
Preview for Episode 9 of Monstar and OTP Guitar Duet Performance Cut — 32 Comments

  1. Oh dearrrrr Gahaaaaaad!! I NEED this episode with subs RIGHT NOW otherwise my weak heart will expire from all the FEEELSSS just by reading this post and perfection of an understated duet b/w my babiesssss!! T_T Am positively dizzy…

  2. Koala, can i love you forever? Your review of this hit me so hard because it is the same exact way for me. Last night i could barely sleep, thinking about all the cutesiness this episode was going to offer and wahhh… i loved it.
    The duet was spot on, lyrics, music, settings, period. Thank you PDs…for this was wonderful and beautiful and everything i had expected. the only gripe i have is that IT WAS TOO SHORT!!!
    Their voices gelded beautifully, as i had expected…hers soft and lilting and his deeper and husky. Ugh. just a masterpiece. Is it too much to hope that Mnet will release this as a special OST much like they did Atlantis Princess?
    Ugh…feels. my feels.
    Thank you for being so on top of this drama, i will forever lover you, Koala-tee! ♥♥♥

  3. I love their date in episode 8 so much, simply lovely ang heartwarming. I watched it without sub and can’t stop smiling at how cute Seol Chan and Se Yi are together.

    On the other hand, I couldn’t understand how come Jae Rok character could be such a horrible human being. I don’t know why, but I just can’t erase his hateful character out of my mind right now, hate it.

  4. Koala unnie, I really don’t understand why Seyi is mad at SC, she’s not his girlfriend after all plus he said that to protect her so…he did not really reject her ?

  5. Ack!!!!! No…. No pushing the girl that moves your heart for crazy fan girls.

    Just love following this show. It’s a breath of fresh air in the drama landscape.

  6. i dont know but this drama captured the youth and music very well than dream high in all aspects.

    Seol Chan’s voice is really good and made me think why he is the rapper in the Beast:D I cant ignore Yesob’s voice in beast of course but he is a really capable guy!

    even she said that their voice doesnt match:D they had sing troublemaker in the earlier episodes and they were fine:D LOL . and which this duet shows that they are really good together and as a performance this duet is really natural, good and summarizes the whole concept:D

  7. I have a love confession. this drama has had me googling all things yong junhyung. in embarrassed but the more I read, the deeper I fall! he is one talented baby. he must have been 19 or 20 when he rapped with the likes of gna and hyunA and he just managed to not only held his own but look really hot at it. and then to find out that he co writes songs and his own raps. my mind is blown and my heart is gone. also, so unconventional for an idol to openly date as he did with goo hara

    I love this drama to bits and thanks koala for feeding my addiction

  8. I wonder what Yong Junhyng thinks of Seol Chan decision to protect Se Yi, by not dating her. We all know what Yong Junhyng would do, so what does he think of Seol Chan’s choice.

    • Probably disagrees with Seol Chan’s choice but understands it since he has dealt with the type of invasion of privacy stars have to deal with it. I mean he dated Kara’s Hara in secret and only admitted because they were caught.

      • For all purposes that’s two completely different things. Because Hara is an idol, but Se Yi isn’t. Fangirls can be exceptionally cruel, even to idols, its needless to say that the reaction would be worse if she was just a normal, ordinary girl. So to say that the reaction to Junhyung/Hara would be the same for Seol Chan/Se Yi probably isn’t correct. In fact I think that the reaction would be worse.

  9. Why has dramacrazy shut down?:( where can i waych my monstar now? *sobs*
    Anyway, is it just me or is this drama a case of art imitating life (or vice versa?) when it comes to Seol Chan as an idol deciding whether or not to date seyi. I mean if junhyung dared to go public with his relationship with goo hara and maintained that relationship for 2 (?) years despite their hectic schedules, here’s hoping seolchan will do the same. Except i dont them to ever break up which was what sadly happened to the real-life relationship between junhyung and hara:( i actually liked the fact that idols can be open about their relationship like they did, its quite refreshing to see.

  10. Miss Koala!!! I hope youre reading this! Thank you so much for all your recaps and blogging, youre such a talented writer! <3 I've been following your website for about 3 years already! (:
    I just want to recommend you another kdrama to watch that is currently airing- "I Hear Your Voice". You know what, this drama is the best drama I've ever watched, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it! Please please please consider watching it! Lots you loads xx

  11. Well, if Se Yi threw the sheep to Sul Chan, she is basically confessing to him since she sewed his name on the sheep and that’s supposed to be the boyfriend right?

    Glad I started watching this… really good.. 🙂

  12. totally agree!!!
    I am soooo in love with monstar’s insane
    I cant get enuf if SeolYi …
    they’re too cute ….
    and story wise has been so amazing ..
    I donno why but I hv a feeling Seol Chan knows smtg abt ahjussi’s past maybe …
    anyhow just love love love love love love it !!!!!
    sad that it ended at 12 … but provided that I get to see whole episode abt Seol-Yi … I’m very happy girl ….

  13. Can I say how precious ep 8 is? Monstar as a whole is reaalllly doing everything right!! Once in a while a perfect drama like this comes out. To which im truly grateful of. I started watching this one only because I love yoseob who is junhyung’s groupmate/soulmate. But then im falling for seolchan due to junhyungs acting. I was quiet worried for him initially but then again after episode 8 he only proven to me he can certainly act.especially on that last moment woth seyi crying worried for kyudong to jump. His expression was just priceless. Thumbs up monstar!!!!

  14. I got pissed at Sun Woo when he said that going out with Nana was a “good deed”. you could see Nana’s heart breaking into small pieces there. I do think he already knows that Nana is in love with him but he simply is still caught up in that love that he had towards Se Yi when he was little.

  15. OMG, hello new b2uties and welcome to the fandom! hehe
    I’m glad so many people are falling for and liking our ahjumma Junhyung…He’s such a talented dork 🙂
    I have had this date duet on replay since Friday…and it’s still replaying~!!

  16. i heart heart this drama.. i grin like an idiot even when reading the recap… it really makes me wish im back in high school again

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