
Sweet and Silly Someone Like You Makes the Blind Male Lead Do All the Heavy Lifting — 15 Comments

  1. I laughed so hard reading this. A blind man jumps in the water to save a seeing woman.

    This basically says that women are so hopeless/helpless that a blind mind is requires to save them.

  2. I’m also watching it, and so far I’m okay with what I’m seeing. Kingone is really selling the kind, blind hero; and Kirsten is embracing the crazy lead with her energy and bubbliness. Chemistry is there, but not potent. Though I’m liking the visuals, the story can be predictable. But then again, if the ride is enjoyable then it’s all good.

  3. Yeah Ms Koala I only remembered to watch this because you wrote about it.

    The cliches are so cliched I wince but Kingone is selling it, which is why I keep tuning in.

    The female lead is a ditz. And naive.

    The dropped ice cubes scenes today made me cringed. He is blind, not that he has butter fingers getting stuff off the ground. There was no need to deliberately burst the bag. If he memorized his house layout, I am sure he would know where the scissors are.

    What I would have asked for was for a firmer face feeling scene when what’s her name was ill with fever.

    Man, have to say, they play up fevers big times in drama-land.

  4. OH my God! Kingone Wang is aging amazingly, liked this guy since his Devil beside you days, it’s about time to be leading a drama, even if the female character is flat and annoying, he’s worth watching, thanks for the post.

  5. haha.. I thought the same for the episode 1, but i enjoyed watching episode 3 and 4.. Cant wait for ep5.. But still curious, is she the twin of his late fiancee? Even the storyline isnt my cup of tea but i like watching lorene/kirsten’s character and of course KingOne.. But i just hate when i see some ‘future’ antagonist characters.. Cant wait to see what happen tonite?! I just hope the otp will have a good story.. No stupid misunderstanding and etc hehe

  6. I guess the dramas trying to show that blind people can do almost anything… though in saying that saving the damsel when she jumped into the ocean is way too much exaggeration LOL

  7. I’m loving Kingone in this one. The whole storyline is a little ridiculous (watching it is like playing Name That Trope), but it’s been quite enjoyable so far. Not looking forward to the inevitable love triangle/square (pentagon?) coming up, though.

  8. Hahaha, Ms. Koala, you forgot about the romantic atmospheric feel that he did with the candles. Boy oh boy was he fast. Sometimes, I even forget that he’s blind O_~.

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