
Filming Starts on Thriller Romance C-movie with Ha Ji Won, Bolin Chen, and Chun Jung Myung — 14 Comments

  1. HJW has 2 big flops this year but hope the movie will change her fortunes again. Excited for her chemistry with Bolin, apparently they might be dating (obv they denied) but I’m more interested on what they can do together on screen.

      • Chronicles of the Blood Merchant did way below expectations selling less than 1M tickets. Those are terrible numbers and the movie got thumped by even the oh-so-terrible Love Forecast.

  2. the time i love you is so mess up. never could understand why HJW would pick the drama up. she need role were she can kick butt not being cute.
    i hope her next drama will be better. would be greatif her next drama she get pair up with kim soo hyun.

    • Eeh I don’t think she can really “kick butt” not being cute. I have watched some of her action movies (like one about Joseon era female gangsters; another one sci-fi movie about deep sea monster etc). For example, when she screams her voice is too high pitched. Her natural voice is too feminine, too soft, too light. It ruins any impression of “badass”-ness for me right away when she speaks or screams haha

  3. They (chinese) should really stop casting korean actors/celebs in their productions. Maybe they are cheaper than your average chinese/mainland actors. But yeah. They should stop.

    • You do realise this is a “joint” production and not just a “we’re throwing in one random Korean actor”. But meh, I guess you didn’t have the sense to read the article.

  4. I think when Korean makes remake of drama, they don’t understand what is important in the original drama…
    In Nodame Cantabile, the most important was the music and not a love triangle…

    In To Beautiful You, they misses the friendship to save the school, the importance of all the characters and not juste the main couple…

    In The Time I loved You, they made a drama with a lot cute things…but it wasn’t realistic and mature anymore. And the love of the guy was too obvious since the start…

    • That’s because Koreans (and international viewers it seems) love the focus being more on the love stories than anything. Have you not read the amount of complaints from viewers when there’s not enough “love” happening? Personally I like dramas that aren’t so focused on romance, buy hey, what do my views matter?

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