
Preview for Empress Ki Episode 19 as it’s Preempted this Week for MBC Year End Programs — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you for the review! Oh! I was hoping you would write a review on the Wy/SN bridge hug!! That scene was beautifully designed and wonderfully performed by JJM and HJW!! These two surely know how to take our breath away!!

  2. “Seung Nyang says she wants to return to the Seung Nyang she was before and help Wang Yoo”

    This is what i’m waiting for. As of now i’ve put EK on the back burner until SN gets the upper hand. Koala, please let me know when EK starts becoming awesome again, as it’d be much easier to marathon all the episodes.

  3. I agree to koala, actors are really admirable because they managed to bear the winter season, I can’s Imagine how cold and freezing is the weather there right now because of how they breath and their face are really white. GOODJOB EMPRESS KI

  4. This would the first 50 episode drama I’ve ever watched because my thinking before was I don’t think I can bear watching a very long K-drama, but if its for your bias you’ll do whatever it is …. CHUKHANDA EMPRESS KI

  5. This would be our second 50-episodes Kdrama or any dramas after “Giant”… Hope it continues to be good to the end. JCW is sooo cute with those gigantic earmuffs, like Princess Leia from Star Wars…

  6. For me, EK is the only drama I’m able to watch these days. I keep trying to start dramas that I’ve put on the back burner for so long and I’m just not interested enough to continue. This has been happening with some major popular favourites like Innocent Man and Secret Garden.

  7. Ooooh, WY-SN shipper week, this is going to be a bummer, I might skip this one; we all know their lovestory is doomed to fail, but nice trying & providing false hope. Also, not so thrilled & excited w/ HJW & JJM pairing, I think they’re better-off w/ Ahjummas’ viewers.

    • hahahaha i cant believe u said that! HJW/JJM appeal to ahjummas! its like comparing justin bieber and george clooney! who wud u find more appealing as a sexy man? above 18 years old i guess clooney…18 and younger…same goes here….besides if u watch mbc section tv of the four leads WY,SN,TW,DN you’ll even see how damn fine jjm and hjw click n have fun together even off screen…they both joke around like kids…besides TW is really so cute n all but the fact that he is so clingy n possessive over SN is annoying at a certain point and to top it all he portrays a yuan figure who ruthlessly abused goryos! while WY on the other hand is very careful n considerate in approching SN and loving her as not to put her in any kind of danger which is just so romantic..he takes care of his love his kingdom n his men all at the same time…damn all those charecteristics of WY portrayed in an actor such as joo jin mo only makes a delicious yummy shake of pure sexy manliness!
      so not even girls or older women wud like this even a 90 year old wud as well:PPPPPPPPPP

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