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First Teaser and Character Stills from Aaron Yan's New Drama Fall in Love with Me - A Koala's Playground
Categories: TW & C dramas

First Teaser and Character Stills from Aaron Yan’s New Drama Fall in Love with Me

I’m being uber tentative with the upcoming SETTV tentpole Sunday night idol drama Fall in Love with Me (literal translation of the Chinese title would be Fall in Love with Two of Me). The network has dramas that work for me unexpectedly, while others more highly touted end up being total fails. Aaron Yan wouldn’t have landed his first headlining role in the prime time slot drama if it wasn’t for his successful SETTV drama last year Just You with Puff Guo. I really think Puff deserved half the credit for that drama being stupidly entertaining, and SETTV really did want them to pair together again for this drama. Unfortunately scheduling commitments nixed the option and stepping in as Aaron’s new leading lady is Tia Li. I really wish it were Gui Gui, but considering Aaron and Gui Gui also had dating rumors back when they did Pi Li MIT together, them working together might be a pipe dream at this point. Tia is one of those idol actresses that has thus far failed whether playing the bitchy antagonist (Office Girls) or the nice sweet friend (Miss Rose), and she even sucked when cosplaying a maid in Hayate the Combat Butler which frankly tapped into her whole image as the dream girl for video gamer guys. My only hope for this drama is that it taps into the Just You formula which requires limited acting from the leads and plenty of crackling chemistry and inoffensive plot lines that push things along on a steady pace. The first teaser video is out and is wholly underwhelming in terms of creativity. Likely only Aaron fangirls will get a kick out of it. Above is the first character promotional stills from the drama showing Aaron’s character sporting two different outs for each of his dual personalities. I’m not only to jinx this drama beforehand since I’m just so so so happy Deja Vu is ending.

Fall In Love with Me teaser:




View Comments

  • Agree with you about the teaser being totally underwhelming. It says nothing about the drama at all. Haha, it may actually pass off as BTS for a photo shoot.

  • Don't care, it's still Aaron Yan.

    I overlook all his flaws and stare at his heart-melting smile. It's all I need.

  • Thanks for the update.
    I do like his hair style here a lot more than in Just You. He's cute, but his duck bangs was really hilarious ;))

  • While my interest in Fall in Love with Me is rather lukewarm, I'm elated because that marks the end of Déjà Vu. And I'm so !@#$%^& happy for Mandy Wei, who posted recently about having wrapped filming—she needs a break from the crazy.

    *sigh* I wouldn't dare to hope that Tia pulls a Lee Yeon-hee, but I pray that she's at least gotten a teensy-weensy better.

  • I'm an Aaron fangirl, so this is definitely a must-watch! I'm totally happy with more Aaron! ^^

  • I haven't watched any of Aaron dramas, or any tw-drama in AGES. Don't know the female lead, probably saw her a little in Hayate (dropped after 1 ep) But the OST sounds nice, I'll check this out if it gets subbed ^^

  • Cool! Can't wait! I love Aaron Yan! I watch anything he's in! The female lead is okay. I guess we will all know when the series airs!

  • I like this drama so far! I'm giving tia li a chance because i think aaron brings the best out of new actresses like puff. I personally didn't like puff either but she grew on me and maybe tia li will too so i don't want to judge this drama cause i think her acting is pretty decent unlike other ones before...

  • Just finished watching first episode. So, I liked Aaron and Puff in Just you, but I think casting the same couple again might seem like a deja vu. I believe that Aaron and Tia make a very good looking couple, and I think Tia Li deserves a lead role as she has worked very hard and would always give her all in what she does. I congratulate the writers for their originality as I don't recall any similar plots. I simply loved the first episode as I am a fan of love-hate relationships. As for the music, I always loved the sound of Aaron's voice and his singing in this drama is of no exception. I like the casting all around from lead to minor and I will be rooting from the sides for high ratings :) Good Luck

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