
Bu Bu Jing Qing Releases Intriguing Official Concept Video Teaser — 24 Comments

  1. I like this concept video. Simply because it rekindled a little bit of my interest in BBJQ. (: Well at least now we know that there’s somewhat a continuation from where BBJX left off; ie Zhang Xiao here IS the Zhang Xiao that travelled back in time, and is trying to see if she can interact with 4th Prince’s modern doppelganger, even if only to ease some of her heart’s pain. I sense some hope for this show, and hopefully it’ll turn out to be better than what most of us are, unfortunately, starting to think of it.

    Anyway I’m fairly certain the singer is Hu Ge; Nicky Wu’s voice is more soft and idk, has a more airy quality to it.

    Thanks for the video, koala!

  2. Actress? So meaning that liu shi shi’s actress role is nicky wu’s girlfriend? Wow! Oh boy,is he going to suffer!

  3. Okay now I’m oddly intrigued to watch this drama despite my initial misgivings for its storyline. TR sure knows hows to milk the viewers heart by putting in a couple of great moments from BBJX. I was never a fan of the Nicky-Shi Shi pairing but my interest is now decently piqued. HMM…

  4. I’m so not excited for this sequel, especially since it is a continuation of the original story. I really can’t get myself to accept Maertai Ruoxi (Ruoxi and Zhangxiao are the same to me), living in her own world and loving another man (Nicky in the present life doesn’t equal 4th Prince to me). The love between Ruoxi and 4th was so strong that I simply can’t convince myself that she would ever be able to love another man in her life. That’s why BBJX summed up very nicely: it gave viewers the room to imagine. And now she is struggling with several men .. again? But one thing that REALLY irks me in the few scenes is the magnolia hairpin. Serious?! They are going to milk that too? It was one of the symbols in Ruoxi and 4th’s love. I can’t believe they are going to mess with that too..

    I tend to associate things very easily. The trailer looks so-so. The story doesn’t look captivating. Twins (evil/good) and a lot of other gouxue elements.. I don’t think I want to associate this *crappy* continuation with such a beautiful story like BBJX, of which I think, doesn’t need a continuation at all. And I truly think Tonghua is thinking the same, otherwise she would have written it already instead of her 30.000 epilogue.

    And Zhangxiang is picking up Ma Tian-yu’s ex-boyfriend character Huangdi. So two actors playing the same character..

    • I can’t say I disagree with the fact that BBJX needs no sequel, but the trailer does peak my interest. Actually I think I’m more interested in LSS’s more fascinating character: the evil one. Also, factually speaking Tonghua did write a sequel (it’s really confusing) but it’s totally different; it’s not modern. Like I said, I totally agree that BBJX was a beautiful series on its own, but Tonghua did have a sequel, albeit a very different one, in mind.

  5. I know JJF can’t act very well, but damn he looks hot in the teaser above! It feels strange to have different actors playing the same character tho (like how ZhangXiang is taking over Ma Tianyu as Huangdi…) On the other hand, Ye Zhu Xin looks totally adorable!
    And I’m pretty sure it’s Hu Ge singing, his voice is deeper than Nicky’s.

  6. by the way, anyone knows a blog or website where I can read BBJX novel in english format? I do not speak nor read chinese. tks again…

  7. OMG!

    NGL, I found this to be great! I am really intrigued now!!!

    I wonder though if LSS remembers her time in the Qing dynasty? Is actress-her Rouxi’s reincarnation? Was she originally suppose to die and not come back?


  8. I had planned to check out BBJQ – just out of curiousity, but the teaser has kinda eased some of my initial misgivings. Even in these 3+ minutes, it looks better than I thought it would be.

    Thank goodness they connected the narrative to where BBJX left off! That was the whole reason why I wanted a sequel – to see modern “4th Prince” come back inside the museum and give modern “Zhang Xiao” his handkerchief.

  9. I am the only who is really really really excited about this?
    Just seeing Nicky near LSS gets me going.

    As long as they keep all the reactions low key in the present, a flick of an eye, an intake of breath, instead of modern day BIG, it can keep the same tone. I am hoping.

    • Agree. Those subtle reactions and looks was what made us all obsessed with BBJX. There was chemistry between them even if they didn’t spell it out for us.

      • I was so afraid for this, but I’m going to rewatch some BBJX now. I forgot how Longshi gave me life (and absolute tragedy). I hope Koala recaps it and we can go nuts in the comments even if it’s just for the off the charts chemistry.

      • I meant LSS/NW chemistry but goodness, rewatching the eps now. *fans self* One of the best ships I have ever sailed…

  10. At first, I was like : ‘Yea, I don’t care with the story, all I want is Longshi’. However, after that teaser, I have higher expectation for BBJQ.
    By the way, if the ‘twin’ is Nicky’s girlfriend, then Nicky and Shi Shi will have numerous scenes together. Yay, Longshi ^^

  11. Like most people here, we are glad that there is a sequel to BBJX but to me 1) I hate Liu Shi Shi hair styles in the BBJQ 2) I hate how the story revolves around a power struggle in a company. I’m so tire of dramas with the main guy fighting for his position in a company. I want another story line~~ but I guess I’ll settle for this. Still a little disappointed though.

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