
Lee Dong Gun and Jiyeon of T-ara Confirmed to be Dating After Meeting on Movie Set — 31 Comments

    • Though the age gap is a liiiiittle bit disturbing (well, not THAT little I’m afraid :-/), I find quite sad the norm that any given – even an alleged serious non-idol- artist ought to have “a dating scandal” in order to be “a media hype” and/or “a trendy topic” in social Media. It’s even more depressing the fact that this comes from a July guy (a.k.a a sensitive and shy Cancer). Though he seems to be a bit distant and severe, he’s also been “infected” by the celebrity “virus”, I presume 🙁

      • I don’t see anything disturbing about the age gap. Both are adults and they’ll break up if they’re not compatible.

      • @Rina, I really hope this is a manifactured “dating scandal”, otherwise a 13-year age gap indicates severe emotional instability from both parts. It has nothing to do with one’s “legal” age and has everything to do with one’s personality and emotion regulation. Dating (or even worse, marrying) a person two generations apart is not a very good sign for anyone’s mental maturity. Having said that, it’s true artists do tend to follow unusual norms quite more often than the average population and everyone can notice that in their work and/or their relationships.
        Note: Up to max. of 5-7 years age gap between a couple is the healthy and mature decision, as it indicates that both man and woman belong to the same generation and carry the same experiences and values in life (in general). The “golden” age gap that provides the higher probability of a long-term, successfull relationship is max. to 3 years. That’s not my personal views but come from Psychology (and some Psychiatry, too!)

      • …are generally quite ridiculous to use in describing celebrity relationships.

        ~ a psychology graduate

      • @changingpolaris, I’d have seen where you’re coming from (as a soon resident-to-be in Psychiatry myself) if you had elaborate a liitle bit. Of course, artists have a unique perspective on almost anything (relationships included) and we’ve observed celebrities time and again doing everything they can in order to keep themselves “relevant” to this indusrty. Those are facts of life, anyway!
        But you have also to admit (as a future psychologist yourself) that a 13-year gap between a man and a woman in general does indicate an emotional “handicap” for both of them along with a few other possible mantal maturity issues, family background issues and possibly sexual dysfunction background!

      • I’ve graduated already and it has been five years since that.

        The reason why I cannot take you seriously is merely because you are bringing his horoscope sign into this and then going on with psychology findings. That in itself is quite ridiculous. But I digress. I do not dispute any of the findings in psychology as I am sure they have been well-studied, but trust me, when you start to analyze everything, as much fun as it is to do so, you will find that people will think you’re quite overbearing. Especially if you put your effort into a celebrity relationship that we may or may not know the truth to. There are some things that should be left the way it is, for entertainment purposes only. Otherwise, you will find your profession to be quite tedious when everything must be analyzed and your trust in people may waver because of that.

        Just my two cents from my own experiences. 🙂 I will leave it at that.

      • If you can’t tell the difference between a joke and a more serious comment on a social phenomenon, I guess I can always blame my poor english or your hasty interpretation. The “horoscope” comment and the possibility of a made-up dating scandal was aproppriate for a lighter conversation while the rest was for professional use, only.
        I really feel woefully inadequate when a future colleague of mine still can’t take me seriously;however, I’ve got a long way to go into my studies and I’ll wait for older psychiatrists to help me and guide me in the future. I hope I’ll be a good student and a good therapist by then (and no joke, lol)

  1. Not sure what’s in the water in South Korea this week as a second dating breaking news has just dropped…

    It’s obvious though. #helpleejunghee

    • I know right? I feel like all these dating news is to divert attention from the Lee Jung Hee case. I wish it doesn’t work and the netizens keep pressing for justice for her.

  2. “Dispatch” are so desperate to prove they are still a scary outlet – any star should be careful with them 🙂 They must me happy these too admitted right away! But also MAYBE in the case of PSH they had only pictures, that porved NOTHING kkkkk

    • This one is not by dispatch.
      In PSH case, i think it’s her agency who spread her rumors with her each costar to keep her popular.

      • What are you saying ?????????????
        She is popular before working them search who is she before talking like jealous girl who knows nothing but only talks with stupidity …
        she joined SAlT after YAB drama and she was known since she was a child .
        Who make the rumors are the shippers after every drama so don’t blame her company .
        Alone she got this popularity OK if you don’t knew then know that bcz the actresses who was working with them also should be the same … yes or what or just bcz her name park shin hye so let us show stupidity .
        Dispatch using her & LJS to cover the case that is it not her company .

  3. Aww, that pick of them holding hands is super cute!!!
    Congrats to them! I really like Lee Dong Gun! Glad he’s happy.

  4. This one is way more obvious than PSH-LJS though. You pretty much can’t deny this one while the PSH-LJS pics are still meh.

  5. Is she the TARA member who is or looks like Kim Tae Hee?

    I have to laugh. Because all I see is “oppa ” but good of them to be so openly seen like this. Vs all the caps and masks.

  6. Rather than something in the water the argument can be made for covering up Lee Junghee’s story since the articles and their posts have been deleted since the scandals started being posted. There is one left, on Naver I think, with a 100k upvotes for the comment “Please don’t delete this article and help Lee Junghee and her sons”

  7. It might just be a publicity stunt, they’ll both get something out of it, especially since their movie is soon coming out.
    But if they’re really dating, the age gap does bother me. She’s what 13 years younger….

  8. What’s with the Lee’s dating SK’s young sweethearts??

    Yoona x LEE seung gi
    suzy x LEE min ho
    Shinhye x LEE jong suk
    Jiyeon x LEE dong gun

  9. I’m so happy for Lee Dong Gun. Yes Taeyon looks like Kim Tae Hee. I have a best friend who have a 13 years gap with her husband and they have a loving, close and inseparable relationship, unfortunately her husband died of kidney failure this year but they’re married for more than thirty years and me, I have a ten years gap with my husband and we’ll be celebrating our golden wedding anniversary in December so who knows maybe they’re an exception to the rule like us.

  10. Never pictured them together. I thought it was a 20 years age gap, if it is on 13 years then that is not that big of an age gap. Men take longer to mature mentally, so I’m not too hung up about age gap. They look like they are having a good time, so congrats to the new couple.

  11. man if it was a woman older dating a younger guy. people will bitch about it. since it a older man it alright. korean and japanese are the same. always older man dating younger woman. u will hardly see older woman dating younger guy in the news.

    i belivie jiyeon is dating him for his money and fame. with her look she can find a guy in her age.if she want. all those scandal with her and her member must take a troll on her. so she deicde to take to easy road. even if it mean dating a guy 10+ year older then her.

  12. sorry but why you said she is dating her for his money, even t-ara’s payment is too high than him and jiyeon is the rich one in the group so it’s not true.. they have a reason to publish this *cough* dating

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