
Lego Lee and Kirsten Jen do a Couples Visit for the Hong Kong International Film Festival — 19 Comments

  1. OMG!!!! They have more skinship in real life than on the show! Is this behavior normal for drama stars in TW? Please say it’s not, and that these two adorable puppies are dating. !!!!

  2. rearwindow, a few months ago during filming of “Just You,” Arron and Puff were also very friendly, flirty, and touchy.

    • True, but I think that the chemistry between Kristen and Lego is way more explosive than the chemistry between Aaron and Puff. Haha, Lego and Kristen give off vibes of “hey, we are dating and we want everyone to know!!”

      • I was obsessed with Just You when it was airing and I was so fangirling Aaron & Puff together. They had some really awesome chemistry together especially in the bts, but I have to say I agree with you in that Lego & Kirsten literally are burning up my screen. I ship them even harder than I shipped Aaron & Puff together!

  3. That’s taking fan service to a whole different level. You mean those 2 are not dating? They look more natural as a couple here than on the show and that’s saying something.

  4. What a lovely pair. Even though I’ve seen it many times where OTP in dramas are always doing ‘couple things’ to promote the show but with these two, it just seems so natural. They have THE CHEMISTRY! I actually can’t get enough of it. In fact, I’m looking forward for more. I love them both! Kirsten comes across as a very warm, caring, lovely girl. She hasn’t been really shy expressing her admiration to Lego ever since so I wasn’t surprised she’s literally all over him on those pics…lol. I love her candidness. Glad that Lego is now a bit vocal on how she appreciates her. He’s right, who wouldn’t like her?!

    I wouldn’t call her chubby yet 🙂 but she did gain on a little weight which actually suited her more. Oh, I don’t want to hear yet about the ending of this drama. I’ll have a major withdrawal syndrome when that time comes 🙁

    • Think of George and Annie, heard they are really dating. They were all over each other too. So happy to hear that both these couples Lego/Kirsten and G/A who are true natural looking people, no plastic as some other actors/actresses and can actually act are doing well. Love them.

      • I forgot about them. They had great chemistry in the first show (was that Love Around?) but the second one (Love Now?) kind of fell flat. Not really their fault (it was the writers fault) but George especially looked like he was barely enduring it by the end.

  5. I will agree that these two look more natural and more likely relationship potential than Puff and Aaron. But, hey, I give Puff and Aaron points for pure fluffy cuteness.

  6. Everyone here knows how much I LOVE Lego Lee (even with the odd polk-dot/camo outfit–aordb hat though), but I want to point out how lovely Kirstin Jen looks in these pictures. She looks younger than springtime as the song goes. Can’t wait til this weekend!

  7. I just love the show from right in the beginning the chemistry of lego and kristen are already built up. I just can’t stop seeing over and over again the show hope it never end but it did but it wasn’t a good ending. I hope that they will continue and pick the pieces that were broken and patch it back . The acting are so good and natural the behavioral of both of them are just great and complimentary . You can see that lego who loves Kristen in the show is just overwhelming – who can portray such a role. So lovable I love the show -In A good Way – they are in a god way but ending in a bad way – is it more to come please do. Judos to both of them Lego and Kristen and of course the rest of the cast are just great too each has its on merits . Well produced and directed please say more to come

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