
Cass Beer Ad Campaigns in Recent Years Feature Hallyu Stars at the Cusp of Major Breakout — 15 Comments

  1. I remember those days!! There was even an MV with Sandara Park and Lee Min Ho that involved her being a DJ with a bet, a beer can tab and some pop music! Loved itttt!

    Yoon Eun Hye looks fab with her man candy!

  2. LMH looks adorbs with the guyliner. His hair also reminds me of his City Hunter days. His best, easily. And KSH is just absolute love; the rather odd outfit, his hair, that smile… Plus he doesn’t even age!

  3. Oh dear lord that first pic is SO drool-worthy! Why is he so gorgeous?! (Also, how adorable are Lee Jong Seok and Kim Woo Bin together? That must have been around their School 2013 days.)

    • yeah, they played the ad either during or right after School 2013 ended, they still have their Nam-soon/Heung-soo hairstyles lol.

      but that was an amazing bromance, I’d love it if they worked together again.

      • I KNOW, RIGHT?? Sorry, I just really, really agree. They work together so well and everyone loves them, so why don’t they make a drama or at the very least a movie?

  4. Yes, in fact it’s as big as a star safe deposit box than anything else. If i’m not mistaken, I think ps did a cass ad in 2010. And LMH looks hot in guy liner. . Adorbs.

  5. Ji chang wook’s body looks amazing in the ad. But ’tis trus, the cass ads feature the top halluyu stars. They know how to pick em.

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