I really am controlling myself from over-gushing about Jang Ok Jung, Live in Love. It is beyond anything I expected or could have hoped for, that was how low my expectations were going into this drama. I watched it after recapping episode 1 of Gu Family Book expecting an epic mess and a good laugh, and look where I am four weeks later after a complete turnaround. While Kim Tae Hee has been alternatively bashed by the media in Korea for her performance as Ok Jung (DA FUCK! Are they on crack?) while being praised by the international viewers, she’s got such a good head on her shoulders by saying in a recent interview that she will always get criticized and she’s now accepted that. She loves to act and will continue to do her best and challenge herself, but she’s stopped doubting herself and being pulled down by the unending criticism. Good for her! I feel like those Korean media reviewers wrote up their criticism of Kim Tae Hee before the drama even aired and decided to publish it afterwards to save the hassle of rewriting it. Otherwise I can’t believe they are that blind and clueless.
In the past I found Kim Tae Hee to be one of the weakest A-list actresses in Korea and was ready to laugh at her sageuk foray, but instead I am writing gushing odes to her amazingly restrained portrayal of re-imagined Jang Ok Jung. I also want to pimp out Kang Min Ah, who played the teenage Ok Jung and bears a striking resemblance as baby Ha Ji Won. Kang Min Ah is the real deal, and not yet as hyped as Kim Yoo Jung or Kim So Hyun, but just as good and maybe even better considering she’s a newbie. What’s even more astounding is seeing the two actresses actually delivering mirroring performances of the same character. It’s not just good acting, it’s good acting that is aware beyond the scope the page and taking into account more than just a standalone performance. What’s so remarkable about Kim Tae Hee and Kang Min Ah here in JOJ is that their awareness of the camera and their role is undeniable even in stills alone. Check it out below, and I’ve also included a few snapshots of Kim Tae Hee at her worst many years ago. It’s a great reminder of how far she’s come.
Kim Tae Hee and Kang Min Ah are the best one-two actress punch in a sageuk drama in my memory.
Now for some hilarious walk down memory lane. One cannot fully appreciate Kim Tae Hee’s acting transformation in JOJ unless one has watched her worst performances ever, as I have. Kim Tae Hee in The Restless with my I Lub You. “What is that? An UFO? Ironman? A fart coming towards me? I don’t know but I’m really scared! Look at my dilated pupils.”
Kim Tae Hee in Stairway to Heaven with Kwon Sang Woo. “How can you not luuuuuurve me, oppa! Does my glare of evil not turn you on? Look at my leopard print jacket. Don’t make me jump you, I am a wild cat yes I am!”
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I am in total agreement. KTH is a total sageuk revelation. She should consider future sageuk projects instead of modern dramas ('though I did love her in My Prncess). KMA has excellent acting chops at this young an age. KTH has evolved and I'm looking forward to KMA's future projects. I wish someone would get all the newbie talents together for a project because I would definitely be onboard.
Don't forget in MP, she did get to play royalty, and she did get to order THT around in saguek - pretending she was Mi-shil.
Those were some of my favorite scenes in that show.
Especially the ones in the antique car...such nice memories.
I am not watching the drama but the younger actor's screen presence seems better than the older and more experienced one in these screen caps.
I literally busted out laughing just reading your dialogue for kim tae hee's preposterous acting in the past. "Dont make me jump you I am a wild cat yes i am" You got me with that one.
I can't believe she's actually doing pretty well in JOJ. I guess that's what happens when you have pretty low expectations. That's why there's hope yet for our recent crop of idols with lead roles -- maybe one day they'll turn the tables on us and completely surprise us? Never know. Most of them are still pretty young.
Anyways, one thing I always admire is that when you love a show koala, you really LOVE it, so it makes the watching experience that much more enjoyable because you spazz and you post and literally every JOJ post makes me happy before i even read it.
Can't wait for monday to come already!!
Actually, I find it even more telling acting-wise when stills do channel the exact same emotion than the acted scene. But I found myself being totally overwhelmed by the still of the manhandle of King Sukjong on Ok Jung after he found out. The sadness, the "why is it all happenning?" and desolation that the man she loves is now the one she had to seduce when entering the Palace, her fear that he may act on a whim and give her his grace even as she doesn't want it that way, disappointment in him for lying to her and taking all their moments as calcuating from her part and frustration because she cannot tell the whole truth...Brava Kim Tae Hee! The only other drama that lost me with the stills was I Need Romance 2012 and Jung Yumi is no newbie!
Have you noticed Koala, how people keep predicting what will happen between Ok-Jung and Lee Soon ? The Granny Queen said that she wished Ok Jung would keep the King company during his hard times and she did! I think this is hw their conflict is going to play out, because no matter what her true intentions were, everything they had ended up serving someone's purpose.
JoJ fighting <3
I love this article Koala!Hate to see netizen's criticism but its good to know there are many who are willing to defend her role in this drama.
JOJ hwaiting!!Monday's coming!!
Well I'm not watching this drama cuz its really not my thing but I'm glad to hear Kim Tae Hee is doing well. It proves that she's working hard and deserves to be appreciated so thx for this post Koala ;) Even though she wasn't really good at acting, I find her beautiful, but she also has chemistry with her lead, which makes her not sooo bad to watch :P But I really respect her now with the way she is showing confidence in herself and not letting criticism take her down when she KNOWS how hard she's doing well bcuz of her hard work.
Bad publicity is good publicity. To be honest, if those people are actually watching, they wouldn't be complaining at all. KTH is doing a fine job.
I only wish that KTH understands English n read this blog and all the other forums where everyone (outside of Korea that is) have nothing but praises for this gals acting. Come on man, give the poor gal a break woncha all? Breaks me heart to read that article about her acting criticism. Its just Not fair! KTH we lub u. U r de BEST!
Reminds me of the total miss between Kim Yoo Jung and Han Ga In.
I find Kang Min Ah to be wonderful and Kim Tae Hee still on the stilted side (don't hurt me!) even though she has only made amazing strides on her acting since My Princess. KTH's hanging on the cusp of being really good, but isn't quite getting there. Overall, JOJ has far exceeded my expectations; that is, minus Sukjong. I'm not too happy about where he's going anymore...am I the only one who thinks that Yoo Ah In is overacting Lee Soon?
I don't think he's overacting. It fits the character of King Sukjong, a lonely manchild king who lost trust to anyone and has a childhood trauma. His eyes talk, and even he can change his expressions from happy to shock to sad, from badass to tender in a split second.