
The OTP Goes on a Pretend Date that Gets All Too Real in Episode 6 of Marry Me or Not — 8 Comments

  1. thank you for the consistent updates on this drama. I’m loving it but the long wait between episodes is so hard consequently!

    I’m interested to see the second lead enter the picture, though I hope he doesn’t interrupt the otp. from the preview it also seems like the uncle comes back and I really hope he dorsnt…

    honestly, I could just watch an hour of huan huan and Justin cohabiting and trying to one up the other…

  2. I love how Alice’s character is super feisty and competitive, in comparison to her Office Girls’s character. Of course the dramas have a different punch to it, but I love characters who can stand up for themselves.

  3. episode 5 was relatively boring actually I stopped in the middle and cont watching the rest next day*sighs*. waiting for 2nd lead probably taking his sweet time to appear.

  4. I love huan huan and justin together so much but yes second lead need to appear in order for them to realise they really meant to each other and this all is not a game..also sheng nan deserves love too, she really isn’t a bad person. she could easy be a female lead in other drama with her own story..hope the drama won’t turn her to evil second lead since we already have a cunning female as huan huan hehe

  5. Enjoying this drama a lot. And actually don’t like the 2nd lead actor so he can appear whenever.

    I thought episode 5 was a hoot. If this is their boring I don’t even touch most TW dramas- as they verge on the ridiculous most of the time.

  6. From the preview Huan Huan breaks up with him at the end of their date.

    I concede giggling and swooning very often, while the constant lying from most characters bothers me A LOT. Like it’s a normal way of life. *shake head* Their relationship has been founded on very shaky grounds that should collapse sooner than later. Starting anew? In dramas, it’ll work. In real life, however…

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