
Lost You Forever Ch 46 : The Heart Doesn’t Hurt When Bygones Aren’t Pondered — 48 Comments

  1. Ms. Koala, thank you, thank you for an early best Christmas present! I think Xiang Liu gave Xiao Yao red blood jewel to Jing. Like the time he saved Xiao Yao in the deep ocean keeping her company for 37 years.

    • His heart is broken. He wouldn’t die from the wound but it seems like he wishes he could. The light of his world is gone because she broke off all ties to him

  2. Xiang liu, you idiot ! But what other choice do you have than to be the bad guy ? Your sacrifices . . .

    Oh, and poor Xiao Yao. She gets no peace. It’s blow after blow for her. And at all timings, she finds out the truth during such a crucial period.

    Does anyone get a happy ending here ?

  3. Such a sad and heavy chapter! I really didn’t want Feng to die after making up with Xiao Yao. I would have preferred the sister die.

    Poor Xiao Yao! She so desperately misses Jing and no matter how much time passes it doesn’t seem to go away. It killed me seeing her in so much pain being in his former house. He needs to resurrect and come back and be with hi wife.

    Don’t tell me Zhuan Xu is behind Jing’s death, that will be unforgivable! If Xiang Liu was right and Jing had formidably trained bodyguards,the only people who could outwit him are Xiang Liu and Zhuan Xu. But Xiang Liu loves Xiao Yao too much to do that and cause her so much pain. And he has a certain respect for Jing. That only leaves Zhuan Xu. I hope this isn’t true but why else would Feng Nong’s last words affect him like that.

    I feel so sorry for Xiang Liu! Why always pretend to be the bad guy? The life he chose for himself is so lonely.

    I miss Jing, I hope he comes back soon.

    • I think it was Zhuan Xu. That’s why he was so shocked when Feng Long told him that it was Jing’s idea to have them support Zhuan Xu.

  4. Damn ZY, everything already pointed to you being behind Jings death, but now its confirmed.
    XY will never forgive you and now ZY finding out that the one he really needs to thank for his throne, is the one he killed, oooof my heart can’t take it.
    At this point I have 0 sympathy for ZY.
    But I am totally happy that the Empress is suffering, she deserves it!

  5. So sad! Don’t tell me XL died?! noooo! 🙁 I don’t want him to die! sigh. I hope she knows his sacrifice for her. Dang, is that why he ask for all her blood so she would faint and not feel the pain of him dying? Still hoping that he’s got one more life to live and not end like that. :-/

  6. I have a feeling the blood jewel isn’t for XL, but for Jing.

    I can’t help but feel so much heart ache for XL. He loves her so much but hides it so well from XY. That last paragraph describing his loneliness and emptiness really strikes one in the heart.

    And poor XY, so much heartache for her to take!

  7. Nooooooo XL! OMG it must have been so painful for him when she said she never wanted to see him ever again ;( Even though that may have been what he was aiming for… He is truly too selfless…

  8. My heart hurts for all three leading men. They all have their good and bad traits but I can’t help but feel sad that there can’t be three XY for them. After all the three of them needs XY in some way. Is it possible to be on all three boats?

  9. Hou did the bestest thing by kicking Jing into the water, and therefore giving him a sliver of hope of survival, i wonder though if it was purposeful?

    just when I think there arent any twists left in the plot.
    honestly this is the best plot of a book I have ever read.

  11. ~~~~*.*~~~~

    Sadly beautiful, and beautiful yet sad… I am utterly surprised with all these revelations.

    Thank you, Koala for another chapter of LYF. The characters that we came to know and love, we must say farewell… not ready yet, but I gotta accept just like XY accepting the facts.

    Thank you for an early Xmas gift. Happy Holidays to you, Koala!! 🙂

  12. Thanks so much Koala! Thank you for sharing with us this wonderful story. Among these three men, I love Jing the most. It’s impossible not to love that wonderfully perfect foxy Jing. In a way I also love Xiang Liu just as much but I find Jing inability to live without Xiao Yao the deciding factor. Both Xiang Liu and Zhuan Xu can live with other women just find but not Jing. Firmly rooting for him and Xiao Yao since day one.

    • @pipit It’s 2022 but your comment still sounds so egregious!!! You find Jing’s inability to live without Xiao Yao the deciding factor? Really? What about giving Xiao Yao the ability to protect herself, saving Jing so she doesn’t get lonely & being selfless enough to just want her to be happy? Also, your comment about XL & ZX being able to “live without XY bc they can live with other women”. Where did you see that? ZX married all of those women but is he truly happy? Does he want power just for his own selfishness? He married all those women to prevent bloodshed, & to be able to give XY a safer world where she can live in. And XL, when have you EVER seen him interested in anyone else but XY????? You’re so blinded by your own ship that you don’t even see the purity & sacrifice in XL’s love for XY. It’s actually cringe to see comments like yours on here.

  13. Thank you, Ms Koala!
    How did TH write this!? Seriously, If it were me, I’d break my laptop from all the tears pouring over the keyboard. Poor XL :(, poor XY, poor Jing and ZX, nobody in this fictional universe is happy 🙁

  14. Dear Koala,
    After I read your intro, I daren’t read the story today as my heart is still not ready. I caught a glimpse of the scenes in the original and had to stop myself reading further as it was too sad. I’ll come back another day when I have taken enough deep breaths.

  15. So so good……….. It hurts so much……… beautiful writing.

    XL is such an amazing character, sacrificing behind the scene until the very end.

  16. The chapter when she finds out ALL our XL has done for her to be happy is going to be a bucket of tears for me. His love is so intense and can not even imagine how he would be if they would have been lovers. Uff

  17. OMG if this is indeed the last they see of each other then my heart is broken in a thousand tiny pieces. And Xiao Yao is going to hurt so much when she learns all he did for her. Their love is so doomed but so good.

    What makes this book so good is the fact that the author doesn’t pull punches against her characters. Life is hard and sometimes not fair and for us readers to feel, really feel for the characters, it has to be real. But after a book like this I’ll need to find one predictable and with a happy ending for my OTP.

  18. Thanks for these chapters during the busy holiday and celebrations. XL really perfected the poker face. Story is amazing and so is the translator.

  19. Zhuan Xu is the worst kind of hateful bastard. The obsessive kind who has to control the ones they love and destroy the things they love.

    Xiang Liu telling this truth to Xiao Yao basically alienates her from Zhuan Xu AND Xiang Liu. Based on that merman and Jing disappearing in the ocean I’m going to guess he has Jing in a healing shell just like for Xiao Yao.

    Xiang Liu could have told Xiao Yao the truth and admitted he needed it to help Jing and she would have walked away from Zhuan Xu…but she also would have felt grateful to him and torn in the war. This way is selfless but cruel…and I don’t like it because he’s making choices for her.

    However I love Jing so if Xiang Liu has him and is healing him then I am glad.

  20. Yay, my love affair with this story continues! Thank you Koala. This is truly one of the best book I have read this year. Thank you for sharing this story with us. Hope you have wonderful holidays.

    I get the feeling that Zhuan Xu and Xiao Yao will grow distant and probably Jing will come back for her. Perhaps that is why for both Xiang Liu and Zhuan Xu, she is lost to them forever…

    Thanks again!

  21.! Oh my! Thank you very very very much koala San for this update ? ? ? ? ?

    Xiang Lu’s heart only belongs to Xiao Yan… What a selfless sacrifice he made for her. He should have killed Xuan Zhu!

    Xiang Liu is the real Man for Xy..but, they’re not destine or fated together… Even a heartless monster like him knows his loyalty matters most… *aaahhh*

  22. Aaaah haven’t read past your intro because I’m scared and because I want to make this last as long as possible XD If it’s intense I’m gonna want to know more right away! Maybe I’ll save this one to read later hehe. Either way YOU ARE THE BEST and a most wonderful Santa. Merry Christmas and hope you have wonderful holidays, Koala!

  23. I finally came back to read it. Now I am so sad, my heart is so heavy. Why why why!!! XL, why do so much for XY while pretending to be heartless.. I’m pretty sure like other commenters that Jing is alive in the ocean and the blood jewel is for him. XL, u even helped J cos you knew he is the only one who can truly be with XY eventually. The last scene between XY and XL and the final moment when he was alone, so heart wrenching.. So desolate. Poor XL, I’m sure you hurt so much more inside than the blood pouring from your wound.

    How many more chapters are left? More sadness is sure to come.. TH is such an amazing writer! Koala an amazing translator, thanks again!

  24. If I don’t remember wrongly, the third volume of LYF is titled something like ‘remember you forever’ and Ms. K said it is pointed to XL. Now, if XL does sacrifice for XY like other commenters have said (poor XL!), and when XY discovers the truth, she definitely can’t forget him forever.
    I hope Jing be back soon.
    Can’t wait for the next chapter!

  25. Omg – he did all to save Jing.. and she didn’t even realize it… now I understand why my heart always veered towards him.. he was cold to her to protect him to to protect her… come on .. is my ship sinking to where there will never be a chance

  26. Remember the special pill she made specifically for Jing just in case something happen. Im pretty sure that’s what Jing used to save himself but not enough to really revive him.

  27. I never thought I would want both sides of a war to not loose lol, even though Xiang Liu is my super favorite one. But if Zhuan Xu is really involved in Jing being attacked by Hou, than… I don’t know what to think *screams*.

  28. Obrigada Koala por mais capítulo facinante.

    Meu queridos Xiang Liu poderia ter tido pelo menos algum conforto. Mas a autora do novel conseguiu eterniza-lo fazendo ele sofrer tantas emoções assim. Sendo ele acho que o personagem mais adorável de todo o novel. Sendo seguido por Jian.

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