
Chris Wu Reveals His Quirks for the May Edition of Beauty Magazine — 13 Comments

  1. Hello. How are u? Welcome to Taipei. Hello Kitty. Monkey. Really?

    I will forever associate chris wu with Terry.

  2. I really hope he will be nominated and even win an acting award for GBA this year.. though he himself replied in his FB that it’s unlikely… but I will be rooting for him! Jia you Chris!!

  3. TOOOOOOO CUTE. I admit I became obsessed with him through KF but now I’m itching to watch everything he’s in.

  4. gahhhhh can we get to see what the other parts were talking about in the article~~?? deadly curious (and I honestly couldn’t make out all the words from your pics… maybe half) but thank you so much for sharing~~~~

  5. Why is he holding women shoes?

    Oh yeah, I blame you, my dear koala, for making me into his total fangirl. Now I’m going to go back and watch some of his other stuff.

    Thanks 😀

      • Haha if he becomes the spokesperson for ladies’ shoes, I may take a look and consider buying the shoes… even if I’m not a particular fan of heels

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