
Slender and Serene Yoona Models Cartier in the May Issue of Cosmopolitan Korea — 30 Comments

  1. I think she looks too thin in more than one photo – ALL the photos. She is a beautiful girl but alarmingly thin.

  2. Seung-gi should take her on lunches and dinners more often instead of staying in the car lol. And he should also eat with her. They’re both really slim these days. Yoona looks stunning though. I love how glamorous yet homely these shots look.

    • He’s super thin too these days. Part of drama prep but also he might be pressured to look good since he’s the bf of one of korea’s top kpop visuals and some of sones are esp harsh.

  3. That back shot pose is scary, like a skeleton. They should have photoshoped these pics to make her little healthier.

  4. i have watched a few of yoona’s behind the scenes videos for her photoshoots, and she’s a really good model – she started modeling, and even acting, before she debuted in an idol group. but it is true though, the photos that end up being used seems to be the same… but isn’t that more on the person choosing which photos to use, rather than the model’s?

    anyways, my fave photoshoot of yoona this 2014 so far is in the burberry photoshoot in jlook magazine… do check it out, miss koala if you have the time to do so.

  5. She’s very pretty, but only the chair photographs and the one of her in the blue and white dress really stand out. The tousled, wavy hair is a good look on her too – loved when she had her hair that way in Love Rain and PM & I.

    I hope her rep as a big eater is based on truth, it’s funny that she and Sooyoung (the two skinniest girls in SNSD) are supposed to eat like garbage disposals. Because they really are very thin, even thinner than your average already-slender kpop idol.

    • Totally agree!! Was wondering if I was the only one who thought that these photos looked so cold and boring other than the ones you mentioned above… :O

  6. Yoona is indeed gorgeous but, in my opinion, some of these photos feel like they’ve been photoshopped to elongate her figure. Esp the one where she’s sitting on the wood block with her legs crossed, hand on hip. Unless one of her arms is literally twice the length of her other one or else her bicep is now detached from her shoulder.

    I think this is the same issue with the 8th photo as well. In the 8th photo from the top, her right shoulder outline (which nearly blends into the peach background so that most people will miss it, but it’s there) is way too high (take a very close look to of her right shoulder) If the photo was suggested that she’s tilting but the line of her dress makes her look as if she was standing straight. But since her arm is stretched out, one side of her dress looks to be bigger than the other.

  7. i agree with you word by word koala. i grew fond of her through p m and i and bam
    turns out she’s dating my seung gi too. i’m also confused now wether it’s my seung gi or her seung gi lol. since i aprove the couple , watever. her dating oppened floodgates of other snsd relationships but they will remain the most beloved power couple for a while

    i think she’ll go forward with the acting since seung gi put so much effort to improve like his life is on the line , she may also be motovated .

    these photoshoot does not do her justice at all. from what little i have seen of her , she’s a good model .

    hope you will keep an out for her and updated more of her work where you’r satisfied with the results.

  8. I find yoona plain-pretty but there are a lot of other korean girls who i think are more beautiful…i guess its just part hype of snsd then. Lsg and her are compatible in that sense, both are kind of plain but have lots of fans. Seeing his latest drama stills he is looking especially rough and being thin def doesnt suit him unlike other korean actors who have finer facial features.

  9. Hmmm….in my eyes ( of course I am completely bias), he is looking better than ever, I even love his hair for the drama. Seung Gi is anything but plain, he is someone who looks even better in person… with unforgettable charm and dazzling smile. Love this guy.

  10. First of all, I agree that Yoona’s way too thin. However, from what I’ve read, it’s not because she doesn’t eat. Apparently, she’s has one of the biggest appetites in SNSD. She’s one of those who have high metabolic rates, but recently, she has lot weigh from her already slender frame, due to pressure and stress, believed to be caused by the news outbreak of her relationship with Seunggi, her work schedule and an illness.

    As for Seunggi, he seems slimmer, but have you seen the last two teasers of his up and coming drama? He was bare bodied in them, and didn’t look thin at all! In fact he looked muscled and terrible sexy – seems like he has been working out. I’m comparing this to the bath tub scene in TK2H and the shirt changing scene in GFB, where he was clearly too thin.

  11. I feel like she is one of those girls who,looks beautiful without trying. Like she doesn`t need too much make up to look pretty.And she is one of the rare ones that actually has model figure.

  12. She’s always been really thin. I think she needs muscle tone too. That might help her gain weight more than eating will since she doesn’t seem to gain weight easily. She’s still pretty. It’s amazing that people find her plain.

    And LSG isn’t that thin. I don’t get where people are really getting that from. He took off his shirt and everything and you can see it all. lol In GFB he was way too thin towards the end, but not now.

  13. goddess yoona is beautiful. no wonder LSG fall in love with her. their baby will look cute if they ever decide to get married.

  14. This is random, but I’ve been wanting for Im Joohwan to come back with a sageuk drama and Yoona keeps entering my mind… I think it’s because I saw pics of her in hanbok, lol. Im Joohwan-Im Yoona pairing would suit actually *.* Just realised that they have the same surnames ‘Im’! haha

    But yes, she’s so pretty, adorable and kind! I hope she continues to improve and picks a good drama to act in!

  15. Oh my lovely Yoona… since i’ve seen PMI she has become my favorite Korean actress along with Ha Ji Won these two actresses are very charismatic i had to ready my tissue box every time i watched PMI not only for my tears of sadness but also of happiness she’s that versatile.. My Yoona fighting!!!

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