
Fun New Stills and Latest Preview from Miss Rose Episode 13 — 16 Comments

  1. Any more ms. Kolas, pass them over to us. Thanks!
    Hey, I thought I could travel to next Sunday with you all. So I went to early last night. But it didn’t happen and I had no dream. Too bad!


    I actually clapped when I saw this post. Sooo . . ., if you have fairy powers can you sprinkle fairy dust on us all so we don’t need a time machine?

    Wouldn’t it be funny if someone from Miss Rose actually read our thread about the birthday party thing? Or was this the buzz all acorss Taiwan that the cast/crew did not celebrate his birthday?

  3. Thank you Miss Rose Fairy!!
    Slowly but surely, CK is making his case for love. Nobody’s gonna stop him!

    PS I love this wine jacket almost more than his aubergine jacket from OB. These are NOT colors most men can get away with, but our Roy can!!

    • I have to say, I like the non-chemistry factor with this couple.
      It makes sense. Maybe once she finally folds and gives in completely, the actress will relax a bit more with Roy. (Maybe, they are secretly having like this wild intimate relationship so they have to pretend they aren’t at ease…It could happen…)

      (But, really, dead horse being beaten by me, what a difference between how Roy is with her vs Alice. Wow!)

      • Roy+Alice= *____*

        They are so beautiful together offscreen sometimes I weep that they aren’t a RL couple.

      • I do love Miss Rose. I do, I do 🙂
        But gotta say. Him and Alice- sigh. Are we absolutely sure he likes those tinny winny girls? Oh man Roy- opposites attract. Go for it!!!! But he won’t. Seeing how his past loves looks like * pouts *

  4. FINALLY!!! They look adorable & like they aren’t afraid of catching infectious diseases from each other, which (sadly) is a HUGE improvement. LOL. They actually look comfortable & relaxed with each other. I love it. But still, OMG those pics of Roy & Alice. What a difference! Their expressions in that second photo basically scream “Yes, we do intend to conquer the world with our collective hotness. Watch out!” I miss having them on my screen like whoa.

    Also, I think that this may be the most beautiful I’ve ever seen Megan Lai. Her clothes are so informal, but she’s just glowing.

  5. HAHA I totally laughed out loud when he showed up at Siyi’s house with ONE egg in his hands, with this slightly dazed look on his face.. Hahahahaha

    But true, he had more chemistry with Alice. But his chemistry with Megan suits the quiet, trusting relationship he has with her character on the show.

  6. I can’t stop staring at Roy’s pants in these pics. He looks so good in them! And yay that the cast/crew celebrated Roy’s bday — hopefully we will get a snippet of the celebrations in next week’s BTS. Thanks for sharing these cute photos, Ms Koala! 🙂

  7. Can’t wait for next week’s ep! Finally some physical contact! Would love to have a kiss too but know it’s not going to happen.

    But I don’t understand CK’s mom! I know that she feels indebted to Vivian’s dad…but she doesn’t sense at all that her son is unhappy with Vivian?

  8. gals, at what time is the time travel train passing?
    i will be at the station waiting!!!!!!
    i am so in love with that drama that i watch it raw now without even knowing any chinese!!!!!!!!!11 sub sub sub sub,,,

    can i cure from this healness?

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