
The Girl Who Sees Smells Episode 9 Recap — 18 Comments

  1. you are right…my worried comes true in this episode, they dragged this episode since the criminal is already clear to us. the momentum in previous 8 episodes were great, but since we already have the climax, i don’t know what else they want to sell. and the way they drag it by incompetence of police officer, was frustrating, makes me even skip it and just watch murim part only, sigh…hope they will do better tonight

  2. how many episode is this drama? 20 or 16? because im going to be so pissed if it is 20 episodes and they are going to spend another 5 more episodes trying to get jae hee. im so ready for him to get capture already.

  3. Gotta say I just thought the last part in the episode was so cute. Like seriously one of the cutest confession or declaration I’ve seen in any Kdrama.

  4. The leads are so cute in this one, but there were a couple of corny things, like when the detective was questioning the chef about why he had his jacket on on such on hot day – yet she was wearing a jacket. Also when they were trying to be stealthy on the street, yet had the lights on in the cab of the car, were waving walkie-talkies around, and flashing the lights to signal each other –

  5. “with Jae Hee outwitting the cops way too easily in this episode,… it’s just hard to see the cops keep getting outplayed for the sake of keeping the danger clear and present”

    But it’s been like this from episode 1 – cops dumber than retarded amoebas because if they had three brain cells between them then (a) PYC’s character wouldn’t get to shine by virtue of actually being able to tie his own shoelaces and (b) the “mystery” would’ve been wrapped by now. So the Clouseau incompetence of the cops in Ep 9 was just more of the same.

    • Agreed. Been since ep 1 and now i’m not as frustrated as before. They are impotence and just dumb. Not enjoying as much as I want. Fast-forward mode.

      • Exactly! I down-shifted expectations, gave up on the mystery and settled in for a realy sweet, cute romcom. Just with bits I have to have through to get at the sweet. 🙂

  6. well, for me it was an ok episodes in all kdrama they have a draggy ep usually i skip eo 11 in all kdrama as a rule
    anyway we have one more clue – the “father” likes mountain hiking like one of the victims, i see a connection there but maybe not

  7. I kind of expected things to slow down about now – between episodes 9-14 I suspect it will keep with this tone. Usually these filler episodes are used to play up a second love-line, but thankfully Smelly Girl has been focused on keeping the adorable antics between just the main leads. There isn’t a whiff of that kind of interference, instead I imagine they will begin to focus on Cho Rim discovering her memories before they can conclusively start to pin Chef Kwon down.

    As to the other detectives. I’m surprised that people are calling them dumb for not catching on. Surprisingly compared to other shows with the same genre, the cops are picking up clues as much as their lead counter parts. It’s still coming down to the ‘hero’ to execute of course, but aside from the bag of hot air that is the Chief, the others seem mildly amusing and competent. At least when compared to the genius psycho they are trying to find.

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