
You From Another Star and Answer Me 1994 Lead the TV Section Nods for the 50th Annual Baeksang Awards — 80 Comments

      • I agree. They usually award it to the highest rating dramas (even if the story line is poorly written or the acting sucks). For me, these types of awards amount to nothing.

  1. I don’t know how award nomination work in Korea but for lee jong seok to get a best actor nomination but not Jung Kyung-ho for heartless city is a crime against acting.

    • I get including LJS since that was a genuinely good performance – much better than, yes, Kim Soo-hyun in YFAS – but I’m puzzled by the snubs for sub for So Ji-sub, Master’s Sun was a fantastic turn from him despite the drama itself being less than perfect.

  2. I can’t believe that they did not include HJW in the the list of nominees for best actress. This is like MBC ignoring K2H.I’ve watched the other dramas and there’s no better actress that the deserved to be nominated [at the least ] and win the award than HJW. Historical distortion or not ,we are talking about how the actress portray the character. What a waste. Are they so desperate for the other actress to win the award even without a valid and honest competition? Give me a break. I’m an avid Kdrama fan,this will surely turn me off.Fighting Empress Ki.

    • Same sentiment here, since I am an avid fan of EMPRESS KI. They forgot Ha JiWon and even Ji ChangWook, ChangWook portray it very well, as in it’s really a daebak performance for me (since this is the first time I watch Changwook’s drama) but he is not nominated even in Supporting Actor. duh. Baeksang sucks. And also the heart tearing drama entitled SECRET they also forgot it, they didn’t recognized Hwang JungEun tears on that drama. Aigoo

  3. I’m not surprised Heirs and Master’s Sun didn’t get any because honestly, ppl only like them because of the actors/actresses. The story line was forgettable. Heck, if it wasn’t for Gong Hyo Jin, I would not watch the whole Master’s Sun drama. That’s my least favorite among her other works.

    • MBC dramas have been snubbed big time! No Lee Jun Ki, Ji Chang Wook, Joo Jin Mo, Ha Ji Won (nominated only for popularity award wth???)…they put Baek Ji Hee (sure she was awesome but what about the others?) just because she was the most popular character in Empress Ki and that she was the one bringing the ratings (the ratings dropped substantially when her character and her clan was wiped out)

      And to add to the insult, they omitted the amazing Jo Seung Woo (how can you possibly not acknowledge such fine performance?)Should I even be surprised? Baeksang awards have been a mess since a while. It has become more like a popular contest than anything else.

      • Yes, almost all MBC dramas get snubbed. We just see SBS dramas.
        How could they not recognize Ji Chang Wook talent in Empress Ki is beyond my imagination. He plays such a difficult role but still manage to make it interesting and entertaining.

  4. heirs is not in the list but u’re still bashing that’s mean. do u think it’s easy to portray sad/tear scene so beautifully like minho anf shinhye did, not all actress/actor can do it perfectly, and it’s not easy to make teen highschool story without looked cheap. congratz for all nominees

  5. So it’s another popularity awards? Also – at least for a lot of people, The Master’s Sun is their most favorite drama among GHJ’s other dramas, which is clearly something for those who have been following all of her works. And if other people say they only watched TMS because of GHJ, I totally don’t see why she is not even included in the nominations. Heck, i think she deserves awards for her work in TMS more than Best Love, which she won the Best Actress award for.

    • Baek Jin Hee and Han Groo’s nominations make me happy, glad to see them getting some recognition for their work! (can’t wait for Triangle, I hope it’s good)

  6. Thank God! Heirs is not nominated! That production has purely commercial value – it has no substance. Putting a punch of pretty popular people together…

    I found the Best actor’s & Best new actors nominations was weak. Most of them had mediocre performances, but is supported by the production team as a whole and by fans contributing to their high rating.

    • I totally agree with u… i like LMH and i’ve seen majority of his drama and they were passable but with TH i’m totally disappointed the storyline was a mess…

  7. I also found the actors and best new actors nominations are weak. Most of them had mediocre performances, but is supported by the production team as a whole and by their loyal fan in high rating.

    • Jo Jae Hyun and Jung Woo had a mediocre performance for their perspective dramas? a big fat no, they’re both brilliant in AM94 and Jeong Do Jeon

  8. may awkward to ask here. have any TVCHOSUN’s dramas make it to any awards out there? haa. I love Bride of the Century too much from the casts to crews and the production team which I feel like they deserve something for their hard works. hmmm.

  9. Good to see Secret Love Affair several noms but its a scandal or popularity thing that most amazing thing about the series the lead actress Kim Hee Ae didnt get a nom.

    Yoon In Ah shows he is not just a pretty boy but he is not as great as her. Shame they go for young, popular.

    I dont agree with ockoala that too Jo woon is just a pretty boy level actor, he is a strong young actor but he wasnt real good in Good Doctor though.

  10. where’s Ha Ji Won for best actress? She could have even get the Daesang if she’s nominated.
    Where’s Jo Seung Woo? He’s definitely a better actor than some of the nominees.
    Where’s the credibility of baeksang?
    Baeksang just never fails to disappoint me in recent years.

  11. just can’t believe/ don’t understand Kim Hee Ae didn’t get nom… her acting only Jeon Ji Hyun can compete I think.

    • Jeon Ji Hyun was the best for her wonderful comic timing acting in that series and Kim Hee Ae for the more dramatic role,acting. One of them should win best actress but since Kim Hee Ae isnt nominated…..

      Its funny the best actress noms are full of good, older actresses while the best actor noms are pretty boys like Kim So Hyun who cant even act decently as an alien…..

  12. How they managed to forget Empress Ki is ridiculous. EK has been 1st in ratings since ep 1 till now. It’s almost finished too but it didn’t nominated for Best Drama.
    HJW also only get popularity award? EK is such woman-centered drama it’s not easy to be the center of attention but HJW has managed it and even better makes her every co-stars shine.
    And JCW, well I’m really sad JCW doesn’t get nomination he deserved. He should nominated for Best Actor and Most Popular Actor.

  13. I’m sorry but Jo Jae Hyun, Lee Jun Ki, Joo Jin Mo and Jo Seung Woo shoud have been nominated for Best Actor category, what’s that bunch of pretty boys in this cat’… Best Actress Category is better though, i would have included Ha Ji Won in Go Aara’s place..

    • Yes,really! I don’t get why Go Ara is even nominated? Just because she was better than ever before, which doesn’t mean much compared to all the other talented actresses out there. And someone like HJW just get’s popularity nomination?
      Not to mention the other categories. So many quality dramas are left out. To say that the whole nomination is an unfair draft is an understatement

    • yeah, I would have replaced Go Ara with HJW too.

      I’d also add Jung Kyung-ho to the list of actors who should be nominated at the Baeksangs, he was so good and it’s a shame Cruel City was snubbed.

    • I totally agree, I don’t know why they forgot Ha JiWon. Why don’t we asked Go Ara to portray Ha JiWon’s character in Empress Ki, let’s see if she can managed to act it the way JiWon did, then I will accept that she is better to be on that spot compare to Ha JiWon.

      • Why don’t you ask Ha ji own to portray Na jeong ah ( Go Ara’s character in R1994) ?

  14. I’m so happy for Secret love affair and for Yoo Ah In. The boy is mesmerizing in this role.

    And I’m super happy that Heirs got snubbed and especially Lee Minho. I think his character’s portrayal in Heirs is his worst performance to date.

    But I’m super sad that Heartless City got snubbed and especially Jung Kyung Ho. He was superb!

  15. Don’t think Secret Love Affair should even be considered for the award this year…not finished. A lot can happen in the next 10 episodes, or more if they decide to extend it. (OMG! I hope not.)

    • but SLA will end at 16th episode so basically, this drama will end before the show will be held.

      (that means i need to find another drama to watch T-T)

  16. That is RIDICULOUS!
    CRUEL CITY not in the list.
    The best drama ever.
    That guy from Another planet def. has a the perfect PR team.

  17. Ha Ji Won and Empress Gi are no where to be found? *eyes roll*

    That Best Actor list *LOL* Why dont they just take Jo Jae Hyun out and replace him with Lee Min Ho instead? It would be more “FAIR” 😀

    Great, all I need to do now is to wait for this super awesome fashion show with bunch of eye-candy celeb ^^

  18. I am appalled at the nominations for the category of Best TV actor. It’s a total INSULT to Jo Jae Hyun to compare him with some idols like KSH, LJS and JW. Jo Jae Hyun is a maestro and a veteran, whose craft is on par with, even better than, someone like Jo Seung Woo, Ha Jung Woo and other Chungmuro actors. Either you take him out of this list as a respect o JJH, or include Jung Kyung Ho or Jo Seung Woo in the list.

    I have a feeling that they want to give it to Joo Won. I don’t like his interpretation of autistic doctor AT ALL, given my professional experience working in the special education department for ten years. If anyone has ever watched Jo Seung Woo’s acting in the film Marathon, one can easily see that there is a world apart. I guess Baeksang award just keeps degenerating, after KSH beat Han Suk-kyu (Tree with deep roots) and Shin Ha-kyun (Brain) to get the best actor award. I used to love KSH from Dream High and Will it Snow in Christmas. But now..he is only a toy boy. Sigh…

    As a fan of Yoo Ah In, I don’t want him to be included in this list. I don’t even want him to attend the event. Baeksang is worse than a makjang kdrama.

    • I think Lee Jong-seok turned in a good enough performance in IHYV, but Kim Soo-hyun for YFAS? No. Just no. He had great chemistry with Jeon Ji-hyun, but like many people said, he just didn’t make a convincing 400-year-old, he still looked and cried like a 20something.

      • Lol, it’s the opposite for me. LBY nailed it for me in IHYV. She was the heart of the show. And I got to attmit her chemistry with LJS, but his performance? I don’t know… not bad, but mostly overrated. Especially if you compare it to JKH in Heartless City.
        YFAS has also a fantastic female lead and JJH was the heart & soul of the show. Despite that it was not only KSH’s chemistry with her that his preformance was better than the constant disapproval of some international viewers. I read that part of his performance was in the usage of the Korean language (old& modern,

    • I don’t know but you can’t expect Joo Won to act like Jo Seung Woo in Marathon while doing surgeries right? Autism is wide and there are different levels of autism. I actually like Joo Won’s portrayal, it showed how much he understood his role.

    • I actually like Joo Won’s portrayal. It showed how much he understood his role. Autism is wide and there are different levels of it. So yeah, I think the guy deserves the nomination.

      • Your comments are precisely the problem. The thing is, nobody really truly understand autism because it encompasses a whole spectrum of “expressions” (not symptoms) which will change through time. The whole premise of Good Doctor is nauseating because it claims to understand autism but it only uses autism as an expedient device. The contents of GD are no different from other dramas. Do crouching your back and tilting your head make one autistic? In the United States, this drama can be sued for having a condescending and disrespectful interpretation of autism. Just my two cents.

  19. No Ha Ji Won and Jo Seung Woo? WTH is going on? I especially want JSW to win something for his awesome performance in God’s Gift!! At least HJW did won for Empress Ki last year..sigh!!!

    I guess the best actress and best actor will likely go to JJH and KSH. The best actor nominees are kind of a joke for me. No offense, I like most of them but they aren’t good enough to beat out other nominees.

    As for the best actress, I did expected the last three nominees..but why are Go Ara and Kim Ji Soo in? that was shocking for me.

    • Wait a minute…Jo Jae Hyun is not good enough?? He is 100 times better than all other male nominees combined together!
      You should check out his films and dramas. He has a LOT of great but not necessarily famous projects under his belt. He is a regular of Kim Ki-duk’s film.

      • Sorry, I somehow missed Jo Jae Hyun in this. Yes, he’s one great actor, love him in Scandal. I meant the other 4 cuties.

    • Little advise
      1-take your laptop and some of your time and watch : -Reply 1994 and -You’re all surrounded !
      2- Enjoy Go Ara’s acting .

  20. The baeksang awards are getting more and more of a joke actually. These kinds of awards are always all about popularity and who had the most ratings so I’m probably not going to flip some tables at the results cause then there’d be no tables left to flip.
    Best actor this year is surprisingly chock full of pretty boys compared to other years, for sure.
    My money is on Jo Jae Hyun and Kim Soo Hyun. I think the former will win, because kim soo hyun already won 2012’s baeksang and i doubt they’ll give him another. As one of my loves, i really don’t think he should get it — people will just find another reason to dislike him like 2012’s baeksang. I don’t normally agree with the criticism on KSH’s acting (esp. with the recent excessiveness of it), but to each their own. However, i do think there are people who deserve it over him (Jo Jae Hyun)and i know when someone put in an objectively better performance.

    The actress nominations are more competitive. Personally, I think Jeon Ji Hyun deserves it the most with the kind of splash she made in dramaland. People have caught onto cheon song yi fever (pretty much all of asia) and it wasn’t just because of her pretty face but the heart and comedy that made YFAS. Her last award for a drama was in 1999 and since then she has barely attended any of these award ceremonies. Nation’s goddess also happens to be nation’s most elusive/mysterious actress. In soompi forums we call her a ninja because she goes everywhere without drawing attention and she appears for mere minutes, and goes, like the wind.

    Right now my sure wins (in my head) is Jeon Ji Hyun for best actress and Jung Woo for best new actor. As long as i have those two, i will be happy.

  21. But Kim Soo Hyun in YFAS was just bad. Stiff. Just his crying scenes were good, same as Ljs, he was cute showing his puppy love but to win best actor? pff!

    And oh no, Jung Woo and Kyung Soo together in newcomer, both were awesome in Answer 1994!

    And no Kim Hee Ae?

  22. Agree with cincin…I can not believe that Kim Hee Ae did not get nominated. Unbelievable..she is a tremendous actress…

  23. What the what?

    No nominations for Cruel City? I love pretty boys as much as the next drama fangirl, but Jung Kyung-ho in Heartless City was on another acting level altogether. Sooooo disappointed for him and the tv crew. :/

    Hopefully, Jeon Ji-hyun will win; that’ll be something to look forward to.

  24. seriously, baeksang!!!

    you put Yoo Ah In here but no Kim Hee Ae?? As much as i adored Ah In’s acting here, don’t forget Kim Hee Ae’s excellent performance too. And isn’t it too early to put this drama in this year award?

  25. Maybe because if they nominate Ha Ji Won or Empress ki for any division there is a 90% chance that they will win :)hehehe…

  26. ttExcept Jo Jae Hyun, the rest best TV actor’s category list sounds more like popularity category to me.

    I do love all the pretty boy in that list, and do think they are talented in their own right. But to get best TV actor nominee over other actor who’s I think more refined and mature in acting with more charismatic role is appaling.

    What happen with Jung Kyung Ho, Lee Jun Ki, Jo Seung Wo? Yes, their drama isn’t a smash hit, but isn’t drama/movie award all about recognize talent?

    Oh well, probably this just my naïve thinking… Agenda will always present here and there with a different point of view

  27. Yes to Secret Love Affair. No, it’s not too early to put this drama in the nomination. It’s 4 episodes left, people. And it stole many Korean hearts. It’s a cable show but very popular in Korea right now.

  28. award is so rigged. like how heirs won so many award. yet drama like master sun who actor&actress act way better then the heirs didnt won that much. that why i never bother to watch award show.

  29. Where is Ha JiWon and Ji ChangWook’s Empress Ki?
    Where is the drama SECRET?
    And I believe the drama “The Winter That Wind Blows” is still with the time bracket, isn’t or no?

  30. Ji Chang Wook and Ha Ji Won should be in the list of Best Actor and Best Actress. They totally forgot about Empress Ki. It seems like the committee panel don’t watch Empress Ki.

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