be his father. Da Ran agrees and happily eats a bite of the duck. Kyung Jae teases her that she’s letting everyone know she never went to Beijing, because duck is not eaten directly but wrapped. He makes a duck roll for her and feeds it to her. Da Ran opens her mouth and eats it, but she’s distracted and almost chokes. Kyung Jae tells her to eat slowly.

Da Ran drinks the soup and fans herself, saying it’s hot and spicy. Kyung Jae takes the brochure and fans her with it. He fans her fast on the left side, saying that is Kyung Joon’s way, then fans her slowly and gently on the right side, saying that is Yoon Jae’s way. Da Ran stares at him and the scene goes to slow motion. She snaps out of it and tells him she wants to leave.

Da Ran goes to her room and grabs the brochure to her face, asking her what she’s going to do about her feelings? She decides to iron to calm herself down. Da Ran turns into a Joseon lady again who is ironing while waiting for her husband to come home. But then a male figure stands by her door while a fast gust of wind blows.

Kyung Jae comes to Da Ran’s room and asks why she’s looking so burdened these days? She says she’s training her will power. He offers to help train her but she says he distracts her. Da Ran gets annoyed and tells Kyung Jae to leave. He sprays water over her blanket and says this is the rain of the strong-willed woman. Kyung Jae walks out of the room all grumbly, which is when the iron falls on Da Ran’s leg and she burns herself. He hears her cry of pain and runs back in to assist her to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, Kyung Jae turns on the cold water and rinses her burn. He worries that it’ll leave a scar. Yoon Jae liked Da Ran because she’s pretty, so she can’t get a scar. His eyes are all red-rimmed as he asks if it hurts and she confirms it does. She asks him to to stay like this, and he blows on her burn and keeps rinsing it with water.

Ae Kyung is at her blind date and is thrilled when Teacher Na arrives. She thinks he’s here to stop her but it was just a coincidence since he’s here to meet his friends. She cries and runs out, tripping and losing a shoe. Teacher Na follows and confesses he really doesn’t understand why she’s acting this way. He picks the shoe up and returns it to her. She cries and then kicks him in the shin. When he bends down to rub himself, she kisses him before running off.

Choong Shik follows Mari clothes shopping and he’s really worried that she’s dressing like his noona and hanging around his brother-in-law. Mari tells him to stop overthinking and just focus on her. She asks if she looks good in this style and Choong Shik is all moony over her and says yes. Mari finds out that Kyung Jae is attending an art exhibit with Da Ran and is sad. She gets a call from her dad who says Kyung Joon’s father called him asking how to find Kyung Joon. She runs off to the art exhibit.

Da Ran and Kyung Jae arrive at the art exhibition. Kyung Jae cocks his arm and offers it to her. Your momma raised you well, my boy. Da Ran declines but Kyung Jae points out the other girls are holding the arms of their guy, so Da Ran holds Kyung Jae’s arm. She asks if he’s nervous and says it’s good she’s holding on to him. She assures him this meeting will go well. They view the exhibit while waiting for Professor Bang. Da Ran sees a cluster of sunflowers which she loves. She asks Kyung Jae to grab them after the show since it’ll be tossed out. He asks her if she’s planning to extract sunflower oil today.

Da Ran gets a call from Yoon Jae’s mom, who freaks out when she hears that Da Ran and Kyung Jae are at the Professor Bang exhibit. She wants them to leave immediately but Kyung Jae grabs the phone and says they are staying.

Kyung Jae and Da Ran walk up to talk with Professor Bang after he’s done with an interview. The Professor congratulates them on getting married. Kyung Jae asks if Professor Bang knows Kang Hee Seok? The Professor says he knows her, she was once his student. Kyung Jae then asks if the Professor knows her son Kang Kyung Joon? The Professor changes the subject and asks about his car accident and whether he really lost his memory and doesn’t remember having met the Professor before? Kyung Jae confirms he doesn’t remember meeting him before. The Professor asks why he’s asking about Hee Seok and her son? Kyung Jae says he wants to confirm something. When Kyung Jae is about to show the Miracle picture to the Professor, Yoon Jae’s mom shows up and drags him aside.

Kyung Jae confirms that he is here to ask about Kyung Joon because the boy is in a coma and he wants to find Kyung Joon’s father. Yoon Jae’s mom’s face freezes. He thinks the Professor knows something, and asks if Yoon Jae’s mom knows something as well? Yoon Jae’s mom is nervous and says she knows nothing and has never heard of that woman’s name. She asks Yoon Jae to stop looking into Kyung Joon’s situation. Mari suddenly shows up and beckons Kyung Jae over, revealing that her dad just called and Professor Bang is not Kyung Joon’s dad, because Kyung Joon’s dad is looking for Kyung Joon right now.

Professor Bang tells Da Ran that he doesn’t know anything about Kyung Joon. He apologizes for not attending their wedding, and reveals that he’s the cause of the wedding accident that brought Da Ran and Yoon Jae together. That day, Yoon Jae was in a rush to meet Professor Bang hence he ran into Da Ran.

Mari asks Kyung Jae to grab a bite with her. They walk over to Da Ran, who is in a daze. Mari reveals that Kyung Joon’s real dad is looking for him and is not Professor Bang. Da Ran tells Kyung Jae to go home first, she needs to go confirm something. After Da Ran leaves, Kyung Jae looks worried and doesn’t want to go with her to the hospital. Mari wonders if Da Ran is more important than finding his dad, and Kyung Jae says yes since Da Ran is hurting because of him.

Kyung Jae goes up to the man tossing the sunflowers away and offers to buy it. He takes the bouquet of sunflowers home, putting it in the front passenger seat and smiling at it as he drives. He walks around the living room trying to find the best place to casually leave the flowers under the guise that it was tossed out and he picked it up for her. He puts it high up, or takes each flower out and leaves it on the steps. This boy is the sweetest thing ever.

Da Ran meets Se Young and asks for the truth, Yoon Jae wasn’t rushing to meet Se Young the day of the wedding accident. Se Young confirms that she lied about it, Yoon Jae was in a rush that day for something unrelated to her. She used to think Yoon Jae’s wavering before the wedding was because of her, but she’s now learned it was not. She’s decided not to get involved anymore. Se Young also reveals that while she gave Yoon Jae her house key, he never once used it. Da Ran blames Se Young for ruining everything, but Se Young points out nothing is ruined since Da Ran married Yoon Jae any way.

Da Ran walks home and thinks back on all her sweet interactions with Yoon Jae.

Kyung Jae is waiting for Da Ran to come home but acts all nonchalant when she walks in the door. He happily shows her the flowers, lying that it was tossed out and he picked it up, and then notices that she’s upset. He asks what’s wrong? Da Ran reveals that she misunderstood Yoon Jae, who never wavered about her and always wanted her.

Kyung Jae’s face falls and he congratulates her on confirming Yoon Jae’s feelings. He tells her that she can happily wait for Kang Kyung Joon to disappear now. He promises again not to interfere and confuse her. He hands her the flowers and goes to his room.

Kyung Jae sits down on his bed and sighs, looking up at the toy plane hanging from the ceiling. Da Ran grabs the bouquet of sunflowers tightly and cries. Can the two of you stop breaking my heart?

Choong Shik finds his sister sitting at the school yard looking sad. He wonders if she fought with brother-in-law because she looks wan lately? When Yoon Jae’s mother calls, Choong Shik wonders why Da Ran is hesitant about answering it? He hears Da Ran being called to meet Yoon Jae’s mom.

Kyung Jae is hanging out with the kids in the pediatric ward and is being considered a bother. He tells them that their favorite warm handed doctor will be returning soon. Rabbit suddenly asks “oppa” to come back and visit, clearly she knows he’s not Yoon Jae. Kyung Jae tells Rabbit that this is a secret. As he leaves, he’s told by a hospital ahjumma that a man was just visiting Kyung Joon.

Yoon Jae’s father walks into Kyung Joon’s hospital room and sits down by his bedside. He apologizes to his son Kyung Joon. When Kyung Jae arrives, the room is empty. He rushes out and sees the backside of Yoon Jae’s father but he doesn’t see his face. He follows him until suddenly Mari and Choong Shik arrive and he has to stop.

Choong Shik is angry and asks if Kyung Jae fought with his sister? Why is his sister so sad then? He asks if Yoon Jae’s mom is making life difficult for his sister? Today his sister looked a pig being taken to slaughter when she was called in to see Yoon Jae’s mom. Because his sister likes Yoon Jae so much, she is enduring a lot. Kyung Jae angrily walks off, wondering why she’s so depressed when she ought to be so happy now.

Da Ran meets with Yoon Jae’s mom, who hands her a case full of jewelry she collected for her daughter-in-law. Da Ran declines, saying she has no right to accept. She calls herself a bad woman and not a person who she would approve of. She doesn’t have the faith to stay by Yoon Jae’s side when the real him returns (with his memory intact is what this sounds like to Yoon Jae’s mom). Yoon Jae’s mom tells Da Ran to leave Yoon Jae now, especially since Yoon Jae is not himself. Da Ran says she cannot, right now he still needs her. She promises that when Yoon Jae does return, then she will leave him at that time.

Da Ran walks down to the lobby and pulls her ring half off. Kyung Jae rushes to the hotel and sees Da Ran coming out all teary. He angrily asks if she cried? He grabs her hand and wants to drag her back to see Yoon Jae’s mom. He says he’ll use Yoon Jae’s face to make his mom pay for making Da Ran cry. Since Yoon Jae isn’t here, he’ll do it for her.

Yoon Jae’s mom says she’s delaying her return to the US since she’s worried about Yoon Jae. Yoon Jae’s dad tells Yoon Jae’s mom that he’s gone to see Kyung Joon. He wants Yoon Jae and her and meet Kyung Joon together. If she refuses, he’s still going to make sure Yoon Jae meets him.

Da Ran tries to stop Kyung Jae. He wonders why she keeps crying, she ought to be happily waiting for Yoon Jae to return. It’s too hard for him to watch her suffer. Da Ran says if he can’t stand it, then don’t look at her. She tells him she’s enduring like an adult. An adult knows something is wrong and won’t do it, a kid knows something is wrong and still does it. Kyung Jae pulls her close and says he is a kid, so that means he can do whatever he wants. If she doesn’t stop crying, then he’s not going to care anymore about whether she’s waiting for another person. He’ll just grab her and run away with her. *swooning forever here*

Thoughts of Mine:

You can run away with me anytime, Kyung Jae. ANYTIME. This episode was the one-two punch of watching Da Ran come to terms with her feelings for both men, plus just basking in the warmth of seeing how Kyung Jae treats Da Ran. He’s considerate and respectful, playful yet tentative. The more he’s tries to be good to her, the more she realizes that her feelings for him aren’t just going to go away. I understand why she’s so burdened by her feelings, because she is literally torn between two men. Her feelings for Kyung Jae aren’t wrong, except for the fact that she can’t end it properly with Yoon Jae since he’s not around. With the discovery that Yoon Jae never wavered about her and there was nothing going on Se Young, Da Ran is forced into the very corner where no matter how she decides, someone is going to get hurt.

What I love is that she’s pretty much picked Kyung Jae. By telling Yoon Jae’s mom that she will leave Yoon Jae once he returns, she’s acknowledged that she cannot stay with him even if he does love her and want her. Because her heart is now with someone else and she can no longr deny it. It’s not fair to Yoon Jae, but love is not about being fair, it’s about being true to her heart. To the rest of the world, she’s staying by Yoon Jae’s side, but in truth she’s staying for Kyung Jae.

I was a tad annoyed at the bajillion almost reveal moments in this episode – from Kyung Jae almost seeing the picture of his mom, to him almost seeing Yoon Jae’s dad at the hospital, to being so close to finding out about Kyung Joon from Professor Seo. I understand that all the truths will surely be revealed to everyone soon, and the story needs to have Da Ran and Kyung Jae get together first before the big hammer of donor baby doom comes crashing down. I understand that anger and guilt is making Yoon Jae’s mom act like a complete sociopathic bitch, who insists on continuing to ignore her own biological son Kyung Joon, who at this point is an orphan AND in a coma. But that doesn’t mean I don’t find her an abhorrent human being. I wonder if she maims kittens in her free time.

I can feel Kyung Jae’s frustration, which stems from feeling helpless in keeping Da Ran from hurting. He’s done everything he can to alleviate her emotional burden, by telling her he’ll leave and giving her free rein to miss Yoon Jae. But this is exactly what’s making her hurt more, and the two of them are in this painful trap where he thinks she loves Yoon Jae and she’s hurting because she doesn’t love Yoon Jae. I don’t think Kyung Jae is oblivious to Da Ran’s oddness around him, but he keeps chalking it up to her missing Yoon Jae and him wearing Yoon Jae’s body. It’s such a conundrum, and one that will surely get more complicated if/once Yoon Jae returns in whatever fashion.

Despite throwing out so many theories about this drama, I genuinely don’t know how the Hong Sisters will choose to develop the final arc of the story. I don’t need Yoon Jae to come back and explain anything, since the best part of having the misunderstandings swept away already is that Da Ran knows Yoon Jae loves her but she still cannot deny that she’s not in love with him anymore and is in love with Kyung Joon. I want to see how Yoon Jae’s return will affect the dynamic of all the relationships forged in the past year since his soul was not present. Will his parents freak out to discover Kyung Joon was in fact their son for the past year? Can he give Da Ran his blessing? Can she switch from one brother to another in the eyes of the world? Will someone be sick and need another surgery? And will Koala survive this interminable wait to the conclusion of this drama? So many questions.


View Comments

  • Yaiks! here it is now!
    Off to start reading and complete my day!
    Thanks ms koala! ^__________________________^

  • Hmmm... I'm wondering if Gil Da Ran will still love KJ if he's back in his body. Perhaps, she's considering it now because she is seeing Yoon Jae's face, right?

    • I thik that she'd love him anyway because she keeps asking herself, why she sees Kyung Joon in Yoon Jae's body.

  • I don't think there's a lot of things happened here in this episode. It's more of a dilemma and conflict for Da Ran.
    There's a lot of things that should happen but didn't. Looking forward to the last episode this week.


  • Ahhhh! You tell her KJ!
    Now he needs to go from: You better stop crying to I WILL BE THE ONE WHO CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY!
    Thanks for the recap!
    What I watched was barely subbed so I missed a lot.
    There are a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head right now... I want to think but
    I've got a banging allergy headache.
    Imma take some allergy meds, sleep it off, and watch this one fully subbed in the am.
    See ya'll later!

    • It's such a relief that Chinese subtitles are out several hours ago since my Korean is rather rudimentary. When I watched this episode raw, I thought nothing happened since I didn't capture most of the dialogues. However, once the subtitles are out, episode 11 still was excellent as usual.

      As a fan of Smile You, I thought the pairing of LMJ and JKH was one of the best and LMJ couldn't have a better chemistry with another actor. Now I am so glad that I was wrong. I adore the understated affection between LMJ and GY. It seems so ordinary and yet sooooo sexy. I am so looking forward to episode 12. Although LMJ and GY have already won me over with their mundane interaction, I nonetheless want to see the explosion of the sexual tension between these two characters/actors.

  • Nothing really happened in this episode apart from clearing every doubt about YJ's love... kind of tired ...waiting for the Big Switch ...

  • Seriously...this drama is driving me insane! I think about it 24/7 and can watch re-runs without feeling nauseous. I am loving it so much because at the root of it is a simple sweet love story that warms the cockles of the heart. At every word and gesture between the couple, I fall deeper in love.

    But with that seventh heaven feeling is that niggling worry at the back of my head that I can fall splat down to earth if it is gonna be one of those 'WTF' endings. The faith I've kept in Kdramas would be destroyed. So THS, please don't get any fancy-schmancy arty-farty ideas for the last lap - we just want our happy ending! Pretty Please???

    • i hear you... i am sooo nervous about the ending i have butterflies just thinking about the possibilities.

      my vote is for kyun joon and da ran... but you have to admit, a girl so self-conscious about people thinking she was back together with youn jae, is going to have a pretty hard time having people know she basically switched out the brothers and that he was once her student as well.

      hopefully she mans up!! i want to have some faith in gil teacher!

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