
Pictorials Released of Lovebirds Suzy in London and Lee Min Ho in Paris — 38 Comments

    • I noticed that as well. She has actually gotten prettier as she ages. Lucky girl, she looks to be the type that will age well, and be a beauty icon for each age. I wasn’t a fan before, but the candid way she handled the dating “scandal” moved her up in my book.

      • mte. everything you said. In youth she has that baby fat chubby cheek that gives her innocence and that whimsical feel. In adulthood she got that defined cheekbone and sophisticate nose. I love her face bone structured, not Ford model-esque but just apparent enough to give her face dimension and support well into old age.

  1. I think his feet only look huge in the white shoes, and that’s because they are white shoes. Come to think of it, her reddish heeled platform boots look pretty awkward too. Give them better footwear!

  2. You know who else seems to have long feet – G Dragon, but it’s just so adorable on him with his swagger, these pictures are really well done, I didn’t think I would like the ones of her, but they were great!

  3. I like her a lot. It is good they have each other to deal with the unrealistic expectations the world has of them. The prolly can be somewhat normal together when they are alone. Eat junk food and watch junk tv.

  4. He looks great and tall, he seems less stressed too. Suzy grew up so well. She really did a name for herself and has been looking better than ever. Hope they will have a healthy relationship and share atribulations when it gets hard, like any normal couple. Cute!

  5. I really like her outfit in the picture with the yellow door. The pose is chic too. Shin Se-gi with a cute little star tattoo on his neck? *raises brow* but somehow it fits this guy. heh.
    Echoing Jomo above I hope they get to have a normal relationship when they’re alone…if that’s possible with a combined net worth of billions. I’d be trippin.

  6. She has an awesome relationship with her father and I think girls that have that kind of relationship have a more mature relationships with guys. (Just my opinion) I really hope theirs last a long time. The pictures are gorgeous on both accounts. His tats remind me of the Russian tattoos, nice but scary.

  7. I love all Suzy’s outfits on the photos (oh maybe except the fringe jacket and flower jumpsuit, I could never pull the look) – I want them all!!
    I like her face before, but now indeed she matures very well.

  8. Don’t know how to explain this but for suzy’s pictures, she seems more engaged coz she is always leaning or holding on to something. Whereas lee min ho seemed as if he just somehow floated into a landscape shot haha.

    anyway really dislike his neck tattoos they seem so weird and out of place. don’t seem to fit into the overarching vibe/ theme 🙁

  9. This pictorial is the only time I think of LMH as handsome so he probably doesn’t look like his usual self in it.

    I like Suzy and she looks good.

    And this couple gets my best wishes.

  10. I don’t know about those bangs but Suzy looks beautiful. Lee Min Ho is serving some pimp magic, me likey.

    Is it wrong to think their relationship won’t last more than year or so? They are both gorgeous and successful but i just don`t see them as a couple,maybe cause she is so young.

  11. They are an attractive couple, no doubt about it, but I have as yet, seen anything spectacular from either one. They are lacking, in some way, and I can’t put my finger on it. They most definately have good agents. This is just my opinion.

  12. They both look cute for each other. I always suppourt ur love. At 1st when article released i felt so bad.I realize u to also have a good life and u to have a dreams like others. Bcz of ur warm hearted, handsome and caring etc…,

    I like u so much minoz. U r my favourite. i love ur smile with cutw smily face… Saranghye

  13. Hi MinoZ. I love you, saranghye.U r my favourite. U r so cute and handsome,
    i love ur smile with ur smily face. I always support u minoz. Saranghye. Bye

  14. I never like Suzy as an actress or singer. I don’t think she has astounding beauty as a lot of Korean media claims. Besides, I think she needs get some orthodontic work done…when she opens up her mouth, I just ehh…..No offense please! I’m just being honest. But, she looks really fabulous and pretty in these photo shots.

    • Me too. I dont think she’s that beautiful at all, it seems overhype, maybe because she’s tall and the body, but the face not really, there are other Koreans who are way gorgeous than her!

  15. LMH is saying w/the tattoo STARLIGHT ANGELES forever, I being mark by her.I am not a fan of nobody. Just looking at a picture and interpret it.very clear and strong message.

  16. Btw, I didnt know that Cosmopolitan mag in S.Korea had girls all covered up when it’s an adult magazine, talks a lot about sex. We have way better cover shoots here in Philippines, considering it’s a Christian country. Hahaha,lol!

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