
Dr. Stranger Episode 12 Recap — 16 Comments

  1. hmmm. I actually liked this episode (probably an unpopular opinion idk?), although this should have appeared a lot earlier in the show. We could’ve done away with a lot of the redundant jaehee episodes and jumped straight to this.

    I get that a lot of people feel like it’s a repeated back and forth of yes or no to the operation and are frustrated with it, but i thought it was necessary to show PH’s growth as a doctor. I liked that he was actually disappointed in himself for choosing not to do the operation, and that this time it was actually himself who ultimately decided that he needed to do the operation, and that he didn’t need soohyun to wake him up. And the previous time, it was like a “I trust that Jaehee will want me to do this and that she will appear because she said she will” but this time it’s more of a “I have to do this because i need to”. Jaehee remains the biggest obstacle to his growth, but I’m glad he stepped past this this time, because that’s the right thing to do.

    And good for hoon, he’s finally asking the same questions we want to know.

    • Anyway, when Hoon decided to do the operation and entered the OR, that look on Seunghee’s face – what was it supposed to mean? was she annoyed that her mission failed or was she scared or was she going to go and get herself abducted by Comrade Cha again so that PH can go crazy finding her again??

      if episode 11 was a reset for this entire drama, this episode was a good start and i hope the remaining 8 episodes keep this up, while trying to explain and tie things up

    • I thought this episode was an improvement as well. However, it looks like the “retooling’ ended up being some much needed adjustments to Jae Joon’s character. IMO, this is how he should have been all along. Instead we got the inconsistency: cute couple with him and Seung Hee, to cold crazy tortured guy with revenge the only thing on his mind, back to him having a heart and soul again. People have commented that Jae Hee’s character is inconsistent, but I think the most inconsistent character has been Jae Joon.

      The Hoon/Jae Hee/Comrade Cha thing just keeps circling around, over and over and over again.

      • Oops, meant that Jae Joon was a cute couple in the beginning with Soo Hyun, of course.

  2. Koala –

    I’ve long since given up on watching this drama. I’m only reading recaps and even that feels like Groundhog Day….it’s the same plot point/surgery/staring contest day after day.

    Thanks for continuing to recap. Just turn your brain off like I did and it will be much less aggravating. *__*

  3. I like your opinion. I keep on thinking Why is Soo Hyun even in this drama. It’s not like Her character is much needed or add anything to the story. They keep on poping her out in scenes here and There and I’m like Why was she needed to be here and there.LOL

    Over all,I like your recaps. I really hate the wavering Story line inside Writer’s head that is making every character in this drama wavering and unstable. Can we really expect answers to all of our questions?

    • She is “needed” to provide some romantic conflict and uncertainty, I suppose. As a back-up plan for a happy ending for Hoon, if the writers or TPTB decide to kill off Jae Hee (again) in a sacrificial act to save her beloved Hoon. Or, one possibility in a dreaded open ending.

    • I’m agree with you. At first I liked her character, but then her character just being misled (maybe because some fans demand more screen time for her) thus her scene are almost all useless, that’s a pity. her character can be better written actually. She is the only one without agenda. Hoon: saving JH and patient. HJJ: revenge and redemption.
      SJH/HSH: protecting Hoon while being a spy (maybe)
      OSH: falling in love, wavering, confused, avoiding HJJ.

  4. I’m honestly just kind of disappointed in this drama now. I anticipated it quite a lot, and IDK…. just feel like it’s kind of messy, all over the place and not going anywhere…

  5. I thought I’m going to write a review of the previous episode like I always do, but I didn’t even bother, because I’m honestly fed up of trying to over(think) things and just resigned myself to mull over at this spectacle of different caricatures just following along the motions of being in character for the sake of being in character and pretend that it’s a drama sans purpose.

    What can I say, I concur, it’s a rehash of ep 9, less all the chasing and some abrupt personality change to Jaejoon to keep things fresh. Ofcourse, I do appreciate that Jaejoon is finally being fleshed out properly, yet how he got to that point just seems as trivial and non-chalant as me suddenly craving for ice cream one day. Yes, it’s the same Jaejoon that just groveled in front of Chairman Oh a couple of episodes ago because his plan A fell apart, and well that’s his plan B. What’s all that histrionics for? Just so he can make an about-face this episode and rise like a phoenix reborn. Now he’s just as squeaky cool and rootable. If there is one thing that I liked about this recent development though is that he finally treated Soohyun like the proper girlfriend that she is (they’re a couple right? Sometimes I cannot tell when Soohyun is all busy pining on Hoon) AND finally a chance to stun a specific shipping that’s been hounding this drama, no matter how contrived it may seem. Now, there is a PROPER ship to be shipped–so pounce on it ladies.

    As for the political-spy end, could someone refresh me–wasn’t the plan of PM Jang is to have an INTERESTING match between the two, therefore he wanted to see a 1-1 scorecard, BUT why is Comrade Cha insisting that Hoon wraps up this match then and there? In any case, show just decided to defecate on Seunghee’s character once more, as though I’m glad that she’s acting like Jaehee again, they have decided to suddenly turn her into a lamb this episode when she was just about ready to go on a shoot-out with Nightshade some episodes ago. If there is something consistent with this show, it’s that they’re inconsistent.

  6. It feels like this episode was supposed to be Jae Joon’s redemption episode. Now that his character has been fleshed out (I feel the writer will probably wrap us his arc in the next episode), I wonder if we will get to see Jae Hee/Seung Hee’s backstory in the upcoming episodes? I feel like the writer has delayed her character development long enough and continuing to keep her shrouded in mystery is not endearing her to the viewers at all. The writer has already reduced her to background noise for the last 2 episodes to appease the Soo Hyun fans and then also threw her to the wolves at the end of this episode.

    I don’t understand where the writer is going with this new direction. Is he going to continue to meander to a different path or will he bring the story back to Jae Hee and the big mission? We only have 8 episodes left and I feel like the writer isn’t getting any closer to unrevealing any of the mysterious. Randomly throwing in Hoon’s mom in the episode doesn’t help matters. The writer needs to bring the story back to Hoon and Jae.

  7. the only medical story that i really like is Brain. I thought Dr Stranger can be second but seeing how ridiculous it turn out make me dropping this drama without a regret.

  8. OMG. The several minute long staring contest and inspirational speech time out when the patient is bleeding out. The weird strategems about Nurse Min’s schedule, the relevance of which is beyond my comprehension. And the continued lurking! (Seriously, the patients should sue the hospital for lack of security alone). The episode was ridiculous.

    I am mildly interested in Hooni omma’s return, mentally off or maybe blind though she may be.

  9. I know some are disappointed in this drama but i think they are disappointed because the first love trope is not working out well, based on reality this is certainly will happened. And hospital policy is really dirty if you really work inside the hospital there is so much malpractice, wrong diagnosis, negligence…. Sometimes reality is difficult to face that is why we want our longing fantasies happen in this drama. Doctors are not Saints they only work for big cash. Just like lawyers who saves corrupt politician.

  10. i think some are affected mostly because of the negative criticism of some haters. I now realized that ds top the mon-tuesday drama because it delivers such difficult story.

  11. I think this DS is trying to be everything … a spy/medical/romance/political/comedy/melodrama… And it’s an epic fail! This drama has an identity crisis. By now, they should have decided which track to follow and leave the “diarrhea-ic” writing behind.

    1. The plot is too complicated for a 20-episode. Every episode felt like opening a can of worms. When we expect answers…there’s one million questions instead. Is Jae-Hee/Seung-Hee the same person? They should explicitly resolve this issue and refrain from double meanings. Because this whole doubt and mystery around Jae-Hee hurts the character so much. It’s a good thing Park Min Young did not not accept the role. Or maybe the writer has already revealed it but it was not clear to the audience …in any case that’s still bad and ineffective writing. The audience should know at this point, without a doubt, Jae-Hee/Seung Hee is the same person so we can all go on with our lives and learn to love her stagnant one dimensional character (which is the fault of the writer).

    2. Why do a lot of people fiercely hate Jae-hee well in fact she’s the female lead? In all korean dramas…we are supposed to love the female leads…why? because their characters are endearing…(like Cheon Song Yi) and it’s because of very good character development and convincing back story…in which it’s utterly non-existent for Jae-hee. All we know is she’s Hoon’s 1st love and now she’s an anesthesiologist and is a spy. Period…oh and SHE MIGHT BE so in love with HOON, too but I’m not really sure about that part though. There’s no freaking Back story for her…so how can we love her…how can we empathize with her…we don’t really know her…and in that way there’s really no sense of attachment…even if she dies…there would be no sense of loss at all. The writers made her character so indifferent that most of the people felt the same way to her…and in those sweet moments with Hoon…it felt so constipated and insincere.

    Jae-Hee contradicts herself when she told Hoon earlier that as a doctor, the most impt thing is the patient…and in Episode 12…she told Hoon not to operate on the woman… How could I love her character? She should have told Hoon to save her life no matter what…because they are both doctors…and they were trained to help save lives and not to abandon any patient who needs medical help. The leads in this drama should be selfless and self-sacrificial and basically martyrs…But anyway, that’s just my thought. I think that’s the reason why a lot of people were so irritated with the leads because they are both so consumed with their love that they forgot that they are not the center of the universe.

    3. Dr. Oh. I admit that I’m a quack couple fan but it’s because her character is more lovable and believable than Jae-hee’s. And it all boils down to character development. At least, I know Dr. Oh’s insecurities and struggles and I can relate to her. When her boyfriend belittles her ability…i felt her hurt. When her mom was dying, I can empathize her imminent loss. And I can understand her longing for someone like Hoon who makes her smile and who believes in her when everybody doubts her and criticizes her mediocrity. There is a man who stood by her and it’s Park Hoon. Isn’t that more romantic and refreshing? But I have accepted that the ending for the quack couple is bleak…because in a well-written story…Park hoon should be questioning her growing feelings for Dr. Oh by now…but it’s more than half way and…NADA!!! Unless, the writers will pull another JaeJoon moment when in 1 episode he suddenly became the hero. Well, that’s still a possibility especially with the schizoaffective writing that’s going on.

    4. And Dr. Park Hoon…he still confuses me…He just becomes a possessed person when it’s about Jae-Hee. And it’s too painful to watch that he’s beyond reason when it comes to her. Fine, I know you have to be reunited with your first love and all but just as your father told you…DO NOT FORGET THAT YOU ARE A DOCTOR! In your conscience, how can you sleep at night and enjoy your blissful reunion with your first love when someone died because of you. I’m just glad he decided to operate in the end.

    5. Does this drama has a medical research team? The woman has pericardial tamponade for pete’s sake…that’s an emergent surgery and she needs to have a pericardial window stat! I also can’t take it when they continue to shock patients who are flatliners… Honey, you only shock/defibrillate patients who have a shock-able rhythm meaning when they are in Ventricular fibrillation or Ventricular tachycardia NOT Asystole/flat liners. As fas as I know ACLS is universal and applicable in ALL countries. In those asystole cases wherever you are in the world, you only do CPR and epinephrine. But this is forgivable because it’s a common occurrence in most dramas.

    With 8 episodes left, I doubt that this drama can redeem itself. Way too many subplots with very poor character development. If at the end, it’s only then that they would reveal Jae-hee’s back story and true identity…it would be very anti-climactic…and it’s way too late for me to invest such emotional attachment. It should have been done before episode 10.

    And Dr. Park Hoon, please redeem the medical profession. They are portraying doctors erroneously…although there are some bad doctors…Most of us became doctors because we want to make a difference in other people’s lives…and since we are also human beings who breathe the same air as everyone… we are also imperfect… and wounded… and we sometimes fail, but still, with our healing hands we try our best to help save lives. And saving lives is not easy.

    (yes, I’m a doctor in the US whose only guilty pleasure is to watch Kdrama on weekends when I’m not on call).

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