
Links for Fantastic OST Songs from SETTV Dramas Just You and In A Good Way — 7 Comments

  1. Thank you.

    The last few posts about the TW actors and actresses read like a drama plot. There are such things as school Grass and Flower and those actors actually being that in real life? I am so amazed.

  2. Thank you for the download links! I admittedly didn’t pay too much attention to the insert songs in Just You, but I loved the opening and endings, and once caught myself humming “Unstoppable Sun” at work, haha.

  3. Oh thanks for putting up the songs. The first song by Genie and Alien is playing nonstop. Such a catchy tune I cannot stop listening to.

  4. Really like the Genie-Alien duet! Loved their first duet years ago, didn’t know they would have an MV! Thanks for the intro! 😀 If I was not wrong, it was rumoured that Alien dated Genie for a really short period of time, then again it’s a rumour, haha.

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