
Goddess of Fire Episode 20: Gwanghaegun Gets an Upset Stomach and Tae Do and Jung Yi Learn Who Killed Her Dad — 12 Comments

  1. no, really, major props to you for actually skimming through the drama. I barely have patience for recaps; normally I just go to Youtube for orabeoni cuts and I’m a happy fangirl.

  2. This is hilarious !! The other best part about this episode was when the camera lingered on Kim Bum for quite a while in the first clip…..

    I don’t even wanna watch this drama, but only watch the clips on your blog. We should rename this drama as “Orabeoni is hawt” where the lead actor is Kim Bum, while the rest are side characters.

    Me thinks it is fitting for Gwanghaegun to have diarrhoea cos he seems to be constipated from Ep 1 so it’s good he has release. So let’s hope he stops looking constipated in the later episodes.

    • Based on many online comments, it’s obvious that in this drama GOF, leading actor lee sang yoon is overshadowed by Kim Bum, the beautiful second lead actor and perfectly gorgeous eye candy (with pretty good acting skills).

  3. OMG! Best episode so far! I was really cracking up when Prince Charming had his stomach in so much pain! He really deserves that and more. And I do love the new outfit of my bummie makes him look more manly and I just can’t get enough of him! I LOVE HIM!

  4. Kim Bum FTW!!!! He looks Awesome in this warrior outfits! And he rocks the ‘Mane of Glory’. This episode had little TaeJung skinship compared to others :(. They were arguing most of the time (like hubbies :D) This script sucks, but their chemistry shine so I can’t wait for Monday to come! Thanks so much for mentioning Tae Do’s change of outfit, he looks good in every single one but it’s better if we get to see others on him. ❤

  5. I am really Impressed with Kim Bum’s acting skilled. That’s so great and natural. I can’t get enough with him at GOF. I will watch this drama until the end because Kim Bum and Moon Geun Young. I hope they will give me as viewers more TaeJung/GeunBum’s scenes. Finally, Jung more mature and strong. I love they give my KB new outfit. He’s so handsome. Thanks Koala for recap this episode again.

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