
Aaron Yan and Puff Guo Bring the Cute as Filming Starts on New SETTV Thursday Drama — 13 Comments

  1. I would like to erase Vivian from my memory…I really would. This looks cute, but I’m swearing off TW dramas until I’m sure the second half won’t send me running away, foaming at the mouth like a mad dog. I just cannot take another descent into character-killing, irrational, illogical, makes-absolutely-no-sense-anywhere-in-the-known-universe kind of ending. Me, bitter? Where would you get that idea?

  2. ‘earnest and hardworking and at times entertaining’ – I think that sums it up quite well. I haven’t seen Arron in anything since Pi Li MIT and like Calvin more as an actor, but I haven’t found much of their projects themselves interesting.

    OT but Ivy Chen and Bolin Chen are so so cute in your header.

  3. Keeping an eye out for this one! Actually I’ve always felt that Aaron is a much better actor and singer than Calvin – his singing skills have always been acknowledged as the best in Fahrenheit, and if you watched Love Buffet/The X Family, Aaron has always been more natural onscreen and is more believable (honestly after watching this horrific scene with Calvin desperately trying to look sad and self-sacrificial but ending up looking constipated instead, I never thought he was a good actor again)

  4. *sigh* I’m probably gonna pass on this one. I mean, I do like to look at aaron’s pretty face, but he’s been playing the same kind of role (rich heir, cold, mysterious and mean but with a warm heart) ever since he started his acting career. One would think he would have actually nailed it by now, but his acting still hasn’t improved that much over the years. How can an actor improve if he doesn’t challenge himself, though? It’s a shame… Maybe he should just stick to singing.

  5. I do want to check this out. I like Aaron and Puff. I’ll prob check out Annie on Sunday too. Guess time will tell which stays on the list.

    And THANK YOU for saying that about Jiro! The reality actually really pisses me off cause I like him as an actor. But I get very distracted by faces. I can usually find a way to make it work, cause well faces without tinker is rare in Asian dramas but some just are a no-go for me.

    It’s too drastic! I liked him so much before. And now, I couldn’t even begin Drama Go Go, once I saw the promo pics!

  6. Pardon me, i may sound defensive, but i honestly do not understand why everyone thinks Jiro got plastic surgery….. Anyways, this drama sounds heaps cute and the plot actually attracts me a lot……. However, the fact that Arron has to act as that kinda character again, (the mean, mysterious yet also nice-in-his-way-once-you-get-to-know-him kinda guy)makes me angryish. I would like to see him act in different roles.

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