
Country Bumpkin Lee Jong Seok Gives Park Shin Hye a Piggyback Ride For Pinocchio — 29 Comments

  1. They really look good. Also Shin-hye looks like fine to me but her uncle always spoil her. This relationship to me is weirdly working out, maybe its the magic of the writer, add up the good scenery provided by a good director and charisma of the actors.

  2. what would I give to NEVER have to see Park Shin Hey play a high school student again, even for just 2 episode of a show.

  3. for sure miss koala, I’m with you.
    I demand Hot Lee Jong Suk asap!
    Hope they won’t waste many episodes making him wearing that wig.

  4. yes,i think u are the only one.just becos they dont release teasers of tham as reporters,doesnt mean the drama wont live up to ur expectation.

  5. I’m not a big fan of LJG, so I’m not sure I will watch this drama.

    But why they show a lot of (only) LJS, Pinocchio is PSH, isn’t she ?

  6. Ok, now I offiacially ship this two! They are sooo cute! *w* And I’m happy to see PSH having chemistry with her partner (she didn’t share that much chemistry with LMH in Heirs in my opinion) Can’t wait for Pinocchio!

  7. Miss K.The Royal Tailors trailer is out,and the posters.shin hye looks good in,the movie looks promising,mostly the part where Go Soo was taking shin hye measurement…

  8. Someone is having fun trying to break his image of flower boy. (It won’t work.) ^^ I wonder if those childhood/teenager scenes will be packed in the beginning or distilled in flash backs in the series: Viewers have grown allergic to them for PSH & I’m afraid people who will try this drama will drop it if it lasts too long … Drama is 20 eps after all. As for me, in writer-nim I trust & I will let the events develop naturally.

    • not in Korea, where it matters the most though…
      And why is it not a big deal that LJS wearing uniform? It’s always the girl that the problem? Oh because most people online are fangirls and they… love to hate on the girls

      • Just an advice: Don’t mix bashing with legit reflexion & stop posting almost the same reply to everyone who comments on that matter. I’m specifically talking about the audience in SK & the fact that anything HS is not popular with the ahjummas who handle the TV remote. Personally I don’t care about those scenes since I know it’s just a way to say bye bye to her old self & particularly to Heirs which did more bad than good for her actress image (but gave her notoriety). I wish for this drama to be successful for everyone’s sake, PSH’s included so please breathe slowly & relax.

  9. I just saw on twitter… “in the last 5 yrs Heirs was the only high school drama of hers. YB, HS, Hayate the Combat Butler. DWIAG, FBND aren’t high school dramas.”
    Why are people acting like she wears drama in all her dramas?
    You guys just really look for a reason to hate.
    Mean while some guy wear the uniform is almost all his dramas, and no one cares

  10. I’ll admit that the wig has grown on me. Heaven forbid but I kinda…like it. It shows his dorky side. Anyway, I literally can’t wait for this drama. I need to erase DS from my mind ASAP.

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