
Kang Dong Won Continues His Fashion Crazy with Tunic and Bathrobe Combo at Movie Press Conference — 27 Comments

  1. It looks like japanese traditional costume no? I wonder is he really looking good in real? I mean, sometimes pictures can be photoshoped/ edited for some degrees. Anyway, this guy is known for his actings more than his looks (even though he’s totally handsome) that’s why he’s so loved by k-netz.

  2. It does look like Japanese happi, but not the traditional one (this one is longer, and there’s no mon, etc). Nice color and texture.

  3. I don’t believe he doesn’t want attention. He seems such a tryhard with these outfits and now he signed with YG to become a hallyu star.

    • “tryhard”? He’s not GD, yaknow! and what’s wrong if ever he aspires to be a hallyu star? dude has enough talent to back it out anyways. lastly, there’s a really good reason he signed with YG, and I feel that you wouldn’t understand that cause you’re a groot!

      • what’s wrong with GD? *curious*

        but YG has a lot of fashion stylists, they even have their own brand, sooo… let’s see.. but he wore those clothes for a reason. perhaps, he’s new style. as long as he feels comfort.. 😀

      • I’ve only read in news that YG wants to make him a hallyu star. I know he’s talented but I think he’s too old for aspiring to be a hallyu star. Those hallyu stars become popular in their early 20s. But yeah, let’s see how YG handles him.

  4. Koala, you nailed the description…”may the force be with him”. LOL! Thanks for the laugh. You have great wit and so enjoy reading your comments.

  5. Hmmm!?
    Why not❗️
    The Color is beautiful…texture too.❣
    So what if it’s a gown?
    So what if no one wears gowns outside?
    Definite creative license and outside the box approach to clothes…

  6. It’s ridiculous but the color and texture are gorgeous. Still the outfit speaks “I don’t give a fu**”. And honestly KDW doesn’t need to.

  7. Didn’t realize he was wearing a skirt too. He’s funny. He’s handsome enough to pull it off. I actually appreciate different clothes. It’s better than a boring suit.

    • I don’t even think it’s that he’s handsome enough to pull it off but because he’s comfortable in his skin and confident in his fashion choices. Which makes me fall for him even more….gah whoever is with him is lucky, I have a feeling he’s a very interesting man to know….

  8. He looks ridiculously good, not a fan of the outfit but he manages to pull it off. His coordi has THE easiest job ever because KDW will look good in anything.

  9. he is very tall and slender , its not a wonder if he could get away with any outfit. The shoes look like a sandal, I was almost cheated.
    Love him.

  10. If you’ve followed his career, you would know that he’s always had a bizarre sense of fashion. Sure it’s a bit random but he always owns it. And I don’t think he’s just casually wearing anything and everything his stylist/cordi gives him. Surely having been in the industry for so long he has a mind of his known specially when it comes to expressing himself be it via acting or clothes. Lastly, he is a hyallu star. When temptation of wolves first came out his level of fame did explode through Asia. Social media wasn’t as big as it is today but had it been today’s level of social media involved, you would defiantly not have said he’s not a hyallu star.
    Also I don’t think he’s chasing fame, he’s always been quiet low key with his image, just like SJS this guy only comes out when there’s his work to promote. there’s nothing wrong with him joining YG considering quiet a lot of good actors are housed by YG entertainment now a days.

    Hey this is just me, and as you might have realised it I am a kang dong won fan 🙂

  11. KDW would even look good in a rice sack because he wears the clothes well. Not only because of his height and good looks, but also because he exudes confidence. I don’t think he is trying hard to get attention because he has proven himself a long time ago. Whether or not he tries, people are just naturally drawn to him.

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