
The Leads of She Was Pretty are Adorable in Colorful and Charming Character Posters — 7 Comments

  1. going by what has been released, i hope and assume that it wouldnt be so superficial, cause hye jin jung eums character is too embarrassed to show herself to ji sung park seo joons character, as she pretty much fell from grace and was not the goddess that she was in looks, talent and education back then. now she is more plain jane down on her luck and insecure when it comes to her first love. im sure there will be visual stuff but i think they will do the inner beauty discussion after the trials hye jin goes through in the rough and critical fashion world.

    also if that is her transformation, im fine with, it just looks like she got more polished instead of unkempt similar to what happened to ugly betty. it doesnt seem like a huge crazy supermodel transformation.

    i hope *fingercrossed* its good, cause im in a kdrama slump and also i love these actors.

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