
MBC 50-episode Mon-Tues Drama Monster Courting Hwang Jung Eum and Seo Kang Joon — 13 Comments

  1. I don’t know. Giant was great but it was 60 eps long and I don’t think I want another 50 eps about practically the same thing. The writers’ probably gonna deliver like always, but I think I had my share, no need for a second. Anyway, Koala, you aren’t doing any year-end review?

  2. Are actor’s and actresses allowed to choose witch drama they want to be in ? Because he himself said that he prefers characters like inho from cheese in the trap,so I don’t understand if he prefers those why a melodrama ???

  3. With still another 20 to go on Glamorous Temptation, news of another 50 episode dram feels like WWI trench warfare. A lot of pain and agony but no movement.

    I must admit I feel like giving up and shooting myself in the head.

  4. Eh, last time the writer wrote a 50 episoder drama for the public broadcast, the so-called second lead stole all the thunder… SKJ is so great in Cheese, happy to see him building his resume with solid dramas.

  5. There were rumors swirling of him being courted as a lead vs.a second lead.

    Which if it were true I don’t know how I would feel given to me he’s not nowhere near lead material yet.

  6. I don’t think SKJ will be the lead. His agency is powerless, even when Kim So Eun was there, she only casted as a pathetic less screen time character in Scholar Who Walks The Night

  7. She’s one of those actress whose face really really rubs me the wrong way. There’s just something really off about her her, so every drama that she’s in, I try my hardest to stay with it but end up stopping cause she makes me wanna punch my TV. I just wish that she wont ever be paired with my favorite actors again.

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