
Monstar Episode 2 Recap — 21 Comments

  1. thanks for the recaps koala. i just marathoned through the three spisodes yesterday and am hoping it will be this year’s SUFBB for me. i love the story and the direction. so much happens in the first three episodes and so many characters get introduced but the story flows and develops naturally. mysteries are being revealed and nothing feels forced. loving the music too. ahhh, potential crack. please be good all the way through. have to say that the idol playing seol chan has lots of natural charisma.

  2. Thanks for the recap. Monstar is doing a good job of developing the storyline, having good acting (I just feel that all the actors are doing such a good job portraying their characters), I’m really enjoying the music and the directing is good. The relationship between the leads reminds me of Enrique and DM because there is a push-pull between them. I find the pace to be good as well. I hope they are able to keep the momentum going.

    • Well its not reinventing anything and it IS meant for a younger audience its just a formula Done Right! I don’t know y i find it refreshing and fun to watch 😉

  3. Can i just say that sun woo’s voice — particularly on the phone — is very soothing/sexy to hear? mmm~
    I spent most of my time watching this episode laughing. I can just see “Im a star!” being the running gag in this show, as well as a popular quote to go down in k-drama history. By the end we need a collection of all the times he proclaims he’s a star.
    Also, i would also like to add that there’s something about Yong Joon-Hyung’s rookie acting that is endearing, almost natural. By no means is the boy a revelation, but it is quite obvious that he understands his character and is able to feel a deep connection due to their similarities. That’s why his portrayal comes of yoon seul chan across as genuine. It’s a good project he chose to debut in, cause my first impression for him is pretty good.

  4. aren’t you the most awesome?! lols. 🙂 thanks so much. Seol Chan’s reaction when Sun Woo is holding Se Yi’s hand – PRICELESS! debating with himself on going to the park to look for Se Yi – AWESOME!

    i am loving how the songs are integrated and used in this drama. and i love all the songs!

    • Nonski dear, don’t forget when SC stomping his feet on the ground screaming “You can’t leave first, I should. I’m a star! A Star!!!” – Astounding! ^^

    • And despite all his pouting and brooding, a simple “I’m sorry” lights him up like a bolt of lightning, lol! Yes, Seol Chan is adorable and the actor’s portrayal is right on the money. That is why I am soooo torn. Because I so love Kang Ha Neul, I mean, Sun Woo (oh, who am I kiddin’ mined the actor, didn’t I?). Ottoke?

    • I love how they’re using the songs in this show too, and how even the lyrics are appropriate for what’s happening at the moment. I giggled when SC picked Troublemaker as the song he wanted to sing with SY. Talk about a Freudian choice!

  5. I guess I’m the only one that finds this drama utterly annoying. It feels like a bad fan fiction written by a 13 year old. -___-. After dramabeans recap I tried it, after koalas I tried it again. But I still don’t see the magic.

    • Aww you didn’t like it? 🙁 I guess people like it because the female lead actually has a backbone and can stand up for herself – and others. It’s refreshing,really. Plus she and the male lead have great chemistry. Honestly, I could care less about the other stuff going around in this drama land and just watch them two react to each other. A 13 year old would never be able to create such good characters ( was just recently a 13 year old who wrote bad fanficiton). Maybe you should try it again one day 🙂

  6. I’m madly in love with this drama and although we only get one episode a week I continue to watch the first ones over and over again, this is my musical drama of the year hands down! <3

  7. I like the show reminds me of dream high without the cold breath. The last scene that is a different guy on the cello it looks like to me

  8. Totally onboard the Monstar train after E2. Enjoyed it immensely. I was rolling my eyes at the male lead being stereotypical in E1 but I am absolutely shipping this OTP! The second lead’s VERY handsome… never paid attention to dem cheekbones until Benedict Cumberbatch and now I pay VERY close attention to them! I go… “ooooh, cheekbones!!” 😀

    SO glad that I have yet to watch E3 and then E4 air tomorrow. Thanks for introducing this show and for the recaps. Much appreciated.

  9. Please can anyone tell me the name of the song and the singer for the one se yi and sun woo sang at the end? Thanx!

  10. Thank you so much for this recap, i don’t have enough time to watching tv except Saturday and Sunday and this recap really make me refreshت

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