
The Happy Leads Share Thoughts About Missing You at Media Day — 18 Comments

  1. ” Yoo Seung Ho did also reveal that Eun Hye noona is his favorite female co-star he’s ever worked with. ”

    squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel!!!!i love that he said that!

    thanks for this update Captain!!! :)i hope the healing bit does happen in the drama!!!

  2. thanks thanks for this post! the first thing i read after waking up. 🙂

    read somewhere YEH promised a trip to the staff if they hit the 20% mark and PYC to donate rice and tangerines. (the usual JYJ thing). And YSY love eating tangerines. 🙂

    oh this three looks good in this pics. there are times when YSY looks like his a real man but other times he just looks like a baby which he is really is, like that picture opposite PYC where both are sitting down. YEH is at her usual best. love here dress.

  3. Its 6.14 am and im squealing like crazy. yah, seungho why so adorable!? thank you for this update! would there be double episode this thursday though?

  4. It was cute what YSH said about YEH… I wonder why the media didn’t ask YEH and PYC about one another since they are the main couple.. Also love the smiling picture… Makes me forget all the tears that I shed and that the drama was a melo.. I do love Yoon Eun Hye’s fun outfit, but I though that it would have looked better if the skirt was shorter….

  5. YSH looks great in those pants – lol! but would it have killed them to get that suit jacket properly tailored? too long sleeves and too big in the shoulders! other than that…pretty good for a youngster!

  6. Don’t feel guilty sweet Eun Hye about YSH the age gap doesn’t show… you look good together:)…Wish someday you’ll be paired off in a romcom with more love scenes hahaha…

  7. Lol! At the last picture, they look like they want to be somewhere else than sitting there having nothing to really talk about. To me, personally, the 2 main leads doesnt really have a sizzling chemistry off screen but on screen, their great!

  8. Thanks for the post!
    Story wise, I’ve checked out from this drama last week. Ogling wise, am still there for Harry.. But please writer, don’t turn Harry into a psycho, my heart can’t take it..

  9. I think YEH and YSH have great chemistry, on-screen and off-screen. YSH has that manly aura and intense stare and YEH looks like she’s feeling it too. How she said she likes the back hug from YSH. And in the scenes when Harry and Zoe are still happy together, she does look like she adores him. In the bts they also look comfortable together.

    I understand how she feel. I was taken aback too when I saw their picture at the award ceremony. But like you said, YSH is a grown up now and age is really just a number. So don’t feel bad, YEH.

  10. I think that Yoon Eun Hye is a terrific actress, eben in this drama. I love her and Yoon Seung Ho together, they are seriously great, but I just can not do this drama. Melos are just not my thing. It doesnt have to be a rom-com because I cant stand those at times, but just a nice show. YEH, i’ll ocontinue to pray for success. I just dont like melos like this. Im sad. Damn Yoon Seung Ho be hot. Heheh, How old is he?

  11. Whilst I would love to watch this drama, after finishing watching “The Killing” (Series 3 of the original), I am all exhausted with sturm und drang for the foreseeable future!

    Ms K – you said that you think “The Great Seer” is terrible and incompetent and I was wondering your reasoning behind this? I like it though obviously it’s all horses for courses and it could be because I am also easily pleased (except with “Freddie got fingered” which I left 10 mins after it started…) heh.

  12. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL “Oh boy, double dose of….whatever it is the writer has in store going forward.”
    this comment made my day! X”D

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