
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 6 Recap — 50 Comments

  1. Hands down for this ep! I loved it so much. As what Koala says, the show has quick pacing that could bring you laugh and cry in next seconds. Nice suspense & well built romantic comady. The scene where Doctor Chun finally knowing Jaehee as the serial killer gives me so much creep. The chef is so scary and crazy. How many people he has been killed already? Oh Lord
    And aww.. Our cute OTP just getting closer and closer, now Mugak start eyeing every man that close to Cho Rim lmao. Just kiss already you two!

  2. I love the show. Did anybody got the vibe of Hannibal Lecter, with all the staring at the food? Just wondering. ..

    • Same here. I thought he’d be like cooking them but either than the barcode, there’s nothing to show for it on his victim’s bodies.

      I dunno, maybe the cooking food for two is for his victims. Like he has the doctor now so he’s cooking for his victims too? Creepy.

  3. OMG, that first photo capture of Moo Gak holding that bra – Hilarious! Haha!

    This drama is really surprising me on all levels. First off – the leads’ acting and their chemistry together. Not a fan of both but I ADORE them now. Yoochun and Shin Se Kyung are nailing their characters and both really give off this natural acting vibe. Second – everything on my screen looks pretty. I’m not sure if it’s the type of camera they use or the CG effects but it has a soft palette that is pleasing to the eyes. Third, as you have mentioned, I really like the pace from scary and tense to the cute adorable moments of our OTP. It’s flawlessly done, IMO. Can’t wait to watch episodes 5 & 6 this weekend. Thanks for the recap!

  4. Thank you for the recap Koala!

    Last crime cases are so badly executed I’m afraid the reveal of the bar code murderer would be underwhelming as well. Glad I was wrong!

    This might be the most captivating role for Nam Goong Min. He delivers his character so good.

    The killing of Ma Ri is the biggest blunder he’s ever done. Not only she is a famous person, she is also his girlfriend. Maybe he followed certain pattern for his victims (and by all means must kill him/her) and he being her boyfriend is one way to approach her.

    But not random victim theory would break if he killed Chun unless he already targeted him from the start too since the reason he killed him is he knows too much.

    Amazing episode compare to the previous one, can’t wait for the next one coming!

  5. Thanks for the wonderful recap. Could Chef Kwon be a spurned author of this particular publisher at one time ? I like the part of the raid when Moo Gak pushed the two detectives into the hidden room. He was not going to be tricked twice.

  6. Amazing episode. Especially the reveal part. I already that idea about the twist of Dr Chun not the killer and instead it’s Jaehee. But the reveal was soo good.
    Can’t wait for more.

  7. Poor Dr Chun! Sorry I doubted you and hated you so much 🙁
    Scary psychopath is scary.
    Love our otp!!!!
    Thx for the recap!

  8. Any plausible speculations on Jae Hee’s motive? I can’t think of anything and it makes me so mad. I even tried to google the webtoon spoilers, but nothing. I’m so frustrated and intrigued.

    • I think it will be revealed soon or later, make me want to stunned in moarr XD
      u wont find any spoiler from the webtoon series. The screenwriter said he only use the characters,but it will have different storyline

    • After closer examination of the bar codes, it looks like the detectives have no idea what the last digit represents. If I put the last digit starting from most recent victim (Dr. Chun), I get a sequence of

      0 – 3 – 6 – 9 – (1)2 – (1)5

      Will the bar code murders stop since he’s reached 0? Why did he initially start with 15? Is this related to the year 2015? Are all these murders just a a warm-up for his big plan this year? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.

      • I’m a future librarian, and in one of my classes we just did a brief overview of ISBNs…Most of it was said in the show, but I’ll try to explain a but more in depth 🙂

        ISBNs are ordered in batches (10, 100, 1000 etc) from the national ISBN agency. So these could be legit numbers (Ie, he’s not just making them up – somehow he ordered/acquired them).

        So, let’s use a barcode from the show as an example. 978 89 86755 02 2, or victim 2, will do.

        As the show said, 978 (or 979, which has recently begun to be used) designates the number as being for books.

        Next is the country or country groups number (89, identified in show as being for Korea).

        The next number – 86755 – identifies a specific publisher. In this case, an a small, independent, sociopathic publisher. The length of the publisher id number varies – the longer the publisher number, the shorter the title number (so the less books that publisher has). In the US, some very large publishers have id numbers that are a single digit – leaving 6 digits for the title number. This is a 6 digit pub number, leaving 2 digits for the title number.

        The title number is the number that identifies the specific title the entire ISBN is assigned to. In our example number, that is 02. As you can see, this publishing group of numbers only allows for titles 01-99. So, our killer is planning on 99 victims or less.

        Finally, the last number – here, 2. IT HAS NO MEANING. The last digit of an ISBN is *not* sequential. It’s called a “check digit” – it’s a number used for error detection – basically, is says whether or not an isbn is “valid.” A check digit is calculated based on the other digits in the isbn. I ran this number through an isbn validity checker, and it is a valid number (that doesn’t mean it’s in use, just that the check digit was properly calculated). So for the purpose of our show, the check digit ONLY MEANS that the killer understands books/isbns, and went to the trouble of creating valid numbers.

        In case it comes up in the future, a check digit of 10 is shown by the roman numeral X

  9. More thoughts on Jae Hee, he is super scary because he doesn’t look scary, and did anybody get a Hanibal Lechter vibe with those “meals” he was cookin’ after the Good Doctor disappeared?

  10. Omo!!! I was right!!!! I knew Jae Hee was going to be the serial killer socialpath!!! I smelled it since the first time I saw him coming back from Korea,then it was so obvious whenthe doggie kept barkin at the basement door, which is obviously where the room where he keeps his victims is… Even when he had Mari’s smell all over him,he had just returned and she was already missing, wouldn’t her smell would have been gone by now. Or it wouldn’t have been that strong to begin with. Poor D4.Chun since he knew Chef Jae Hee I thought he was the one doing the dirty work for him..Also wasn’t he the face we saw in episode one? The one chasing after Choo Rim? Anyways, I how they catch him soon,although I doubt it since it’s berly episode 6. I hope Dr.Chun left a clue,maybe that package???

  11. “Any plausible speculations on Jae Hee’s motive?” – He is a sociopath. That’s the speculation. No other special reason. He isn’t a random killer. He gets some sorta satisfication from what he does or why else does he number them? And he doesn’t look like he feels any remorse when he does so he’s just batshit crazy!!!

    We all already knew Jae Hee is the killer! C’mon, he’s a chef and owns lot of different shapes of knives.#JustSaying!! And for the love of GOD can someone get the Chihuahua away from him. And on the other hand, can’t wait for him to get his hands on Cho Rim (buhahahahahahaha)!! Don’t get me wrong, ah mean Jae Hee should be locked up somewhere in a deep forest, but i’m loving my pyscopath villain at the moment!!

  12. I watched half the drama up until the church scene and just had to come and read your recap before watching the rest. Jae Hee is way too scary and everytime he’s with Cho Rim I want to scream at her to run far away from him. NGM can blur the lines between a good and bad guy so easily, just like his character from My Secret Hotel had me guessing if he was the killer or not too.

    Cho Rim and Moo Gak scenes are great and I’m glad they’re both aware of each others feelings and are all around smart characters. I like that they’re relationship is taking the slow and steady route, it feels more natural that they would bond over their tragedies, become friends, and then develop a deeper relationship. I’m also glad that they don’t bicker all the time and are actually friendly with one another.

    About the murder case, I am confused about Choi Eun Seol’s (Moo Gak’s sister’s) murder. Was it the doc that killed her or did someone else do the deed and we were just suppose to assume it was the doc since he worked in Jeju? If it was the doc who killed MG’s sister then wouldn’t he have known that JH was the murderer if he had sent the doc to finish the job? Does JH know that the wrong Eun Seol died and that Cho Rim is the actual eyewitness? And what motive or connection does JH have with the previous victims like Cho Rim’s parents? Ugh…so many questions and now we have to wait a week for new episodes. I wish they gave us some previews at the end of episode 6.

    • The doctor didn’t kill anyone. He only wished for Cho Rim/Eun Sol to die so that he could use her heart but he couldn’t bring himself to kill her.
      Maybe Jae Ha was the one who killed Eun Sol/ Moo Gak sister. But I kinda feel like now that he had met Cho Rim, he might doubt that he had killed the wrong person because it’s a bit strange how he suddenly become so close to Cho Rim and giving her a part-time job at his restaurant.

  13. Oh dear… We had a lunatic older brother in You Who Came from the Star (My Love from the Star) and now this handsome yet chef… Evil guys are reigning lol!!!

  14. wonder why cho rim does not want mu gak to be her partner? is it because she saw him sleeping with eyes open, that she feels sympathy and don’t want to burden him anymore?

  15. Isn’t the cameo idol star Nam Joo Hyuk? The one starring opposite Kim So Hyun, Yoo Chun’s sis in School:Who are you? Some kind of promotion for drama?

  16. Soooooo cute yet sooooooo creepy! But I like it!

    Moo Gak/Cho Rim and Team Leader Kang are like Detective Conan and Kogoro Mouri, were the former think and solve the crime and the latter gets all the credit lol

  17. I’m not even watching this drama, but thought this was interesting because it confirms what I’ve always believed and that is that Namgoong Min would make a super scary villain. There is something about his smile and face that while handsome also has this kind of cold killer look about it. I remember thinking that while watching Secret Hotel. This just confirms it.

    • Just want to say that Nam Goong Min looks really good in this show. He needs to wear only close-fitting suits and tight pants

  18. This ep had me left with two big questions – would mr chef not remember, as he saw her face too? Who killed Moo gak’s sister then?

  19. I’m surprised that anyone was surprised it was the Chef. The Doc was just TOO obvious, which left only the Chef. So the big reveal was a real “well duh!” moment for me.

  20. I had to pause it to scream during that scene with the diary and the doctor’s blood! This is awesome writing, directing, acting! Can’t wait for next reveals.

  21. Called that twist but I’m delighted they did it! Namgong Min has a talent for acting the nice guy with a huge side of creep. Like you, I recognized him in Episode 1 (I’ve been admiring his workout videos on Instagram, the reason I even started the drama) but as you said, they could’ve easily had him do the scene and claim it to be someone else. Plus, when his dog started to go crazy over his “storage” room? Yeah, right. I love how this is going though. It’s like my previous crack, Eye Candy, but hopefully not as disappointing. I do wonder why he keeps cooking two meals though. Creep me out all you want, Namgong Min. I am ready for the tingles.

  22. Chill ran through my bones when handsome Namgong Min slyly revealed himself to be the most horrible one, specifically at midnight when I watched this episode….

  23. I think the plot is not so tight but still enjoyable nonetheless.

    1) Why did Jae Ha kept the diary in the open spaces, where dog and people can easily access to it instead of in downstairs?

    2) Why Dr Chun didn’t immediately called Moo Gak. Well, that sure is a narrative plot.

    3) Whenever Moo Gak questioning his suspects it always so loosely done and he didn’t and never had a partner to work with when this is seriously a high-profile crime case.

  24. Help! I am a little confused here. I have a few questions that does not match up.
    1. Didnt the doc already suspect cho rim to be eun seol? Because he even checked her xray against eun seol file right? So why is it that after the officer confronted him abt killing the wrong person that he finally realized eun seol is alive and living as cho rim?
    2. Does the chef really not know cho rim is eun seol? Because hes getting a bit too close with her right now.
    3. The female officer.. why did she not show moo gak the eun seol who survived the bar code murder? She had cho rim’s pic from young in the computer, but she saw the need to hide it from moo gak even though he already gained access to the police database??

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