
Wallace Chung Pairs Up with Tang Yan for Drama Adaptation of Popular C-romance Novel You Are My Sunshine — 10 Comments

  1. No, unless you take into account reverse-aging. His character He Yi Chen is a lawyer so will likely look just as hot as when he played Lu Li Cheng in Best Time. He has such a knack for picking male leads that are crazy, totally, one-track-mind, in love with the heroine. It’s like he knows exactly what his female fans want from him. Savvy and hot, what a catnip combo.

      • I miss your frequent incisive comments, Rina. ^^

        Wallace isn’t just hot when he’s clean cut, he also does wuxia leader who resembles a naked hobo taking a dip in the river really well.

  2. Not sure if OK to share this info here, but I’m one of the translators of the novel. The English translation is available but still in progress at


  3. Coincidentally, I’ve read the novel days before they announce the casting of this drama and although the cast is not 100% parallel to the image I had in my mind, I’m satisfied and hopeful for this.

    The novel is quite a light and enjoyable read without the emphasize on the makjang as the daddy-issue is only briefly talked about, the story starts with their reunion and the dad is already irrelevant at that point of time. I’m hoping that the screenwriter will stick to the original story and not emphasize on the daddy-issue… but I’m worried as c-dramas tend to be long and they might try to add in these “additional” stuffs to extend the story.

    Wallace and Tang Yan looks good together, the guy really never age.

  4. Who could resist a leading man devoting only to one women? One could dream right? Here’s hopeing the live adaptation don’t dissappoint!!!!

  5. Quite unrelated but Koala will you ever talk about the crazily tortured 花千骨 that is being filmed as we speak? Wallace is so delicious as a character that it reminds me of the image (and image only) of Xiang Liu in black hair… haha.

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