Flower Boy Next Door Releases Character Stills of the Entire Cast
How far away is Flower Boy Next Door? Less than a week away, that’s all! I’ve been in Kyushu all week and totally blind quitting dramas since my hotels all lack in-room WiFi. It was both a blessing and a curse that Cheongdamdong Alice got preempted this past weekend since I couldn’t have watched (or recapped it anyways), but the uneven episode 8 and the delay has caused my enthusiasm for this drama to wane slightly. That has allowed my excitement for FBND to ratchet up again since there are so many goodies for this drama coming my way these past few days. I can confidently say that Park Shin Hye has never looked prettier in any of her previous dramas, and both Yoon Si Yoon and Kim Ji Hoon are glowing with happiness and charm in their stills. If pre-premiere materials was a way to gauge quality, then FBND is that rare beast which looks like its got a cast that has bonded already and excited to tell the story. It’s confirmed that Kim Jung San will be playing the hottie that Park Shin Hye has a crush on, so that makes Yoon Si Yoon his cousin coming back to Korea from Spain. Kim Ji Hoon, Go Kyung Pyo, and Mizuta Kouki will be the flower boy neighbors that live next door to Park Shin Hye. We also see the first stills for second female lead Park Soo Jin, and if I didn’t see these I would seriously forget she was even in this drama. I’m totally not looking forward to returning to the real world after a fantastic vacation but having this forthcoming does take the edge off somewhat.
This one. This one. WOOHOO!!
Happy New Year Ms Koala, I am going slightly nuts not watching drama all week since KoD ep 8 as well.
I swear, I would go screencap crazy in this drama. How in the world can a girl concentrate and I am talking about the female staff members on the set.
,so it’s not KJH character that she’ll be crushing on?
Who is Mr. Dreamy in the cream coat??? I’ll take him!!!!
Kim Jung San.188cm tall.
Man he’s good lookiing. He plays a gentle Dr. * swoons *
First mistake – PLAYING A DOCTOR!
They NEVER EVER get the girl. (Unless the show is a medial one, then, they do.)
Omg, I can’t wait! This looks so adorable! I hope we get to see Kim Ji Hoon letting loose in this role. *squees with anticipation*
I google-imaged Kyushu… it looks beeyoutiful! So glad you’re enjoying your vacation– you deserve it. (Though I hope you take a break from blogging during your next vacation– we don’t want a burnt-out Koala!) Happy New Year, Koala and everyone!
Have you seen DB’s latest thread on FBND? Tenderness galore. How can one not ship these two together? ♥_♥
Do you want to ship them or do you want him for yourself? You know being the supportive best friend and all?
Also, I just went to watch the MR finale on dramafever, and they have posted a special message from Roy to fans!!! I responded as if I was thirteen again. I am so glad that my family is still asleep. Happy New Year everyone: http://www.dramafever.com/drama/4142/23/Miss_Rose/?ap=1
My innfer fangirl wants him (and a few others…) for myself but my inner down-to-earth self is reminded of harsh reality versus illusions. </3
Dramafever videos are not available outside America. Can't see his message nor yours! 🙁 I did take a peak at the finale on sugo but did not understand much of the dialogues except that I kept rolling my eyes. Some unsubbed BTS footage was added showing Megan bidding her farewell to the cast and crew with Roy in a white jumper saying a few words. Would that be it?
No, that is not it. I forgot that everyone cannot see dramafever.com. Anyway, here is what he said. I sacrificed and watched the 18 seconds of Roy over and over so that I could copy down what he said (from the English subs).
“ Hello, everyone! I’m Roy Chiu. I’ve read your comments (pointing below). Thank you so much for your compliments. And I’m very happy to receive so much support from overseas. I’m very thankful for your support for Miss Rose. Miss Rose is a bigger success because of your support. Thank you all. Thank You (in English).”
Seriously, I had to fan myself the entire time. Having to keep pausing on Roy. What a way to begin the new year.
And now we have a boatload of flower boys showing up? I am going to need to rent someplace to live if I get to study in Korea this summer. Do they need neighbors?
@trotwood: aww. That was so sweet of him. No wonder you got all flustered. 😉
FBND seems to be promising on the eye but what I look forward the most is King of dramas‘s finale. I have been spazzing like crazaaaaaay all day after today’s ep. I have also watched the last scene probably two dozen times because it was so perfectly beautiful. Please writer-nim, do spare my sensitive heart.
@denali My daughter and I just finished episode 10 last night and will be trying to catch up today (her last day of vacation before school starts again). I love this show. I cannot understand why it is not getting higher ratings (although my daughter also LOVES School 2013, so that may have something to do with it). I hope people still see its quality. Kim Myung-Min is my new favorite actor. He is perfect in this role, and I love Anthony. We should all get t-shirts that say “What would Anthony do?”
@trotwood: *clapping hands like a looney*
I too have been puzzled over KoD’s poor ratings. It has been my perfect crack depicting Korean drama industry with lots of feel good moments, seriousness, riotous Hyun Min and surprises. Full of wit and meta or int’l cultural references and sweet moments tho I won’t spoil anything. ^^
Oh heck yes Kim Myung Min has got to be one of the most convincing and dedicated actors out there. I got to write him a few words btw. ^^ His role as Anthony will not be forgotten that’s for sure. I heart him sooo much. How abt joining us on soompi?
@denali. I have a soompi account/password, but I have never used because (I am slightly embarassed to say) I cannot figure it out. Everyone talks about the forums, but I do not know how to find forums for shows that I like (like King of Dramas). I am not really tech savvy. I just learned how to create an avatar a month ago!
Ms. Koala, I love your playground and visit several times a day. Always enjoy reading your posts and comments left by other drama addicts. I want to wish you a very happy 2013 filled with lots of drama watching & idol swooning along with the usual love, health, and happiness.
Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into maintaining this playground. Your fans appreciate it so very much.
Ditto! Happy New Year and looking forward to more of your articles ockoala. 🙂
Good lord sweet baby Jesus those men are gorgeous! I am going to adore this drama if only for the eye candy. unf!
I can’t wait for this drama to start. It looks so good. And I’m hoping that it’s as good as the promo’s suggest. Happy New Year, Ms Koala and my fellow playground readers. Thank you for keeping us updated even while on vacation. Much appreciated. 🙂
I’ll take the young man in the sunglasses and brown suit with a side of the adorableness of the guy in the hat. Please ship them as soon as possible. I’m convinced they will love San Diego when the get here. Who wouldn’t?
I was wondering who the fourth hottie was. Mizuta Kouki bears a strong resemblance to LMH. eeeeep, SO excited!!
Yes, with a little Nam Goong Min in there, too.
So, so, so much pretty!! I’ll definitely be checking in for the insane amount of eye candy 🙂
Oooh! Thanks!
I’m scrollin’ down, scrollin’ down with a little smirk on my face.
Then it hits, and gets me every time.
The sneer from KJH stops me in my scroll, and I smile W….I….D….E.
I haven’t met you.
But I’m not crazy (like trotwood or birdscout)
Here’s my number.
Call me, baby.
*looks over shoulder* I am not crazy . . .much. The sneer gets me, too. So much pretty. I think I will really cry if this show is not good. They just do not have an excuse.
Hey, jomo! Are you putting the moves on my KJH? *not allowed, not allowed* 🙂
Looks as if FBND will kick off 2013 with a bang!
releasing all this stills just ups the already UP there excitement level!
Love the cast and everything about it until now. Do hope they do the eng subbing as soon as they can. .
So happy to hear that PSH won the best actress award for DWIAG . 🙂
oh my, oh my, (as heartbeat skips, jaw drops, then mouth turns to a big wide smile). Is it next week yet?
She looks sooo pretty with long hair! Why was she keeping it short before? But wait, are these hair extensions?
I say it since no one else has mention it, Yoon Shi Yoon kiss scene in “Me To Flower” blew my mind not to mention the actress Lee Ji Ah held her own that kiss was epic for K-drama this man knows how to do a kiss scene, but now we have the lead actress Park Shin Hye. I watched ever drama she been in including the TW drama and GOD help me when it comes to kiss scene she one of the worst, she don’t beat out Park Min Young but she no where near Yoon Eun Hye,Jun Do Yun just to name 2 of my faves. The storyline seem great but it always a disappointment and a success factor for me when the actress characters feelings are developed first by physical attraction. When they dream can be reality the actress turn to stone acting like a Nun in a strip club. Side note that why I hope in the drama “My Daughter Seo Young that Ho Jung eats Sang Woo when they have the first kiss, because she is a girl without a doubt has been having naughty thoughts about her man for 3 years!
I just wish it was another actress playing the role one that has bona-fin, certified, verified and received the stamp of kiss approval. Who is that you wonder, ME! Ok, I’m busy with Toby Lee so I gave it over to Yoo In Na from the drama Queen In Hyun Man. I know the lead had real feelings for each other but I feel that Yoo In Na is another Yoon Eun Hye, no matter who she plays opposite of they seem like they was made for her.